Why is First Woman, and First Homo such a political issue of Importance today?. Should it not be best qualified.?

I keep seeing news reports of first Woman, and or First Homosexual to be selected or appointed. Why is this so important in American politics today.Should it not be best qualified for these government positions? Your thoughts.

Some of us don’t believe women and homosexuals ARE qualified to hold such offices
They can be qualified to hold such offices but the mere fact they are a woman or a queer should in no part have any weight in the job they are seeking or have been given.
The democrat party is a party of identity politics. The want to have the look of being all inclusive.
So, you don't get the best person for the position.

The best person for the job can't be a woman or gay? Weird. In reality there are hundreds of people who are qualified for any given position. Was Ben Carson best for HUD? Probably not, but you didn't complain about that. How about Mark Meadows for CoS? He kind of sucked.
no one said that did they?....the point is appointing someone to a job BECAUSE that person is gay or whatever even thought there might be better people who just might not be gay or whatever.....

Who said the only reason a person of color or woman is appointed is because of race or gender. There are numerous qualified people who are not white that are capable and Biden is picking some of them to fill his cabinet.

In the meantime Trump picked Ben Carson for HUD. Was he qualified? Not really and in hearings he obviously doesn't seem to care or know what he's talking about. Did Trump pick Carson for HUD because he's black? Maybe. Do you care? Nope.

How about Mark Meadows? White guy, total train wreck.

Every person regardless of their own genetic make up should be qualified, period. But to almost always and consistently go white male is excluding a lot of qualified people.
Yes, Kamala is a product of identity politics. Obama was a product of identity politics. Both are/were not top tier politicians.
Next in line for the presidency will be a tranny, it's their turn.

Trump before he ran was a "top tier" politician? Nope. I certainly wouldn't have considered Mike Pence to be top tier either.

Obama, Harris and Trump (if you're into that sort of thing) all have charisma and are either young (relatively speaking), considered outsiders or both.

You can't even make an argument that wouldn't apply to white politicians but yet explicitly claiming blacks and women are unqualified is noted.
It' a sign of equality and an American accomplishment. It's like being first in the family from graduate college.

Sorry, snowflakes (in every sense) but some accomplishments aren't about you.
its not much of an accomplishment if the person isnt qualified for the job....

*looks at amy barrett the housewife and sorority sister*

since when do republicans choose officials any better than democrats/ THey of course don't.

In fact they tend to be worse because republican elite are scum
who said they do?.....let me check....oh that was you.....and in California democrat elite are pretty shitty too....and yes i lived there for 50 years....
I keep seeing news reports of first Woman, and or First Homosexual to be selected or appointed. Why is this so important in American politics today.Should it not be best qualified for these government positions? Your thoughts.

You sir, will clearly never cut it as a leftist.

There is more to it than arson, rioting, burglary, theft, and looting you know?
I keep seeing news reports of first Woman, and or First Homosexual to be selected or appointed. Why is this so important in American politics today.Should it not be best qualified for these government positions? Your thoughts.

Some of us don’t believe women and homosexuals ARE qualified to hold such offices
the 15th century is long gone chump.....
The democrat party is a party of identity politics. The want to have the look of being all inclusive.
So, you don't get the best person for the position.

The best person for the job can't be a woman or gay? Weird. In reality there are hundreds of people who are qualified for any given position. Was Ben Carson best for HUD? Probably not, but you didn't complain about that. How about Mark Meadows for CoS? He kind of sucked.
I did not say that the best person could not be Gay or a women, there are excellent women and Gay people who are the best at what they do. What I'am saying is that they seem to be just selecting people on a female or a Homosexual preference.
They need to virtue signal.

I don't see how making a presidential administration resemble the electorate is virtue signaling, it should actually be expected.
The electorate that the democrats gained was old white men. They lost ground with the other demographics. Their virtue signaling is purely for the elites on the coasts.

Did you notice that the Democrats won knowing they're going to appoint more women and people of color? I'm not really sure what your point is and I don't think you do either.
When people are excluded for 250 years then suddenly there is a representative that looks like America and not old white guys it’s news. News that America isn’t a white old man dump.
yet one just got elected...again.....
It' a sign of equality and an American accomplishment. It's like being first in the family to graduate college.

Sorry, snowflakes (in every sense) but some accomplishments aren't about you.
Being the first sick perverted freak at a job is an accomplishment? No wonder you people are screwed in the head.

Don't worry, Bripat isn't going to be nominated.
Deviant freak!

I'll take it.
The democrat party is a party of identity politics. The want to have the look of being all inclusive.
So, you don't get the best person for the position.

The best person for the job can't be a woman or gay? Weird. In reality there are hundreds of people who are qualified for any given position. Was Ben Carson best for HUD? Probably not, but you didn't complain about that. How about Mark Meadows for CoS? He kind of sucked.
no one said that did they?....the point is appointing someone to a job BECAUSE that person is gay or whatever even thought there might be better people who just might not be gay or whatever.....

Who said the only reason a person of color or woman is appointed is because of race or gender. There are numerous qualified people who are not white that are capable and Biden is picking some of them to fill his cabinet.

In the meantime Trump picked Ben Carson for HUD. Was he qualified? Not really and in hearings he obviously doesn't seem to care or know what he's talking about. Did Trump pick Carson for HUD because he's black? Maybe. Do you care? Nope.

How about Mark Meadows? White guy, total train wreck.

Every person regardless of their own genetic make up should be qualified, period. But to almost always and consistently go white male is excluding a lot of qualified people.
i answered what you said....."The best person for the job can't be a woman or gay?".......the point is appointing someone to a job BECAUSE that person is gay or whatever even thought there might be better people who just might not be gay or whatever.....is there not a law saying you have to have x amount of minorities in management ....even though they may not be qualified?...would you hire someone who may not be very good at the job,just because he/she is a minority and you being being forced to do it,while lets say the non minority person is very qualified?.....if its a critical position who would you want to hire?....

Who was appointed only for being gay? You never said. Who isn't qualified?
It' a sign of equality and an American accomplishment. It's like being first in the family to graduate college.

Sorry, snowflakes (in every sense) but some accomplishments aren't about you.
No--its the opposite. To chose someone based on race, sex, sexual pervasion----is to be a bigot and prejudice--

But to overwhelmingly choose white guys is ok? They make up less than half the population.
Because Gays used to be prosecuted for being gay not to long ago and women were kept out of politics for a long time in America.
ok,but should one get a critical job just because they are a minority of some sort?...should they at least be qualified to do the job?...
Marxist shitstains like to see substandard defects promoted and acknowledged. This validates their own defects and self-loathing. Makes them feel a little better for having been totally fucked in this life.
I keep seeing news reports of first Woman, and or First Homosexual to be selected or appointed. Why is this so important in American politics today.Should it not be best qualified for these government positions? Your thoughts.
It is progress.
I keep seeing news reports of first Woman, and or First Homosexual to be selected or appointed. Why is this so important in American politics today.Should it not be best qualified for these government positions? Your thoughts.
We just went through Trump and his revolving door of quality
The democrat party is a party of identity politics. The want to have the look of being all inclusive.
So, you don't get the best person for the position.

The best person for the job can't be a woman or gay? Weird. In reality there are hundreds of people who are qualified for any given position. Was Ben Carson best for HUD? Probably not, but you didn't complain about that. How about Mark Meadows for CoS? He kind of sucked.
no one said that did they?....the point is appointing someone to a job BECAUSE that person is gay or whatever even thought there might be better people who just might not be gay or whatever.....

Who said the only reason a person of color or woman is appointed is because of race or gender. There are numerous qualified people who are not white that are capable and Biden is picking some of them to fill his cabinet.

In the meantime Trump picked Ben Carson for HUD. Was he qualified? Not really and in hearings he obviously doesn't seem to care or know what he's talking about. Did Trump pick Carson for HUD because he's black? Maybe. Do you care? Nope.

How about Mark Meadows? White guy, total train wreck.

Every person regardless of their own genetic make up should be qualified, period. But to almost always and consistently go white male is excluding a lot of qualified people.
i answered what you said....."The best person for the job can't be a woman or gay?".......the point is appointing someone to a job BECAUSE that person is gay or whatever even thought there might be better people who just might not be gay or whatever.....is there not a law saying you have to have x amount of minorities in management ....even though they may not be qualified?...would you hire someone who may not be very good at the job,just because he/she is a minority and you being being forced to do it,while lets say the non minority person is very qualified?.....if its a critical position who would you want to hire?....

Who was appointed only for being gay? You never said. Who isn't qualified?
if he wasnt appointed for being gay.....why is that the headline?..and i never pointed out anyone.....
The democrat party is a party of identity politics. The want to have the look of being all inclusive.
So, you don't get the best person for the position.

The best person for the job can't be a woman or gay? Weird. In reality there are hundreds of people who are qualified for any given position. Was Ben Carson best for HUD? Probably not, but you didn't complain about that. How about Mark Meadows for CoS? He kind of sucked.
Your identity politics trumps the best person for the position. That's the difference
If Barr is the best we are in for a hell of another dysfunctional administration.
The democrat party is a party of identity politics. The want to have the look of being all inclusive.
So, you don't get the best person for the position.

The best person for the job can't be a woman or gay? Weird. In reality there are hundreds of people who are qualified for any given position. Was Ben Carson best for HUD? Probably not, but you didn't complain about that. How about Mark Meadows for CoS? He kind of sucked.
no one said that did they?....the point is appointing someone to a job BECAUSE that person is gay or whatever even thought there might be better people who just might not be gay or whatever.....

Who said the only reason a person of color or woman is appointed is because of race or gender. There are numerous qualified people who are not white that are capable and Biden is picking some of them to fill his cabinet.

In the meantime Trump picked Ben Carson for HUD. Was he qualified? Not really and in hearings he obviously doesn't seem to care or know what he's talking about. Did Trump pick Carson for HUD because he's black? Maybe. Do you care? Nope.

How about Mark Meadows? White guy, total train wreck.

Every person regardless of their own genetic make up should be qualified, period. But to almost always and consistently go white male is excluding a lot of qualified people.
i answered what you said....."The best person for the job can't be a woman or gay?".......the point is appointing someone to a job BECAUSE that person is gay or whatever even thought there might be better people who just might not be gay or whatever.....is there not a law saying you have to have x amount of minorities in management ....even though they may not be qualified?...would you hire someone who may not be very good at the job,just because he/she is a minority and you being being forced to do it,while lets say the non minority person is very qualified?.....if its a critical position who would you want to hire?....

Who was appointed only for being gay? You never said. Who isn't qualified?
if he wasnt appointed for being gay.....why is that the headline?..and i never pointed out anyone.....

Because it's a relatively new phenomenon and it is an accomplishment in that gays are now openly allowed to exit, live, breathe and form public policy just like everyone else.

Don't worry, nobody is forcing you to suck his dick, yet.
The democrat party is a party of identity politics. The want to have the look of being all inclusive.
So, you don't get the best person for the position.
As opposed to the slowly becoming defunct Republican Party.

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