Why Is Liberal Ideology Increasingly Being Rejected By The West?

A hostile culture that won't assimilate and wants to eliminate the existing cultures has given liberals a much-needed reality bitch-slap.
Like the injuns and white man, the white man refused to assimilate and destroyed the natives...Poh white folk of today getting the same treatment and they cry, shed big ol' tears now.
The indians failed to accept progress.
Plus, you need to consider the darwinistic context of the era.
Darwinism has never prevented a hostile takeover.
Who said it did? One man's hostile takeover is another man's progress.
What are you basing that on? My experience in my workplace and other jobs I've worked is that a significant amount of mixing is occurring both first generation and even more so in the second generation much like other waves of migrants in the past.
When you are seeing such at work; that is typically by force of law. Not freedom of association.
What law? Maybe the law of attraction. I've crushed hard on Indian, Mexican, nepali, Chinese, guatemalan girls. I've had to pump the breaks hard too for workplace reasons. I've dated a few of them.
Affirmative Action laws. Hiring quotas. So called “Discrimination” laws... The list goes on, and on.
As for your own personal standards... That’s your issue. Not a social one.
Typically by force of affirmative action? Are you so racist that you think its typical for immigrants to only get into jobs because of affirmative action? Your line of thinking is a waste of glucose.
That’s the most poorly cobbled together strawman of the day.
You said typically by force of law. You are so far up your own ass your opinion it must be based on mcdonalds fart whispers. If you are so narrow minded to assume that, you are trying to do it and are most likely a racist white supremacist. Prove me wrong. Why would you say that mixing in the work place is typically by force of law. Typically meaning well above 50% I would think. Straw man...what a joke.
How has the seemingly unstoppable juggernaut of liberal multiculturalism,come to such an abrupt halt?
With the election of nationalist leaders across the West; and the rise of populist parties across Europe; from the USA, to Austria, throughout Italy, and into Hungary...
What has happened to alter what seemed to be a foregone conclusion for many, that nationalism was dead; and that multiculturalism was the future?
The answer is that it's not. We are seeing the effects of wars and corruption driving people towards the free and opportunistic countries. There will be growing pains and there will be attempts by the xenophobic to stop it, but the mixing of people is inescapable. It's part of nature. You can see it in other species and in humans going back 10s of thousands of years. What we see in America is the right frantically trying to cling to the status quo as usual, to prevent inevitable change. They will have some successes but when the kids mingle they learn that the racism and xenophobia are baseless and immoral. Skin color, place of birth, even religion don't define a person's goodness or potential.
Bullshit. People aren’t mixing. They’re segregating and it’s getting a push from leftist ideology.
What are you basing that on? My experience in my workplace and other jobs I've worked is that a significant amount of mixing is occurring both first generation and even more so in the second generation much like other waves of migrants in the past.
PG County, MD.
Black studies curriculum. Black African American negro colored organizations galore. ESOL.
Press 2 for Spanish.
Those are your basics for stating that no mixing is happening? I could skewer you over that but it will be a waste of my time. How about you take a long walk and think about each of those points and why someone would want to use them. I'm sure you can cut the crap and come up with your own counter points.
Those are my empirical points proving that mixing is being resisted.
Minority advocate groups learned from the Negro Leagues that integration is bad for business.
How has the seemingly unstoppable juggernaut of liberal multiculturalism,come to such an abrupt halt?
With the election of nationalist leaders across the West; and the rise of populist parties across Europe; from the USA, to Austria, throughout Italy, and into Hungary...
What has happened to alter what seemed to be a foregone conclusion for many, that nationalism was dead; and that multiculturalism was the future?
The answer is that it's not. We are seeing the effects of wars and corruption driving people towards the free and opportunistic countries. There will be growing pains and there will be attempts by the xenophobic to stop it, but the mixing of people is inescapable. It's part of nature. You can see it in other species and in humans going back 10s of thousands of years. What we see in America is the right frantically trying to cling to the status quo as usual, to prevent inevitable change. They will have some successes but when the kids mingle they learn that the racism and xenophobia are baseless and immoral. Skin color, place of birth, even religion don't define a person's goodness or potential.
Bullshit. People aren’t mixing. They’re segregating and it’s getting a push from leftist ideology.
What are you basing that on? My experience in my workplace and other jobs I've worked is that a significant amount of mixing is occurring both first generation and even more so in the second generation much like other waves of migrants in the past.
When you are seeing such at work; that is typically by force of law. Not freedom of association.
That’s right. Should he follow his workmates home from work he’ll see they all live in segregated neighborhoods.
That's right based on what? I've been to my Iranian coworkers apartment. Pretty standard bro. Even some of the Sudanese I worked with at a factory lived in the same apartment complex as me on the nice side of town and we drank beer and played guitar hero sometimes. There are definitely migrant communities out there that are majority one nationality but your assumptions aren't realistic.
When you are seeing such at work; that is typically by force of law. Not freedom of association.
What law? Maybe the law of attraction. I've crushed hard on Indian, Mexican, nepali, Chinese, guatemalan girls. I've had to pump the breaks hard too for workplace reasons. I've dated a few of them.
Affirmative Action laws. Hiring quotas. So called “Discrimination” laws... The list goes on, and on.
As for your own personal standards... That’s your issue. Not a social one.
Typically by force of affirmative action? Are you so racist that you think its typical for immigrants to only get into jobs because of affirmative action? Your line of thinking is a waste of glucose.
That’s the most poorly cobbled together strawman of the day.
You said typically by force of law. You are so far up your own ass your opinion it must be based on mcdonalds fart whispers. If you are so narrow minded to assume that, you are trying to do it and are most likely a racist white supremacist. Prove me wrong. Why would you say that mixing in the work place is typically by force of law. Typically meaning well above 50% I would think. Straw man...what a joke.
I live in the DC area. The Fed and its subcontractors are a prime example of AA imbalance.
The answer is that it's not. We are seeing the effects of wars and corruption driving people towards the free and opportunistic countries. There will be growing pains and there will be attempts by the xenophobic to stop it, but the mixing of people is inescapable. It's part of nature. You can see it in other species and in humans going back 10s of thousands of years. What we see in America is the right frantically trying to cling to the status quo as usual, to prevent inevitable change. They will have some successes but when the kids mingle they learn that the racism and xenophobia are baseless and immoral. Skin color, place of birth, even religion don't define a person's goodness or potential.
Bullshit. People aren’t mixing. They’re segregating and it’s getting a push from leftist ideology.
What are you basing that on? My experience in my workplace and other jobs I've worked is that a significant amount of mixing is occurring both first generation and even more so in the second generation much like other waves of migrants in the past.
When you are seeing such at work; that is typically by force of law. Not freedom of association.
That’s right. Should he follow his workmates home from work he’ll see they all live in segregated neighborhoods.
That's right based on what? I've been to my Iranian coworkers apartment. Pretty standard bro. Even some of the Sudanese I worked with at a factory lived in the same apartment complex as me on the nice side of town and we drank beer and played guitar hero sometimes. There are definitely migrant communities out there that are majority one nationality but your assumptions aren't realistic.
"Majority one nationality".
You just argued against yourself.
As soon as that becomes its own industry the way black and highspanic have become you'll see more of the same.
When you are seeing such at work; that is typically by force of law. Not freedom of association.
What law? Maybe the law of attraction. I've crushed hard on Indian, Mexican, nepali, Chinese, guatemalan girls. I've had to pump the breaks hard too for workplace reasons. I've dated a few of them.
Affirmative Action laws. Hiring quotas. So called “Discrimination” laws... The list goes on, and on.
As for your own personal standards... That’s your issue. Not a social one.
Typically by force of affirmative action? Are you so racist that you think its typical for immigrants to only get into jobs because of affirmative action? Your line of thinking is a waste of glucose.
That’s the most poorly cobbled together strawman of the day.
You said typically by force of law. You are so far up your own ass your opinion it must be based on mcdonalds fart whispers. If you are so narrow minded to assume that, you are trying to do it and are most likely a racist white supremacist. Prove me wrong. Why would you say that mixing in the work place is typically by force of law. Typically meaning well above 50% I would think. Straw man...what a joke.
English mother fucker. English!
My current team has a Brazilian, slovakian, nepali, Hmong, 3 Americans 1 of which has some native, an Iranian, Kenyan, 2 indians. We've also had Chinese and Lebanese.
Are any of them American?
I believe the slovakian, Brazilian, and Hmong have citizenship. The others are on various visas. My Hmong colleague likes to fish, bow hunt, and play video games. He's really good at his job too. The best I've worked with here. He was born in asia though so some would probably assume some bad stuff about him.

My friend from college is Chinese and has a green card. He likes beer and likes to see and collect vintage historical firearms. Terrible right? The standard gun nut would probably have nothing to talk about with him.

How many immigrants do you guys spend time with that you have no bearing on the reality of this topic?

I'll throw you a bone. There was one time that my buddy drunkenly invited some Somalis to party with us. One of them was a cute and easy going girl that he was into and was actually fun to talk with. He lived near a part of downtown that a lot of them live so it wasn't surprising to run into them. The other was a guy that was apparently relatively fresh and had been in the military over there. She was trying to help get him out and about apparently but he seemed skiddish. We drank for a while and when it was late they didn't want to leave. While we were finally getting them out he grabbed my buddies phone when we weren't looking which really sucks. Personally, I wouldn't have invited strangers in, one of which was acting like that. Am I going to write off most immigrants because of this event, becaus of my buddies poor judgement? No. Would I pay closer attention next time or even say they can't come in at that hour? Yes.
Bullshit. People aren’t mixing. They’re segregating and it’s getting a push from leftist ideology.
What are you basing that on? My experience in my workplace and other jobs I've worked is that a significant amount of mixing is occurring both first generation and even more so in the second generation much like other waves of migrants in the past.
When you are seeing such at work; that is typically by force of law. Not freedom of association.
That’s right. Should he follow his workmates home from work he’ll see they all live in segregated neighborhoods.
That's right based on what? I've been to my Iranian coworkers apartment. Pretty standard bro. Even some of the Sudanese I worked with at a factory lived in the same apartment complex as me on the nice side of town and we drank beer and played guitar hero sometimes. There are definitely migrant communities out there that are majority one nationality but your assumptions aren't realistic.
"Majority one nationality".
You just argued against yourself.
As soon as that becomes its own industry the way black and highspanic have become you'll see more of the same.
I'm not arguing against myself. I'm showing that I'm not a biased pos and I accept that there are pockets of immigrants that at least in their living situation aren't mixing well. I'm not here to try to be right. I'm here to share my perspective and hear others.
My current team has a Brazilian, slovakian, nepali, Hmong, 3 Americans 1 of which has some native, an Iranian, Kenyan, 2 indians. We've also had Chinese and Lebanese.
Are any of them American?
I believe the slovakian, Brazilian, and Hmong have citizenship. The others are on various visas. My Hmong colleague likes to fish, bow hunt, and play video games. He's really good at his job too. The best I've worked with here. He was born in asia though so some would probably assume some bad stuff about him.

My friend from college is Chinese and has a green card. He likes beer and likes to see and collect vintage historical firearms. Terrible right? The standard gun nut would probably have nothing to talk about with him.

How many immigrants do you guys spend time with that you have no bearing on the reality of this topic?

I'll throw you a bone. There was one time that my buddy drunkenly invited some Somalis to party with us. One of them was a cute and easy going girl that he was into and was actually fun to talk with. He lived near a part of downtown that a lot of them live so it wasn't surprising to run into them. The other was a guy that was apparently relatively fresh and had been in the military over there. She was trying to help get him out and about apparently but he seemed skiddish. We drank for a while and when it was late they didn't want to leave. While we were finally getting them out he grabbed my buddies phone when we weren't looking which really sucks. Personally, I wouldn't have invited strangers in, one of which was acting like that. Am I going to write off most immigrants because of this event, becaus of my buddies poor judgement? No. Would I pay closer attention next time or even say they can't come in at that hour? Yes.
My question was rhetorical and regarding culture. Are your buds American or some hyphenated version?
As for spending time with immigrants, I spent time with my immigrant grandmother who made sure my mother and uncle were American.
Like me.
What are you basing that on? My experience in my workplace and other jobs I've worked is that a significant amount of mixing is occurring both first generation and even more so in the second generation much like other waves of migrants in the past.
When you are seeing such at work; that is typically by force of law. Not freedom of association.
That’s right. Should he follow his workmates home from work he’ll see they all live in segregated neighborhoods.
That's right based on what? I've been to my Iranian coworkers apartment. Pretty standard bro. Even some of the Sudanese I worked with at a factory lived in the same apartment complex as me on the nice side of town and we drank beer and played guitar hero sometimes. There are definitely migrant communities out there that are majority one nationality but your assumptions aren't realistic.
"Majority one nationality".
You just argued against yourself.
As soon as that becomes its own industry the way black and highspanic have become you'll see more of the same.
I'm not arguing against myself. I'm showing that I'm not a biased pos and I accept that there are pockets of immigrants that at least in their living situation aren't mixing well. I'm not here to try to be right. I'm here to share my perspective and hear others.
And part of the reason they aren’t mixing is because of the lefty ideology that this thread is about.
How has the seemingly unstoppable juggernaut of liberal multiculturalism,come to such an abrupt halt?
With the election of nationalist leaders across the West; and the rise of populist parties across Europe; from the USA, to Austria, throughout Italy, and into Hungary...
What has happened to alter what seemed to be a foregone conclusion for many, that nationalism was dead; and that multiculturalism was the future?
Because Leftism and Islam have united to try to destroy Western Civilization.
How has the seemingly unstoppable juggernaut of liberal multiculturalism,come to such an abrupt halt?
With the election of nationalist leaders across the West; and the rise of populist parties across Europe; from the USA, to Austria, throughout Italy, and into Hungary...
What has happened to alter what seemed to be a foregone conclusion for many, that nationalism was dead; and that multiculturalism was the future?

Conservatism is dead. It just doesn’t know it yet.
How has the seemingly unstoppable juggernaut of liberal multiculturalism,come to such an abrupt halt?
With the election of nationalist leaders across the West; and the rise of populist parties across Europe; from the USA, to Austria, throughout Italy, and into Hungary...
What has happened to alter what seemed to be a foregone conclusion for many, that nationalism was dead; and that multiculturalism was the future?

Conservatism is dead. It just doesn’t know it yet.
And democrats are ultra-conservative Marxists. They just don't know it.
I'm a capitalist, but socially "classical" liberal. I'm one of those "live and let live types," but I have serious issues with the concept of stealing from the rich to cover the lives of the poor - be that with the progressive tax system, welfare, ACA, etc. Hell I even have issues with insurance pools that financially punish everyone for the mistakes of others... I'm "politically awkward" because I don't like either side, and neither side really addresses my shit so I have to pick and choose - is socialism more of a threat than not having federally "enforced" SSM? I always had to pick between D's and R's in presidential elections (Trump is probably the most happy I've been with a president because he's pretty close to "classical liberal" and he even touches on my particular version of national capitalism over global free market.) That said, most of the time, I'm not particularly happy with my choices... I am just thankful I'm in Alaska, we have the highest concentration of Independents like myself and we vote them in regularly, we also tend to balance out the see-saw with a mix of R's and D's to keep a generally even keel between helping those who need help and not going into debt because of it [socialism].

I think the left just lost their fucking minds and they are driving people away. The D's allowed these radicals [socialists, communists, and anarchists] to take over the party because, really, after getting women's vote, desegregation [removal of Jim Crow], and gay rights [even got SSM which I fought up here for my entire adult life] - they ran out of shit too fight for and had to just start inventing crap - like micro-aggressions, transgender bathrooms, on and on. These radical's have no foundation for their beliefs so they come off as hypocritical shits who go back on their word (and totally prove 100% the "slippery slope" idea that R's argued so successfully - see "what two adults do in their bedroom is none of your business" vs today's "fuck your beliefs, bake the cake" and "fuck your little girl and wife's feelings, trans-women can use the ladies room regardless")

It's an interesting year for me honestly, I'm falling right, harder and harder the more bullshit I see from what I call "the sedition crowd"... harassing public officials during their off hours - and proudly, beating up and hating American's for going to a Trump rally, bringing in ANTIFA and protecting MS-13 and so much fucking more. Its pathetic, they are pathetic for using those tactics. It's like I used to be alright being called a republican or a democrat, because I used to hold values from each party - now... I am almost to the point that consider it an insult to be called a Democrat. I'm not alone either. My mother was a life time democrat, she's 72 and she is now a registered republican who is absolutely disgusted by the D party - that they sold themselves to Hillary Clinton and these radicals who are so, so incredibly far from liberal. My husband, who's a center right conservative has gone alt right on me, he's ready to fight. He's actually fucking excited that some ANTIFA progressive shit bag might fuck with us in Vegas... He wants to beat the shit out of someone because he's had it with being nice, he's had it with their bullshit, and he isn't going to let them get away with it anymore (like he, most R's, have always done.) All the military guys I know are bruising to put down "those fascist fuckers" if they even look at em funny.

I'm concerned because I think shits going to get real ugly real fast if the D's/left keep letting these radical/seditious folks run the show like they are, but on the other hand, I understand, they've [the radicals] have been calling everyone, even my husband, a racist [his first wife was black, their son gets married this Thursday (that's why we're headed to Vegas). His daughter's last name is Gonzalez... But yeah, he's a racist... ~rolls eyes~ I'm a racist too because how dare I want to defend our borders, because how dare I think that welfare is enabling ghettos and generational welfare, is preventing folks from escaping that "shit-hole" life by removing the incentive to get out and better themselves. Unlike modern leftists/democrats I do not believe that these folks couldn't get out of there, I do not believe that they are doomed to be poor because they happened to be born poor or black or Hispanic, or whatever. I believe they can and would if they had to (aka "tough love.") I'm also a "homophobe" because I don't agree with the trans bathroom issue - ironic since I'm actually bisexual.

The left is off the fucking rails right now, and normal people aren't down with their "woke" bullshit...
My current team has a Brazilian, slovakian, nepali, Hmong, 3 Americans 1 of which has some native, an Iranian, Kenyan, 2 indians. We've also had Chinese and Lebanese.
Are any of them American?
I believe the slovakian, Brazilian, and Hmong have citizenship. The others are on various visas. My Hmong colleague likes to fish, bow hunt, and play video games. He's really good at his job too. The best I've worked with here. He was born in asia though so some would probably assume some bad stuff about him.

My friend from college is Chinese and has a green card. He likes beer and likes to see and collect vintage historical firearms. Terrible right? The standard gun nut would probably have nothing to talk about with him.

How many immigrants do you guys spend time with that you have no bearing on the reality of this topic?

I'll throw you a bone. There was one time that my buddy drunkenly invited some Somalis to party with us. One of them was a cute and easy going girl that he was into and was actually fun to talk with. He lived near a part of downtown that a lot of them live so it wasn't surprising to run into them. The other was a guy that was apparently relatively fresh and had been in the military over there. She was trying to help get him out and about apparently but he seemed skiddish. We drank for a while and when it was late they didn't want to leave. While we were finally getting them out he grabbed my buddies phone when we weren't looking which really sucks. Personally, I wouldn't have invited strangers in, one of which was acting like that. Am I going to write off most immigrants because of this event, becaus of my buddies poor judgement? No. Would I pay closer attention next time or even say they can't come in at that hour? Yes.
My question was rhetorical and regarding culture. Are your buds American or some hyphenated version?
As for spending time with immigrants, I spent time with my immigrant grandmother who made sure my mother and uncle were American.
Like me.
Drawing lines in the sand on who's american enough is cringeworthy nationalism. It's not a contest. There shouldn't be a measure of merit associated to it. Making enemies of your fellow man, fellow citizen on this basis is the means to a manipulator's end.
When you are seeing such at work; that is typically by force of law. Not freedom of association.
That’s right. Should he follow his workmates home from work he’ll see they all live in segregated neighborhoods.
That's right based on what? I've been to my Iranian coworkers apartment. Pretty standard bro. Even some of the Sudanese I worked with at a factory lived in the same apartment complex as me on the nice side of town and we drank beer and played guitar hero sometimes. There are definitely migrant communities out there that are majority one nationality but your assumptions aren't realistic.
"Majority one nationality".
You just argued against yourself.
As soon as that becomes its own industry the way black and highspanic have become you'll see more of the same.
I'm not arguing against myself. I'm showing that I'm not a biased pos and I accept that there are pockets of immigrants that at least in their living situation aren't mixing well. I'm not here to try to be right. I'm here to share my perspective and hear others.
And part of the reason they aren’t mixing is because of the lefty ideology that this thread is about.
You are ignoring the reality that I have explained. Some concentrate some don't. Reality is a messy place that a trumpian soundbyte can't explain well.

Again, its known that the second generation is far more integrated than the first. Please try to understand that and how it applies to recent immigrants.
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A hostile culture that won't assimilate and wants to eliminate the existing cultures has given liberals a much-needed reality bitch-slap.

Yup. And they did it to themselves by taking in vast numbers of that culture.

A culture that hasn't assimilated into any country they infest. A culture that only recognizes those belonging to that culture as friends. Anyone else is an unbeliever and worthy of nothing.

They tell those countries they are fleeing their countries to start over but bring their 7th Century Sharia Law with them.

If European Govts. had a working brain cell they would kick them all back to whatever shithole they crawled out of.
My current team has a Brazilian, slovakian, nepali, Hmong, 3 Americans 1 of which has some native, an Iranian, Kenyan, 2 indians. We've also had Chinese and Lebanese.
Are any of them American?
I believe the slovakian, Brazilian, and Hmong have citizenship. The others are on various visas. My Hmong colleague likes to fish, bow hunt, and play video games. He's really good at his job too. The best I've worked with here. He was born in asia though so some would probably assume some bad stuff about him.

My friend from college is Chinese and has a green card. He likes beer and likes to see and collect vintage historical firearms. Terrible right? The standard gun nut would probably have nothing to talk about with him.

How many immigrants do you guys spend time with that you have no bearing on the reality of this topic?

I'll throw you a bone. There was one time that my buddy drunkenly invited some Somalis to party with us. One of them was a cute and easy going girl that he was into and was actually fun to talk with. He lived near a part of downtown that a lot of them live so it wasn't surprising to run into them. The other was a guy that was apparently relatively fresh and had been in the military over there. She was trying to help get him out and about apparently but he seemed skiddish. We drank for a while and when it was late they didn't want to leave. While we were finally getting them out he grabbed my buddies phone when we weren't looking which really sucks. Personally, I wouldn't have invited strangers in, one of which was acting like that. Am I going to write off most immigrants because of this event, becaus of my buddies poor judgement? No. Would I pay closer attention next time or even say they can't come in at that hour? Yes.
My question was rhetorical and regarding culture. Are your buds American or some hyphenated version?
As for spending time with immigrants, I spent time with my immigrant grandmother who made sure my mother and uncle were American.
Like me.
Drawing lines in the sand on who's american enough is cringeworthy nationalism. It's not a contest. There shouldn't be a measure of merit associated to it. Making enemies of your fellow man, fellow citizen on this basis is the means to a manipulator's end.
The ones drawing those lines are the hyphenated self-segregationists you defend.

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