*Why Is American Government So Corrupted?*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Because they can.
2. Because they are greedy.
3. Because they are self serving bastards.
4. Because they fear no one.
5. Because our political parties are not addressing this.
6. Everyone is blind to it.
7. Just proves people are really much much more stupid than they will admit.
8. Read all about it *HERE*:

" Congressional Reform Act of 2011 The 26th amendment (granting the right to vote for 18 year-olds) took only 3 months & 8 days to be ratified! Why? Simple! The people demanded it. That was in 1971...before computers, before e-mail, before cell phones, etc. Of the 27 amendments to the Constitution, seven (7) took 1 year or less to become the law of the land...all because of public pressure. I'm asking each addressee to forward this email to a minimum of twenty people on their address list; in turn ask each of those to do likewise. In three days, most people in The United States of America will have the message. This is one idea that really should be passed around. Congressional Reform Act of 2011 1.. Term Limits. 12 years only, one of the possible options below.. A. Two Six-year Senate terms B. Six Two-year House terms C. One Six-year Senate term and three Two-Year House terms 2.. No Tenure / No Pension. A Congressman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they are out of office. 3.. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security.. All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. 4.. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do. 5.. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise or fall by the lower of CPI or 3%. 6.. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people. 7.. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people. 8.. All contracts with past and present Congressmen are void effective 1/1/12. The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen. Congressmen made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their term(s), then go home and back to work. If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people then it will only take three days for most people (in the U.S. ) to receive the message. Maybe it is time. THIS IS HOW YOU FIX CONGRESS!!!!! "

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Two primary reasons both of them having to do with the SCOTUS.

1. They gave corporations the same rights as citizens

2. They decided that money = FREE SPEECH.

Those two anti-demoractic findings by the SCOTUS have scuttled the democracy part of this Republica and turned our governments into handmaidens for the extremely affluent.
Two primary reasons both of them having to do with the SCOTUS.

1. They gave corporations the same rights as citizens

2. They decided that money = FREE SPEECH.

Those two anti-demoractic findings by the SCOTUS have scuttled the democracy part of this Republica and turned our governments into handmaidens for the extremely affluent.

So, make it illegal to receive any campaign contributions from anyone. No free Lear Jet rides. No funded fact finding vacations. Nada. Zip. That and the proposal by the OP should change things.
If you want to see real government corruption you have to go overseas. Comparing american political corruption to that in places like Africa and the ME is like comparing a T-ball player to A-Rod.

At least our politicians have to hide it.
Not so much as they used to hide it>

Before Citizens United, federal election law allowed a company like Koch Industries to talk to officers and shareholders about whom to vote for, but not to talk with employees about whom to vote for,” explains Paul M. Secunda, associate professor of law at Marquette University. But according to Secunda, who recently wrote in The Yale Law Journal Online about the effects of Citizens United on political coercion in the workplace, the decision knocked down those regulations. “Now, companies like Koch Industries are free to send out newsletters persuading their employees how to vote. They can even intimidate their employees into voting for their candidates.” Secunda adds, “It’s a very troubling situation.”

The Kochs were major supporters of the Citizens United case; they were also chief sponsors of the Tea Party and major backers of the anti-“Obamacare” campaign. Through their network of libertarian think tanks and policy institutes, they have been major drivers of unionbusting campaigns in Wisconsin, Michigan and elsewhere

Big Brothers: Thought Control at Koch | The Nation
Not so much as they used to hide it>

Before Citizens United, federal election law allowed a company like Koch Industries to talk to officers and shareholders about whom to vote for, but not to talk with employees about whom to vote for,” explains Paul M. Secunda, associate professor of law at Marquette University. But according to Secunda, who recently wrote in The Yale Law Journal Online about the effects of Citizens United on political coercion in the workplace, the decision knocked down those regulations. “Now, companies like Koch Industries are free to send out newsletters persuading their employees how to vote. They can even intimidate their employees into voting for their candidates.” Secunda adds, “It’s a very troubling situation.”

The Kochs were major supporters of the Citizens United case; they were also chief sponsors of the Tea Party and major backers of the anti-“Obamacare” campaign. Through their network of libertarian think tanks and policy institutes, they have been major drivers of unionbusting campaigns in Wisconsin, Michigan and elsewhere

Big Brothers: Thought Control at Koch | The Nation

So they basically got the same abilities unions have been using for decades? Terrible, terrible indeed.
Not so much as they used to hide it>

Before Citizens United, federal election law allowed a company like Koch Industries to talk to officers and shareholders about whom to vote for, but not to talk with employees about whom to vote for,” explains Paul M. Secunda, associate professor of law at Marquette University. But according to Secunda, who recently wrote in The Yale Law Journal Online about the effects of Citizens United on political coercion in the workplace, the decision knocked down those regulations. “Now, companies like Koch Industries are free to send out newsletters persuading their employees how to vote. They can even intimidate their employees into voting for their candidates.” Secunda adds, “It’s a very troubling situation.”

The Kochs were major supporters of the Citizens United case; they were also chief sponsors of the Tea Party and major backers of the anti-“Obamacare” campaign. Through their network of libertarian think tanks and policy institutes, they have been major drivers of unionbusting campaigns in Wisconsin, Michigan and elsewhere

Big Brothers: Thought Control at Koch | The Nation

So they basically got the same abilities unions have been using for decades? Terrible, terrible indeed.

Many of us left and right agree that unions ALSO ought to be prevented from taking positions and supporting parties, too.

So yes I agree with you the outcome of allowing corporations (union corporations or otherwise) to insinuate themselves into the political scene is a terrible mistake for the American PEOPLE.

But allowing that DOES benefit BIG CAPITAL as we can se easily see if we look at what's been ahppening to our economy over the last five decades.
Not so much as they used to hide it>

Before Citizens United, federal election law allowed a company like Koch Industries to talk to officers and shareholders about whom to vote for, but not to talk with employees about whom to vote for,” explains Paul M. Secunda, associate professor of law at Marquette University. But according to Secunda, who recently wrote in The Yale Law Journal Online about the effects of Citizens United on political coercion in the workplace, the decision knocked down those regulations. “Now, companies like Koch Industries are free to send out newsletters persuading their employees how to vote. They can even intimidate their employees into voting for their candidates.” Secunda adds, “It’s a very troubling situation.”

The Kochs were major supporters of the Citizens United case; they were also chief sponsors of the Tea Party and major backers of the anti-“Obamacare” campaign. Through their network of libertarian think tanks and policy institutes, they have been major drivers of unionbusting campaigns in Wisconsin, Michigan and elsewhere

Big Brothers: Thought Control at Koch | The Nation

So they basically got the same abilities unions have been using for decades? Terrible, terrible indeed.

Many of us left and right agree that unions ALSO ought to be prevented from taking positions and supporting parties, too.

So yes I agree with you the outcome of allowing corporations (union corporations or otherwise) to insinuate themselves into the political scene is a terrible mistake for the American PEOPLE.

But allowing that DOES benefit BIG CAPITAL as we can se easily see if we look at what's been ahppening to our economy over the last five decades.

The problem becomes that pesky first amendment.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

No where does it say "unless you decide to group up in a union, or as stockholders in a corporation, in that case, kindly shut the hell up." I just brought out the union thing as a balance example.

The reasons people want to limit corporate or union spending are understandable, but by being part of said organization you do not give up your rights listed above.

I know our process of funding needs to be fixed, but it has to be constitutionally valid, a tough problem to be sure.
Two primary reasons both of them having to do with the SCOTUS.

1. They gave corporations the same rights as citizens

2. They decided that money = FREE SPEECH.

Those two anti-demoractic findings by the SCOTUS have scuttled the democracy part of this Republica and turned our governments into handmaidens for the extremely affluent.

Actually no the did not decide that money = Free speech. They Ruled that spending money to buy ads is Free speech. When you libs are ready to strip Democrat Special Interest Groups like the Unions, of their right to spend and buy ads. Then we can talk about doing the same to cooperation's. You know those big bad evil Cooperation's who are owned by Millions of American Stock Holders. Those ones.
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Depends on how you define corrupt. Many Americans like subsidies to oil companies and Health Care CEO's getting a hundred million dollars.
"American government so corrupted". Neo-socialists and real socialists have been using that phrase or a similar phrase with better english for decades when they think they have a shot at political revolution. They tried in the 30's, the 60's and they think they have a really good shot today. It ain't true of course. America is the greatest system of government on the globe. We get to hire and fire congress people every two years and senators every six years and even the president every four years. If we get crooks from time to time it's up to us to fire them. God bless America.
We need a constitutional ammendment: "Corporations are not people or citizens and money is not speech".

One (M) in Amendment mike. Corporations R us. Anyone can incorporate. The supreme court has determined that money is speech regardless if it comes from right or left wing sources. It's ironic that the left wing sees nothing wrong with the Soros propaganda machine being tax exempt but they want to restrict the right of citizens to donate to politicians and political causes they like.
We need a constitutional ammendment: "Corporations are not people or citizens and money is not speech".

Corporations were practically illegal 100 years ago. It was Rockefeller who changed the laws. Before, you had to prove you were working within the best interests of the United States, and then were only given a charter for ten years. Rockefeller convinced New Hampshire to allow him to operate against the best interests of the United States by paying more in taxes. Later, he went to Delaware and showed them how much New Hampshire was making. Delaware undercut the other state, and that is why most corporates are now founded in Delaware, regardless of place of origin.

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