Why is Donald Trump treated better than the other candidates?

Yeah...............I understand networks wanting ratings, but turning your political coverage into a reality show goes beyond the pale.

News should be more concerned about facts than the shock value of some blowhard.
Ratings=money and most of the news is now corporately owned and answer to the shareholders.
If Trump makes it as this elections candidate for the GOP, who do you think is next for them to run?

Rowdy Roddy Piper or Hulk Hogan perhaps? Or is it going to be Kanye West in 2020?
I'm thinking that all of the media, from FOX News all the way to CNN and MSNBC are actually contributing heavily to this clown candidacy that is being perpetrated by Donald Trump.

I mean...............any place he shows up to speak (even if it's not his event), the media is there, and follows him when he leaves (regardless of whether or not there are other candidates left to speak), as well as the fact that they allow Trump to phone in his interviews on a regular basis, while other candidates have to wait for interviews in person or on the trail.

I mean seriously, what other candidate can you name that has phoned in their interview as often as Trump?

Shit..................he's even gonna phone it in for Jimmy Kimmel tonight.

You get an extra 20 million people to watch a tv broadcast like the debate, plus the draw you are for various other broadcasts, and the media will kiss your ass till it's over.

Trump is his own reality show.

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