Why is Christianity more pronounced in the U.S. than the rest of Western society?

How do you know? Have you read the Bible?

Reading it as a Christian (instead of with a critical, atheistic eye) makes a difference.
Also, researching archaeology and historical fact that supports events in the Bible might change your viewpoint a bit......
Lastly, researching the origin of the words in the Bible (from the Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic) so you get the TRUE meaning of many things in the Bible is helpful as well....

But, it will still mean nothing unless you have an open mind and heart toward the everlasting God.
None of the big things in the bible can be proven: Naoh and his flood, burning bush, walking on water... I have an open mind but open to things that makes sense. I'm agnostic, I see no proof either way for or against the possibility of a god and am open to changing my mind either way given real proof. Can't be any fairer than that.
This is a system within a system. You can never prove but you could gather evidence that this system is within a bigger system that works on a completely different set of rules. You could presumably get to a point of beyond reasonable doubt. Which I think is rather easy with a little effort. (Just because Peach is a little scientifically challenged does not disprove God, only our public education system.)
Your god isn't past the point of reasonable doubt yet.

There is ONE God, and he doesn't have to prove anything to you.
Your disbelief negatively impacts you; but you may not realize this until it's too late...

Reading it as a Christian (instead of with a critical, atheistic eye) makes a difference.
Also, researching archaeology and historical fact that supports events in the Bible might change your viewpoint a bit......
Lastly, researching the origin of the words in the Bible (from the Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic) so you get the TRUE meaning of many things in the Bible is helpful as well....

But, it will still mean nothing unless you have an open mind and heart toward the everlasting God.
None of the big things in the bible can be proven: Naoh and his flood, burning bush, walking on water... I have an open mind but open to things that makes sense. I'm agnostic, I see no proof either way for or against the possibility of a god and am open to changing my mind either way given real proof. Can't be any fairer than that.

Actually, Noah and the flood can be proven. But belief in God is not like something you just "go with" because of evidence. God draws you to him and reveals things to you ... opens your eyes ... but you have to be truly receptive. I'm not an Evangelist or teacher (JakeStarkey - I remember....) , only a witness
How can Noah and the flood be proven? Geologists have looked for a worldwide layer of sediment... left over from that flood and found nothing. What have you got?

I'm no expert and don't claim to have full knowledge so I need to be careful... I believe the Bible literally in every regard, and, again, I would not be the person you would talk to about this if you want to go deep. Here is an article for your consideration....

New Evidence Suggests Biblical Great Flood Happened
So you believe that a woman was made out of a man's rib? :cuckoo:
Your link had nothing. The dude's probing a REGIONAL flood, not a global one.

Reading it as a Christian (instead of with a critical, atheistic eye) makes a difference.
Also, researching archaeology and historical fact that supports events in the Bible might change your viewpoint a bit......
Lastly, researching the origin of the words in the Bible (from the Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic) so you get the TRUE meaning of many things in the Bible is helpful as well....

But, it will still mean nothing unless you have an open mind and heart toward the everlasting God.
None of the big things in the bible can be proven: Naoh and his flood, burning bush, walking on water... I have an open mind but open to things that makes sense. I'm agnostic, I see no proof either way for or against the possibility of a god and am open to changing my mind either way given real proof. Can't be any fairer than that.
This is a system within a system. You can never prove but you could gather evidence that this system is within a bigger system that works on a completely different set of rules. You could presumably get to a point of beyond reasonable doubt. Which I think is rather easy with a little effort. (Just because Peach is a little scientifically challenged does not disprove God, only our public education system.)
Your god isn't past the point of reasonable doubt yet.

There is ONE God, and he doesn't have to prove anything to you.
Your disbelief negatively impacts you; but you may not realize this until it's too late...
My disbelief in something for which you have not one tiny shred of proof of is really quite meaningless, and you have no proof that it will impact on my life in any way.
How do you know? Have you read the Bible?

Reading it as a Christian (instead of with a critical, atheistic eye) makes a difference.
Also, researching archeology and historical fact that supports events in the Bible might change your viewpoint a bit......
Lastly, researching the origin of the words in the Bible (from the Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic) so you get the TRUE meaning of many things in the Bible is helpful as well....

But, it will still mean nothing unless you have an open mind and heart toward the everlasting God.
None of the big things in the bible can be prov-en: Noah and his flood, burning bush, walking on water... I have an open mind but open to things that makes sense. I'm agnostic, I see no proof either way for or against the possibility of a god and am open to changing my mind either way given real proof. Can't be any fairer than that.

Actually, Noah and the flood can be prov-en. But belief in God is not like something you just "go with" because of evidence. God draws you to him and reveals things to you ... opens your eyes ... but you have to be truly receptive. I'm not an Evangelist or teacher (JakeStarkey - I remember....) , only a witness
How can Noah and the flood be proven? Geologists have looked for a worldwide layer of sediment... left over from that flood and found nothing. What have you got?

Geologists have found that a big flood did happened in the Mediterranean area.
Reading it as a Christian (instead of with a critical, atheistic eye) makes a difference.
Also, researching archaeology and historical fact that supports events in the Bible might change your viewpoint a bit......
Lastly, researching the origin of the words in the Bible (from the Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic) so you get the TRUE meaning of many things in the Bible is helpful as well....

But, it will still mean nothing unless you have an open mind and heart toward the everlasting God.
None of the big things in the bible can be proven: Naoh and his flood, burning bush, walking on water... I have an open mind but open to things that makes sense. I'm agnostic, I see no proof either way for or against the possibility of a god and am open to changing my mind either way given real proof. Can't be any fairer than that.

Actually, Noah and the flood can be proven. But belief in God is not like something you just "go with" because of evidence. God draws you to him and reveals things to you ... opens your eyes ... but you have to be truly receptive. I'm not an Evangelist or teacher (JakeStarkey - I remember....) , only a witness
How can Noah and the flood be proven? Geologists have looked for a worldwide layer of sediment... left over from that flood and found nothing. What have you got?

I'm no expert and don't claim to have full knowledge so I need to be careful... I believe the Bible literally in every regard, and, again, I would not be the person you would talk to about this if you want to go deep. Here is an article for your consideration....

New Evidence Suggests Biblical Great Flood Happened
So you believe that a woman was made out of a man's rib? :cuckoo:
Your link had nothing. The dude's probing a REGIONAL flood, not a global one.

Well I already told you I was not the person to talk to... I'm not knowledgeable enough....
Yep, I do believe that. I also believe nothing is impossible with God.
I'm not ignorant, I used to think like you do. Not that long ago (about 15 years ago....)

Reading it as a Christian (instead of with a critical, atheistic eye) makes a difference.
Also, researching archeology and historical fact that supports events in the Bible might change your viewpoint a bit......
Lastly, researching the origin of the words in the Bible (from the Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic) so you get the TRUE meaning of many things in the Bible is helpful as well....

But, it will still mean nothing unless you have an open mind and heart toward the everlasting God.
None of the big things in the bible can be prov-en: Noah and his flood, burning bush, walking on water... I have an open mind but open to things that makes sense. I'm agnostic, I see no proof either way for or against the possibility of a god and am open to changing my mind either way given real proof. Can't be any fairer than that.

Actually, Noah and the flood can be prov-en. But belief in God is not like something you just "go with" because of evidence. God draws you to him and reveals things to you ... opens your eyes ... but you have to be truly receptive. I'm not an Evangelist or teacher (JakeStarkey - I remember....) , only a witness
How can Noah and the flood be proven? Geologists have looked for a worldwide layer of sediment... left over from that flood and found nothing. What have you got?

Geologists have found that a big flood did happened in the Mediterranean area.
Not Noah's 40 day worldwide flood.
And the boat in the picture could never hold 2 of all the world's animals and food for 40 day at least. WAAAYYYYY too small.
None of the big things in the bible can be proven: Naoh and his flood, burning bush, walking on water... I have an open mind but open to things that makes sense. I'm agnostic, I see no proof either way for or against the possibility of a god and am open to changing my mind either way given real proof. Can't be any fairer than that.

Actually, Noah and the flood can be proven. But belief in God is not like something you just "go with" because of evidence. God draws you to him and reveals things to you ... opens your eyes ... but you have to be truly receptive. I'm not an Evangelist or teacher (JakeStarkey - I remember....) , only a witness
How can Noah and the flood be proven? Geologists have looked for a worldwide layer of sediment... left over from that flood and found nothing. What have you got?

I'm no expert and don't claim to have full knowledge so I need to be careful... I believe the Bible literally in every regard, and, again, I would not be the person you would talk to about this if you want to go deep. Here is an article for your consideration....

New Evidence Suggests Biblical Great Flood Happened
So you believe that a woman was made out of a man's rib? :cuckoo:
Your link had nothing. The dude's probing a REGIONAL flood, not a global one.

Well I already told you I was not the person to talk to... I'm not knowledgeable enough....
Yep, I do believe that. I also believe nothing is impossible with God.
I'm not ignorant, I used to think like you do. Not that long ago (about 15 years ago....)
So you live your life by fairy tales that have no basis in common sense. That's pretty brave to willingly and knowingly live in a fantasy world. I can't bring myself to do that.
Actually, Noah and the flood can be proven. But belief in God is not like something you just "go with" because of evidence. God draws you to him and reveals things to you ... opens your eyes ... but you have to be truly receptive. I'm not an Evangelist or teacher (JakeStarkey - I remember....) , only a witness
How can Noah and the flood be proven? Geologists have looked for a worldwide layer of sediment... left over from that flood and found nothing. What have you got?

I'm no expert and don't claim to have full knowledge so I need to be careful... I believe the Bible literally in every regard, and, again, I would not be the person you would talk to about this if you want to go deep. Here is an article for your consideration....

New Evidence Suggests Biblical Great Flood Happened
So you believe that a woman was made out of a man's rib? :cuckoo:
Your link had nothing. The dude's probing a REGIONAL flood, not a global one.

Well I already told you I was not the person to talk to... I'm not knowledgeable enough....
Yep, I do believe that. I also believe nothing is impossible with God.
I'm not ignorant, I used to think like you do. Not that long ago (about 15 years ago....)
So you live your life by fairy tales that have no basis in common sense. That's pretty brave to willingly and knowingly live in a fantasy world. I can't bring myself to do that.

I would not live by it if I thought it to be fantasy.
God is just as real as the keyboard I'm typing on right now... MORE real.
But your eyes and your heart HAVE to be open.....
There is a hole in you that can't be filled by anything else...
I am talking about the time that Genesis was written - 1450 to 1410B.C.
Not what we know today.
Not all
Dinosaurs are reptiles (as are turtles, lizards, snakes, and crocodylians with birds and dinosaurs once removed). Mammals branched off from reptiles around the same time as dinosaurs.
So mammals EVOLVED from reptiles!!!! :eek: You are to be nailed to a piece of wood in a diaper (like Jesus) for heresy!

No wonder you can't learn anything, you have no reading comprehension what so ever.
That is not what I said.
Do you see the word evolved?
I said BRANCHED off.
Dinosaur Extinction Spurred Rise of Modern Mammals, Study Says
Dinosaur Extinction Spurred Rise of Modern Mammals, Study Says
The asteroid that finished off the dinosaurs 65 million years ago opened up niches for the majority of today's living mammals, according to a new study.
Branched off means evolved. Evolution is not part of Christianity. You are hereby excommunicated. Keep it up and the wood, diaper and nails are coming out next. :eek:

You are very wrong and are assuming much.
You very closed minded.
Can Christians Believe in Evolution?
Read the article that Christians can and many do accept Evolution.
We see it happing right now in Alaska where they have found Polar Bears and Grizzly Bears mating and a new species of Bear is evolving.
Grizzlies, polar bears interbreeding, DNA test shows | Toronto Star
As the ice melts they are becoming a different type of bear that can survive their changing climate.
So you agree that humans evolved from apes? That goes against the story of Genesis. :eek:

Evolution: Frequently Asked Questions
Humans are more closely related to modern apes than to monkeys, but we didn't evolve from apes, either. Humans share a common ancestor with modern African apes, like gorillas and chimpanzees. Scientists believe this common ancestor existed (but they still have not found it)
5 to 8 million years ago. Shortly thereafter, the species diverged into two separate lineages. One of these lineages ultimately evolved into gorillas and chimps, and the other evolved into early human ancestors called hominids.
How can Noah and the flood be proven? Geologists have looked for a worldwide layer of sediment... left over from that flood and found nothing. What have you got?

I'm no expert and don't claim to have full knowledge so I need to be careful... I believe the Bible literally in every regard, and, again, I would not be the person you would talk to about this if you want to go deep. Here is an article for your consideration....

New Evidence Suggests Biblical Great Flood Happened
So you believe that a woman was made out of a man's rib? :cuckoo:
Your link had nothing. The dude's probing a REGIONAL flood, not a global one.

Well I already told you I was not the person to talk to... I'm not knowledgeable enough....
Yep, I do believe that. I also believe nothing is impossible with God.
I'm not ignorant, I used to think like you do. Not that long ago (about 15 years ago....)
So you live your life by fairy tales that have no basis in common sense. That's pretty brave to willingly and knowingly live in a fantasy world. I can't bring myself to do that.

I would not live by it if I thought it to be fantasy.
God is just as real as the keyboard I'm typing on right now... MORE real.
But your eyes and your heart HAVE to be open.....
There is a hole in you that can't be filled by anything else...
No, you just live in a fantasy world. :D
How do you know? Have you read the Bible?

Reading it as a Christian (instead of with a critical, atheistic eye) makes a difference.
Also, researching archaeology and historical fact that supports events in the Bible might change your viewpoint a bit......
Lastly, researching the origin of the words in the Bible (from the Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic) so you get the TRUE meaning of many things in the Bible is helpful as well....

But, it will still mean nothing unless you have an open mind and heart toward the everlasting God.
None of the big things in the bible can be proven: Naoh and his flood, burning bush, walking on water... I have an open mind but open to things that makes sense. I'm agnostic, I see no proof either way for or against the possibility of a god and am open to changing my mind either way given real proof. Can't be any fairer than that.
This is a system within a system. You can never prove but you could gather evidence that this system is within a bigger system that works on a completely different set of rules. You could presumably get to a point of beyond reasonable doubt. Which I think is rather easy with a little effort. (Just because Peach is a little scientifically challenged does not disprove God, only our public education system.)
Your god isn't past the point of reasonable doubt yet.
You are imagining my God in a place he is not and then saying He is not there. Congratulations, you, and millions of others, have disproven god. Peach has a better concept of science than you do. (No offense Peach.)

Reading it as a Christian (instead of with a critical, atheistic eye) makes a difference.
Also, researching archaeology and historical fact that supports events in the Bible might change your viewpoint a bit......
Lastly, researching the origin of the words in the Bible (from the Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic) so you get the TRUE meaning of many things in the Bible is helpful as well....

But, it will still mean nothing unless you have an open mind and heart toward the everlasting God.
None of the big things in the bible can be proven: Naoh and his flood, burning bush, walking on water... I have an open mind but open to things that makes sense. I'm agnostic, I see no proof either way for or against the possibility of a god and am open to changing my mind either way given real proof. Can't be any fairer than that.
This is a system within a system. You can never prove but you could gather evidence that this system is within a bigger system that works on a completely different set of rules. You could presumably get to a point of beyond reasonable doubt. Which I think is rather easy with a little effort. (Just because Peach is a little scientifically challenged does not disprove God, only our public education system.)
Your god isn't past the point of reasonable doubt yet.
You are imagining my God in a place he is not and then saying He is not there. Congratulations, you, and millions of others, have disproven god. Peach has a better concept of science than you do. (No offense Peach.)
I am not imagining that your god isn't past the point of reasonable doubt. It's a provable fact.
How can Noah and the flood be proven? Geologists have looked for a worldwide layer of sediment... left over from that flood and found nothing. What have you got?

I'm no expert and don't claim to have full knowledge so I need to be careful... I believe the Bible literally in every regard, and, again, I would not be the person you would talk to about this if you want to go deep. Here is an article for your consideration....

New Evidence Suggests Biblical Great Flood Happened
So you believe that a woman was made out of a man's rib? :cuckoo:
Your link had nothing. The dude's probing a REGIONAL flood, not a global one.

Well I already told you I was not the person to talk to... I'm not knowledgeable enough....
Yep, I do believe that. I also believe nothing is impossible with God.
I'm not ignorant, I used to think like you do. Not that long ago (about 15 years ago....)
So you live your life by fairy tales that have no basis in common sense. That's pretty brave to willingly and knowingly live in a fantasy world. I can't bring myself to do that.

I would not live by it if I thought it to be fantasy.
God is just as real as the keyboard I'm typing on right now... MORE real.
But your eyes and your heart HAVE to be open.....
There is a hole in you that can't be filled by anything else...

Have you heard God's voice and obey it?
I have and I follow it what ever it is. Never has he steered me wrong when I do what he says.
He tells you to do something and then he hangs up the phone (click) :)
Then you say what did he mean by that?
You find out later why.

Just a few months back I was at my Doctors office and I was sitting in the room waiting for the Doc to come in.
I heard God say - You need two of these (click)
They were alcohol wipes sitting in a big pile on the counter.
Never would I ever have done that. In my mind that's stealing.
I'm going what ? Steal two wipes? That is not what a Christian should do.
Well I did and 4 days later my husband who has MS and sometimes falls because his legs don't work right, fell as he got out of bed in the morning and hit his head on the metal shoe rack.
He had a small gash on the top of his head which bleed quite a bit. He is also on blood thinner pills.
When I got it stopped I used the two wipes to disinfect it because I did not have a bottle a alcohol in the house.
One for each morning and Neosporin (which I did have) and a band aid for each day.
Two days later he did not need it.
Then I knew what he meant.
I did need two of those wipes.
You put your faith in God and he helps you through your whole life.
Reading it as a Christian (instead of with a critical, atheistic eye) makes a difference.
Also, researching archaeology and historical fact that supports events in the Bible might change your viewpoint a bit......
Lastly, researching the origin of the words in the Bible (from the Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic) so you get the TRUE meaning of many things in the Bible is helpful as well....

But, it will still mean nothing unless you have an open mind and heart toward the everlasting God.
None of the big things in the bible can be proven: Naoh and his flood, burning bush, walking on water... I have an open mind but open to things that makes sense. I'm agnostic, I see no proof either way for or against the possibility of a god and am open to changing my mind either way given real proof. Can't be any fairer than that.
This is a system within a system. You can never prove but you could gather evidence that this system is within a bigger system that works on a completely different set of rules. You could presumably get to a point of beyond reasonable doubt. Which I think is rather easy with a little effort. (Just because Peach is a little scientifically challenged does not disprove God, only our public education system.)
Your god isn't past the point of reasonable doubt yet.
You are imagining my God in a place he is not and then saying He is not there. Congratulations, you, and millions of others, have disproven god. Peach has a better concept of science than you do. (No offense Peach.)
I am not imagining that your god isn't past the point of reasonable doubt. It's a provable fact.
What exactly is a provable fact?

Reading it as a Christian (instead of with a critical, atheistic eye) makes a difference.
Also, researching archaeology and historical fact that supports events in the Bible might change your viewpoint a bit......
Lastly, researching the origin of the words in the Bible (from the Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic) so you get the TRUE meaning of many things in the Bible is helpful as well....

But, it will still mean nothing unless you have an open mind and heart toward the everlasting God.
None of the big things in the bible can be proven: Naoh and his flood, burning bush, walking on water... I have an open mind but open to things that makes sense. I'm agnostic, I see no proof either way for or against the possibility of a god and am open to changing my mind either way given real proof. Can't be any fairer than that.
This is a system within a system. You can never prove but you could gather evidence that this system is within a bigger system that works on a completely different set of rules. You could presumably get to a point of beyond reasonable doubt. Which I think is rather easy with a little effort. (Just because Peach is a little scientifically challenged does not disprove God, only our public education system.)
Your god isn't past the point of reasonable doubt yet.
You are imagining my God in a place he is not and then saying He is not there. Congratulations, you, and millions of others, have disproven god. Peach has a better concept of science than you do. (No offense Peach.)

I never have been that great at science. No offence taken, I never claimed that I was.
I am much more well read in history.
So how did Noah get marsupials from Australia and back again?

Noah's Flood happened before the land mass (Pangaea) divided.
Pangaea divided during Peleg's time in Genesis 10:25.
25 And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided ; and his brother's name was Joktan.
Noah was the 10th generation from Adam, and Peleg was the 5th generation from Noah.
Pangaea came together around 300 million years ago and started to break up 125 million years later. No humans around back then. Please try again.

More than likely around 66 million years ago during the age of reptiles.
The Septuagint mentions the large reptiles.
If there was no humans, how did they know about it and write about it?

Dinosaurs were not reptiles.

I am talking about the time that Genesis was written - 1450 to 1410B.C.
Not what we know today.
Not all
Dinosaurs are reptiles (as are turtles, lizards, snakes, and crocodylians with birds and dinosaurs once removed). Mammals branched off from reptiles around the same time as dinosaurs.
I'm no expert and don't claim to have full knowledge so I need to be careful... I believe the Bible literally in every regard, and, again, I would not be the person you would talk to about this if you want to go deep. Here is an article for your consideration....

New Evidence Suggests Biblical Great Flood Happened
So you believe that a woman was made out of a man's rib? :cuckoo:
Your link had nothing. The dude's probing a REGIONAL flood, not a global one.

Well I already told you I was not the person to talk to... I'm not knowledgeable enough....
Yep, I do believe that. I also believe nothing is impossible with God.
I'm not ignorant, I used to think like you do. Not that long ago (about 15 years ago....)
So you live your life by fairy tales that have no basis in common sense. That's pretty brave to willingly and knowingly live in a fantasy world. I can't bring myself to do that.

I would not live by it if I thought it to be fantasy.
God is just as real as the keyboard I'm typing on right now... MORE real.
But your eyes and your heart HAVE to be open.....
There is a hole in you that can't be filled by anything else...

Have you heard God's voice and obey it?
I have and I follow it what ever it is. Never has he steered me wrong when I do what he says.
He tells you to do something and then he hangs up the phone (click) :)
Then you say what did he mean by that?
You find out later why.

Just a few months back I was at my Doctors office and I was sitting in the room waiting for the Doc to come in.
I heard God say - You need two of these (click)
They were alcohol wipes sitting in a big pile on the counter.
Never would I ever have done that. In my mind that's stealing.
I'm going what ? Steal two wipes? That is not what a Christian should do.
Well I did and 4 days later my husband who has MS and sometimes falls because his legs don't work right, fell as he got out of bed in the morning and hit his head on the metal shoe rack.
He had a small gash on the top of his head which bleed quite a bit. He is also on blood thinner pills.
When I got it stopped I used the two wipes to disinfect it because I did not have a bottle a alcohol in the house.
One for each morning and Neosporin (which I did have) and a band aid for each day.
Two days later he did not need it.
Then I knew what he meant.
I did need two of those wipes.
You put your faith in God and he helps you through your whole life.
so you're a thief and blame it on God. Got it.
None of the big things in the bible can be proven: Naoh and his flood, burning bush, walking on water... I have an open mind but open to things that makes sense. I'm agnostic, I see no proof either way for or against the possibility of a god and am open to changing my mind either way given real proof. Can't be any fairer than that.
This is a system within a system. You can never prove but you could gather evidence that this system is within a bigger system that works on a completely different set of rules. You could presumably get to a point of beyond reasonable doubt. Which I think is rather easy with a little effort. (Just because Peach is a little scientifically challenged does not disprove God, only our public education system.)
Your god isn't past the point of reasonable doubt yet.
You are imagining my God in a place he is not and then saying He is not there. Congratulations, you, and millions of others, have disproven god. Peach has a better concept of science than you do. (No offense Peach.)
I am not imagining that your god isn't past the point of reasonable doubt. It's a provable fact.
What exactly is a provable fact?
Something that can be proven can become a fact. What don't you get?
This is a system within a system. You can never prove but you could gather evidence that this system is within a bigger system that works on a completely different set of rules. You could presumably get to a point of beyond reasonable doubt. Which I think is rather easy with a little effort. (Just because Peach is a little scientifically challenged does not disprove God, only our public education system.)
Your god isn't past the point of reasonable doubt yet.
You are imagining my God in a place he is not and then saying He is not there. Congratulations, you, and millions of others, have disproven god. Peach has a better concept of science than you do. (No offense Peach.)
I am not imagining that your god isn't past the point of reasonable doubt. It's a provable fact.
What exactly is a provable fact?
Something that can be proven can become a fact. What don't you get?
A little exercise to see if you even grasp the scientific method.

What is your hypothesis?
Your god isn't past the point of reasonable doubt yet.
You are imagining my God in a place he is not and then saying He is not there. Congratulations, you, and millions of others, have disproven god. Peach has a better concept of science than you do. (No offense Peach.)
I am not imagining that your god isn't past the point of reasonable doubt. It's a provable fact.
What exactly is a provable fact?
Something that can be proven can become a fact. What don't you get?
A little exercise to see if you even grasp the scientific method.

What is your hypothesis?
My hypothesis is that you nor anyone else can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that god exists. Because no one can prove this, it becomes fact that god isn't provable beyond a reasonable doubt.
You are imagining my God in a place he is not and then saying He is not there. Congratulations, you, and millions of others, have disproven god. Peach has a better concept of science than you do. (No offense Peach.)
I am not imagining that your god isn't past the point of reasonable doubt. It's a provable fact.
What exactly is a provable fact?
Something that can be proven can become a fact. What don't you get?
A little exercise to see if you even grasp the scientific method.

What is your hypothesis?
My hypothesis is that you nor anyone else can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that god exists. Because no one can prove this, it becomes fact that god isn't provable beyond a reasonable doubt.
To whom must it be proved?

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