Why is it that "whites" are the only race to vote in a diverse manner?

I'm a white conservative and this just pisses me off....
That shit happened 40 or 50 or 60 years ago, and half or more of the people in those pictures are long-since dead. Your anger may be misplaced.
I'm a white conservative and this just pisses me off....
That shit happened 40 or 50 or 60 years ago, and half or more of the people in those pictures are long-since dead. Your anger may be misplaced.

I know it happened long ago. That does not change the fact is was wrong and I would have been embarrassed to be white BACK THEN.
Because the left demands that we do or we're evil.
Sort of like business demands the Republican party support right-wing legislation and if they don't the Republican party would not be just evil but no more big contributions would be forthcoming.
When you take a group of people and purposely keep them impoverished and uneducated and feed each generation bullshit rhetoric about how oppressed they are, that is the result.

That's why blacks vote against conservatives. Who would vote for people with that attitude towards them?

His "attitude" was against the Dem Party, not blacks you ignorant race baiting fuck

No, that's what you guys don't get.

The idea that blacks are being manipulated, forced and tricked into voting for Democrats is in itself quite racist because it requires as a condition the belief that black people are so stupid that they fall for it.
Or... it means they don't give a shit, they just want to sit on their asses and collect welfare.
When you take a group of people and purposely keep them impoverished and uneducated and feed each generation bullshit rhetoric about how oppressed they are, that is the result.

That's why blacks vote against conservatives. Who would vote for people with that attitude towards them?

His "attitude" was against the Dem Party, not blacks you ignorant race baiting fuck

No, that's what you guys don't get.

The idea that blacks are being manipulated, forced and tricked into voting for Democrats is in itself quite racist because it requires as a condition the belief that black people are so stupid that they fall for it.
Or... it means they don't give a shit, they just want to sit on their asses and collect welfare.

White trash are the same way. They don't even give a fuck. Used to be a bit of shame in being on welfare. I mean people were embarrassed if they needed help.

Nowadays? Shit man it easy to da get dat check . I was at Wal Mart just today and some woman had a HUGE basket of groceries, and another customer in line made the comment "geez must be expensive to buy that many groceries"

Without one ounce of shame the woman replied "Yeah , well I gots my EBT card for groceries" of course her and her kids reeked of cigarette smoke.
I'm a white conservative and this just pisses me off....
That shit happened 40 or 50 or 60 years ago, and half or more of the people in those pictures are long-since dead. Your anger may be misplaced.

I know it happened long ago. That does not change the fact is was wrong and I would have been embarrassed to be white BACK THEN.
I am never embarrassed to be White, and neither should anyone else of that color.
No I don't. I can see what is going on plain as day. Does their behavior not indicate otherwise? And besides, you made my point.

The Democrats had a racist past and they mistreated black people, and now they wish to atone by sucking up to a particular demographic. I call that patronization, which in my book, does not qualify as doing anyone's bidding. It is also manipulation, because the Democrats like any other party, willfully distorts facts and scenarios to engender certain emotions or behaviors among the voting population, which in turn would cause them to vote a certain way. It's not racism, it's psychology.

Wow, you sound just like a clueless white person who lives in his grandmother's basement.

Okay, guy, reality check- BOTH parties mistreated black people throughout our history. IT's just when we hit the 1960's, one party decided that we needed to atone for that, and another party thought it would be a nifty idea to appeal to the racism of white people who were afraid blacks might take their jobs and date their daughters.
Or... it means they don't give a shit, they just want to sit on their asses and collect welfare.

Except that most people who are on welfare are 1) White and 2) Only on welfare for a short time.

And when it comes to programs like Food Stamps and Section 8, a lot of those folks have jobs, just not jobs that pay very well. So while that Walmart worker is making minimum wage, you are subsidizing her with welfare while the Walton Family has more wealth than the poorest 30% of the country.
The idea that blacks are being manipulated, forced and tricked into voting for Democrats is in itself quite racist because it requires as a condition the belief that black people are so stupid that they fall for it.

Or, a party who manipulates others via their history to voting in one manner or another. It's not stupidity, it's manipulation. Everyone can see it. Just as those who subscribe to two party politics are unaware they are being manipulated, so too are blacks manipulated into doing the bidding of a political party.

You have a very warped view of the situation.

Blacks don't "do the bidding" of the Democratic Party - the Democratic Party "does the bidding" of black people, which is why they vote Dem.
And that bidding is?
A lot of that has to do with population.

the dems are constantly crowing that the Mexican population is growing and that necessitates growing democrats. That is rather silly on its face. As the demographic grows it will become more divers and harder to take with single hot button issues.

Whites are going to be more divers politically because there are so damn many of them. You cant appeal to whites as a group - they are the majority. If this country were 80 percent black and 13 percent white you would likely see a different story all together.
When you take a group of people and purposely keep them impoverished and uneducated and feed each generation bullshit rhetoric about how oppressed they are, that is the result.

That's why blacks vote against conservatives. Who would vote for people with that attitude towards them?

His "attitude" was against the Dem Party, not blacks you ignorant race baiting fuck

No, that's what you guys don't get.

The idea that blacks are being manipulated, forced and tricked into voting for Democrats is in itself quite racist because it requires as a condition the belief that black people are so stupid that they fall for it.
Or... it means they don't give a shit, they just want to sit on their asses and collect welfare.

White trash are the same way. They don't even give a fuck. Used to be a bit of shame in being on welfare. I mean people were embarrassed if they needed help.

Nowadays? Shit man it easy to da get dat check . I was at Wal Mart just today and some woman had a HUGE basket of groceries, and another customer in line made the comment "geez must be expensive to buy that many groceries"

Without one ounce of shame the woman replied "Yeah , well I gots my EBT card for groceries" of course her and her kids reeked of cigarette smoke.
yeah... used to be they were grateful for help and it was just a few... now 1/3 of the country is on welfare and guess what ... they are all entitled to it cause the only reason they are not rich is the evil republicans are not paying them 50bucks an hour to pick their noses.
Republicans try to appeal to the assholes who fear the eventual day when whites are not a racial majority in this country but a lot of white people are not ruled by irrational xenophobia as it forms the basis of fascism.

And this tripe is precisely what I was referring to. Appealing to ignorance, like this poster is doing, can be a powerful tool for a desperate population.

When repubs speak on the subject of race they cannot stop framing issues as us-vs-them.

That's the way liberals frame it, asshole.

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