Why is china allowed to keep selling fake crap over here?

LOL, me? LOL
You're such an idiot.
Why do they always bomb an enemy's means of production?
It cuts off their ability to wage war.
Japan made the mistake of thinking we couldn't build our way back into the war.
By the end......we were just reaching our potential in producing our own war machine.
China has been busy for decades building theirs.....
....using our money.
um, China has been stealing tech and recycling it as theirs for eons.

Now with their boy in the White House it will be even more easy.

Making the Biden family filthy rich will really pay off for the Chicoms.
Do I have link to something that did not happen?

I would like to say you are the first moron to ask me that, but sadly you are not.
are you saying he didnt impose tariffs and other measures to help build back american manufacturing??
as POTUS he can only do so much so that lip service can go a long way unless people are against it,, and there are people against it,,

even lip service is more than what the new guy is doing,, in fact the new guy is helping it by making it harder for americans bring manufacturing back here to stop it,,
are you saying he didnt impose tariffs and other measures to help build back american manufacturing??
as POTUS he can only do so much so that lip service can go a long way unless people are against it,, and there are people against it,,

even lip service is more than what the new guy is doing,, in fact the new guy is helping it by making it harder for americans bring manufacturing back here to stop it,,
so no links to what Trump did.

got it.
how does one provide a link for something NOT done?

find a link where it says, trump was going after China for stealing IP

a simple google search is all it takes

a simple google search is all it takes
so he considered it.

anything else?

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