Why is First Woman, and First Homo such a political issue of Importance today?. Should it not be best qualified.?

The democrat party is a party of identity politics. The want to have the look of being all inclusive.
So, you don't get the best person for the position.

The best person for the job can't be a woman or gay? Weird. In reality there are hundreds of people who are qualified for any given position. Was Ben Carson best for HUD? Probably not, but you didn't complain about that. How about Mark Meadows for CoS? He kind of sucked.
no one said that did they?....the point is appointing someone to a job BECAUSE that person is gay or whatever even thought there might be better people who just might not be gay or whatever.....

Who said the only reason a person of color or woman is appointed is because of race or gender. There are numerous qualified people who are not white that are capable and Biden is picking some of them to fill his cabinet.

In the meantime Trump picked Ben Carson for HUD. Was he qualified? Not really and in hearings he obviously doesn't seem to care or know what he's talking about. Did Trump pick Carson for HUD because he's black? Maybe. Do you care? Nope.

How about Mark Meadows? White guy, total train wreck.

Every person regardless of their own genetic make up should be qualified, period. But to almost always and consistently go white male is excluding a lot of qualified people.
Yes, Kamala is a product of identity politics. Obama was a product of identity politics. Both are/were not top tier politicians.
Next in line for the presidency will be a tranny, it's their turn.

Trump before he ran was a "top tier" politician? Nope. I certainly wouldn't have considered Mike Pence to be top tier either.

Obama, Harris and Trump (if you're into that sort of thing) all have charisma and are either young (relatively speaking), considered outsiders or both.

You can't even make an argument that wouldn't apply to white politicians but yet explicitly claiming blacks and women are unqualified is noted.
What I stated was, "Your identity politics trumps the best person for the position". You're getting all twisted up in your posts.
Not surprising though.
the guy is getting a few things twisted up....he brought up race in our conversation and called me a white guy....but thats not being a racist....

Oh no, I brought up race in a thread about you asshats having a problem with Biden placing women and gays in his administration. Shoot me.
no you called me a white guy ....you did not need to....but you did.....and i have no problem with those people,it was about why was their gender or sexual persuasion the story instead of what they bring to the table....but you racist seem to be all alike dont you?....and yea people like you do need be shot...

Being the first or near first is a story. It's been explained to you. It's a normalization of diverse backgrounds and all people being able to create national policy. It's something to celebrate when the qualified people who work in government resemble we the people.

I'm sorry you have a problem with that.
nice dance....now why dont you tell me about your comment about me sucking petes dick and the need to call me a white guy?.....dont try to change what we were talking about.....

I said (paraphrasing) that just because Pete was nominated doesn't mean your life is going to change in any way you don't want it to. Pretty sure you purposefully missed the point.
the point you made was because he is gay, dont worry you wont have to suck his dick....pretty sure you are purposely trying to change your point....

Oh my god, this is funny shit.

My point was because a gay guy is in the Whitehouse doesn't mean you are going to turn gay against (or with) your will, unless you want to and again I'm not judging.
sure you did.....you racist/anti gay fuckers open your mouths and get called on it and then its damage control.....to late chump....

I'm the guy who thinks Pete is qualified and don't care if he is gay or not, remember? But if you want to ignore someone calling Pete a fag and go after my posts making fun of you having a problem with a gay guy in Biden's cabinet, then so be it. I think I hit a nerve though.

You're either lying about my posts or a moron if you think anything I've said is homophobic or racist.
you hit nothing because i dont have a problem with pete.....that wasnt my point was it?....and yea i came after you because you were wrong....you attacked me remember?...and your last sentence kinda proves i am the one who hit a nerve....how does it feel to get called out with your racist homophobic posts?...
The democrat party is a party of identity politics. The want to have the look of being all inclusive.
So, you don't get the best person for the position.

The best person for the job can't be a woman or gay? Weird. In reality there are hundreds of people who are qualified for any given position. Was Ben Carson best for HUD? Probably not, but you didn't complain about that. How about Mark Meadows for CoS? He kind of sucked.
no one said that did they?....the point is appointing someone to a job BECAUSE that person is gay or whatever even thought there might be better people who just might not be gay or whatever.....

Who said the only reason a person of color or woman is appointed is because of race or gender. There are numerous qualified people who are not white that are capable and Biden is picking some of them to fill his cabinet.

In the meantime Trump picked Ben Carson for HUD. Was he qualified? Not really and in hearings he obviously doesn't seem to care or know what he's talking about. Did Trump pick Carson for HUD because he's black? Maybe. Do you care? Nope.

How about Mark Meadows? White guy, total train wreck.

Every person regardless of their own genetic make up should be qualified, period. But to almost always and consistently go white male is excluding a lot of qualified people.
Yes, Kamala is a product of identity politics. Obama was a product of identity politics. Both are/were not top tier politicians.
Next in line for the presidency will be a tranny, it's their turn.

Trump before he ran was a "top tier" politician? Nope. I certainly wouldn't have considered Mike Pence to be top tier either.

Obama, Harris and Trump (if you're into that sort of thing) all have charisma and are either young (relatively speaking), considered outsiders or both.

You can't even make an argument that wouldn't apply to white politicians but yet explicitly claiming blacks and women are unqualified is noted.
What I stated was, "Your identity politics trumps the best person for the position". You're getting all twisted up in your posts.
Not surprising though.
the guy is getting a few things twisted up....he brought up race in our conversation and called me a white guy....but thats not being a racist....

Oh no, I brought up race in a thread about you asshats having a problem with Biden placing women and gays in his administration. Shoot me.
no you called me a white guy ....you did not need to....but you did.....and i have no problem with those people,it was about why was their gender or sexual persuasion the story instead of what they bring to the table....but you racist seem to be all alike dont you?....and yea people like you do need be shot...

Being the first or near first is a story. It's been explained to you. It's a normalization of diverse backgrounds and all people being able to create national policy. It's something to celebrate when the qualified people who work in government resemble we the people.

I'm sorry you have a problem with that.
nice dance....now why dont you tell me about your comment about me sucking petes dick and the need to call me a white guy?.....dont try to change what we were talking about.....

I said (paraphrasing) that just because Pete was nominated doesn't mean your life is going to change in any way you don't want it to. Pretty sure you purposefully missed the point.
the point you made was because he is gay, dont worry you wont have to suck his dick....pretty sure you are purposely trying to change your point....

Oh my god, this is funny shit.

My point was because a gay guy is in the Whitehouse doesn't mean you are going to turn gay against (or with) your will, unless you want to and again I'm not judging.
sure you did.....you racist/anti gay fuckers open your mouths and get called on it and then its damage control.....to late chump....

I'm the guy who thinks Pete is qualified and don't care if he is gay or not, remember? But if you want to ignore someone calling Pete a fag and go after my posts making fun of you having a problem with a gay guy in Biden's cabinet, then so be it. I think I hit a nerve though.

You're either lying about my posts or a moron if you think anything I've said is homophobic or racist.
you hit nothing because i dont have a problem with pete.....that wasnt my point was it?....and yea i came after you because you were wrong....you attacked me remember?...and your last sentence kinda proves i am the one who hit a nerve....how does it feel to get called out with your racist homophobic posts?...

It makes me laugh at you. Why not quote exactly what I said that was racist and I'll try to explain it to you in a way that you will understand.
Because Gays used to be prosecuted for being gay not to long ago and women were kept out of politics for a long time in America.
ok,but should one get a critical job just because they are a minority of some sort?...should they at least be qualified to do the job?...

Nobody said otherwise.
it seems to be happening a lot though doesnt it....what qualifications does harris have to run this country?...she was a half-assed AG and a half- assed senator who did not get much support in the primaries....

She ran the second largest justice system in the country. I don't think you're qualified to rate her one way or another and I don't care how white you are.
i lived there when she was the AG there .....how long did you live there?.....and i am not considered white,i pass for a Mexican very easily...so stick your racist shit up your ass...

I told you, I don't care how white you are.

Don't trust or particularly believe your summation of any politician. You asked if she is qualified, by her resume she very much is without getting into personal opinions.

What this thread seems to be about for you is when a Democrat picks a woman or POC you assume that is the only qualification. Do you ever ask yourself when a party made up by a vast majority of white people pick a white person isn't about color of their skin? It would seem to at least be a fairly obvious question for you to answer.
you are not only a racist but you are gay basher too....that makes you an asshole and jerk on top of that....and on top of that you have no idea what this thread was about and you made it racial....good going asswipe...

I'm neither. Is this the part where you lose and just go batshit? I will just put it plainly, you're opinion and argument are lame and it's based on some sort of fucked up grievance and the mere mention that a gay guy or a black woman gets a high profile job sets you off. Tough shit if you feel they are wiping your nose in it, it's not about you.
since you mentioned petes dick and brought color into our conversation...you most certainly are....and now i will watch you lose it like you have in so many other threads were you got slapped....

Oh my, I don't think you understand context or what the term 'gay basher' means. Or that speaking about race doesn't make someone a racist. Jesus, dude, get a grip.
oh i dont think you do.....you are the ass that brought it up....and you didnt need to,but you did...that says something about you doesnt it?....

What's wrong with talking about race in a thread about wingnut discrimination? You think talking about race is bad but stating that the gay guy or the female vice president isn't good enough? Ok, whatever
you were not talking about race numbnuts.....you called me a white guy when you did not need to....that was personal...and i know you racial people just cant see the difference....

Oh, you poor, poor boy. I called you white. Was it an insult? No. Did I insult your race at all? No. Did I insult your sexual orientation? No. Did others insult them in this thread? Yes. What did you do? Whine that I called you white.

I'm having a difficult time feeling sorry for you.
thats because you are a fucking racist.....if i was a black guy would you have said the same thing?....and yes it was an insult,im not considered to be white by many....and by saying i might suck petes dick, yea you insulted my sexual orientation....

But, you're a white guy posting your white grievance about the merit of minorities in a Biden administration.

You're not considered to be white...but you are, aren't you? Nothing wrong with that.

I said don't worry you won't have to, in other words be forced to suck...you know what. I didn't say you wanted to. Not that there is anything wrong with it if you did and you do keep bringing it up, a lot. I'm not judging.
no im considered to be kinda brown.....and what you said is already on record here so you cant dance your way out of it....its funny how when you people are called out for your racist remarks how the dancing begins.....

Lot's of brown white people, why are you running away from it?

If you can point out specifically what I said was racist that would be great. Calling you white believe it or not, not racist.

Also, this is going to blow your mind. Me saying that you are playing your white grievance politics on the board, also not racist.
brown white people?....what the hell is that?.....also calling a person what their color is, is racist because you made that personal,even though you were wrong......and show me were in this thread i was playing so called white grievance politics?.....

White grievance politics - Taking issue when minorities are nominated, assuming it's only because of their minority status and excusing every white male in Republican administrations that have a large white male membership.

Did you know that white people come in many shades? But hey, if you aren't Caucasian then you aren't Caucasian.
learn to read dumbass....i have no problems when minorities are nominated my point was something totally different wasnt it?....you are getting to be a good dancer though i will give you that....
I keep seeing news reports of first Woman, and or First Homosexual to be selected or appointed. Why is this so important in American politics today.Should it not be best qualified for these government positions? Your thoughts.
Don't you really mean first faggot? If they can't properly run their own life how can they be trusted with the nation?
Because Gays used to be prosecuted for being gay not to long ago and women were kept out of politics for a long time in America.
ok,but should one get a critical job just because they are a minority of some sort?...should they at least be qualified to do the job?...

Nobody said otherwise.
it seems to be happening a lot though doesnt it....what qualifications does harris have to run this country?...she was a half-assed AG and a half- assed senator who did not get much support in the primaries....

She ran the second largest justice system in the country. I don't think you're qualified to rate her one way or another and I don't care how white you are.
i lived there when she was the AG there .....how long did you live there?.....and i am not considered white,i pass for a Mexican very easily...so stick your racist shit up your ass...

I told you, I don't care how white you are.

Don't trust or particularly believe your summation of any politician. You asked if she is qualified, by her resume she very much is without getting into personal opinions.

What this thread seems to be about for you is when a Democrat picks a woman or POC you assume that is the only qualification. Do you ever ask yourself when a party made up by a vast majority of white people pick a white person isn't about color of their skin? It would seem to at least be a fairly obvious question for you to answer.
you are not only a racist but you are gay basher too....that makes you an asshole and jerk on top of that....and on top of that you have no idea what this thread was about and you made it racial....good going asswipe...

I'm neither. Is this the part where you lose and just go batshit? I will just put it plainly, you're opinion and argument are lame and it's based on some sort of fucked up grievance and the mere mention that a gay guy or a black woman gets a high profile job sets you off. Tough shit if you feel they are wiping your nose in it, it's not about you.
since you mentioned petes dick and brought color into our conversation...you most certainly are....and now i will watch you lose it like you have in so many other threads were you got slapped....

Oh my, I don't think you understand context or what the term 'gay basher' means. Or that speaking about race doesn't make someone a racist. Jesus, dude, get a grip.
oh i dont think you do.....you are the ass that brought it up....and you didnt need to,but you did...that says something about you doesnt it?....

What's wrong with talking about race in a thread about wingnut discrimination? You think talking about race is bad but stating that the gay guy or the female vice president isn't good enough? Ok, whatever
you were not talking about race numbnuts.....you called me a white guy when you did not need to....that was personal...and i know you racial people just cant see the difference....

Oh, you poor, poor boy. I called you white. Was it an insult? No. Did I insult your race at all? No. Did I insult your sexual orientation? No. Did others insult them in this thread? Yes. What did you do? Whine that I called you white.

I'm having a difficult time feeling sorry for you.
thats because you are a fucking racist.....if i was a black guy would you have said the same thing?....and yes it was an insult,im not considered to be white by many....and by saying i might suck petes dick, yea you insulted my sexual orientation....

But, you're a white guy posting your white grievance about the merit of minorities in a Biden administration.

You're not considered to be white...but you are, aren't you? Nothing wrong with that.

I said don't worry you won't have to, in other words be forced to suck...you know what. I didn't say you wanted to. Not that there is anything wrong with it if you did and you do keep bringing it up, a lot. I'm not judging.
no im considered to be kinda brown.....and what you said is already on record here so you cant dance your way out of it....its funny how when you people are called out for your racist remarks how the dancing begins.....

Lot's of brown white people, why are you running away from it?

If you can point out specifically what I said was racist that would be great. Calling you white believe it or not, not racist.

Also, this is going to blow your mind. Me saying that you are playing your white grievance politics on the board, also not racist.
brown white people?....what the hell is that?.....also calling a person what their color is, is racist because you made that personal,even though you were wrong......and show me were in this thread i was playing so called white grievance politics?.....

White grievance politics - Taking issue when minorities are nominated, assuming it's only because of their minority status and excusing every white male in Republican administrations that have a large white male membership.

Did you know that white people come in many shades? But hey, if you aren't Caucasian then you aren't Caucasian.
learn to read dumbass....i have no problems when minorities are nominated my point was something totally different wasnt it?....you are getting to be a good dancer though i will give you that....

Yeah, your point was celebrating their diverse backgrounds. Why?
The democrat party is a party of identity politics. The want to have the look of being all inclusive.
So, you don't get the best person for the position.

The best person for the job can't be a woman or gay? Weird. In reality there are hundreds of people who are qualified for any given position. Was Ben Carson best for HUD? Probably not, but you didn't complain about that. How about Mark Meadows for CoS? He kind of sucked.
no one said that did they?....the point is appointing someone to a job BECAUSE that person is gay or whatever even thought there might be better people who just might not be gay or whatever.....

Who said the only reason a person of color or woman is appointed is because of race or gender. There are numerous qualified people who are not white that are capable and Biden is picking some of them to fill his cabinet.

In the meantime Trump picked Ben Carson for HUD. Was he qualified? Not really and in hearings he obviously doesn't seem to care or know what he's talking about. Did Trump pick Carson for HUD because he's black? Maybe. Do you care? Nope.

How about Mark Meadows? White guy, total train wreck.

Every person regardless of their own genetic make up should be qualified, period. But to almost always and consistently go white male is excluding a lot of qualified people.
Yes, Kamala is a product of identity politics. Obama was a product of identity politics. Both are/were not top tier politicians.
Next in line for the presidency will be a tranny, it's their turn.

Trump before he ran was a "top tier" politician? Nope. I certainly wouldn't have considered Mike Pence to be top tier either.

Obama, Harris and Trump (if you're into that sort of thing) all have charisma and are either young (relatively speaking), considered outsiders or both.

You can't even make an argument that wouldn't apply to white politicians but yet explicitly claiming blacks and women are unqualified is noted.
What I stated was, "Your identity politics trumps the best person for the position". You're getting all twisted up in your posts.
Not surprising though.
the guy is getting a few things twisted up....he brought up race in our conversation and called me a white guy....but thats not being a racist....

Oh no, I brought up race in a thread about you asshats having a problem with Biden placing women and gays in his administration. Shoot me.
no you called me a white guy ....you did not need to....but you did.....and i have no problem with those people,it was about why was their gender or sexual persuasion the story instead of what they bring to the table....but you racist seem to be all alike dont you?....and yea people like you do need be shot...

Being the first or near first is a story. It's been explained to you. It's a normalization of diverse backgrounds and all people being able to create national policy. It's something to celebrate when the qualified people who work in government resemble we the people.

I'm sorry you have a problem with that.
nice dance....now why dont you tell me about your comment about me sucking petes dick and the need to call me a white guy?.....dont try to change what we were talking about.....

I said (paraphrasing) that just because Pete was nominated doesn't mean your life is going to change in any way you don't want it to. Pretty sure you purposefully missed the point.
the point you made was because he is gay, dont worry you wont have to suck his dick....pretty sure you are purposely trying to change your point....

Oh my god, this is funny shit.

My point was because a gay guy is in the Whitehouse doesn't mean you are going to turn gay against (or with) your will, unless you want to and again I'm not judging.
sure you did.....you racist/anti gay fuckers open your mouths and get called on it and then its damage control.....to late chump....

I'm the guy who thinks Pete is qualified and don't care if he is gay or not, remember? But if you want to ignore someone calling Pete a fag and go after my posts making fun of you having a problem with a gay guy in Biden's cabinet, then so be it. I think I hit a nerve though.

You're either lying about my posts or a moron if you think anything I've said is homophobic or racist.
you hit nothing because i dont have a problem with pete.....that wasnt my point was it?....and yea i came after you because you were wrong....you attacked me remember?...and your last sentence kinda proves i am the one who hit a nerve....how does it feel to get called out with your racist homophobic posts?...

It makes me laugh at you. Why not quote exactly what I said that was racist and I'll try to explain it to you in a way that you will understand.
we already did that and all you did was dance and change what was talked about....now i am laughing at you....
Because Gays used to be prosecuted for being gay not to long ago and women were kept out of politics for a long time in America.
ok,but should one get a critical job just because they are a minority of some sort?...should they at least be qualified to do the job?...

Nobody said otherwise.
it seems to be happening a lot though doesnt it....what qualifications does harris have to run this country?...she was a half-assed AG and a half- assed senator who did not get much support in the primaries....

She ran the second largest justice system in the country. I don't think you're qualified to rate her one way or another and I don't care how white you are.
i lived there when she was the AG there .....how long did you live there?.....and i am not considered white,i pass for a Mexican very easily...so stick your racist shit up your ass...

I told you, I don't care how white you are.

Don't trust or particularly believe your summation of any politician. You asked if she is qualified, by her resume she very much is without getting into personal opinions.

What this thread seems to be about for you is when a Democrat picks a woman or POC you assume that is the only qualification. Do you ever ask yourself when a party made up by a vast majority of white people pick a white person isn't about color of their skin? It would seem to at least be a fairly obvious question for you to answer.
you are not only a racist but you are gay basher too....that makes you an asshole and jerk on top of that....and on top of that you have no idea what this thread was about and you made it racial....good going asswipe...

I'm neither. Is this the part where you lose and just go batshit? I will just put it plainly, you're opinion and argument are lame and it's based on some sort of fucked up grievance and the mere mention that a gay guy or a black woman gets a high profile job sets you off. Tough shit if you feel they are wiping your nose in it, it's not about you.
since you mentioned petes dick and brought color into our conversation...you most certainly are....and now i will watch you lose it like you have in so many other threads were you got slapped....

Oh my, I don't think you understand context or what the term 'gay basher' means. Or that speaking about race doesn't make someone a racist. Jesus, dude, get a grip.
oh i dont think you do.....you are the ass that brought it up....and you didnt need to,but you did...that says something about you doesnt it?....

What's wrong with talking about race in a thread about wingnut discrimination? You think talking about race is bad but stating that the gay guy or the female vice president isn't good enough? Ok, whatever
you were not talking about race numbnuts.....you called me a white guy when you did not need to....that was personal...and i know you racial people just cant see the difference....

Oh, you poor, poor boy. I called you white. Was it an insult? No. Did I insult your race at all? No. Did I insult your sexual orientation? No. Did others insult them in this thread? Yes. What did you do? Whine that I called you white.

I'm having a difficult time feeling sorry for you.
thats because you are a fucking racist.....if i was a black guy would you have said the same thing?....and yes it was an insult,im not considered to be white by many....and by saying i might suck petes dick, yea you insulted my sexual orientation....

But, you're a white guy posting your white grievance about the merit of minorities in a Biden administration.

You're not considered to be white...but you are, aren't you? Nothing wrong with that.

I said don't worry you won't have to, in other words be forced to suck...you know what. I didn't say you wanted to. Not that there is anything wrong with it if you did and you do keep bringing it up, a lot. I'm not judging.
no im considered to be kinda brown.....and what you said is already on record here so you cant dance your way out of it....its funny how when you people are called out for your racist remarks how the dancing begins.....

Lot's of brown white people, why are you running away from it?

If you can point out specifically what I said was racist that would be great. Calling you white believe it or not, not racist.

Also, this is going to blow your mind. Me saying that you are playing your white grievance politics on the board, also not racist.
brown white people?....what the hell is that?.....also calling a person what their color is, is racist because you made that personal,even though you were wrong......and show me were in this thread i was playing so called white grievance politics?.....

White grievance politics - Taking issue when minorities are nominated, assuming it's only because of their minority status and excusing every white male in Republican administrations that have a large white male membership.

Did you know that white people come in many shades? But hey, if you aren't Caucasian then you aren't Caucasian.
learn to read dumbass....i have no problems when minorities are nominated my point was something totally different wasnt it?....you are getting to be a good dancer though i will give you that....

Yeah, your point was celebrating their diverse backgrounds. Why?
my point was WHY is his gayness the whole story and gee maybe talk a little about what he brings to the table of transportation....got it?....
The democrat party is a party of identity politics. The want to have the look of being all inclusive.
So, you don't get the best person for the position.

The best person for the job can't be a woman or gay? Weird. In reality there are hundreds of people who are qualified for any given position. Was Ben Carson best for HUD? Probably not, but you didn't complain about that. How about Mark Meadows for CoS? He kind of sucked.
no one said that did they?....the point is appointing someone to a job BECAUSE that person is gay or whatever even thought there might be better people who just might not be gay or whatever.....

Who said the only reason a person of color or woman is appointed is because of race or gender. There are numerous qualified people who are not white that are capable and Biden is picking some of them to fill his cabinet.

In the meantime Trump picked Ben Carson for HUD. Was he qualified? Not really and in hearings he obviously doesn't seem to care or know what he's talking about. Did Trump pick Carson for HUD because he's black? Maybe. Do you care? Nope.

How about Mark Meadows? White guy, total train wreck.

Every person regardless of their own genetic make up should be qualified, period. But to almost always and consistently go white male is excluding a lot of qualified people.
Yes, Kamala is a product of identity politics. Obama was a product of identity politics. Both are/were not top tier politicians.
Next in line for the presidency will be a tranny, it's their turn.

Trump before he ran was a "top tier" politician? Nope. I certainly wouldn't have considered Mike Pence to be top tier either.

Obama, Harris and Trump (if you're into that sort of thing) all have charisma and are either young (relatively speaking), considered outsiders or both.

You can't even make an argument that wouldn't apply to white politicians but yet explicitly claiming blacks and women are unqualified is noted.
What I stated was, "Your identity politics trumps the best person for the position". You're getting all twisted up in your posts.
Not surprising though.
the guy is getting a few things twisted up....he brought up race in our conversation and called me a white guy....but thats not being a racist....

Oh no, I brought up race in a thread about you asshats having a problem with Biden placing women and gays in his administration. Shoot me.
no you called me a white guy ....you did not need to....but you did.....and i have no problem with those people,it was about why was their gender or sexual persuasion the story instead of what they bring to the table....but you racist seem to be all alike dont you?....and yea people like you do need be shot...

Being the first or near first is a story. It's been explained to you. It's a normalization of diverse backgrounds and all people being able to create national policy. It's something to celebrate when the qualified people who work in government resemble we the people.

I'm sorry you have a problem with that.
nice dance....now why dont you tell me about your comment about me sucking petes dick and the need to call me a white guy?.....dont try to change what we were talking about.....

I said (paraphrasing) that just because Pete was nominated doesn't mean your life is going to change in any way you don't want it to. Pretty sure you purposefully missed the point.
the point you made was because he is gay, dont worry you wont have to suck his dick....pretty sure you are purposely trying to change your point....

Oh my god, this is funny shit.

My point was because a gay guy is in the Whitehouse doesn't mean you are going to turn gay against (or with) your will, unless you want to and again I'm not judging.
sure you did.....you racist/anti gay fuckers open your mouths and get called on it and then its damage control.....to late chump....

I'm the guy who thinks Pete is qualified and don't care if he is gay or not, remember? But if you want to ignore someone calling Pete a fag and go after my posts making fun of you having a problem with a gay guy in Biden's cabinet, then so be it. I think I hit a nerve though.

You're either lying about my posts or a moron if you think anything I've said is homophobic or racist.
you hit nothing because i dont have a problem with pete.....that wasnt my point was it?....and yea i came after you because you were wrong....you attacked me remember?...and your last sentence kinda proves i am the one who hit a nerve....how does it feel to get called out with your racist homophobic posts?...

It makes me laugh at you. Why not quote exactly what I said that was racist and I'll try to explain it to you in a way that you will understand.
we already did that and all you did was dance and change what was talked about....now i am laughing at you....

I think you gave me your incompetent interpretation of my posts. Why don't you quote the part you have problems with and I'll explain them to you.
Because Gays used to be prosecuted for being gay not to long ago and women were kept out of politics for a long time in America.
ok,but should one get a critical job just because they are a minority of some sort?...should they at least be qualified to do the job?...

Nobody said otherwise.
it seems to be happening a lot though doesnt it....what qualifications does harris have to run this country?...she was a half-assed AG and a half- assed senator who did not get much support in the primaries....

She ran the second largest justice system in the country. I don't think you're qualified to rate her one way or another and I don't care how white you are.
i lived there when she was the AG there .....how long did you live there?.....and i am not considered white,i pass for a Mexican very easily...so stick your racist shit up your ass...

I told you, I don't care how white you are.

Don't trust or particularly believe your summation of any politician. You asked if she is qualified, by her resume she very much is without getting into personal opinions.

What this thread seems to be about for you is when a Democrat picks a woman or POC you assume that is the only qualification. Do you ever ask yourself when a party made up by a vast majority of white people pick a white person isn't about color of their skin? It would seem to at least be a fairly obvious question for you to answer.
you are not only a racist but you are gay basher too....that makes you an asshole and jerk on top of that....and on top of that you have no idea what this thread was about and you made it racial....good going asswipe...

I'm neither. Is this the part where you lose and just go batshit? I will just put it plainly, you're opinion and argument are lame and it's based on some sort of fucked up grievance and the mere mention that a gay guy or a black woman gets a high profile job sets you off. Tough shit if you feel they are wiping your nose in it, it's not about you.
since you mentioned petes dick and brought color into our conversation...you most certainly are....and now i will watch you lose it like you have in so many other threads were you got slapped....

Oh my, I don't think you understand context or what the term 'gay basher' means. Or that speaking about race doesn't make someone a racist. Jesus, dude, get a grip.
oh i dont think you do.....you are the ass that brought it up....and you didnt need to,but you did...that says something about you doesnt it?....

What's wrong with talking about race in a thread about wingnut discrimination? You think talking about race is bad but stating that the gay guy or the female vice president isn't good enough? Ok, whatever
you were not talking about race numbnuts.....you called me a white guy when you did not need to....that was personal...and i know you racial people just cant see the difference....

Oh, you poor, poor boy. I called you white. Was it an insult? No. Did I insult your race at all? No. Did I insult your sexual orientation? No. Did others insult them in this thread? Yes. What did you do? Whine that I called you white.

I'm having a difficult time feeling sorry for you.
thats because you are a fucking racist.....if i was a black guy would you have said the same thing?....and yes it was an insult,im not considered to be white by many....and by saying i might suck petes dick, yea you insulted my sexual orientation....

But, you're a white guy posting your white grievance about the merit of minorities in a Biden administration.

You're not considered to be white...but you are, aren't you? Nothing wrong with that.

I said don't worry you won't have to, in other words be forced to suck...you know what. I didn't say you wanted to. Not that there is anything wrong with it if you did and you do keep bringing it up, a lot. I'm not judging.
no im considered to be kinda brown.....and what you said is already on record here so you cant dance your way out of it....its funny how when you people are called out for your racist remarks how the dancing begins.....

Lot's of brown white people, why are you running away from it?

If you can point out specifically what I said was racist that would be great. Calling you white believe it or not, not racist.

Also, this is going to blow your mind. Me saying that you are playing your white grievance politics on the board, also not racist.
brown white people?....what the hell is that?.....also calling a person what their color is, is racist because you made that personal,even though you were wrong......and show me were in this thread i was playing so called white grievance politics?.....

White grievance politics - Taking issue when minorities are nominated, assuming it's only because of their minority status and excusing every white male in Republican administrations that have a large white male membership.

Did you know that white people come in many shades? But hey, if you aren't Caucasian then you aren't Caucasian.
learn to read dumbass....i have no problems when minorities are nominated my point was something totally different wasnt it?....you are getting to be a good dancer though i will give you that....

Yeah, your point was celebrating their diverse backgrounds. Why?
my point was WHY is his gayness the whole story and gee maybe talk a little about what he brings to the table of transportation....got it?....

It's not the whole story, it's just what you're reading into it. There hasn't been a lot of gays in the Whitehouse, it does tend to get headlines and you're just going to have to deal with it.
Because Gays used to be prosecuted for being gay not to long ago and women were kept out of politics for a long time in America.
ok,but should one get a critical job just because they are a minority of some sort?...should they at least be qualified to do the job?...

Nobody said otherwise.
it seems to be happening a lot though doesnt it....what qualifications does harris have to run this country?...she was a half-assed AG and a half- assed senator who did not get much support in the primaries....

She ran the second largest justice system in the country. I don't think you're qualified to rate her one way or another and I don't care how white you are.
i lived there when she was the AG there .....how long did you live there?.....and i am not considered white,i pass for a Mexican very easily...so stick your racist shit up your ass...

I told you, I don't care how white you are.

Don't trust or particularly believe your summation of any politician. You asked if she is qualified, by her resume she very much is without getting into personal opinions.

What this thread seems to be about for you is when a Democrat picks a woman or POC you assume that is the only qualification. Do you ever ask yourself when a party made up by a vast majority of white people pick a white person isn't about color of their skin? It would seem to at least be a fairly obvious question for you to answer.
you are not only a racist but you are gay basher too....that makes you an asshole and jerk on top of that....and on top of that you have no idea what this thread was about and you made it racial....good going asswipe...

I'm neither. Is this the part where you lose and just go batshit? I will just put it plainly, you're opinion and argument are lame and it's based on some sort of fucked up grievance and the mere mention that a gay guy or a black woman gets a high profile job sets you off. Tough shit if you feel they are wiping your nose in it, it's not about you.
since you mentioned petes dick and brought color into our conversation...you most certainly are....and now i will watch you lose it like you have in so many other threads were you got slapped....

Oh my, I don't think you understand context or what the term 'gay basher' means. Or that speaking about race doesn't make someone a racist. Jesus, dude, get a grip.
oh i dont think you do.....you are the ass that brought it up....and you didnt need to,but you did...that says something about you doesnt it?....

What's wrong with talking about race in a thread about wingnut discrimination? You think talking about race is bad but stating that the gay guy or the female vice president isn't good enough? Ok, whatever
you were not talking about race numbnuts.....you called me a white guy when you did not need to....that was personal...and i know you racial people just cant see the difference....

Oh, you poor, poor boy. I called you white. Was it an insult? No. Did I insult your race at all? No. Did I insult your sexual orientation? No. Did others insult them in this thread? Yes. What did you do? Whine that I called you white.

I'm having a difficult time feeling sorry for you.
thats because you are a fucking racist.....if i was a black guy would you have said the same thing?....and yes it was an insult,im not considered to be white by many....and by saying i might suck petes dick, yea you insulted my sexual orientation....

But, you're a white guy posting your white grievance about the merit of minorities in a Biden administration.

You're not considered to be white...but you are, aren't you? Nothing wrong with that.

I said don't worry you won't have to, in other words be forced to suck...you know what. I didn't say you wanted to. Not that there is anything wrong with it if you did and you do keep bringing it up, a lot. I'm not judging.
no im considered to be kinda brown.....and what you said is already on record here so you cant dance your way out of it....its funny how when you people are called out for your racist remarks how the dancing begins.....

Lot's of brown white people, why are you running away from it?

If you can point out specifically what I said was racist that would be great. Calling you white believe it or not, not racist.

Also, this is going to blow your mind. Me saying that you are playing your white grievance politics on the board, also not racist.
brown white people?....what the hell is that?.....also calling a person what their color is, is racist because you made that personal,even though you were wrong......and show me were in this thread i was playing so called white grievance politics?.....

White grievance politics - Taking issue when minorities are nominated, assuming it's only because of their minority status and excusing every white male in Republican administrations that have a large white male membership.

Did you know that white people come in many shades? But hey, if you aren't Caucasian then you aren't Caucasian.
learn to read dumbass....i have no problems when minorities are nominated my point was something totally different wasnt it?....you are getting to be a good dancer though i will give you that....

Yeah, your point was celebrating their diverse backgrounds. Why?
my point was WHY is his gayness the whole story and gee maybe talk a little about what he brings to the table of transportation....got it?....
Now you are walking over on my point too.....if you are nominating people based simply on their race or life choice or whatever, then admit it to be true. If you claim they are qualified at least talk about their qualifications a little bit.
Because Gays used to be prosecuted for being gay not to long ago and women were kept out of politics for a long time in America.
ok,but should one get a critical job just because they are a minority of some sort?...should they at least be qualified to do the job?...

Nobody said otherwise.
it seems to be happening a lot though doesnt it....what qualifications does harris have to run this country?...she was a half-assed AG and a half- assed senator who did not get much support in the primaries....

She ran the second largest justice system in the country. I don't think you're qualified to rate her one way or another and I don't care how white you are.
i lived there when she was the AG there .....how long did you live there?.....and i am not considered white,i pass for a Mexican very easily...so stick your racist shit up your ass...

I told you, I don't care how white you are.

Don't trust or particularly believe your summation of any politician. You asked if she is qualified, by her resume she very much is without getting into personal opinions.

What this thread seems to be about for you is when a Democrat picks a woman or POC you assume that is the only qualification. Do you ever ask yourself when a party made up by a vast majority of white people pick a white person isn't about color of their skin? It would seem to at least be a fairly obvious question for you to answer.
you are not only a racist but you are gay basher too....that makes you an asshole and jerk on top of that....and on top of that you have no idea what this thread was about and you made it racial....good going asswipe...

I'm neither. Is this the part where you lose and just go batshit? I will just put it plainly, you're opinion and argument are lame and it's based on some sort of fucked up grievance and the mere mention that a gay guy or a black woman gets a high profile job sets you off. Tough shit if you feel they are wiping your nose in it, it's not about you.
since you mentioned petes dick and brought color into our conversation...you most certainly are....and now i will watch you lose it like you have in so many other threads were you got slapped....

Oh my, I don't think you understand context or what the term 'gay basher' means. Or that speaking about race doesn't make someone a racist. Jesus, dude, get a grip.
oh i dont think you do.....you are the ass that brought it up....and you didnt need to,but you did...that says something about you doesnt it?....

What's wrong with talking about race in a thread about wingnut discrimination? You think talking about race is bad but stating that the gay guy or the female vice president isn't good enough? Ok, whatever
you were not talking about race numbnuts.....you called me a white guy when you did not need to....that was personal...and i know you racial people just cant see the difference....

Oh, you poor, poor boy. I called you white. Was it an insult? No. Did I insult your race at all? No. Did I insult your sexual orientation? No. Did others insult them in this thread? Yes. What did you do? Whine that I called you white.

I'm having a difficult time feeling sorry for you.
thats because you are a fucking racist.....if i was a black guy would you have said the same thing?....and yes it was an insult,im not considered to be white by many....and by saying i might suck petes dick, yea you insulted my sexual orientation....

But, you're a white guy posting your white grievance about the merit of minorities in a Biden administration.

You're not considered to be white...but you are, aren't you? Nothing wrong with that.

I said don't worry you won't have to, in other words be forced to suck...you know what. I didn't say you wanted to. Not that there is anything wrong with it if you did and you do keep bringing it up, a lot. I'm not judging.
no im considered to be kinda brown.....and what you said is already on record here so you cant dance your way out of it....its funny how when you people are called out for your racist remarks how the dancing begins.....

Lot's of brown white people, why are you running away from it?

If you can point out specifically what I said was racist that would be great. Calling you white believe it or not, not racist.

Also, this is going to blow your mind. Me saying that you are playing your white grievance politics on the board, also not racist.
brown white people?....what the hell is that?.....also calling a person what their color is, is racist because you made that personal,even though you were wrong......and show me were in this thread i was playing so called white grievance politics?.....

White grievance politics - Taking issue when minorities are nominated, assuming it's only because of their minority status and excusing every white male in Republican administrations that have a large white male membership.

Did you know that white people come in many shades? But hey, if you aren't Caucasian then you aren't Caucasian.
learn to read dumbass....i have no problems when minorities are nominated my point was something totally different wasnt it?....you are getting to be a good dancer though i will give you that....

Yeah, your point was celebrating their diverse backgrounds. Why?
my point was WHY is his gayness the whole story and gee maybe talk a little about what he brings to the table of transportation....got it?....
Now you are walking over on my point too.....if you are nominating people based simply on their race or life choice or whatever, then admit it to be true. If you claim they are qualified at least talk about their qualifications a little bit.

It appears that Infrastructure is going to be a prominent issue in Biden's campaign. Well, it was supposed to be in Trump's but that never panned out. Mayor Pete is an excellent communicator, especially on tv, he's known for his appearances on Fox News where he has more than held his own. Biden most likely is looking for someone who can talk to the people, there going to want to spend a lot of money and you need someone convincing. I think Pete is a good fit for the job. Something domestic considering his own background being a former mayor and something that will also need a voice. Being a Rhodes Scholar he's bright too.
The democrat party is a party of identity politics. The want to have the look of being all inclusive.
So, you don't get the best person for the position.

The best person for the job can't be a woman or gay? Weird. In reality there are hundreds of people who are qualified for any given position. Was Ben Carson best for HUD? Probably not, but you didn't complain about that. How about Mark Meadows for CoS? He kind of sucked.
no one said that did they?....the point is appointing someone to a job BECAUSE that person is gay or whatever even thought there might be better people who just might not be gay or whatever.....

Who said the only reason a person of color or woman is appointed is because of race or gender. There are numerous qualified people who are not white that are capable and Biden is picking some of them to fill his cabinet.

In the meantime Trump picked Ben Carson for HUD. Was he qualified? Not really and in hearings he obviously doesn't seem to care or know what he's talking about. Did Trump pick Carson for HUD because he's black? Maybe. Do you care? Nope.

How about Mark Meadows? White guy, total train wreck.

Every person regardless of their own genetic make up should be qualified, period. But to almost always and consistently go white male is excluding a lot of qualified people.
Yes, Kamala is a product of identity politics. Obama was a product of identity politics. Both are/were not top tier politicians.
Next in line for the presidency will be a tranny, it's their turn.

Trump before he ran was a "top tier" politician? Nope. I certainly wouldn't have considered Mike Pence to be top tier either.

Obama, Harris and Trump (if you're into that sort of thing) all have charisma and are either young (relatively speaking), considered outsiders or both.

You can't even make an argument that wouldn't apply to white politicians but yet explicitly claiming blacks and women are unqualified is noted.
What I stated was, "Your identity politics trumps the best person for the position". You're getting all twisted up in your posts.
Not surprising though.
the guy is getting a few things twisted up....he brought up race in our conversation and called me a white guy....but thats not being a racist....

Oh no, I brought up race in a thread about you asshats having a problem with Biden placing women and gays in his administration. Shoot me.
You're being obtuse, I stated that your party puts identity politics above the most qualified person. It's not the same no matter how much
you try and twist it
The democrat party is a party of identity politics. The want to have the look of being all inclusive.
So, you don't get the best person for the position.

The best person for the job can't be a woman or gay? Weird. In reality there are hundreds of people who are qualified for any given position. Was Ben Carson best for HUD? Probably not, but you didn't complain about that. How about Mark Meadows for CoS? He kind of sucked.
no one said that did they?....the point is appointing someone to a job BECAUSE that person is gay or whatever even thought there might be better people who just might not be gay or whatever.....

Who said the only reason a person of color or woman is appointed is because of race or gender. There are numerous qualified people who are not white that are capable and Biden is picking some of them to fill his cabinet.

In the meantime Trump picked Ben Carson for HUD. Was he qualified? Not really and in hearings he obviously doesn't seem to care or know what he's talking about. Did Trump pick Carson for HUD because he's black? Maybe. Do you care? Nope.

How about Mark Meadows? White guy, total train wreck.

Every person regardless of their own genetic make up should be qualified, period. But to almost always and consistently go white male is excluding a lot of qualified people.
Yes, Kamala is a product of identity politics. Obama was a product of identity politics. Both are/were not top tier politicians.
Next in line for the presidency will be a tranny, it's their turn.

Trump before he ran was a "top tier" politician? Nope. I certainly wouldn't have considered Mike Pence to be top tier either.

Obama, Harris and Trump (if you're into that sort of thing) all have charisma and are either young (relatively speaking), considered outsiders or both.

You can't even make an argument that wouldn't apply to white politicians but yet explicitly claiming blacks and women are unqualified is noted.
What I stated was, "Your identity politics trumps the best person for the position". You're getting all twisted up in your posts.
Not surprising though.
the guy is getting a few things twisted up....he brought up race in our conversation and called me a white guy....but thats not being a racist....

Oh no, I brought up race in a thread about you asshats having a problem with Biden placing women and gays in his administration. Shoot me.
You're being obtuse, I stated that your party puts identity politics above the most qualified person. It's not the same no matter how much
you try and twist it

Who is the most qualified person? Why is it when the predominantly white party puts in predominantly white people it's not about race?

What is wrong with celebrating a white house cabinet that resembles America?
I keep seeing news reports of first Woman, and or First Homosexual to be selected or appointed. Why is this so important in American politics today.Should it not be best qualified for these government positions? Your thoughts.
Why do you assume someone isn’t qualified for a position just because they’re celebrated as being the first of their gender or sexual orientation to fill a position? They can be both celebrated and qualified.
What makes you think they are truly qualified?
I trust president-elect Biden to choose qualified people to fill his cabinet.

What makes you think they’re not qualified?
Because Sleepy has dementia and is not qualified to even know his colors right now, so I think these choices are being made simply to fill diversity criteria.
So, reasoning for opposing his cabinet picks is, you don’t like him, and you suspect he picked some of them based on race, sex and sexual orientation.

I couldn’t disagree more. Whether you like him or not, I don’t care. But he is a well-oiled machine when it comes to politics. I trust his judgement in character. You see Mayor Pete as merely a homosexual; I see him as a very intelligent and thoughtful person who strives to work for the good of the people
The democrat party is a party of identity politics. The want to have the look of being all inclusive.
So, you don't get the best person for the position.

The best person for the job can't be a woman or gay? Weird. In reality there are hundreds of people who are qualified for any given position. Was Ben Carson best for HUD? Probably not, but you didn't complain about that. How about Mark Meadows for CoS? He kind of sucked.
no one said that did they?....the point is appointing someone to a job BECAUSE that person is gay or whatever even thought there might be better people who just might not be gay or whatever.....

Who said the only reason a person of color or woman is appointed is because of race or gender. There are numerous qualified people who are not white that are capable and Biden is picking some of them to fill his cabinet.

In the meantime Trump picked Ben Carson for HUD. Was he qualified? Not really and in hearings he obviously doesn't seem to care or know what he's talking about. Did Trump pick Carson for HUD because he's black? Maybe. Do you care? Nope.

How about Mark Meadows? White guy, total train wreck.

Every person regardless of their own genetic make up should be qualified, period. But to almost always and consistently go white male is excluding a lot of qualified people.
Yes, Kamala is a product of identity politics. Obama was a product of identity politics. Both are/were not top tier politicians.
Next in line for the presidency will be a tranny, it's their turn.

Trump before he ran was a "top tier" politician? Nope. I certainly wouldn't have considered Mike Pence to be top tier either.

Obama, Harris and Trump (if you're into that sort of thing) all have charisma and are either young (relatively speaking), considered outsiders or both.

You can't even make an argument that wouldn't apply to white politicians but yet explicitly claiming blacks and women are unqualified is noted.
What I stated was, "Your identity politics trumps the best person for the position". You're getting all twisted up in your posts.
Not surprising though.
the guy is getting a few things twisted up....he brought up race in our conversation and called me a white guy....but thats not being a racist....

Oh no, I brought up race in a thread about you asshats having a problem with Biden placing women and gays in his administration. Shoot me.
You're being obtuse, I stated that your party puts identity politics above the most qualified person. It's not the same no matter how much
you try and twist it

Who is the most qualified person? Why is it when the predominantly white party puts in predominantly white people it's not about race?
When you put it like that, you're the racist. sad
The democrat party is a party of identity politics. The want to have the look of being all inclusive.
So, you don't get the best person for the position.

The best person for the job can't be a woman or gay? Weird. In reality there are hundreds of people who are qualified for any given position. Was Ben Carson best for HUD? Probably not, but you didn't complain about that. How about Mark Meadows for CoS? He kind of sucked.
no one said that did they?....the point is appointing someone to a job BECAUSE that person is gay or whatever even thought there might be better people who just might not be gay or whatever.....

Who said the only reason a person of color or woman is appointed is because of race or gender. There are numerous qualified people who are not white that are capable and Biden is picking some of them to fill his cabinet.

In the meantime Trump picked Ben Carson for HUD. Was he qualified? Not really and in hearings he obviously doesn't seem to care or know what he's talking about. Did Trump pick Carson for HUD because he's black? Maybe. Do you care? Nope.

How about Mark Meadows? White guy, total train wreck.

Every person regardless of their own genetic make up should be qualified, period. But to almost always and consistently go white male is excluding a lot of qualified people.
Yes, Kamala is a product of identity politics. Obama was a product of identity politics. Both are/were not top tier politicians.
Next in line for the presidency will be a tranny, it's their turn.

Trump before he ran was a "top tier" politician? Nope. I certainly wouldn't have considered Mike Pence to be top tier either.

Obama, Harris and Trump (if you're into that sort of thing) all have charisma and are either young (relatively speaking), considered outsiders or both.

You can't even make an argument that wouldn't apply to white politicians but yet explicitly claiming blacks and women are unqualified is noted.
What I stated was, "Your identity politics trumps the best person for the position". You're getting all twisted up in your posts.
Not surprising though.
the guy is getting a few things twisted up....he brought up race in our conversation and called me a white guy....but thats not being a racist....

Oh no, I brought up race in a thread about you asshats having a problem with Biden placing women and gays in his administration. Shoot me.
You're being obtuse, I stated that your party puts identity politics above the most qualified person. It's not the same no matter how much
you try and twist it

Who is the most qualified person? Why is it when the predominantly white party puts in predominantly white people it's not about race?
When you put it like that, you're the racist. sad

Yeah, didn't think you could answer the question.
The democrat party is a party of identity politics. The want to have the look of being all inclusive.
So, you don't get the best person for the position.

The best person for the job can't be a woman or gay? Weird. In reality there are hundreds of people who are qualified for any given position. Was Ben Carson best for HUD? Probably not, but you didn't complain about that. How about Mark Meadows for CoS? He kind of sucked.
no one said that did they?....the point is appointing someone to a job BECAUSE that person is gay or whatever even thought there might be better people who just might not be gay or whatever.....

Who said the only reason a person of color or woman is appointed is because of race or gender. There are numerous qualified people who are not white that are capable and Biden is picking some of them to fill his cabinet.

In the meantime Trump picked Ben Carson for HUD. Was he qualified? Not really and in hearings he obviously doesn't seem to care or know what he's talking about. Did Trump pick Carson for HUD because he's black? Maybe. Do you care? Nope.

How about Mark Meadows? White guy, total train wreck.

Every person regardless of their own genetic make up should be qualified, period. But to almost always and consistently go white male is excluding a lot of qualified people.
Yes, Kamala is a product of identity politics. Obama was a product of identity politics. Both are/were not top tier politicians.
Next in line for the presidency will be a tranny, it's their turn.

Trump before he ran was a "top tier" politician? Nope. I certainly wouldn't have considered Mike Pence to be top tier either.

Obama, Harris and Trump (if you're into that sort of thing) all have charisma and are either young (relatively speaking), considered outsiders or both.

You can't even make an argument that wouldn't apply to white politicians but yet explicitly claiming blacks and women are unqualified is noted.
What I stated was, "Your identity politics trumps the best person for the position". You're getting all twisted up in your posts.
Not surprising though.
the guy is getting a few things twisted up....he brought up race in our conversation and called me a white guy....but thats not being a racist....

Oh no, I brought up race in a thread about you asshats having a problem with Biden placing women and gays in his administration. Shoot me.
You're being obtuse, I stated that your party puts identity politics above the most qualified person. It's not the same no matter how much
you try and twist it

Who is the most qualified person? Why is it when the predominantly white party puts in predominantly white people it's not about race?
When you put it like that, you're the racist. sad

Yeah, didn't think you could answer the question.
I'm asking why is your party hell bent on identity politics over which person is most qualified for the position?
From my first post, I've been asking that.
That has always been my premise, and you have to make it about race, you racist.
The democrat party is a party of identity politics. The want to have the look of being all inclusive.
So, you don't get the best person for the position.

The best person for the job can't be a woman or gay? Weird. In reality there are hundreds of people who are qualified for any given position. Was Ben Carson best for HUD? Probably not, but you didn't complain about that. How about Mark Meadows for CoS? He kind of sucked.
no one said that did they?....the point is appointing someone to a job BECAUSE that person is gay or whatever even thought there might be better people who just might not be gay or whatever.....

Who said the only reason a person of color or woman is appointed is because of race or gender. There are numerous qualified people who are not white that are capable and Biden is picking some of them to fill his cabinet.

In the meantime Trump picked Ben Carson for HUD. Was he qualified? Not really and in hearings he obviously doesn't seem to care or know what he's talking about. Did Trump pick Carson for HUD because he's black? Maybe. Do you care? Nope.

How about Mark Meadows? White guy, total train wreck.

Every person regardless of their own genetic make up should be qualified, period. But to almost always and consistently go white male is excluding a lot of qualified people.
Yes, Kamala is a product of identity politics. Obama was a product of identity politics. Both are/were not top tier politicians.
Next in line for the presidency will be a tranny, it's their turn.

Trump before he ran was a "top tier" politician? Nope. I certainly wouldn't have considered Mike Pence to be top tier either.

Obama, Harris and Trump (if you're into that sort of thing) all have charisma and are either young (relatively speaking), considered outsiders or both.

You can't even make an argument that wouldn't apply to white politicians but yet explicitly claiming blacks and women are unqualified is noted.
What I stated was, "Your identity politics trumps the best person for the position". You're getting all twisted up in your posts.
Not surprising though.
the guy is getting a few things twisted up....he brought up race in our conversation and called me a white guy....but thats not being a racist....

Oh no, I brought up race in a thread about you asshats having a problem with Biden placing women and gays in his administration. Shoot me.
You're being obtuse, I stated that your party puts identity politics above the most qualified person. It's not the same no matter how much
you try and twist it

Who is the most qualified person? Why is it when the predominantly white party puts in predominantly white people it's not about race?
When you put it like that, you're the racist. sad

Yeah, didn't think you could answer the question.
I'm asking why is your party hell bent on identity politics over which person is most qualified for the position?
From my first post, I've been asking that.
That has always been my premise, and you have to make it about race, you racist.

I asked you who is most qualified and you haven't answered.

What's wrong with a diverse cabinet? Was this the best guy?


What about this guy?


HUD, really?


Employee of the month?


Why did you not complain when Trump didn't bring in the A-Team?

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