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Why is America on the decline?

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I was refering to Canadians going to USA. Anyway, I agree about the licensing thing you mentioned - stupid, although, for some reason I'm not surprised. One more thing, and I'm no fishing expert mind you, but what is the difference between Canadian baite and American baite?? Isn't a worm a worm? I'm close to the boarder myself, we usually cross at Brockville.
Well, being from Minnesota I am an avid walleye fisherman. However there are some lakes in Canada where the walleyes, for whatever reason, grow significantly larger than the ones in MN. These are what we go fishing for. For bait we use leeches simply cause the work the best. We use the biggest leeches we can find. Big Bait = Big Fish, most of the time. We have found that it is pretty much impossible to get leeches of any decent size in Canada simply because the lakes don't have the environment for them. Leeches like mucky bottoms in murky lakes. In the Canadian shield where we fish you just don't have that. The bottoms are realy rocky and just not conducive to leeches.

Sorry for the long winded answer, but that's the jist of it.
No problem. Speaking of leaches, the sand quarry where we used to swim is now infested with leaches. I don't think they are up to the standard you're talking about, but there's enough to keep you out of the water. Sorry, that's my only "source" for leaches - but, if your looking for shad flies, I'm your girl:D
BTW: Would scrubs make good baite? They certainly have all to do with the decline of my yard and garden:D
For the sake of pissing off The Beaver I'll answer, (see "I thought this was a political chat room" thread) I'm not familiar w/ a scrub. Are they what we in MN call army worms?
Originally posted by Bern80
For the sake of pissing off The Beaver I'll answer, (see "I thought this was a political chat room" thread) I'm not familiar w/ a scrub. Are they what we in MN call army worms?

I guess I should post my reply in the chat section, but what the hell. A Grub (I stand corrected) is this shrimp/caterpillar/maggot type of bug (sick, I just ate, I shouldn't be thinking about this) which eats the roots of your grass and plants. Crows like to dig and pick at your grass for them, along with other bug eating creatures. They are bigger than leaches, and probably tastier - for the fish that is. Sorry Beaver :p:
got it. and that reminds me of the most asanine experience i have ever had crossing the border. We brought across some wax worms, which are essentially live grubs, which are legal, packed in saw dust. We got inspected and the inspector looked at the wax worms and found an inch long twig in the sawdust. He said it was organic and that we had to go back and throw the inch long twig out over on the American side. he actually made us drive back over the bridge to throw out an inch long twig. How anal can you be?
I think that's a good example of someone taking things a too seriously. I won't defend that, and I doubt many Canadians would either. Give someone a little authority, and it goes right to their head. Dumb things have happened to us entering the US too, it works both ways. It's a shame to think of all the people they could have caught, while wasting time with people like us.
1.work ethic-how many people actually have onenow days?
2.human reproduction-way too many babies out of wedlock and 1/2 of all young people by the age of 25 will get an std
3.money management-bankrupties left and right and fewer and fewer people actually save money but rely on the govt to provide.
4.healthy life choices-super size it!obesity,heart disease,and diabeties to name a few.
5.community service-everyone seems too self-centered.
6.political involvement-people don't even know who the vice-president is.people aren't voting and don't understand the issues.
7.family responsibilities-drop mom of at the old age home and ignore your kids and wife and wonder why people don't get along.
8.personal improvement-i guess people would rather just stay at home and play x-box
9.goal setting-no not fry guy at the local mcdonalds.
10.faith and morals-people are even too lazy to go to church on sundays or stand up for what they believe.
thats all i could think of i'm just too lazy and irresponsible to come up with anything else.
Originally posted by cptpwichita
1.work ethic-how many people actually have onenow days?
2.human reproduction-way too many babies out of wedlock and 1/2 of all young people by the age of 25 will get an std
3.money management-bankrupties left and right and fewer and fewer people actually save money but rely on the govt to provide.
4.healthy life choices-super size it!obesity,heart disease,and diabeties to name a few.
5.community service-everyone seems too self-centered.
6.political involvement-people don't even know who the vice-president is.people aren't voting and don't understand the issues.
7.family responsibilities-drop mom of at the old age home and ignore your kids and wife and wonder why people don't get along.
8.personal improvement-i guess people would rather just stay at home and play x-box
9.goal setting-no not fry guy at the local mcdonalds.
10.faith and morals-people are even too lazy to go to church on sundays or stand up for what they believe.
thats all i could think of i'm just too lazy and irresponsible to come up with anything else.

1)somewhat true, but as a country Americans "work" (however you define that) on avg more hours per day then most other countries. Many would argue that we value hard work a little too much and leave very little time enjoying life.


3)Everyone should read the book "Rich Dad/Poor Dad" by the time they are 25.

4)not becoming a sue crazy society because you made poor choices

6)They only thing worse than someone who doesn't vote is an uneducated vote.

7)Disagree a little, my mom is not my responsibily until she reaches the point where she really needs help. some what related to 4

8)that includes me a lot of the time unofrtunatley

10) I have this conversation w/ people at work all the time. They have opinions on an issue yet will flat out say they have no interest in defeding or fighting for that opinion. What's the point of having one then?
I honestly dont think America is on the Decline. I think we face some problems and certain aspects of our society are declining but I think in general America is getting greater.

I think the majority of people are upright and virtuous people. They want to do whats right. Which is why i think the attack on the family will ultimately fail. People are coming around to conservative. We just need to let our voices be heard.

I also think that America is on a way to another Spiritual awakening like the Great awakenings not long after the Revolution. There is un untapped source of spiritual energy in the nation about to be unleased.

The media, hollywood, and the left probably will get worse. and if this is the only place we get our information and ideas of the nation that is what we will think. In fact thats one of the reasons i hardly watch tv anymore. Its just a waste of time. And it doesnt add to any meaning in my life.

We need to leave this nations off better for our children then we recieved it. Its not going to be easy but I think we can do it and I think the days of Americas greatness will be in the future and not the past.
Originally posted by Zhukov
No it isnt. Which makes it all the worse that contemporary liberals have so little useful to offer.

awww, don't go around blaming all the liberals because you can't fathom the difference between useless answers and answers you particularly don't care for.

I keep trying to tell you, if you want to make things work then compromise is the only solution. Without it we'll just keep increasing the divide and eventually end up in another civil war.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
if you want to make things work then compromise

Where's the compromise with gay marriage? Most conservatives dont want it, many liberals do, so we say ok Civil Unions are fine. THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!

Where's the compromise with abortion? Most conservatives don't want any, many liberals want it all, so we say ok, just no partial birth abortions OK? THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!

Where's the compromise with taxes? Everybody in this country pays too much taxes, but ok, the top 5% can have 50% of the tax share. THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!

Where's the compromise with helping the poor? Everyone wants to help the poor, and it turns out religious organizations are more effective and less expensive, so how about we give them some money too? NO!!

Where's the compromise with multilateral action? Well we have about 60 allies at the moment. THAT'S NOT ENOUGH!!

Contemporary liberals aren't interested in compromise. They aren't even interested in the will of the people, which is why they place more faith in judicial decree than elected legislatures. They don't dare subject their desires to the whims of the population.
Where's the compromise with gay marriage? Most conservatives dont want it, many liberals do, so we say ok Civil Unions are fine. THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!

I've even stated as much, that the gay community screwed up by pushing this issue instead of being happy with civil unions. No argument from me here.

Where's the compromise with abortion? Most conservatives don't want any, many liberals want it all, so we say ok, just no partial birth abortions OK? THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!

And I agree with this also, If you can't decide in the first two months then f*ck off, you waited too long and now you have to deal with the whole 9 months. No argument from me here either.

Where's the compromise with taxes? Everybody in this country pays too much taxes, but ok, the top 5% can have 50% of the tax share. THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!

I don't agree with that ideology either, no argument from me here.

Where's the compromise with helping the poor? Everyone wants to help the poor, and it turns out religious organizations are more effective and less expensive, so how about we give them some money too? NO!!

This one is obvious to counter. While it is indeed easier and cheaper to have religious organizations deal with the charity the drawback that many people deal with is that so called organization requires you to be a member before they will help you. In other words, catholic charities is not going to help you unless you're a catholic, and so on and so on.

Where's the compromise with multilateral action? Well we have about 60 allies at the moment. THAT'S NOT ENOUGH!!

I could be wrong but I think they were talking about security council support, not a hodgepodge of nations, but thats just my opinion on it.

Contemporary liberals aren't interested in compromise. They aren't even interested in the will of the people, which is why they place more faith in judicial decree than elected legislatures. They don't dare subject their desires to the whims of the population.

Didn't work that way for the cherokee, japanese, or arab americans at certain points in our history, did it? But that's not the main point of my argument here. Just like you don't like being lumped in with the 'chickenhawk' or 'neocon' or 'rabid rightwingnuts', neither do us 'contemporary libs' like being lumped in with the screwballs from the far left. :beer:
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
In other words, catholic charities is not going to help you unless you're a catholic, and so on and so on.

Well...if I'm cold and hungry I'll tell them whatever they want to hear, "sure, that hey-seus, swell guy, more soup please."

Didn't work that way for the cherokee, japanese, or arab americans at certain points in our history, did it?

The native's got a raw deal, that's for sure. What happened to the Japanese is understandable in the context of the times. Only in hindsight do people feel it was wrong, and do we see that the mindset of the average Japanese-american was such that they would have died willingly to defend their home, America, not Japan.

neither do us 'contemporary libs' like being lumped in with the screwballs from the far left.

Well, unfortunately what was once liberal, can no longer be called such. Many republicans today consider themselves Kennedy liberals, while they simultaneously define contemporary leftists as being McGovern liberals. It certainly appears to many of the right that the screwballs have taken over the Democratic party.

As far as what you can call me. Call me a communist, a fascist, whatever you will. There's no accurate description of my politics.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
This one is obvious to counter. While it is indeed easier and cheaper to have religious organizations deal with the charity the drawback that many people deal with is that so called organization requires you to be a member before they will help you. In other words, catholic charities is not going to help you unless you're a catholic, and so on and so on.

That's not necessarily true. Many Christian organizations will lend a helping hand (at whatever they do) regardless of your religious beliefs; however, most do present their religious beliefs to those they are helping as part of their support.
god forbid someones life may change for the better from hearing a positive inspirational message.oh i forgot we are just ignorant peasants who have no ability to think for ourselves and are brainwashed by every message that comes downstream.here is an idea if you don't like the message just be polite and say" i will have to have time to consider that and i appreciate you sharing that with me".just like a politician.i don't think anyone is getting tied up and deprogrammed but i guess that is what liberals would have you believe.
You use the very same tactics that you are accusing the liberals of using. I see no where in your post where you back up anything with facts just general complaining and bunk. As you talk of leaving this nation why don't you move permanently to some country that appreciates your anti liberal stance such as CUBA or China. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.Your just another conservative better known as a CON.
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