Why is FOX so dominant????

There is no accounting for taste.
I just happen to like Keith’s show.

I don't think you can conclude that the ratings are a matter of taste. The ratings are a matter of substance. Olbermann's audience is mostly those who delight in having rightwingers of all stripes beat up on, no matter how much out of context he has to take stuff in order to do it, and that's pretty much all he does. However annoying O'Reilly's personality and/or mehods might be, he deals in current events and substantive issues in a way largely missing on Olbermann's show.

Wait. Did I have a discussion like this with George Costanza awhile back? That preferring school yard taunts, innuendo, and put downs IS a matter of taste? Maybe so. I can't remember.

But you can go right down the line on all of Fox's programming and find those current events and substantive issues explored at least sufficiently the audience knows what the issue is. Much of the time that is difficult to find on the other cable news programs.

So. . . .Fox continues to command more market share than CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, and HLN combined in almost all time slots.

Of course ratings are a matter of taste (personal preference). Do you prefer “Pinheads and Patriots” or the “Worst Person in the World”. Do you like topics that Keith talks about and/or Keith’s style of speech or do you like topics that Bill talks about and/or Bill’s style of speech. You gave your opinion. As I see it, Bill’s audience is mostly those who delight in having left-wingers of all stripes beat up on, no matter how much out of context he has to take stuff in order to do it. A perfect example was the one in which Bill talked over the young man as the young man was trying to give a complete answer to Bill’s challenge. Also, they seem to have no problems with ambush journalistic attacks against those with whom Bill has issues. I think that some of Fox’s audience consists of those who watch Fox just to find ways to make fun of the commentators. I sometimes watch Bill to see how pompous and self-righteous he acts.

Programs have bias-by-omission. Fox will choose to not cover topics that people might think to be important. MSNBC will do the same. Who is to say what a substantive issue is? Again, it is a matter of taste/opinion.

We at least agree that Fox continues to command more market share. I think that much of Fox’s audience
There is no accounting for taste.
I just happen to like Keith’s show.

I don't think you can conclude that the ratings are a matter of taste. The ratings are a matter of substance. Olbermann's audience is mostly those who delight in having rightwingers of all stripes beat up on, no matter how much out of context he has to take stuff in order to do it, and that's pretty much all he does. However annoying O'Reilly's personality and/or mehods might be, he deals in current events and substantive issues in a way largely missing on Olbermann's show.

Wait. Did I have a discussion like this with George Costanza awhile back? That preferring school yard taunts, innuendo, and put downs IS a matter of taste? Maybe so. I can't remember.

But you can go right down the line on all of Fox's programming and find those current events and substantive issues explored at least sufficiently the audience knows what the issue is. Much of the time that is difficult to find on the other cable news programs.

So. . . .Fox continues to command more market share than CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, and HLN combined in almost all time slots.
Great points!.......It would be interesting to see if Olbermann, or even Opie Maddow interviewed even one righty they vehemently bash with nothing but tired liberal talking point BS.....They're both cowards to the core. They are Soros lackeys, nothing more....Believing anything they say is tantamount to panning for fools gold........And as we all see, the ratings fully prove that only the farthest left of the left buy into their BS.

Is your propensity for name-calling indicative of others with your political view?
Please show some class.

Maddow interviews Ron Paul:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noMS40OhI8E&feature=related]YouTube - Ron Paul on Rachel Maddow[/ame]

Maddow invites Lieberman to the show:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkWD51dMd5w]YouTube - Maddow invites Lieberman on her show[/ame]

Maddow speaks with Pat Buchanan in a civil manner –
without speaking over him as Bill did the young man.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1TvXZhPZis]YouTube - Rachel fights with Buchanan on race - Part 1[/ame]

Maddow clearly demonstrates civility, patience, and bravery.
Ratings are not an indication of the truthfulness of the show hosts.
Is your propensity for name-calling indicative of others with your political view?
Please show some class.

Very kind of you, but this above is a little bit like telling a crack head to go out and spend his money on a hot meal. Useless.

I tried that route when I arrived. But you quickly find you're dealing with the most stereotypical of cons -- people who are utterly void of class. Caricatures of everything America hates about the irrational, science-adverse, radical right.

Evidence furthered by the pre-pubescent and obligatory response to this post to come any moment now...
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LOL.....just found this.......the genius of the Obama supoorter................

YouTube - Barack Obama, Change We Can Believe In?

Let me explain to you how this works: you see, the corporations ... out... and the corporations sit there in their... in their corporation buildings, and... and, and see, they're all corporation-y... and they make money. ...
It is so sad to watch O'Reilly having to resort to talking over a young man who is obviously making very valid points that happen to be in contravention to O'Reilly's views.

But then, it's O'Reilly. We should not expect anything more.

The young man was making points that weren't true, and O'Reilly called him on it. He will do that every single time it happens no matter who is the guest. If there is any way possible he will do that while the guest is there rather than criticize the guest once he has no more opportunity to respond.

And these two got way more uninterrupted air time than most of O'Reilly's guests get. One of my frustrations with O'Reilly is that he does talk over his guests--ALL his guests--but he has a very tightly programmed show and only has so many minutes to get in the segment and he won't allow a guest to fillibuster all the time or control the content. So yeah, he can be annoying. But he did bring on both points of view and he gave them both opportunity to express them and he didn't invite controversial crazies to express them.

That's about as fair and balanced as you're ever going to find on one of these type programs.

The young man was making points that were true. He had a copy of the speech. Bill latched onto a part of the speech and took it out of context. Bill called him on it but would not let him explain how Bill had taken part of it out of context. Bill talked over the young man as he was trying to make his point. Bill is a joke. He still won’t answer questions about his relationship with Andrea Mackris (Why are the terms of the out-of-court agreement are confidential. Let’s have Bill open up.) but is all too ready to lecture others on sexual behavior. I wonder if he still condones ambush Journalism. It would sure be fun to see someone ambush him with questions.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FQ-V1Tj2As]YouTube - ill O'Reilly's 'Ambush Journalism' in 87 seconds--CrooksandLiars.com[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sfrCSq2oW8&feature=related]YouTube - How to defend against ambush "journalism"[/ame]

Yes. I like Keith. He cuts through Fox news and eats their commentators for lunch.

yeah........... but nobody watches his show except the same 189 k00ks every night!!!!:lol: LOL........he''s lost almost 1 million viewers in the past 19 months!!:eek:

He's impressive............but only to the k00ks.
Oh yeah, Keith O. does a great job doesn't he? Which is why he nets about 1/3 of the audience that O'Reilly gets in the same time slot, and while both were down somewhat in the second quarter this year, Keith slipped seriously in the money demographics - ages 25-54 - and he has been declining in that important market share every quarter for more than a year now. At that rate, they can't keep him much longer.


Oh well. I'm not debating the ratings war.
There is no accounting for taste.
I just happen to like Keith’s show.

"No accounting for taste":tomato:

Check out this Olbermann "Worst.......Worser" rant!!!Olbermann Names Michael Calderone One Of Worst Persons In The World (VIDEO)

Whats particularly compelling is Olbermann's snickering:lol:........as if his stuff is resonating with the population at large. This is why I make it a habit of tuning this guy in......for the hysterical value.............because you watch it, take in the pompous presentation..........then realize that only a handful of people are watching!!! And then......even more hysterical........is you realize that nobody is watching except the hyper- left k00ks anyway = ZERO political impact!!!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

Thats why tuning in Olbermann's show is such a hoot!!! Because you know with 100% certainty that anybody who is curious and peeking in to see his show reaches for the remote, saying to themselves, "This is a typical hyper-lefty smear show!!!"..........and its based not only on the substance presented but the impact on the viewer which leaves the perception, "Shit........this guy is angry as hell people have views that differ from his............a burn the books fascist!!"

Lets face it s0ns............MSNBC shows MIGHT:eusa_eh:resonate with, at most, 20% of the country. ( ie: hyper-gays, bulldog feminists, environmental fringe, young idealistic students, mental cases, hate-America hippies and pseudo-intellectuals )

People who watch FOX? A minimum of 40% of the country and likely much, much higher............thus, the math makes a conservative person tuning in to Olbermann, like tuning in a comedy show!! And the irony is...........liberal TV and radio people cant do comedy because they are always so fcukking angry and miserable............

EXACTLY why their ratings suck balls.................:lol::lol::D:rofl::eusa_dance::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

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Fox is simply the best. It's no secret. Watch Bill O'Reilly for a week and then watch Keith Olbermann for a week. If you are even half human you will watch Bill simply for the beautiful babes and Dennis Miller. Miller makes me roll on the floor.

Watch Bill O'Reilly for a couple of minutes, you decide.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beJ9yJpR_DA&feature=related]YouTube - Bill O'Reilly Gets Owned By Kid[/ame]
That's a great video. That kid kicked O'Reilly's ass.
Oh yeah, Keith O. does a great job doesn't he? Which is why he nets about 1/3 of the audience that O'Reilly gets in the same time slot, and while both were down somewhat in the second quarter this year, Keith slipped seriously in the money demographics - ages 25-54 - and he has been declining in that important market share every quarter for more than a year now. At that rate, they can't keep him much longer.


Oh well. I'm not debating the ratings war.
There is no accounting for taste.
I just happen to like Keith’s show.

"No accounting for taste":tomato:

Check out this Olbermann "Worst.......Worser" rant!!!Olbermann Names Michael Calderone One Of Worst Persons In The World (VIDEO)

Whats particularly compelling is Olbermann's snickering:lol:........as if his stuff is resonating with the population at large. This is why I make it a habit of tuning this guy in......for the hysterical value.............because you watch it, take in the pompous presentation..........then realize that only a handful of people are watching!!! And then......even more hysterical........is you realize that nobody is watching except the hyper- left k00ks anyway = ZERO political impact!!!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

Thats why tuning in Olbermann's show is such a hoot!!! Because you know with 100% certainty that anybody who is curious and peeking in to see his show reaches for the remote, saying to themselves, "This is a typical hyper-lefty smear show!!!"..........and its based not only on the substance presented but the impact on the viewer which leaves the perception, "Shit........this guy is angry as hell people have views that differ from his............a burn the books fascist!!"

Lets face it s0ns............MSNBC shows MIGHT:eusa_eh:resonate with, at most, 20% of the country. ( ie: hyper-gays, bulldog feminists, environmental fringe, young idealistic students, mental cases, hate-America hippies and pseudo-intellectuals )

People who watch FOX? A minimum of 40% of the country and likely much, much higher............thus, the math makes a conservative person tuning in to Olbermann, like tuning in a comedy show!! And the irony is...........liberal TV and radio people cant do comedy because they are always so fcukking angry and miserable............

EXACTLY why their ratings suck balls.................:lol::lol::D:rofl::eusa_dance::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:


You give us just speculation and guess work concerning those who watch MSNBC vs. Fox. You also resort to name-calling against those who like to watch Keith. Oh well. It would be interesting to see some actual in-depth statistical research as to why people watch MSNBC / Fox.
Um... just one point to the OP.

Opinion shows are not news. Maddow, Olberjoke, Beck, Hannity, O'Really?, Van Sustren, Cooper and all the rest are pushing commentary and bias from both sides of the coin.

And right now, the right is popular and finally has a source to get it's opinion on one network and ONLY one network: Fox News. The left is diluted through 6 of them. (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBS, PBS). This is why people funnel to the fox opinion shows.

Now as for REAL bias, look at the news reporting. Fox is STILL very far right in comparison to the other networks. The sad part is, that this means they do balance the news and reporting style very well compared to the other networks. They seem to commit the lies of commission and omission equally as compared to the MSNBS crew which had a 90/10 lean for Obama during the election on positive news coverage.

Bias created by omission and/or fake balance is far more commonplace on the other networks when we get 'balanced' panel shows which consist of a radical but telegenic socialist, a few 'liberals' who are radicals in disguise and a token conservative who is really an Elitist RINO who votes with the left 70% of the time anyway for his own personal power and prestige.

Bias is far more insidious when you look at the news. What irritates the fuck out of me is the amount of time spent recycling the "big story o' the day" for hours on end when you could be better spending your time investigating smaller stories that are still important on BOTH sides of the fence. Or better still, since this nation is accused of having such a short attention span AND memory, RERUN related news or news on that date from history! Show people the connections to the big stories of the day.

You know what brought this to mind for me? Old video tapes I have from the 1988 movies I used to take. I watched Mike Dukakis ads from just before the election. In 8 movies I have taped from that period, there were dozens of ads for Dukakis and maybe 4 for HW Bush. Just 4 compared to over 36 for Dukakis. How's THAT for omission and spending differential? The funniest part is this though... The Dukakis ads? Could be played for the GOP today. Overspending, national debt, unemployment out of control... It's amazing. But since nobody has a damn memory beyond 6 months in this nation, this kind of stuff is forgotten.

That is something I'd love to see changed in the 24 hour news cycle.
Once again, the only reason Fox enjoys the ratings they do is because they receive the consolidated viewership of the full right wing. It's the only network to choose from for spoon-fed conservative psycho babble.

The other networks have their viewership divided up amongst themselves. It's basic ideological pie-chart math here, not any indication of superior news production. (I'd dare say NONE of the networks are doing their job informing the American people at all. But especially not Faux).

If I divide a pie into 5 equal slices, and matt, Dante and myself each get one slice, and skook there gets two slices, does that mean Fox fans have MOST OF the pie? Nope. It just means they have THE MOST pie. ...
fox cant even beat out reruns of south park, people turn to fox noise for the comedy not the news, there isn't a soul on earth that thinks of them as news and it's the same on the other cable networks. As for bill O my favorite u tube is the F%$#k it will do it live, that one is funny!
Once again, the only reason Fox enjoys the ratings they do is because they receive the consolidated viewership of the full right wing. It's the only network to choose from for spoon-fed conservative psycho babble.

The other networks have their viewership divided up amongst themselves. It's basic ideological pie-chart math here, not any indication of superior news production. (I'd dare say NONE of the networks are doing their job informing the American people at all. But especially not Faux).

If I divide a pie into 5 equal slices, and matt, Dante and myself each get one slice, and skook there gets two slices, does that mean Fox fans have MOST OF the pie? Nope. It just means they have THE MOST pie. ...

I disagree. The majority of Americans are right of center on most of the main issues and they get tired of having their point of view smeared and denigrated on the leftwing news sources. So they go to Fox where their point of view won't be smeared and denigrated and where they can hear somebody express their point of view.

Fox straight news reporting may tilt a bit right of center but it is as or more centrist than is ANY other news programming either cable or free networks. And Fox News and Conservative talk radio plus a few rightwing websites are the ONLY sources giving any attention at all to those 'little stories' Fitz was talking about up there.

You simply cannot get around the fact that if you add up the market share for CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, and HLN, Fox News continues to beat all those others combined. If those others were allowing even half the balanced coverage that Fox provides, you would see much different margins in market share.

Oh well. I'm not debating the ratings war.
There is no accounting for taste.
I just happen to like Keith’s show.

"No accounting for taste":tomato:

Check out this Olbermann "Worst.......Worser" rant!!!Olbermann Names Michael Calderone One Of Worst Persons In The World (VIDEO)

Whats particularly compelling is Olbermann's snickering:lol:........as if his stuff is resonating with the population at large. This is why I make it a habit of tuning this guy in......for the hysterical value.............because you watch it, take in the pompous presentation..........then realize that only a handful of people are watching!!! And then......even more hysterical........is you realize that nobody is watching except the hyper- left k00ks anyway = ZERO political impact!!!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

Thats why tuning in Olbermann's show is such a hoot!!! Because you know with 100% certainty that anybody who is curious and peeking in to see his show reaches for the remote, saying to themselves, "This is a typical hyper-lefty smear show!!!"..........and its based not only on the substance presented but the impact on the viewer which leaves the perception, "Shit........this guy is angry as hell people have views that differ from his............a burn the books fascist!!"

Lets face it s0ns............MSNBC shows MIGHT:eusa_eh:resonate with, at most, 20% of the country. ( ie: hyper-gays, bulldog feminists, environmental fringe, young idealistic students, mental cases, hate-America hippies and pseudo-intellectuals )

People who watch FOX? A minimum of 40% of the country and likely much, much higher............thus, the math makes a conservative person tuning in to Olbermann, like tuning in a comedy show!! And the irony is...........liberal TV and radio people cant do comedy because they are always so fcukking angry and miserable............

EXACTLY why their ratings suck balls.................:lol::lol::D:rofl::eusa_dance::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:


You give us just speculation and guess work concerning those who watch MSNBC vs. Fox. You also resort to name-calling against those who like to watch Keith. Oh well. It would be interesting to see some actual in-depth statistical research as to why people watch MSNBC / Fox.

Check out post #114 s0n............you might not like it and/or not get it, but thats the way it is.........then go back and read my post. Only members with the political IQ of a small soap dish dont understand the MSNBC disasterous ratings dynamic. Indeed..........just look how this nothing thread has attracted virtually every single far left of center k00k on the forums. Happens with every thread with "FOX" in the title..........these members go mental. Its because they know FOX blows up all their BS.........and they fcukking hate it!!!

ANd the real disconnect for the k00ks happens when they get decimated in elections............like this coming Novemeber. They simply dont get how their candidates get elected. It is only when Mr and Mrs Stupid of America is begged to vote. These people understand as much about the issues as I do about quantum physics. These folks are intellectually challenged by American Idol.........so of course nobody is going to watch a network that publically pushes for socialism!!
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"No accounting for taste":tomato:

Check out this Olbermann "Worst.......Worser" rant!!!Olbermann Names Michael Calderone One Of Worst Persons In The World (VIDEO)

Whats particularly compelling is Olbermann's snickering:lol:........as if his stuff is resonating with the population at large. This is why I make it a habit of tuning this guy in......for the hysterical value.............because you watch it, take in the pompous presentation..........then realize that only a handful of people are watching!!! And then......even more hysterical........is you realize that nobody is watching except the hyper- left k00ks anyway = ZERO political impact!!!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

Thats why tuning in Olbermann's show is such a hoot!!! Because you know with 100% certainty that anybody who is curious and peeking in to see his show reaches for the remote, saying to themselves, "This is a typical hyper-lefty smear show!!!"..........and its based not only on the substance presented but the impact on the viewer which leaves the perception, "Shit........this guy is angry as hell people have views that differ from his............a burn the books fascist!!"

Lets face it s0ns............MSNBC shows MIGHT:eusa_eh:resonate with, at most, 20% of the country. ( ie: hyper-gays, bulldog feminists, environmental fringe, young idealistic students, mental cases, hate-America hippies and pseudo-intellectuals )

People who watch FOX? A minimum of 40% of the country and likely much, much higher............thus, the math makes a conservative person tuning in to Olbermann, like tuning in a comedy show!! And the irony is...........liberal TV and radio people cant do comedy because they are always so fcukking angry and miserable............

EXACTLY why their ratings suck balls.................:lol::lol::D:rofl::eusa_dance::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:


You give us just speculation and guess work concerning those who watch MSNBC vs. Fox. You also resort to name-calling against those who like to watch Keith. Oh well. It would be interesting to see some actual in-depth statistical research as to why people watch MSNBC / Fox.

Check out post #114 s0n............you might not like it and/or not get it, but thats the way it is.........then go back and read my post. Only members with the political IQ of a small soap dish dont understand the MSNBC disasterous ratings dynamic. Indeed..........just look how this nothing thread has attracted virtually every single far left of center k00k on the forums. Happens with every thread with "FOX" in the title..........these members go mental. Its because they know FOX blows up all their BS.........and they fcukking hate it!!!

Post # 114 is simple opinion daddy-o.
I concede that Fox has high ratings.
The question (still to be answered) is: why?
I contend that it is because people like ambush journalism exemplified by Bill.
People also like to make fun of his pompous arrogant style.
Keith eats the right for lunch.
I disagree.

You're welcome to. Doesn't make you correct, especially when you espouse a lot of opinion as fact without a single link supporting your claim.

The majority of Americans are right of center on most of the main issues

Yeah, link please!!

and they get tired of having their point of view smeared and denigrated on the leftwing news sources. So they go to Fox where their point of view won't be smeared and denigrated and where they can hear somebody express their point of view.

Very whatevery.... For every example you cite, I can provide two that shows Fox fudging facts and inserting RW opinion in their news presentation.

Fox straight news reporting may tilt a bit right of center but it is as or more centrist than is ANY other news programming either cable or free networks.

Cut the crap. Shall we review the vast glacier of corporate-adverse and pro-privatized war stories that ALL the major networks have ignored the past 7 years? If CNN and company were "liberal," where is their anti-war voice? Oh, that's right.... It never provided both sides for that. Never.

And Fox News and Conservative talk radio plus a few rightwing websites are the ONLY sources giving any attention at all to those 'little stories' Fitz was talking about up there.

You just underlined the entire premise of my previous post, despite "disagreeing" with it. Fox is the only network that feeds you guys the news the way you want to hear it in your head, so Fox receives the consolidated viewership of the right. That does not speak to their perpetually fraudulent news presentation.

You simply cannot get around the fact that if you add up the market share for CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, and HLN, Fox News continues to beat all those others combined. If those others were allowing even half the balanced coverage that Fox provides, you would see much different margins in market share.

This is such a steaming pile of horse shit. It has NOTHING to do with "balanced coverage," and EVERYTHING to do with demographics and ideology. Only idiots who can't think for themselves rely on network news anyway.

If you were to somehow add independent sources of journalism to that rating comparison, like Pacifica, NPR and Slate -- which are what young people turn to anyway -- and your Faux total is dwarfed and put into proper perspective: i.e. >< meaningless.

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