Why is it that we still have new GOP candidates at all?

It's proof I know you were only 5 years old back then but ask your teacher, once again Obama spent almost a trillion dollars on trees and 2 billion dollars on signs ..
Christ dude. Half of Obama’s stimulus package cost were TAX CUTS. Tax cuts that included extending the Bush tax cuts. How about you try to educate yourself for once?

Name one "shovel-ready job" that actually materialized, faggot. You can't, because there were zero.
Lol the stimulus created over 2 million jobs single-handedly.

Right, $250,000 per job God you people suck at creating jobs. :itsok:
Oh really? Bush had a complete net loss of jobs. Obama had the longest stretch of job growth of any modern president. Oh, and half of the stimulus were tax cuts. Are you pretending those are bad now?

So for the millionth time name one Obama policy that accomplished that? After the stimulous the unemployment rate went up to 9.5% .

Name one "shovel-ready job" that actually materialized, faggot. You can't, because there were zero.
Lol the stimulus created over 2 million jobs single-handedly.

Right, $250,000 per job God you people suck at creating jobs. :itsok:
Oh really? Bush had a complete net loss of jobs. Obama had the longest stretch of job growth of any modern president. Oh, and half of the stimulus were tax cuts. Are you pretending those are bad now?

HELLO earth to Billy $250k per job? And considering a crap load of that money was funneled to public employees which kicked back part of the money to the Dem party we know exactly what Obama did the with the money, he laundered it.
So tax cuts are bad now because it makes for a convenient argument. Got it. You don’t know even know what was in the stimulus lol. Avoid bullshit RW sources and find an actual objective source that can break down what was in the stimulus.

Once again we could look around and see for ourselves just trees and signs

Christ dude. Half of Obama’s stimulus package cost were TAX CUTS. Tax cuts that included extending the Bush tax cuts. How about you try to educate yourself for once?

Name one "shovel-ready job" that actually materialized, faggot. You can't, because there were zero.
Lol the stimulus created over 2 million jobs single-handedly.

Right, $250,000 per job God you people suck at creating jobs. :itsok:
Oh really? Bush had a complete net loss of jobs. Obama had the longest stretch of job growth of any modern president. Oh, and half of the stimulus were tax cuts. Are you pretending those are bad now?

So for the millionth time name one Obama policy that accomplished that? After the stimulous the unemployment rate went up to 9.5% .

Dude it’s not like the stimulus would just magically reverse the UR over night. It took a few months for it to both kick in and reverse the recession before job growth could be come. The proof is in black and white.
Dude it’s not like the stimulus would just magically reverse the UR over night. It took a few months for it to both kick in and reverse the recession before job growth could be come. The proof is in black and white.

So provide it, faggot, or STFU. I know what the proof is, and it's not what you claim. You may as well STFU now, or be embarrassed later. Due to my critical thinking skills, I'm gonna pick your crap apart 9 ways to Sunday, you can bank on that.
Dude it’s not like the stimulus would just magically reverse the UR over night. It took a few months for it to both kick in and reverse the recession before job growth could be come. The proof is in black and white.

So provide it, faggot, or STFU. I know what the proof is, and it's not what you claim. You may as well STFU now, or be embarrassed later. Due to my critical thinking skills, I'm gonna pick your crap apart 9 ways to Sunday, you can bank on that.
Too easy like always:

Did the Stimulus Create Jobs? - FactCheck.org

“The truth is that the stimulus increased employment by between 1.4 million and 3.3 million people, compared with what employment would have been otherwise. That’s according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, more commonly known as the stimulus bill, has been featured in more than 130 TV ads this year, according to a database maintained by Kantar Media’s Campaign Media Analysis Group. In many of those ads, Republicans claim the bill has “failed” (a matter of opinion) or state (correctly) that unemployment has gone up since President Barack Obama signed the bill into law on Feb. 17, 2009. The national unemployment rate was 8.2 percent in February 2009, and it now stands at 9.6 percent, having peaked at 10.1 percent in October 2009.

But it’s just false to say that the stimulus created “no jobs” or “failed to save and create jobs” or “has done nothing to reduce unemployment” — or similar claims that the stimulus did not produce any jobs.

As we have written before, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office released a report in August that said the stimulus bill has “[l]owered the unemployment rate by between 0.7 percentage points and 1.8 percentage points” and “ncreased the number of people employed by between 1.4 million and 3.3 million.”

Simply put, more people would be unemployed if not for the stimulus bill. The exact number of jobs created and saved is difficult to estimate, but nonpartisan economists say there’s no doubt that the number is positive.”
Dude it’s not like the stimulus would just magically reverse the UR over night. It took a few months for it to both kick in and reverse the recession before job growth could be come. The proof is in black and white.

So provide it, faggot, or STFU. I know what the proof is, and it's not what you claim. You may as well STFU now, or be embarrassed later. Due to my critical thinking skills, I'm gonna pick your crap apart 9 ways to Sunday, you can bank on that.
Too easy like always:

Did the Stimulus Create Jobs? - FactCheck.org

“The truth is that the stimulus increased employment by between 1.4 million and 3.3 million people, compared with what employment would have been otherwise. That’s according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, more commonly known as the stimulus bill, has been featured in more than 130 TV ads this year, according to a database maintained by Kantar Media’s Campaign Media Analysis Group. In many of those ads, Republicans claim the bill has “failed” (a matter of opinion) or state (correctly) that unemployment has gone up since President Barack Obama signed the bill into law on Feb. 17, 2009. The national unemployment rate was 8.2 percent in February 2009, and it now stands at 9.6 percent, having peaked at 10.1 percent in October 2009.

But it’s just false to say that the stimulus created “no jobs” or “failed to save and create jobs” or “has done nothing to reduce unemployment” — or similar claims that the stimulus did not produce any jobs.

As we have written before, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office released a report in August that said the stimulus bill has “[l]owered the unemployment rate by between 0.7 percentage points and 1.8 percentage points” and “ncreased the number of people employed by between 1.4 million and 3.3 million.”

Simply put, more people would be unemployed if not for the stimulus bill. The exact number of jobs created and saved is difficult to estimate, but nonpartisan economists say there’s no doubt that the number is positive.”

Your problem is relying on "FactCheck" who lies.

700K jobs lost in used car mechanics alone, add the salesmen and support workers and it's a million.

Add the nonexistent harvesters for all those "green energy" investment crops. They weren't there. It was all bullshit. The corporate guys got the money and bailed. The next leaser of the land had to pay to plow that neglected shit under. That's reality. I saw it firsthand. Also the pain and suffering of workers in my town. It was pathetic. Obama was pathetic. No work trucks on the road whatsoever. The occasional 4-banger with someone going to work in a cubicle. That was all that was going down the road. Do your own research, dipshit. If you dare to.
Last edited:
The GOP doesn’t at all give a shit about anyone besides top earners and corporations in this country. Why? Because they are bitches to corporate lobbying. It’s not like they have any actual principles. Granted, Democrats tend to be owned by lobbyists as well, but at least they still push a progressive agenda to an extent. Republicans don’t do jack shit as far as issues that matter to the population as a whole such as affordable healthcare, infrastructure, and stagnant wages way behind on inflation. A lot of democrats actually push such an agenda.

In Reagan’s time, I wouldn’t question why politicians ran as republicans. Those people had actual values at the time. Nowadays, it’s them simply selling their souls to corporate special interests for the sake of financial gain. Nothing else adds up to explain today’s GOP.

'The GOP doesn’t at all give a shit about anyone besides top earners and corporations in this country.'

- Strongest economy in decades.

- Lowest unemployment in decades.

- Lowest minority unemployment in recorded history

- More Americans working at 1 time ever

- Trump brought back manufacturing jobs Obama said would NEVER come back ... not so top earners and corporations could work those jobs

- More full-time jobs

- Higher wages, bonuses, job advancement

- Fewer Americans dependent on Welfare, unemployment, Food Stamps, DEMOCRATS, & the govt

- More Americans paying taxes instead of living month to month off of tax payer funded social programs

'A Rising Tide Lifts ALL Boats'
- A concept too difficult for liberals and snowflakes to understand, evidently...

The OP seems to launch a 'Christine Ford'-esque accusation .... Missing evidence.... which has now been provided for him.

:p .You're welcome.
In addition to being the only POTUS in history to NEVER SEE A SINGLE YEAR OF 3% GPD growth, he was also the only POTUS to be at war from his first day to his last. When he got into office, the USA was ranked number 1 in the world by the World Economic Forum in competitiveness under George W. Bush. Under Obama, we slipped to 7th. By the time he left office, we were still down from 1st, ranking at only 3rd. Obama had the Lowest labor participation rate since 1970's, Almost 95 million Americans out of the labor force, Worst recovery since the 1940's, Lowest home ownership rate in 51 years, Almost 13 million more Americans on food stamps, Over 43 million living in Poverty, First US sovereign debt downgrade in American history, Federal spending (25% of GDP): highest since world war II, Budget deficit(10% of GDP): highest since WWII, Federal Debt(67%of GDP): highest since after WWII, Employment (58.1% of population working): lowest since 1983, Longterm unemployment (45.9% of total):highest since 1930's, Increase in non-farm payroll employment(.05%) since recovery began 26 months ago: slowest job growth 26 months after a severe recession since WWII, Percentage of taxpayers paying income tax (49%): lowest in modern era, Government dependency(47%) defined as the percentage of persons receiving one or more federal benefit payments: highest in American history.

SOURCES: US Census Bureau, Treasury Dept., CBO, Standard and Poors, Office Of Management Budget, US Bureau Of Labor And Statistics, Morgan Stanley, Joint Committee On Taxation
Dude it’s not like the stimulus would just magically reverse the UR over night. It took a few months for it to both kick in and reverse the recession before job growth could be come. The proof is in black and white.

So provide it, faggot, or STFU. I know what the proof is, and it's not what you claim. You may as well STFU now, or be embarrassed later. Due to my critical thinking skills, I'm gonna pick your crap apart 9 ways to Sunday, you can bank on that.
Too easy like always:

Did the Stimulus Create Jobs? - FactCheck.org

“The truth is that the stimulus increased employment by between 1.4 million and 3.3 million people, compared with what employment would have been otherwise. That’s according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, more commonly known as the stimulus bill, has been featured in more than 130 TV ads this year, according to a database maintained by Kantar Media’s Campaign Media Analysis Group. In many of those ads, Republicans claim the bill has “failed” (a matter of opinion) or state (correctly) that unemployment has gone up since President Barack Obama signed the bill into law on Feb. 17, 2009. The national unemployment rate was 8.2 percent in February 2009, and it now stands at 9.6 percent, having peaked at 10.1 percent in October 2009.

But it’s just false to say that the stimulus created “no jobs” or “failed to save and create jobs” or “has done nothing to reduce unemployment” — or similar claims that the stimulus did not produce any jobs.

As we have written before, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office released a report in August that said the stimulus bill has “[l]owered the unemployment rate by between 0.7 percentage points and 1.8 percentage points” and “ncreased the number of people employed by between 1.4 million and 3.3 million.”

Simply put, more people would be unemployed if not for the stimulus bill. The exact number of jobs created and saved is difficult to estimate, but nonpartisan economists say there’s no doubt that the number is positive.”

Your problem is relying on "FactCheck" who lies.

700K jobs lost in used car mechanics alone, add the salesmen and support workers and it's a million.

Add the nonexistent harvesters for all those "green energy" investment crops. They weren't there. It was all bullshit. The corporate guys got the money and bailed. The next leaser of the land had to pay to plow that neglected shit under. That's reality. I saw it firsthand. Also the pain and suffering of workers in my town. It was pathetic. Obama was pathetic. No work trucks on the road whatsoever. The occasional 4-banger with someone going to work in a cubicle. That was all that was going down the road. Do your own research, dipshit. If you dare to.
Lol you and I both know you don’t have a more objective source than that. You’re just pissed you’re wrong. And yeah, Solyndra failed, but it was a drop in the bucket of the overall yearly budget. You can’t just cherry pick small bad things while ignoring good big things. It’s also astounding how you harp over this “shovel ready” quote. Come on, really? It’s so incredibly lame lol.
'The GOP doesn’t at all give a shit about anyone besides top earners and corporations in this country.'

- Strongest economy in decades.

- Lowest unemployment in decades.

- Lowest minority unemployment in recorded history

- More Americans working at 1 time ever

- Trump brought back manufacturing jobs Obama said would NEVER come back ... not so top earners and corporations could work those jobs

- More full-time jobs

- Higher wages, bonuses, job advancement

- Fewer Americans dependent on Welfare, unemployment, Food Stamps, DEMOCRATS, & the govt

- More Americans paying taxes instead of living month to month off of tax payer funded social programs

'A Rising Tide Lifts ALL Boats'
- A concept too difficult for liberals and snowflakes to understand, evidently...

The OP seems to launch a 'Christine Ford'-esque accusation .... Missing evidence.... which has now been provided for him.

:p .You're welcome.
All of that shit was already happening before Trump. You can deny it all you want but it’s true. His policies reflect none of it
The GOP doesn’t at all give a shit about anyone besides top earners and corporations in this country. Why? Because they are bitches to corporate lobbying. It’s not like they have any actual principles. Granted, Democrats tend to be owned by lobbyists as well, but at least they still push a progressive agenda to an extent. Republicans don’t do jack shit as far as issues that matter to the population as a whole such as affordable healthcare, infrastructure, and stagnant wages way behind on inflation. A lot of democrats actually push such an agenda.

In Reagan’s time, I wouldn’t question why politicians ran as republicans. Those people had actual values at the time. Nowadays, it’s them simply selling their souls to corporate special interests for the sake of financial gain. Nothing else adds up to explain today’s GOP.

Have you not been paying attention to what Trump and the GOP has accomplished since he's been in office, Billy? I know it's not being reported by the main stream media but right now the economy is doing great, unemployment is at record lows, we got a better trade deal with Mexico and Canada, we already got a better trade deal with the EU, hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs have been created and now Trump is squeezing China for fair trade deals. A better question is why would anyone want to put another party in power when the one that is in there is getting so much done?
Lol oh you mean the economy that was already doing well under Obama? Either way, wages have been way behind of inflation for decades. The GOP definitely didn’t even try to fix that. Obama at least tried to raise the federal minimum wage to a mere $3 which includes a raise on most state minimum wages. And despite ACA being flawed, it was at least a good attempt to make Heathcare more affordable. After all, 20 million people gained healthcare insurance. The GOP hasn’t done jack shit to even try.

So because Trump made a deal on something, that automatically means it’s a good idea? Why? Because Fox News or some other RW dick-sucking republican source said so?

Oh, Billy...you liberals are so cute when you try and claim the economy was doing well under Barry! I hate to point out the "inconvenient" but your guy oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and the Great Depression! His "stimulus" created so few jobs they had to hide how bad it was behind "Jobs created or saved"! If it hadn't been for the boom in oil and natural gas caused by fracking (something he opposed!) his numbers would have been AWFUL!
Oh that’s rich. The recession was the worst we had since WWII that began four months before he came to office wtih the average job loss at 500,000 per month and ended in mid 2009. Relatively speaking, that is very much not slow.

Reagan had it worse and got it going better.
'The GOP doesn’t at all give a shit about anyone besides top earners and corporations in this country.'

- Strongest economy in decades.

- Lowest unemployment in decades.

- Lowest minority unemployment in recorded history

- More Americans working at 1 time ever

- Trump brought back manufacturing jobs Obama said would NEVER come back ... not so top earners and corporations could work those jobs

- More full-time jobs

- Higher wages, bonuses, job advancement

- Fewer Americans dependent on Welfare, unemployment, Food Stamps, DEMOCRATS, & the govt

- More Americans paying taxes instead of living month to month off of tax payer funded social programs

'A Rising Tide Lifts ALL Boats'
- A concept too difficult for liberals and snowflakes to understand, evidently...

The OP seems to launch a 'Christine Ford'-esque accusation .... Missing evidence.... which has now been provided for him.

:p .You're welcome.
All of that shit was already happening before Trump. You can deny it all you want but it’s true. His policies reflect none of it

1. You dicks were predicting the stock market would crash after he was elected. You were wrong.
2. Obama's recovery was slow, but what did happen happened because of the GOP
3. Trump is holding us steady. He's been in over 18 months and we are doing fine. You pricks were dead wrong....as always.

You want to dispute that ?
Name one "shovel-ready job" that actually materialized, faggot. You can't, because there were zero.
Lol the stimulus created over 2 million jobs single-handedly.

Right, $250,000 per job God you people suck at creating jobs. :itsok:
Oh really? Bush had a complete net loss of jobs. Obama had the longest stretch of job growth of any modern president. Oh, and half of the stimulus were tax cuts. Are you pretending those are bad now?

So for the millionth time name one Obama policy that accomplished that? After the stimulous the unemployment rate went up to 9.5% .

Dude it’s not like the stimulus would just magically reverse the UR over night. It took a few months for it to both kick in and reverse the recession before job growth could be come. The proof is in black and white.

Hahahaha, no he making 80% of Bush Jr tax cuts perment is what caused job growth...the proof is black and white and why did he copy off of Bush Jr with the stimulous and tax cuts?


Lol the stimulus created over 2 million jobs single-handedly.

Right, $250,000 per job God you people suck at creating jobs. :itsok:
Oh really? Bush had a complete net loss of jobs. Obama had the longest stretch of job growth of any modern president. Oh, and half of the stimulus were tax cuts. Are you pretending those are bad now?

So for the millionth time name one Obama policy that accomplished that? After the stimulous the unemployment rate went up to 9.5% .

Dude it’s not like the stimulus would just magically reverse the UR over night. It took a few months for it to both kick in and reverse the recession before job growth could be come. The proof is in black and white.

Hahahaha, no he making 80% of Bush Jr tax cuts perment is what caused job growth...the proof is black and white and why did he copy off of Bush Jr with the stimulous and tax cuts?


Uh no because if that were true, job growth under Bush wouldn’t have been so pathetic and the recession wouldn’t have even started. lol. Come on, man. Think. Why the stimulus reversed the recession is because it provided a significant boost in consumer spending for the poor.
Right, $250,000 per job God you people suck at creating jobs. :itsok:
Oh really? Bush had a complete net loss of jobs. Obama had the longest stretch of job growth of any modern president. Oh, and half of the stimulus were tax cuts. Are you pretending those are bad now?

So for the millionth time name one Obama policy that accomplished that? After the stimulous the unemployment rate went up to 9.5% .

Dude it’s not like the stimulus would just magically reverse the UR over night. It took a few months for it to both kick in and reverse the recession before job growth could be come. The proof is in black and white.

Hahahaha, no he making 80% of Bush Jr tax cuts perment is what caused job growth...the proof is black and white and why did he copy off of Bush Jr with the stimulous and tax cuts?


Uh no because if that were true, job growth under Bush wouldn’t have been so pathetic and the recession wouldn’t have even started. lol. Come on, man. Think. Why the stimulus reversed the recession is because it provided a significant boost in consumer spending for the poor.

A lousy $400 bucks??? And once again unemployment went up not down after the stimulous and of course Look at the infrastructure spending with Obama

The GOP doesn’t at all give a shit about anyone besides top earners and corporations in this country. Why? Because they are bitches to corporate lobbying. It’s not like they have any actual principles. Granted, Democrats tend to be owned by lobbyists as well, but at least they still push a progressive agenda to an extent. Republicans don’t do jack shit as far as issues that matter to the population as a whole such as affordable healthcare, infrastructure, and stagnant wages way behind on inflation. A lot of democrats actually push such an agenda.

In Reagan’s time, I wouldn’t question why politicians ran as republicans. Those people had actual values at the time. Nowadays, it’s them simply selling their souls to corporate special interests for the sake of financial gain. Nothing else adds up to explain today’s GOP.

Crawl out from under the rock you have been under, and lay off CNN.:290968001256257790-final:
Oh really? Bush had a complete net loss of jobs. Obama had the longest stretch of job growth of any modern president. Oh, and half of the stimulus were tax cuts. Are you pretending those are bad now?

So for the millionth time name one Obama policy that accomplished that? After the stimulous the unemployment rate went up to 9.5% .

Dude it’s not like the stimulus would just magically reverse the UR over night. It took a few months for it to both kick in and reverse the recession before job growth could be come. The proof is in black and white.

Hahahaha, no he making 80% of Bush Jr tax cuts perment is what caused job growth...the proof is black and white and why did he copy off of Bush Jr with the stimulous and tax cuts?


Uh no because if that were true, job growth under Bush wouldn’t have been so pathetic and the recession wouldn’t have even started. lol. Come on, man. Think. Why the stimulus reversed the recession is because it provided a significant boost in consumer spending for the poor.

A lousy $400 bucks??? And once again unemployment went up not down after the stimulous and of course Look at the infrastructure spending with Obama

View attachment 221374
Lol dude your own graph shows the recession was going down around 2009.
The GOP doesn’t at all give a shit about anyone besides top earners and corporations in this country. Why? Because they are bitches to corporate lobbying. It’s not like they have any actual principles. Granted, Democrats tend to be owned by lobbyists as well, but at least they still push a progressive agenda to an extent. Republicans don’t do jack shit as far as issues that matter to the population as a whole such as affordable healthcare, infrastructure, and stagnant wages way behind on inflation. A lot of democrats actually push such an agenda.

In Reagan’s time, I wouldn’t question why politicians ran as republicans. Those people had actual values at the time. Nowadays, it’s them simply selling their souls to corporate special interests for the sake of financial gain. Nothing else adds up to explain today’s GOP.

Crawl out from under the rock you have been under, and lay off CNN.:290968001256257790-final:
I don’t watch cable news. I just choose to read facts about political issues.

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