Why is First Woman, and First Homo such a political issue of Importance today?. Should it not be best qualified.?

The democrat party is a party of identity politics. The want to have the look of being all inclusive.
So, you don't get the best person for the position.

The best person for the job can't be a woman or gay? Weird. In reality there are hundreds of people who are qualified for any given position. Was Ben Carson best for HUD? Probably not, but you didn't complain about that. How about Mark Meadows for CoS? He kind of sucked.
I keep seeing news reports of first Woman, and or First Homosexual to be selected or appointed. Why is this so important in American politics today.Should it not be best qualified for these government positions? Your thoughts.

It's easier to talk about cultural issues than actual policy

Right wingers should understand this best, Republicans have been doing that for decades

This is just the left wing version, where it's even easier for them to pull off.
The democrat party is a party of identity politics. The want to have the look of being all inclusive.
So, you don't get the best person for the position.

This could hurt the Democratic party in the long run. I think the Democrats are slowly commiting political suicide if this continues into the future.
It' a sign of equality and an American accomplishment. It's like being first in the family from graduate college.

It is? I suspected they passed out diplomas as entitlements now, thanks for the validation

They don't and nobody said anything remotely resembling your post. But you read the word 'college' and off you went.
It' a sign of equality and an American accomplishment. It's like being first in the family from graduate college.

Sorry, snowflakes (in every sense) but some accomplishments aren't about you.
its not much of an accomplishment if the person isnt qualified for the job....
The democrat party is a party of identity politics. The want to have the look of being all inclusive.
So, you don't get the best person for the position.

The best person for the job can't be a woman or gay? Weird. In reality there are hundreds of people who are qualified for any given position. Was Ben Carson best for HUD? Probably not, but you didn't complain about that. How about Mark Meadows for CoS? He kind of sucked.
I did not say that the best person could not be Gay or a women, there are excellent women and Gay people who are the best at what they do. What I'am saying is that they seem to be just selecting people on a female or a Homosexual preference.
The democrat party is a party of identity politics. The want to have the look of being all inclusive.
So, you don't get the best person for the position.

The best person for the job can't be a woman or gay? Weird.

There's nothing weird about PROGS leaving context to defend their fucked-up methods.

I'm not leaving context, I'm kind of applying it. Why are all the best people white? I mean, you'd think if previous administrations consistently picked a majority of white males (though they make up way less than half the population) you'd almost have to assume they aren't picking the best.
It' a sign of equality and an American accomplishment. It's like being first in the family from graduate college.

It is? I suspected they passed out diplomas as entitlements now, thanks for the validation

They don't and nobody said anything remotely resembling your post. But you read the word 'college' and off you went.

Sure they do. I worked with plenty of college indoctrinated, I mean college graduates who couldn't manage their way out of a wet paper bag less write a coherent sentence.

My sister is tarded too, now she's a pilot.
The democrat party is a party of identity politics. The want to have the look of being all inclusive.
So, you don't get the best person for the position.

The best person for the job can't be a woman or gay? Weird. In reality there are hundreds of people who are qualified for any given position. Was Ben Carson best for HUD? Probably not, but you didn't complain about that. How about Mark Meadows for CoS? He kind of sucked.
Your identity politics trumps the best person for the position. That's the difference
The democrat party is a party of identity politics. The want to have the look of being all inclusive.
So, you don't get the best person for the position.

This could hurt the Democratic party in the long run. I think the Democrats are slowly commiting political suicide if this continues into the future.

When a majority of the population isn't white and male?
thats all that should matter......but so many people today are ruled by political correctness that it is getting rather pathetic.....

But we are talking about Federal positions that have major impact on America and countries outside of America. Could this not affect Americas reputation around the world.?!
if the person isnt qualified and is in over his/her head and does a half-assed job....might that not also effect our reputation?...

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