Why is Grover Norquist still a thing?

The budget signed into law was $300M above what Conservatives wanted.

300 mil is 1 100th of 1% of the budget...


What happened to HillaryCare and the rest of the tax and spend Democrat agenda???
Tax and spending cuts work.

Clinton's budgets grew 19% from 1996 to 2001. So you say there was no spending increase, but we can very easily look at the numbers and see that there was a spending increase. It grew every year. 19% from 1996 to 2001.
So then how come all of a sudden we had deficits beginning in 2002?

That is why I use the term "post 1998 GOP."

The pre 1998 GOP was fiscally conservative, patriotic, and the best political party in the history of Earth.

The post 1998 "Republican Party" has a one sentence platform:

The US exists to serve, fund, defend, and expand ISRAEL.

The post 1998 GOP is as bad as the Dems if not worse.... and doesn't have anything in common with the pre 1998 GOP.
Yes, clinton was a pretty good POTUS. I liked him quite a lot in spite of his personal issues. Everything you wrote was factual except for that deficit being erased part. That was done by gingrich and the repubs in the House. Probably the last time that Congress actually did a good job. Clinton was merely along for the ride in that case.

Ummm...Conservatives didn't balance the budget. In fact, they shut down the government over Clinton's budget which did balance the budget. Also, they voted for a tax cut in 1997 that would have thrown the nascent surplus into a deficit. Clinton vetoed that tax cut, but it would eventually pass four years later when Bush the Dumber was President. And that's when the surplus was turned into four record deficits over the next 8 years (including the highest deficit of all time) that doubled the debt.

Yes, they did indeed do that. And they also balanced the budget. A thing that was claimed couldn't be done. Then was claimed couldn't be done for seven years, and they accomplished it in four years. Clinton had nothing to do with it other than signing the budget. As much as I despise gingrich, that is one good thing that he did. And HE did it.
that is one good thing that he did. And HE did it.

It should put Newt on Mt Rushmore.

Newt's courage and stiff spine was the difference. Since Newt was couped by Zionist Traitors Delay, Hastert and the like, the US Federal spending has been out of control, and we have suffered since...
The budget in 1996 was $1.5T

$300M of that is 20%.

Try again....

300 million vs 1.5 trillion




You missed three decimal points.

Do you have a PhD from Dexter Manley University???
The pre 1998 GOP was fiscally conservative, patriotic, and the best political party in the history of Earth.
The post 1998 "Republican Party" has a one sentence platform:
The US exists to serve, fund, defend, and expand ISRAEL.
The post 1998 GOP is as bad as the Dems if not worse.... and doesn't have anything in common with the pre 1998 GOP.

LOL! Well that's a crock. It's the same Republicans! You're just using an arbitrary year and pretending all the Conservatives in office in 1997 were replaced by a different group of Conservatives in office in 1998. How many freshmen Republicans were sworn in after the '98 elections? 17. How many freshmen Republicans were sworn in after the 2000 elections? about 20.
Try again....
300 million vs 1.5 trillion
You missed three decimal points.
Do you have a PhD from Dexter Manley University???

Apologies, I made a mistake. Still, spending grew every year of Clinton from 1996 to 2001.
It's the same Republicans!

The pre 1998 GOP would never have socialized senior drugs, as the post 1998 GOP did in 2004....

If you cannot understand that, I can't help you.

Many of today's GOP Congresspeople are JDAACs, Jews disguised as Christians. They campaign like Bill Clinton, and then act like Bill Clinton - they lie and steal... and sell America out for the cause of Greater Israel.
It should put Newt on Mt Rushmore. Newt's courage and stiff spine was the difference. Since Newt was couped by Zionist Traitors Delay, Hastert and the like, the US Federal spending has been out of control, and we have suffered since...

Outlays (spending) growing every year of Clinton:

Outlays (In billions)
1996: $1,560.5
1997: $1,601.1 (up 3%)
1998: $1,652.5 (up 3%)
1999: $1,701.8 (up 3%)
2000: $1,789.0 (up 5%)
2001: $1,862.8 (up 4%)

So that's a 19% increase in Outlays (Spending) from 1996-2001. So Newt didn't stop shit.

And actually, spending grew virtually the same after this 1996 "win" for Conservatives:

1993 (HW Last budget): $1,409.4
1994: $1,461.8 (up 4%)
1995: $1,515.7 (up 4%)
1996: $1,560.5 (up 3%)
1997: $1,601.1 (up 3%)
1998: $1,652.5 (up 3%)
1999: $1,701.8 (up 3%)
2000: $1,789.0 (up 5%)
2001: $1,862.8 (up 4%)
The pre 1998 GOP would never have socialized senior drugs, as the post 1998 GOP did in 2004....

But they're the same fucking people. The 1998 Midterms and the 2000 General produced only 37 Republican freshmen. You're trying to pretend that all Republicans pre-1998 were replaced by brand new Republicans post-1998 and that simply isn't true. Also, freshmen have little power when it comes to dictating party policy. They tow the line. They have to.

Many of today's GOP Congresspeople are JDAACs, Jews disguised as Christians. They campaign like Bill Clinton, and then act like Bill Clinton - they lie and steal... and sell America out for the cause of Greater Israel.

Way to drop that hard-J, man.

But they're the same fucking people.

A few are. Most are not. The obvious JDAAC GOP list....

Peter King
(homosexual) Lindsay Graham
Bob Corker

Paul Ryan arrived in the late 1990s and has been the "anti-Newt" since becoming speaker, even campaigning for Hillary. Many suspect he too is a JDAAC. Indeed, what he did on "request" from Netanyahu may put him in front of a firing squad.
Try again....
300 million vs 1.5 trillion
You missed three decimal points.
Do you have a PhD from Dexter Manley University???

Apologies, I made a mistake. Still, spending grew every year of Clinton from 1996 to 2001.
00 mil is 1 100th of 1% of the budget...

What a moron. Do you not know math too?

The budget in 1996 was $1.5T

$300M of that is 20%.


Math is hard for Conservatives.

Wow, don't you look the fool? The whole thread is amusing. A nobody claiming someone is a nobody.
A few are. Most are not. The obvious JDAAC GOP list....

I was talking about the Republicans from 1999-2001, the final years of Clinton. There were only 17 freshmen Republicans after the 1998 elections. Hardly enough to change the direction of the entire caucus.

Paul Ryan arrived in the late 1990s and has been the "anti-Newt" since becoming speaker, even campaigning for Hillary. Many suspect he too is a JDAAC. Indeed, what he did on "request" from Netanyahu may put him in front of a firing squad.

I don't think Ryan campaigned for Hillary. Criticizing Trump doesn't mean you are automatically campaigning for his opponent.
Wow, don't you look the fool? The whole thread is amusing. A nobody claiming someone is a nobody.

So I admit a mistake and I'm the one who's foolish? We're still waiting on you guys to admit invading Iraq was a mistake. And that was 14 years ago.

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