Why is it that "whites" are the only race to vote in a diverse manner?

Second-hand and uncorroborated. Typical of the far left and far right's failure to rewrite history.

These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now, we've got to do something about this; we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. for if we don't move at all, then their allies [The Republicans] will line up against us and there will be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there will be no way of putting the brake on all sorts of wild legislation, it'll be reconstruction all over again - Lyndon Johnson

Reported by Johnsons Fellow Democrat Senator Richard Russell, Jr. (D-GA)
Reported in Lyndon Johnson and the American dream By Doris Kearns Page 155

Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream: Doris Kearns: 9780451140821: Amazon.com: Books Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream: Doris Kearns: 9780451140821: Amazon.com: Books
People, not political parties, ordered those actions. Because the same political party opposed Wallace and his ilk and forced him to stand aside. That's in fact why they got up and left it.

What you have here is an association fallacy. "I have a car, and it's blue -- therefore all cars are blue". Doesn't work that way Homer. Wallace and his ilk were Democrats at the time -- because the entire South was Democrats. It was a one-party state (and still pretty much is) comprising the ultraconservative wing of two vastly different wings. That's the difference between a political party and a political philosophy; the latter is specific, like the particular brand of dish detergent you buy; the former is like the Wal-Mart that carries that dish detergent, and others that compete with it. Just because you buy Ajax dish detergent at Wal-Mart, that doesn't make Wal-Mart a store that only sells Ajax dish detergent.

And I might add:


Leaders of the Democratic Party who believed in the "Old Way"of doing things ordered those actions. The other school of thought within the party came to the realization that you can't continue pissing against the tide and hope to win. They fell in line behind a new strategy which was somewhat outlined by LBJ in a speech he made to fellow Democrats and never intended for Public dissemination -

These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now, we've got to do something about this; we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. for if we don't move at all, then their allies [The Republicans] will line up against us and there will be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there will be no way of putting the brake on all sorts of wild legislation, it'll be reconstruction all over again - Lyndon Johnson

To this very day, a large majority of African Americans continue to support the Democratic party which continues to enslave Blacks under an increasingly sophisticated methodology. The type of slavery has changed, it was once forced servitude where now it is a slavery to handouts.

---- and that's another bogus quote.

Don't believe me?

Go ahead -- find documentation.


Now what does it say about your position that you have to completely make shit up to support it?


These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now, we've got to do something about this; we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. for if we don't move at all, then their allies [The Republicans] will line up against us and there will be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there will be no way of putting the brake on all sorts of wild legislation, it'll be reconstruction all over again - Lyndon Johnson

Reported by Johnsons Fellow Democrat Senator Richard Russell, Jr. (D-GA)
Reported in Lyndon Johnson and the American dream By Doris Kearns Page 155

[ame=[URL="http://www.amazon.com/dp/0451140826/?tag=ff0d01-20"]Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream Doris Kearns 9780451140821 Amazon.com Books[/url] Johnson and the American Dream: Doris Kearns: 9780451140821: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]

I'll have them ******* voting Democratic for two hundred years. ....
Said to two governors regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1964, "Inside the White House". page 33.

You might also want to have a gander at some of the following articles

The Democratic Party s Two-Facedness of Race Relations The Relentless Conservative

The Party of Civil Rights National Review Online


Any other questions asshat -and ..... would ya like a little TEA with your humble Pie ?

They guy who claimed that LBJ said that while on an airplane trip later recanted, then later said LBJ DID say it.

Not a reliable witness.
Many of those from India, and areas of the Middle East, and Asia, vote both parties.

It mainly comes down to socio-economic reasons. We almost have an unofficial caste system in this country with whites at the top, blacks at the bottom, and other groups at various levels in between.
Are you saying that the entire black population is at the bottom of some perceived caste system in this country? You haven't been paying attention to the statistics that indicate only about one third of the black population is impoverished in America. You also choose to ignore that over 23 million whites are living in poverty while 2/3rds of blacks are not impoverished. How you can twist that into demonizing the entire population of blacks as lower caste based on economics ,with those facts assailing your ridiculous premise, is beyond logical reasoning.

Why don't we look at it realistically? The lower castes in America, if we going to look at it from a socioeconomic perspective , are a conglomerate of impoverished Euro-whites, blacks and Latin Caucasians. Your illusion placing the entire black population at the bottom of some socioeconomic caste system reveals more about you than I care to know.
When you take a group of people and purposely keep them impoverished and uneducated and feed each generation bullshit rhetoric about how oppressed they are, that is the result.
How does one "purposely keep them impoverished"?
Allen West was quite right on his statement on the ADA ruling about Hotels and Swimming pools.

It cost us over $20k to put in the changes required two years ago. Not one single person has used the equipment yet. It's there, but unused.
So, that makes it ok to exclude handicapped people?
When you take a group of people and purposely keep them impoverished and uneducated and feed each generation bullshit rhetoric about how oppressed they are, that is the result.

That's why blacks vote against conservatives. Who would vote for people with that attitude towards them?
Yet when the race card is played on the issue of elections it's played against them?

Also how can an entire ethnicity all vote the same and not be considered mind numb robots?

The rightwing propaganda machine systematically demonizes all black Americans except for a tiny group that happen to toe the rightwing line.
Yet when the race card is played on the issue of elections it's played against them?

Also how can an entire ethnicity all vote the same and not be considered mind numb robots?

Probably because whites are the ones that benefit the most from the status quo.
When you take a group of people and purposely keep them impoverished and uneducated and feed each generation bullshit rhetoric about how oppressed they are, that is the result.
How does one "purposely keep them impoverished"?

That's a pretty good question! Allow me to add another: Just who are these "manipulators" taking a group of people and purposely keeping them impoverished and uneducated? DTMB's post shows him to be the one manipulated. It also reveals his low opinion of blacks regardless of what socioeconomic status they have attained. Black are wise to vote for those who have done the most to remove the political barriers that were promulgated to thwart their progress. In this system of two political parties the options for blacks are quite slim.
When you take a group of people and purposely keep them impoverished and uneducated and feed each generation bullshit rhetoric about how oppressed they are, that is the result.

That's why blacks vote against conservatives. Who would vote for people with that attitude towards them?

His "attitude" was against the Dem Party, not blacks you ignorant race baiting fuck
Yet when the race card is played on the issue of elections it's played against them?

Also how can an entire ethnicity all vote the same and not be considered mind numb robots?

A quick survey of the pattern established with some most all of this country's first 42 presidents makes that a pretty good question.
...Blacks show a decided lack of diversity?
Any chance that it's a matter of DEGREE (extent or scope or scale) of diversity, rather than pointing-out the anomalies?

For example, if Race A votes 40% Dem, and 60% Pub...

And Race B votes 95% Dem, and 5% Pub...

And one holds out the Race B 5% as evidence of 'diversity'...

Well, the 60-40 split with A seems a wee-bit more substantive and statistically significant that the 95-5 split with B, yes?
Yet when the race card is played on the issue of elections it's played against them?

Also how can an entire ethnicity all vote the same and not be considered mind numb robots?

Well, to be honest, Democrats insist on diversity but turn around and insist that one voting bloc vote for them no matter what. In all honesty, diversity is not what they want.

When blacks vote for the opposite party, they react with hostility, spitting curses at them as traitors, and losing all pretense of reasonable sanity. Black people have the same brains white people do. It isn't right to shame them into not exercising their capability for free and independent thought and decision making.

I've seen blacks who bucked the trend, and have become great athletes, doctors, physicists, literarians and world leaders. To play politics with skin color is atrocious, but both parties do it.
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Yet when the race card is played on the issue of elections it's played against them?

Also how can an entire ethnicity all vote the same and not be considered mind numb robots?

Well, to be honest, Democrats insist on diversity but turn around and insist that one voting bloc vote for them no matter what. In all honesty, diversity is not what they want.

When blacks vote for the opposite party, they react with hostility, spitting curses at them and losing all pretense of reasonable sanity. Black people have the same brains white people do. It isn't right to shame them into not exercising their capability for free and independent thought and decision making.

I've seen blacks who bucked the trend, and have become great athletes, doctors, physicists, literarians and world leaders. To play politics with skin color is atrocious, but both parties do it.

Bucked what trend?
Had white people lived through hundreds of years of slavery, segregation, and social mores dictated by others then their would be little diversity in their voting.

That is pretty much an excuse, since white people were subject to the same slavery by Muslims as blacks were to whites between the 16th and 18th centuries.

Then we have the White Slaves of Barbary, which there were an estimated 1.25 million white Europeans being bought and sold as chattel by the Barbary corsairs beginning in the 16th century. Any white person who traveled to the Mediterranean risked being captured by these corsairs and sold into slavery. Yet unlike blacks, most whites do not cling to the past, a majority don't even know what happened in Barbary. We don't use our slave days to coerce others or shame others as racists.

When Europeans Were Slaves Research Suggests White Slavery Was Much More Common Than Previously Believed
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Had white people lived through hundreds of years of slavery, segregation, and social mores dictated by others then their would be little diversity in their voting.

That is pretty much an excuse, since white people were subject to the same slavery by Muslims as blacks were to whites, and hundreds of years before the slave trade ever existed.

When Europeans Were Slaves Research Suggests White Slavery Was Much More Common Than Previously Believed

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Brilliant!!!!
Maybe black Americans are disinclined to vote Republican because they are constantly being told BY Republicans/conservatives that they are too stupid to know what's good for them.
Where is the respectful disagreement with Obama and his policies from the rightwing propaganda machine?

Can someone direct me to that?

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