Why Is GOP Leader Representative Paul Ryan Disingenuous About His Life of Privilege?

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Why Is GOP Leader Representative Paul Ryan Disingenuous About His Life of Privilege?

Is he trying to pull a fast one on the American public? If so even he's successful at it, because even his Wikipedia page entry misrepresents Ryan's life of relative wealth.

I will miss one of his main critics, John F. Macek: Greg Peck One of Paul Ryan s biggest critics goes silent GazetteXtra

“I am disgusted, but not surprised, by Rep. Paul Ryan's budget,” Macek wrote this May. “Growing up in privilege, Ryan is totally disconnected with the plight of the poor.” Macek was speaking from experience, explaining that he saw the problem firsthand while volunteering the summer of 1963 in Chicago's Woodlawn area.

In January, Macek attacked critics of the Affordable Care Act and Ryan's budget reforms, which he argued would shut down Head Start, reduce food stamps and take away Medicare as we know it. “Ryan plays deficit hawk but approved Bush's cut in revenues while starting an unfunded war,” Macek wrote.

Last December, Macek wrote: “Don't be deceived by Ryan's photogenic smile. He is a master strategist for the tea party, a Republican opinion leader planning ruthless strategies to protect the wealthy while hurting us. He thinks starving the cow will increase milk production. Any dairy farmer can assure you that's a good way of killing off the herd.”

- See more at: Greg Peck One of Paul Ryan s biggest critics goes silent GazetteXtra

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