Why is "full employment" vital and how do we get it??


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I know a lot of people reading this say "duh"... of course it is vital!
But if a lot of people know it, when then support an agenda that discourages full employment?
First why ..
Tax money coming in less money going out..
a) Full employment or 96% working means billions MORE in Social security/Medicare payments from BOTH employees and Employers!
b) More working means more consumer spending meaning more profits meaning more income taxes.
c) Less unemployed means less unemployment benefits ($300/week for 99 weeks) $30,000 for 5.6 million or $166 billion!
The latest numbers show 12.7 million unemployed and 5.6 million getting benefits, compared with 13.9 million jobless and 7.3 million receiving
aid at the same time last year.Unemployment Less Forgiving As Fewer Receive Benefits

HOW can we get "full employment"??

Well we shouldn't be discouraging employers. We shouldn't be ENCOURAGING the people with money to move money out of the USA.

Political risk. Or, as he puts in a nice legal euphemism, "jurisdictional diversification."
The new reason, though, is political risk: "Diversification from our government, policies, and banking systems," says Duggan. The last few years have shaken faith in our system. Duggan says growing numbers of his clients are worried about the financial system, confiscation -- the whole shebang. "They're concerned about our government, and where our society is headed. There's a lot of socialistic tendencies, capital controls, the redistribution of wealth."
Once again it's easy to scoff. Financially, the very wealthy have probably never had it so good in this country. Corporate profits and financial assets are booming. Tax rates on dividends and long-term capital gains are very, very low. But Duggan says the wealthy feel under attack, and government rhetoric is making them nervous.

But there's a logical problem here. Imagine a future government did decide to confiscate assets. They'd go after the money you held in Switzerland just as much as the money you held in New York, and the penalties for tax evasion would be as medieval as they are now.

The Real Reasons the Rich Are Moving Cash to the Caymans - SmartMoney.com

So for all of you that laugh at concerns about Obama's socialistic agenda... the above is the reality!

But if the MONEY is flowing out of the country because the wealthy fear "confiscation"!
So why would the "smartest" President put in place rules,regulations, discouraging business creation, discouraging hiring unless he wants the USA to fail!

It is NOT the recipe for growth when more people think by Obama's actions he wants to take their wealth!
Obama wants this Country to fail, period...

His plan is working,we just broke another record-1 in every 6.5 are now on food stamps.

In the late 80 and early 90s, two very large centrally planned economies saw the writing on the wall with the collapse of the USSR.

As India and China began moving toward market economies, about two billion people suddenly flooded the world labor market. This completely overwhelmed the existing world labor market and it is going to take a long time for equilibrium to be reached.

In the meantime, the two billion cheap laborers will have a highly suppressive effect on the wages of workers the world over.

There is not much anyone can do about that, and every good Christian and free marketeer should be pleased to see billions of people slowly being lifted out of bondage.

But this is why George Bush saw only 3 million jobs created during his 8 years as President, compared to the 25 million jobs created during the Clinton years. And that is one of the chief reasons why we aren't bouncing back from this past recession as quickly as we have in the past.

We see movements now where Chinese workers are starting to demand some of the benefits which the rest of the developed world has. Shorter work weeks, higher pay, and so forth. The worker wants spending money to buy the things he is making.

As the standard of living of these two billion labor competitors begins to rise, then we will see our own start to rise again.

There are, of course, many other factors involved in why our economy is not bouncing back, but this is probably the main cause.

A large secondary cause is the legislative thumb placed on our economic scale which works to the advantage of a select few in our society, creating an unnatural redistribution and concentration of wealth into their hands. It would be a simple matter to reverse this problem if our legislators were not so totally owned by the financial services sector.

Tax rates have virtually nothing to do with it, and the battle over them is a classic diversionary tactic to keep the American people from focusing on the real problems.

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In the late 80 and early 90s, two very large centrally planned economies saw the writing on the wall with the collapse of the USSR.

As India and China began moving toward market economies, about two billion people suddenly flooded the world labor market. This completely overwhelmed the existing world labor market and it is going to take a long time for equilibrium to be reached.

In the meantime, the two billion cheap laborers will have a highly suppressive effect on the wages of workers the world over.

There is not much anyone can do about that, and every good Christian and free marketeer should be pleased to see billions of people slowly being lifted out of bondage.

But this is why George Bush saw only 3 million jobs created during his 8 years as President, compared to the 25 million jobs created during the Clinton years. And that is one of the chief reasons why we aren't bouncing back from this past recession as quickly as we have in the past.

We see movements now where Chinese workers are starting to demand some of the benefits which the rest of the developed world has. Shorter work weeks, higher pay, and so forth. The worker wants spending money to buy the things he is making.

As the standard of living of these two billion labor competitors begins to rise, then we will see our own start to rise again.

There are, of course, many other factors involved in why our economy is not bouncing back, but this is probably the main cause.

A large secondary cause is the legislative thumb placed on our economic scale which works to the advantage of a select few in our society, creating an unnatural redistribution and concentration of wealth into their hands. It would be a simple matter to reverse this problem if our legislators were not so totally owned by the financial services sector.

Tax rates have virtually nothing to do with it, and the battle over them is a classic diversionary tactic to keep the American people from focusing on the real problems.


Everything you said MIGHT BE TRUE but the wealthy don't see it that way!
And the issue is without the "wealthy" excess i.e. money left over to invest, where will the capital come from?
Where will the next Apple or google come from? These companies for years paid out NOTHING in dividends but sucked money in!
Where did the money come from? Wealthy venture investors willing to wait for dividends!
NOT one of the above companies hired people based on NON-WEALTHY investors... no such animal!

In summary reality is money leaving the USA regardless of taxes but more out of fear of confiscation!
Oh and by the way.. PLEASE try to remember these FACTS from the Bush years!!!

A) Didn't the marvelous dot.com ( that Clinton phony surplus bubble)* bust occur? YES! What did it cost?
1) $5 trillion in market losses which meant the taxpayers who had tax liabilities of $166 billion from 2002 and beyond GONE!
2) 300,000 jobs lost due to dot.com busts....billions in payroll taxes!!!

NOT BUSH's fault agree??

B) Did 9/11 happen??? YES what did that cost?
1) $2 trillion in losses meant $66 billion a year in reduced TAX payments from 2003 and beyond GONE!
2 145,00 jobs lost in NYC alone due to 9/11... what did that cost? Billions in payroll taxes!

NOT BUSH's fault Agree???

and regarding hurricanes... THE WORST SEASONS not hurricanes like Sandy SEASONS!!!
NOT BUSH's fault agree??
C) DID the worst hurricane SEASONS not hurricanes SEASONS occur? YES what did that cost?
1) $1 trillion in losses meaning $33 billion a year in reduced tax revenues!
2) 400,000 jobs due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita

YET how many people seemingly forget those 3 events costing over $8 trillion which is being written off against taxes today.
850,000 jobs lost due to dot.com/911 and hurricanes.

DOES ANYONE WANT to say those events didn't COST MONEY put out by the government?
DOES ANYONE want to say the $8 trillion in tax write offs didn't cost revenue?
What about 850,000 jobs and the unemployment benefits for 99 weeks at $300/week is $25.2 Billion...
ALL paid out and NOT coming in...

So please would you mind being honest and explain HOW the above events that took $8 trillion out of the economy, cost 850,000 jobs and affected the anxiety of millions of investors, businesses and consumers!!

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