Why is china allowed to keep selling fake crap over here?

really? this all you got?

I'm not saying in the end I don't agree with some points, I'm saying your arguments so far are emotionally based and all over the map.
emotional?? I stated facts and you call it emotional??

sounds like youre the one being emotional,,
You're such an idiot.
Why do they always bomb an enemy's means of production?
It cuts off their ability to wage war.
Japan made the mistake of thinking we couldn't build our way back into the war.
By the end......we were just reaching our potential in producing our own war machine.
China has been busy for decades building theirs.....
....using our money.

I have no idea how anything you said applies to anything I've said. It's pretty much just ramblings.
correct,, and its due to the government making it harder to keep it here,,

We were very short sighted. We should not have to work for slave wages. Yes, the government instituted a minimum wage unlike China but you clamoring for slave labor here isn't going to get you anywhere.

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