Why is Clinton still wearing her "surgical boot" ?

Interesting;)....still wearing that boot...what's the problem? witches don't heal so soon?

or is it actually an ankle bracelet you piece of scum ?


why a funny?

what wrong with you too

am I supposed to laugh...cry yawn spit

You saw it wrong. Check again

....the thing is I have a stalker in this forum her/his name is Bodecea and that creature is giving me funnies to almost every post I make....may be its a transvestite I don't know ...but oh my GOD:(.....so I am a little sensitive to funnies because of that person...

but you ...Hossfly ....I do like you so much:biggrin::smiliehug:

Buttecea is one of my stalkers as well........I drive her to the point of total distraction. Personally? It's validation to me when I am cyber-stalked by those like the aged , queer liberal dyke....it tells me that I have struck a nerve....wear it like a badge of honor.

Hillary Clinton wears surgical boot months after toe break | Daily Mail Online

Hildebeast and McCain are both wearing one to hide a monitoring device to keep them from fleeing the country. These deep state operatives are about to face indictment. 4,200 plus other sealed indictments are to be served. The net is closing in and some very powerful people are going to be charged with crimes that will be earth shattering. There is so much shit going on that people are not even aware of.

I haven't been doing the "victory laps" that others in the truth movement are doing because I am very jaded..... but all the signs that a deep state purge is under way is playing out thus all these sexual predators/pedophiles in Hollywood and in Congress is being revealed....and more is to come. The BLM actually had a hit list on those that defended the Bundy's....it ties directly to Uranium One, Harry Reid, Hildebeast and McCain......deep state ops like McCabe and Comey are in between a rock and a hard place. The white hats are winning right now which is why the deep state operatives in the lamestream media are throwing as much shit as they can while they are being "weeded out" and this crosses all political affiliations. We are have been right in the middle of another coup d e'tate and most have no clue that this is happening. Trump is trying to accomplish what JFK wanted to do.

I find it fun to get people riled up, but when it gets mean its not ok..
I know you are so what am I...?


I'd say but I don't want a mod messaging me

Well it is my birthday ,you could sing Happy Birthday...

Happy B-day. Mine is in 16 days


I'll be the ripe old age of 33 and content in life as a pig in slop :) I've truly been blessed by God

I could be your mom , I am 2x your age..

Enjoy your young body, seriously. And I am very very blessed too ...

So you are a Jan 1st baby?

My son was born December 31st.

You saw it wrong. Check again

....the thing is I have a stalker in this forum her/his name is Bodecea and that creature is giving me funnies to almost every post I make....may be its a transvestite I don't know ...but oh my GOD:(.....so I am a little sensitive to funnies because of that person...

but you ...Hossfly ....I do like you so much:biggrin::smiliehug:

Buttecea is one of my stalkers as well........I drive her to the point of total distraction. Personally? It's validation to me when I am cyber-stalked by those like the aged , queer liberal dyke....it tells me that I have struck a nerve....wear it like a badge of honor.

omg..so she or he is staking you too?

that person should be banned from here!


three of us now are complaining that we have a stalker in bodecea......and you make fun of it?

I don't understand you anymore Hossfly

Bodecea stalks everybody. Might as well get used to it.. Here's the reason.

Interesting;)....still wearing that boot...what's the problem? witches don't heal so soon?

or is it actually an ankle bracelet you piece of scum ?

You saw it wrong. Check again

....the thing is I have a stalker in this forum her/his name is Bodecea and that creature is giving me funnies to almost every post I make....may be its a transvestite I don't know ...but oh my GOD:(.....so I am a little sensitive to funnies because of that person...

but you ...Hossfly ....I do like you so much:biggrin::smiliehug:

Buttecea is one of my stalkers as well........I drive her to the point of total distraction. Personally? It's validation to me when I am cyber-stalked by those like the aged , queer liberal dyke....it tells me that I have struck a nerve....wear it like a badge of honor.

Hillary Clinton wears surgical boot months after toe break | Daily Mail Online

Hildebeast and McCain are both wearing one to hide a monitoring device to keep them from fleeing the country. These deep state operatives are about to face indictment. 4,200 plus other sealed indictments are to be served. The net is closing in and some very powerful people are going to be charged with crimes that will be earth shattering. There is so much shit going on that people are not even aware of.

I haven't been doing the "victory laps" that others in the truth movement are doing because I am very jaded..... but all the signs that a deep state purge is under way is playing out thus all these sexual predators/pedophiles in Hollywood and in Congress is being revealed....and more is to come. The BLM actually had a hit list on those that defended the Bundy's....it ties directly to Uranium One, Harry Reid, Hildebeast and McCain......deep state ops like McCabe and Comey are in between a rock and a hard place. The white hats are winning right now which is why the deep state operatives in the lamestream media are throwing as much shit as they can while they are being "weeded out" and this crosses all political affiliations. We are have been right in the middle of another coup d e'tate and most have no clue that this is happening. Trump is trying to accomplish what JFK wanted to do.

I find it fun to get people riled up, but when it gets mean its not ok..
I'd say but I don't want a mod messaging me

Well it is my birthday ,you could sing Happy Birthday...

Happy B-day. Mine is in 16 days


I'll be the ripe old age of 33 and content in life as a pig in slop :) I've truly been blessed by God

I could be your mom , I am 2x your age..

Enjoy your young body, seriously. And I am very very blessed too ...

So you are a Jan 1st baby?

My son was born December 31st.


Yep, born Jan 1st at 1:22 AM. My late grandfather told me there was a green ring around the moon and other signs of coming disaster. He was such a funny man. I miss him tremendously

am I supposed to laugh...cry yawn spit

You saw it wrong. Check again

....the thing is I have a stalker in this forum her/his name is Bodecea and that creature is giving me funnies to almost every post I make....may be its a transvestite I don't know ...but oh my GOD:(.....so I am a little sensitive to funnies because of that person...

but you ...Hossfly ....I do like you so much:biggrin::smiliehug:

Buttecea is one of my stalkers as well........I drive her to the point of total distraction. Personally? It's validation to me when I am cyber-stalked by those like the aged , queer liberal dyke....it tells me that I have struck a nerve....wear it like a badge of honor.

omg..so she or he is staking you too?

that person should be banned from here!

I never want Buttecea to be banned.......I love busting her chops. She is begging for me to make my way to San Diego where she and her "wife" lives. We have an install of mailing equipment in La Jolla but even if I don't get to do the job? I want to go to San Diego because I have been to every major city in California but the one that I have always wanted to visit. She and her dyke wife want to (snicker) "confront" me......I am going to record the confrontation and put it on youtube so everyone has access to the verbal beat-down I am going to give her. It will be a friggin' classic.
Interesting;)....still wearing that boot...what's the problem? witches don't heal so soon?

or is it actually an ankle bracelet you piece of scum ?

....the thing is I have a stalker in this forum her/his name is Bodecea and that creature is giving me funnies to almost every post I make....may be its a transvestite I don't know ...but oh my GOD:(.....so I am a little sensitive to funnies because of that person...

but you ...Hossfly ....I do like you so much:biggrin::smiliehug:

Buttecea is one of my stalkers as well........I drive her to the point of total distraction. Personally? It's validation to me when I am cyber-stalked by those like the aged , queer liberal dyke....it tells me that I have struck a nerve....wear it like a badge of honor.

Hillary Clinton wears surgical boot months after toe break | Daily Mail Online

Hildebeast and McCain are both wearing one to hide a monitoring device to keep them from fleeing the country. These deep state operatives are about to face indictment. 4,200 plus other sealed indictments are to be served. The net is closing in and some very powerful people are going to be charged with crimes that will be earth shattering. There is so much shit going on that people are not even aware of.

I haven't been doing the "victory laps" that others in the truth movement are doing because I am very jaded..... but all the signs that a deep state purge is under way is playing out thus all these sexual predators/pedophiles in Hollywood and in Congress is being revealed....and more is to come. The BLM actually had a hit list on those that defended the Bundy's....it ties directly to Uranium One, Harry Reid, Hildebeast and McCain......deep state ops like McCabe and Comey are in between a rock and a hard place. The white hats are winning right now which is why the deep state operatives in the lamestream media are throwing as much shit as they can while they are being "weeded out" and this crosses all political affiliations. We are have been right in the middle of another coup d e'tate and most have no clue that this is happening. Trump is trying to accomplish what JFK wanted to do.

I find it fun to get people riled up, but when it gets mean its not ok..
Well it is my birthday ,you could sing Happy Birthday...

Happy B-day. Mine is in 16 days


I'll be the ripe old age of 33 and content in life as a pig in slop :) I've truly been blessed by God

I could be your mom , I am 2x your age..

Enjoy your young body, seriously. And I am very very blessed too ...

So you are a Jan 1st baby?

My son was born December 31st.


Yep, born Jan 1st at 1:22 AM. My late grandfather told me there was a green ring around the moon and other signs of coming disaster. He was such a funny man. I miss him tremendously

Haaa he sounds like a funny man.. he was right...lol...

The good thing about being born on Dec 31st, or Jan. 1st is people are ready to party it up again after Christmas and celebrate.

am I supposed to laugh...cry yawn spit

You saw it wrong. Check again

....the thing is I have a stalker in this forum her/his name is Bodecea and that creature is giving me funnies to almost every post I make....may be its a transvestite I don't know ...but oh my GOD:(.....so I am a little sensitive to funnies because of that person...

but you ...Hossfly ....I do like you so much:biggrin::smiliehug:

Buttecea is one of my stalkers as well........I drive her to the point of total distraction. Personally? It's validation to me when I am cyber-stalked by those like the aged , queer liberal dyke....it tells me that I have struck a nerve....wear it like a badge of honor.

omg..so she or he is staking you too?

that person should be banned from here!

I never want Buttecea to be banned.......I love busting her chops. She is begging for me to make my way to San Diego where she and her "wife" lives. We have an install of mailing equipment in La Jolla but even if I don't get to do the job? I want to go to San Diego because I have been to every major city in California but the one that I have always wanted to visit. She and her dyke wife want to (snicker) "confront" me......I am going to record the confrontation and put it on youtube so everyone has access to the verbal beat-down I am going to give her. It will be a friggin' classic.

Watch yourself....I suspect she's a big one. Hard telling how big wifey is
Interesting;)....still wearing that boot...what's the problem? witches don't heal so soon?

or is it actually an ankle bracelet you piece of scum ?

Hillary Clinton wears surgical boot months after toe break | Daily Mail Online

what's the problem? witches don't heal so soon?

When I broke a bone, I drank extra milk....for the calcium.
Hillary drinks extra vodka.....no calcium there.
Lotsa vitamins and minerals in that vodka!

I'm losing any respect for you Hossfly...

You saw it wrong. Check again

....the thing is I have a stalker in this forum her/his name is Bodecea and that creature is giving me funnies to almost every post I make....may be its a transvestite I don't know ...but oh my GOD:(.....so I am a little sensitive to funnies because of that person...

but you ...Hossfly ....I do like you so much:biggrin::smiliehug:

Buttecea is one of my stalkers as well........I drive her to the point of total distraction. Personally? It's validation to me when I am cyber-stalked by those like the aged , queer liberal dyke....it tells me that I have struck a nerve....wear it like a badge of honor.

omg..so she or he is staking you too?

that person should be banned from here!

I never want Buttecea to be banned.......I love busting her chops. She is begging for me to make my way to San Diego where she and her "wife" lives. We have an install of mailing equipment in La Jolla but even if I don't get to do the job? I want to go to San Diego because I have been to every major city in California but the one that I have always wanted to visit. She and her dyke wife want to (snicker) "confront" me......I am going to record the confrontation and put it on youtube so everyone has access to the verbal beat-down I am going to give her. It will be a friggin' classic.

Watch yourself....I suspect she's a big one. Hard telling how big wifey is

I am no "small fry" in any sense of the word and my girlfriend will be filming the entire confrontation if she actually shows. I don't have an ounce of fear in me as it pertains to her, her "wife" or any liberal piece of shit male that she might have for "back-up".
Interesting;)....still wearing that boot...what's the problem? witches don't heal so soon?

or is it actually an ankle bracelet you piece of scum ?

Hillary Clinton wears surgical boot months after toe break | Daily Mail Online

what's the problem? witches don't heal so soon?

When I broke a bone, I drank extra milk....for the calcium.
Hillary drinks extra vodka.....no calcium there.
Lotsa vitamins and minerals in that vodka!

I'm losing any respect for you Hossfly...


Hossfly is good people, Skye..........read back through his replies. He isn't defending the bitch.

BTW, did you listen to the interview I sent ya???
Interesting;)....still wearing that boot...what's the problem? witches don't heal so soon?

or is it actually an ankle bracelet you piece of scum ?

Hillary Clinton wears surgical boot months after toe break | Daily Mail Online
I heard she keeps falling and injuring herself......

But the media thinks Trump is damaging his health by drinking Diet Soda.

Wouldn't be surprised that they made the whole thing up.
She's a drunk.That's why she falls down so much.

Who in their right mind would vote to hand the nuclear football to a vodka guzzling lush rather than someone who doesn't drink?
Interesting;)....still wearing that boot...what's the problem? witches don't heal so soon?

or is it actually an ankle bracelet you piece of scum ?

Hillary Clinton wears surgical boot months after toe break | Daily Mail Online

what's the problem? witches don't heal so soon?

When I broke a bone, I drank extra milk....for the calcium.
Hillary drinks extra vodka.....no calcium there.
Lotsa vitamins and minerals in that vodka!

I'm losing any respect for you Hossfly...


Hossfly is good people, Skye..........read back through his replies. He isn't defending the bitch.

BTW, did you listen to the interview I sent ya???

what inteview you sent me??

hossfly is good..sometimes I don't understand him that's all...I have a problem with people being luke warm in politics...hey I might be wrong
Interesting;)....still wearing that boot...what's the problem? witches don't heal so soon?

or is it actually an ankle bracelet you piece of scum ?

Hillary Clinton wears surgical boot months after toe break | Daily Mail Online

what's the problem? witches don't heal so soon?

When I broke a bone, I drank extra milk....for the calcium.
Hillary drinks extra vodka.....no calcium there.
Lotsa vitamins and minerals in that vodka!

I'm losing any respect for you Hossfly...


Hossfly is good people, Skye..........read back through his replies. He isn't defending the bitch.

BTW, did you listen to the interview I sent ya???

what inteview you sent me??

hossfly is good..sometimes I don't understand him that's all...I have a problem with people being luke warm in politics...hey I might be wrong

The Caravan To Midnight interview with Robert Snodgres???
Interesting;)....still wearing that boot...what's the problem? witches don't heal so soon?

or is it actually an ankle bracelet you piece of scum ?

Hillary Clinton wears surgical boot months after toe break | Daily Mail Online

what's the problem? witches don't heal so soon?

When I broke a bone, I drank extra milk....for the calcium.
Hillary drinks extra vodka.....no calcium there.
Lotsa vitamins and minerals in that vodka!

I'm losing any respect for you Hossfly...


Hossfly is good people, Skye..........read back through his replies. He isn't defending the bitch.

BTW, did you listen to the interview I sent ya???

(( Hossfly is the best )):thup: I like him very much!

I am only joking here.
..just things we say.....

Any American here who is for that witch Clinton....

Hell awaits you.

what sort of human being are you?

Are you on the side of the Satanist Hillary Clinton?

hillary is a much better human being than any of you hateful suckers for fake news.

Any American here who is for that witch Clinton....

Hell awaits you.

what sort of human being are you?

Are you on the side of the Satanist Hillary Clinton?

hillary is a much better human being than any of you hateful suckers for fake news.

The Hildebeast is a witch that practices luciferian cult practices. We have evidence from former Clinton insider Larry Nichols and the leak of e-mails by Wikileaks.......the Hildebeast is a murderous skank and a world class thieve that is part of the 13 protected bloodlines. The Rodham family is "certified" and by certified I mean protected just like the Bush crime family.

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