Why is CNN speculating on how the female US hostage was raped and tortured?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Talk about bad taste. She's dead. Isn't that horrible enough? Now we wanna hear about all the gory details about how she was raped, forced into marriage, tortured, and eventually executed? We're not angry enough or demanding we bomb them "back into the stone age" (redundant, they're already kinda there hehe.)

Fuck you CNN.
Last thing we want is for ISIS to be cast as the lowest form of scum in the universe....
That would be in poor taste.... Ugh...
Given the liberal leaning of CNN and the constant war on women waged by liberal Democrats is it even worth wondering why CNN......

I mean, does anyone feel compelled to STATE THE FRIGGIN' OBVIOUS?


It's pandering for the ratings, stupid.
Easier less-offensive things to put on air if just for ratings. Being a subsidiary of General Electric, a defense contractor, my thinking turns not to ratings, but fear mongering and emotional manipulation to anger viewers into supporting combat operations which GE then benefits from supplying arms and material to troops.

If the American public weren't constantly being primed to be afraid of things, we would never support offensive combat operations "in order to protect us." If you're not afraid of unknown, you don't desire protection. So if defense contractors wanna flourish, they need us to be afraid. Their tv propaganda outlets like CNN, MSNBC, Fox, and others do this by depicting things that are sad and horrible. More fearful we become then, the more authority and power we give to our government to "keep us safe."
Talk about bad taste. She's dead. Isn't that horrible enough? Now we wanna hear about all the gory details about how she was raped, forced into marriage, tortured, and eventually executed? We're not angry enough or demanding we bomb them "back into the stone age" (redundant, they're already kinda there hehe.)

Fuck you CNN.
How else do they get anyone to watch them?
Talk about bad taste. She's dead. Isn't that horrible enough? Now we wanna hear about all the gory details about how she was raped, forced into marriage, tortured, and eventually executed? We're not angry enough or demanding we bomb them "back into the stone age" (redundant, they're already kinda there hehe.)

Fuck you CNN.
How else do they get anyone to watch them?

Russia uses topless female newscasters. :)

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