Why is it that "whites" are the only race to vote in a diverse manner?

Yet when the race card is played on the issue of elections it's played against them?

Also how can an entire ethnicity all vote the same and not be considered mind numb robots?

The rightwing propaganda machine systematically demonizes all black Americans except for a tiny group that happen to toe the rightwing line.
so says the race baiting pos

It doesn't? Prove it.
Can you prove you stopped punching women?
Another black people are evil/stupid/racist shit thread.
Republicans try to appeal to the assholes who fear the eventual day when whites are not a racial majority in this country but a lot of white people are not ruled by irrational xenophobia as it forms the basis of fascism.

And this tripe is precisely what I was referring to. Appealing to ignorance, like this poster is doing, can be a powerful tool for a desperate population.

He's a Obama, Holder, Shaprton goon. Don't expect anything else from it
When you take a group of people and purposely keep them impoverished and uneducated and feed each generation bullshit rhetoric about how oppressed they are, that is the result.

That's why blacks vote against conservatives. Who would vote for people with that attitude towards them?

His "attitude" was against the Dem Party, not blacks you ignorant race baiting fuck

No, that's what you guys don't get.

The idea that blacks are being manipulated, forced and tricked into voting for Democrats is in itself quite racist because it requires as a condition the belief that black people are so stupid that they fall for it.
Republicans try to appeal to the assholes who fear the eventual day when whites are not a racial majority in this country but a lot of white people are not ruled by irrational xenophobia as it forms the basis of fascism.

And this tripe is precisely what I was referring to. Appealing to ignorance, like this poster is doing, can be a powerful tool for a desperate population.

He's a Obama, Holder, Shaprton goon. Don't expect anything else from it

The word is "an".

He's an Obama........blah blah blah.
Using 8220 a 8221 and 8220 an 8221 Before Words

As a lunch lady...you should ask the third graders how to write properly.
Republicans try to appeal to the assholes who fear the eventual day when whites are not a racial majority in this country but a lot of white people are not ruled by irrational xenophobia as it forms the basis of fascism.

And this tripe is precisely what I was referring to. Appealing to ignorance, like this poster is doing, can be a powerful tool for a desperate population.

When repubs speak on the subject of race they cannot stop framing issues as us-vs-them.

No, it's the left that divides. They do so by blaming one race for virtually everything. Obama himself referred to whites who want border security as enemies when he was addressing La Raza. You'd think he was elected by illegal aliens instead of American citizens. The left pretends that there are no real minority Republicans and go as far to claim that they are brainwashed puppets. They insist that all minorities who are not traitors to their race must vote Democrat. Doesn't get more divisive than that.

It's the left who tries to win over minorities by claiming that Republicans want whites as the majority. They just don't get it. Republicans just want Republicans to be the majority. Who gives a fuck what race they are?
I just love the irony of this thread title. Delivers like a pizza.

A quick scan of all the POTUSes before the present one sure demonstrates a ton of "diversity", donut?

A few had beards..
One had monster-cool sideburns....
Some of the recent ones have even been lefthanded. :ack-1:

Duzzint git much more "diverse" than that.
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The idea that blacks are being manipulated, forced and tricked into voting for Democrats is in itself quite racist because it requires as a condition the belief that black people are so stupid that they fall for it.

Or, a party who manipulates others via their history to voting in one manner or another. It's not stupidity, it's manipulation. Everyone can see it. Just as those who subscribe to two party politics are unaware they are being manipulated, so too are blacks manipulated into doing the bidding of a political party.
Where is the respectful disagreement with Obama and his policies from the rightwing propaganda machine?

Can someone direct me to that?
Obumble is about to become a Lame Duck... does it really matter anymore?
The idea that blacks are being manipulated, forced and tricked into voting for Democrats is in itself quite racist because it requires as a condition the belief that black people are so stupid that they fall for it.

Or, a party who manipulates others via their history to voting in one manner or another. It's not stupidity, it's manipulation. Everyone can see it. Just as those who subscribe to two party politics are unaware they are being manipulated, so too are blacks manipulated into doing the bidding of a political party.

You have a very warped view of the situation.

Blacks don't "do the bidding" of the Democratic Party - the Democratic Party "does the bidding" of black people, which is why they vote Dem.
The convict came up with another race baiting thread. Maybe if Teaper assholes and racist convicts didn't racialize every issue in the name of (pseudo) conservative politics...blacks could feel welcome if they embraced (true) conservative ideology.

Instead, we get racist felons disguising honest discourse as racial rants.

Blacks are only really welcome in the republican party if they have abandoned anything that distinguishes them from white people.

That is not true. True conservatism sees no race. The big issue these days is the infestation of the Tea Party confusing the issue.
Infiltration of the R party by the TP or infiltration of the TP by interlopers?
The idea that blacks are being manipulated, forced and tricked into voting for Democrats is in itself quite racist because it requires as a condition the belief that black people are so stupid that they fall for it.

Or, a party who manipulates others via their history to voting in one manner or another. It's not stupidity, it's manipulation. Everyone can see it. Just as those who subscribe to two party politics are unaware they are being manipulated, so too are blacks manipulated into doing the bidding of a political party.

You have a very warped view of the situation.

Blacks don't "do the bidding" of the Democratic Party - the Democratic Party "does the bidding" of black people, which is why they vote Dem.

No I don't. I can see what is going on plain as day. Does their behavior not indicate otherwise? And besides, you made my point.

The Democrats had a racist past and they mistreated black people, and now they wish to atone by sucking up to a particular demographic. I call that patronization, which in my book, does not qualify as doing anyone's bidding. It is also manipulation, because the Democrats like any other party, willfully distorts facts and scenarios to engender certain emotions or behaviors among the voting population, which in turn would cause them to vote a certain way. It's not racism, it's psychology.
A lot of whites do not come from a background of slavery.
The Republican party had the ex-slaves in their party and failed to hold on to them. did their conservative philosophy rise above holding on to the Black vote?
Try to imagine what other ethnic groups have faced in the United States. Racists fought a "civil" war against the United States in order to keep their slaves, and some of them have still not given up their hatred of everyone else on Earth. Racists were so small-minded that they were willing to kill and die by the hundreds of thousands to keep black people as property. And it took over 100 years from the end of slavery until stupid southern Confederate racists would allow black people to vote or use public drinking fountains.

Perhaps if the stupid southern white trash Confederate racists in the neo-Confederate red states weren't so racist, then perhaps other ethnic groups wouldn't feel the need to "stick to their own kind" so much.

The simple fact is that white people can't play the victim in American history.

White people never had to walk to school through a gauntlet of police dogs, fire hoses, and people who hate you for existing. That wasn't that long ago when you really think about it. It wasn't some ancient bygone era. We had photography.





I'm a white conservative and this just pisses me off....

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