Why Is Liberal Ideology Increasingly Being Rejected By The West?

A hostile culture that won't assimilate and wants to eliminate the existing cultures has given liberals a much-needed reality bitch-slap.
Like the injuns and white man, the white man refused to assimilate and destroyed the natives...Poh white folk of today getting the same treatment and they cry, shed big ol' tears now.
A hostile culture that won't assimilate and wants to eliminate the existing cultures has given liberals a much-needed reality bitch-slap.
Like the injuns and white man, the white man refused to assimilate and destroyed the natives...Poh white folk of today getting the same treatment and they cry, shed big ol' tears now.
The indians failed to accept progress.
Plus, you need to consider the darwinistic context of the era.
A hostile culture that won't assimilate and wants to eliminate the existing cultures has given liberals a much-needed reality bitch-slap.
Like the injuns and white man, the white man refused to assimilate and destroyed the natives...Poh white folk of today getting the same treatment and they cry, shed big ol' tears now.
Those stinking redskins fought tooth and claw until they were defeated.

Do you expect poh white folk to do differently?
Because the western world had enough of sewage.

Does that make sense? :04:
I think it’s more nuanced than that. For a greater part I think Liberals are to blame. No... Not Leftists. Liberals. Actual Liberals.
Their passive live, and let live ideology has opened their ranks up to the most militant and extreme examples of Leftist ideology; who have pretty much taken over the moniker of “liberal”; and once they were the loudest voices in the room so to speak they started replacing true liberal values with Marxist-Socialist agendas. To the point where in today’s common vernacular Liberal means leftist. And leftist is synonymous with socialist. And the Socialist mentality of “by any means necessary” including the displacement or replacement of native populations; has worn out the welcome amongst many people. People whom, while proud of their heritage, and once tolerant of a splash of foreign flavor; feel they are being choked out and having their birthright stolen in the name of an ideology that supports everyone but them.

If you research the new world order you will see where the root of all of this is at. Why it started etc. but nobody wants to go back in time because the leftist douches tell you it's a conspiracy . But yet the live map of it all is right in front of people.

Taking over the west has been the plan, a plan , a plan PEOPLE DO NOT PAY ATTENTION . The leftist liberals esp.
Thats' why we have infowars================ because this is an information war most aren't comprehending that fact.

A war in which you're getting annihilated, as demonstrated by the use of the term "leftist liberals". Exactly the ignorance I just pointed out above.
Because the western world had enough of sewage.

Does that make sense? :04:
I think it’s more nuanced than that. For a greater part I think Liberals are to blame. No... Not Leftists. Liberals. Actual Liberals.
Their passive live, and let live ideology has opened their ranks up to the most militant and extreme examples of Leftist ideology; who have pretty much taken over the moniker of “liberal”; and once they were the loudest voices in the room so to speak they started replacing true liberal values with Marxist-Socialist agendas. To the point where in today’s common vernacular Liberal means leftist. And leftist is synonymous with socialist. And the Socialist mentality of “by any means necessary” including the displacement or replacement of native populations; has worn out the welcome amongst many people. People whom, while proud of their heritage, and once tolerant of a splash of foreign flavor; feel they are being choked out and having their birthright stolen in the name of an ideology that supports everyone but them.

If you research the new world order you will see where the root of all of this is at. Why it started etc. but nobody wants to go back in time because the leftist douches tell you it's a conspiracy . But yet the live map of it all is right in front of people.

Taking over the west has been the plan, a plan , a plan PEOPLE DO NOT PAY ATTENTION . The leftist liberals esp.
Thats' why we have infowars================ because this is an information war most aren't comprehending that fact.

A war in which you're getting annihilated, as demonstrated by the use of the term "leftist liberals". Exactly the ignorance I just pointed out above.

There shouldn't be a war among us at all. We are America people should not act as they do because each side acts like one another is an STD..... the left is worst....

and if you can't see any of the below taking place that explains how you leftist hate so severely YOU ALL DO NOT GET IT , NOR SEE IT..

All these issues you Trump haters want are what is destroying this Nation.

Here, in part, are the most blatant Zionist Communist achievements listed in that original list of 45 Goals. Read this group very carefully…these are the most sweeping, revolutionary, devastating and deadly Goals on the list from 1963. ( I will list all original 45 further down the page.)

Here we go...

4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.

11. Promote the UN as the only hope for mankind.

13. Do away with all loyalty oaths.

15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

18. Gain control of all student newspapers.

19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.

20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."

23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."

24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.


The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
How has the seemingly unstoppable juggernaut of liberal multiculturalism,come to such an abrupt halt?
With the election of nationalist leaders across the West; and the rise of populist parties across Europe; from the USA, to Austria, throughout Italy, and into Hungary...
What has happened to alter what seemed to be a foregone conclusion for many, that nationalism was dead; and that multiculturalism was the future?
The answer is that it's not. We are seeing the effects of wars and corruption driving people towards the free and opportunistic countries. There will be growing pains and there will be attempts by the xenophobic to stop it, but the mixing of people is inescapable. It's part of nature. You can see it in other species and in humans going back 10s of thousands of years. What we see in America is the right frantically trying to cling to the status quo as usual, to prevent inevitable change. They will have some successes but when the kids mingle they learn that the racism and xenophobia are baseless and immoral. Skin color, place of birth, even religion don't define a person's goodness or potential.
Bullshit. People aren’t mixing. They’re segregating and it’s getting a push from leftist ideology.
What are you basing that on? My experience in my workplace and other jobs I've worked is that a significant amount of mixing is occurring both first generation and even more so in the second generation much like other waves of migrants in the past.
Because the western world had enough of sewage.

Does that make sense? :04:
I think it’s more nuanced than that. For a greater part I think Liberals are to blame. No... Not Leftists. Liberals. Actual Liberals.
Their passive live, and let live ideology has opened their ranks up to the most militant and extreme examples of Leftist ideology; who have pretty much taken over the moniker of “liberal”; and once they were the loudest voices in the room so to speak they started replacing true liberal values with Marxist-Socialist agendas. To the point where in today’s common vernacular Liberal means leftist. And leftist is synonymous with socialist. And the Socialist mentality of “by any means necessary” including the displacement or replacement of native populations; has worn out the welcome amongst many people. People whom, while proud of their heritage, and once tolerant of a splash of foreign flavor; feel they are being choked out and having their birthright stolen in the name of an ideology that supports everyone but them.

If you research the new world order you will see where the root of all of this is at. Why it started etc. but nobody wants to go back in time because the leftist douches tell you it's a conspiracy . But yet the live map of it all is right in front of people.

Taking over the west has been the plan, a plan , a plan PEOPLE DO NOT PAY ATTENTION . The leftist liberals esp.
Thats' why we have infowars================ because this is an information war most aren't comprehending that fact.

A war in which you're getting annihilated, as demonstrated by the use of the term "leftist liberals". Exactly the ignorance I just pointed out above.

There shouldn't be a war among us at all. We are America people should not act as they do because each side acts like one another is an STD..... the left is worst....

and if you can't see any of the below taking place that explains how you leftist hate so severely YOU ALL DO NOT GET IT , NOR SEE IT..

All these issues you Trump haters want are what is destroying this Nation.

Here, in part, are the most blatant Zionist Communist achievements listed in that original list of 45 Goals. Read this group very carefully…these are the most sweeping, revolutionary, devastating and deadly Goals on the list from 1963. ( I will list all original 45 further down the page.)

Here we go...

4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.

11. Promote the UN as the only hope for mankind.

13. Do away with all loyalty oaths.

15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

18. Gain control of all student newspapers.

19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.

20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."

23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."

24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.


The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

I had to rate this post as 'funny' because USMB does not provide a rating for "collapsed on the floor helpless with laughter gasping for breath".

What in the wide world of fuck are you even babbling about here? Posting in the wrong thread again?

I just pointed out that you have no clue what your own terms mean, and you confirmed it by doubling down with a cut-n-paste dump from parts unknown about whothefuckknowswhat.

You have no response. Just admit it.

By the way we commonly form plurals in English with the letter S. Learn that.
How has the seemingly unstoppable juggernaut of liberal multiculturalism,come to such an abrupt halt?
With the election of nationalist leaders across the West; and the rise of populist parties across Europe; from the USA, to Austria, throughout Italy, and into Hungary...
What has happened to alter what seemed to be a foregone conclusion for many, that nationalism was dead; and that multiculturalism was the future?
The answer is that it's not. We are seeing the effects of wars and corruption driving people towards the free and opportunistic countries. There will be growing pains and there will be attempts by the xenophobic to stop it, but the mixing of people is inescapable. It's part of nature. You can see it in other species and in humans going back 10s of thousands of years. What we see in America is the right frantically trying to cling to the status quo as usual, to prevent inevitable change. They will have some successes but when the kids mingle they learn that the racism and xenophobia are baseless and immoral. Skin color, place of birth, even religion don't define a person's goodness or potential.
Bullshit. People aren’t mixing. They’re segregating and it’s getting a push from leftist ideology.
What are you basing that on? My experience in my workplace and other jobs I've worked is that a significant amount of mixing is occurring both first generation and even more so in the second generation much like other waves of migrants in the past.
When you are seeing such at work; that is typically by force of law. Not freedom of association.
How has the seemingly unstoppable juggernaut of liberal multiculturalism,come to such an abrupt halt?
With the election of nationalist leaders across the West; and the rise of populist parties across Europe; from the USA, to Austria, throughout Italy, and into Hungary...
What has happened to alter what seemed to be a foregone conclusion for many, that nationalism was dead; and that multiculturalism was the future?
The answer is that it's not. We are seeing the effects of wars and corruption driving people towards the free and opportunistic countries. There will be growing pains and there will be attempts by the xenophobic to stop it, but the mixing of people is inescapable. It's part of nature. You can see it in other species and in humans going back 10s of thousands of years. What we see in America is the right frantically trying to cling to the status quo as usual, to prevent inevitable change. They will have some successes but when the kids mingle they learn that the racism and xenophobia are baseless and immoral. Skin color, place of birth, even religion don't define a person's goodness or potential.
Bullshit. People aren’t mixing. They’re segregating and it’s getting a push from leftist ideology.
What are you basing that on? My experience in my workplace and other jobs I've worked is that a significant amount of mixing is occurring both first generation and even more so in the second generation much like other waves of migrants in the past.
PG County, MD.
Black studies curriculum. Black African American negro colored organizations galore. ESOL.
Press 2 for Spanish.
How has the seemingly unstoppable juggernaut of liberal multiculturalism,come to such an abrupt halt?
With the election of nationalist leaders across the West; and the rise of populist parties across Europe; from the USA, to Austria, throughout Italy, and into Hungary...
What has happened to alter what seemed to be a foregone conclusion for many, that nationalism was dead; and that multiculturalism was the future?
The answer is that it's not. We are seeing the effects of wars and corruption driving people towards the free and opportunistic countries. There will be growing pains and there will be attempts by the xenophobic to stop it, but the mixing of people is inescapable. It's part of nature. You can see it in other species and in humans going back 10s of thousands of years. What we see in America is the right frantically trying to cling to the status quo as usual, to prevent inevitable change. They will have some successes but when the kids mingle they learn that the racism and xenophobia are baseless and immoral. Skin color, place of birth, even religion don't define a person's goodness or potential.
Bullshit. People aren’t mixing. They’re segregating and it’s getting a push from leftist ideology.
What are you basing that on? My experience in my workplace and other jobs I've worked is that a significant amount of mixing is occurring both first generation and even more so in the second generation much like other waves of migrants in the past.
When you are seeing such at work; that is typically by force of law. Not freedom of association.
That’s right. Should he follow his workmates home from work he’ll see they all live in segregated neighborhoods.
How has the seemingly unstoppable juggernaut of liberal multiculturalism,come to such an abrupt halt?
With the election of nationalist leaders across the West; and the rise of populist parties across Europe; from the USA, to Austria, throughout Italy, and into Hungary...
What has happened to alter what seemed to be a foregone conclusion for many, that nationalism was dead; and that multiculturalism was the future?
The answer is that it's not. We are seeing the effects of wars and corruption driving people towards the free and opportunistic countries. There will be growing pains and there will be attempts by the xenophobic to stop it, but the mixing of people is inescapable. It's part of nature. You can see it in other species and in humans going back 10s of thousands of years. What we see in America is the right frantically trying to cling to the status quo as usual, to prevent inevitable change. They will have some successes but when the kids mingle they learn that the racism and xenophobia are baseless and immoral. Skin color, place of birth, even religion don't define a person's goodness or potential.
Bullshit. People aren’t mixing. They’re segregating and it’s getting a push from leftist ideology.
What are you basing that on? My experience in my workplace and other jobs I've worked is that a significant amount of mixing is occurring both first generation and even more so in the second generation much like other waves of migrants in the past.
When you are seeing such at work; that is typically by force of law. Not freedom of association.
What law? Maybe the law of attraction. I've crushed hard on Indian, Mexican, nepali, Chinese, guatemalan girls. I've had to pump the breaks hard too for workplace reasons. I've dated a few of them.
How has the seemingly unstoppable juggernaut of liberal multiculturalism,come to such an abrupt halt?
With the election of nationalist leaders across the West; and the rise of populist parties across Europe; from the USA, to Austria, throughout Italy, and into Hungary...
What has happened to alter what seemed to be a foregone conclusion for many, that nationalism was dead; and that multiculturalism was the future?
The answer is that it's not. We are seeing the effects of wars and corruption driving people towards the free and opportunistic countries. There will be growing pains and there will be attempts by the xenophobic to stop it, but the mixing of people is inescapable. It's part of nature. You can see it in other species and in humans going back 10s of thousands of years. What we see in America is the right frantically trying to cling to the status quo as usual, to prevent inevitable change. They will have some successes but when the kids mingle they learn that the racism and xenophobia are baseless and immoral. Skin color, place of birth, even religion don't define a person's goodness or potential.
Bullshit. People aren’t mixing. They’re segregating and it’s getting a push from leftist ideology.
What are you basing that on? My experience in my workplace and other jobs I've worked is that a significant amount of mixing is occurring both first generation and even more so in the second generation much like other waves of migrants in the past.
When you are seeing such at work; that is typically by force of law. Not freedom of association.
What law? Maybe the law of attraction. I've crushed hard on Indian, Mexican, nepali, Chinese, guatemalan girls. I've had to pump the breaks hard too for workplace reasons. I've dated a few of them.
Affirmative Action laws. Hiring quotas. So called “Discrimination” laws... The list goes on, and on.
As for your own personal standards... That’s your issue. Not a social one.
A hostile culture that won't assimilate and wants to eliminate the existing cultures has given liberals a much-needed reality bitch-slap.
Like the injuns and white man, the white man refused to assimilate and destroyed the natives...Poh white folk of today getting the same treatment and they cry, shed big ol' tears now.
The indians failed to accept progress.
Plus, you need to consider the darwinistic context of the era.
Darwinism has never prevented a hostile takeover.
A hostile culture that won't assimilate and wants to eliminate the existing cultures has given liberals a much-needed reality bitch-slap.
Like the injuns and white man, the white man refused to assimilate and destroyed the natives...Poh white folk of today getting the same treatment and they cry, shed big ol' tears now.
Those stinking redskins fought tooth and claw until they were defeated.

Do you expect poh white folk to do differently?
No, but I hope you white folks at least take it as well as the injuns did..
A hostile culture that won't assimilate and wants to eliminate the existing cultures has given liberals a much-needed reality bitch-slap.
Like the injuns and white man, the white man refused to assimilate and destroyed the natives...Poh white folk of today getting the same treatment and they cry, shed big ol' tears now.
Those stinking redskins fought tooth and claw until they were defeated.

Do you expect poh white folk to do differently?
No, but I hope you white folks at least take it as well as the injuns did..
You’d have a shit fit if they did. If you knew history; you’d know the Indians fought back. Whites haven’t quite begun to do so yet. But thanks for green lighting the proposal...
How has the seemingly unstoppable juggernaut of liberal multiculturalism,come to such an abrupt halt?
With the election of nationalist leaders across the West; and the rise of populist parties across Europe; from the USA, to Austria, throughout Italy, and into Hungary...
What has happened to alter what seemed to be a foregone conclusion for many, that nationalism was dead; and that multiculturalism was the future?
The answer is that it's not. We are seeing the effects of wars and corruption driving people towards the free and opportunistic countries. There will be growing pains and there will be attempts by the xenophobic to stop it, but the mixing of people is inescapable. It's part of nature. You can see it in other species and in humans going back 10s of thousands of years. What we see in America is the right frantically trying to cling to the status quo as usual, to prevent inevitable change. They will have some successes but when the kids mingle they learn that the racism and xenophobia are baseless and immoral. Skin color, place of birth, even religion don't define a person's goodness or potential.
Bullshit. People aren’t mixing. They’re segregating and it’s getting a push from leftist ideology.
What are you basing that on? My experience in my workplace and other jobs I've worked is that a significant amount of mixing is occurring both first generation and even more so in the second generation much like other waves of migrants in the past.
PG County, MD.
Black studies curriculum. Black African American negro colored organizations galore. ESOL.
Press 2 for Spanish.
Those are your basics for stating that no mixing is happening? I could skewer you over that but it will be a waste of my time. How about you take a long walk and think about each of those points and why someone would want to use them. I'm sure you can cut the crap and come up with your own counter points.
How has the seemingly unstoppable juggernaut of liberal multiculturalism,come to such an abrupt halt?
With the election of nationalist leaders across the West; and the rise of populist parties across Europe; from the USA, to Austria, throughout Italy, and into Hungary...
What has happened to alter what seemed to be a foregone conclusion for many, that nationalism was dead; and that multiculturalism was the future?
The answer is that it's not. We are seeing the effects of wars and corruption driving people towards the free and opportunistic countries. There will be growing pains and there will be attempts by the xenophobic to stop it, but the mixing of people is inescapable. It's part of nature. You can see it in other species and in humans going back 10s of thousands of years. What we see in America is the right frantically trying to cling to the status quo as usual, to prevent inevitable change. They will have some successes but when the kids mingle they learn that the racism and xenophobia are baseless and immoral. Skin color, place of birth, even religion don't define a person's goodness or potential.
Bullshit. People aren’t mixing. They’re segregating and it’s getting a push from leftist ideology.
What are you basing that on? My experience in my workplace and other jobs I've worked is that a significant amount of mixing is occurring both first generation and even more so in the second generation much like other waves of migrants in the past.
PG County, MD.
Black studies curriculum. Black African American negro colored organizations galore. ESOL.
Press 2 for Spanish.
Those are your basics for stating that no mixing is happening? I could skewer you over that but it will be a waste of my time. How about you take a long walk and think about each of those points and why someone would want to use them. I'm sure you can cut the crap and come up with your own counter points.
You’re too kind.
A hostile culture that won't assimilate and wants to eliminate the existing cultures has given liberals a much-needed reality bitch-slap.
Like the injuns and white man, the white man refused to assimilate and destroyed the natives...Poh white folk of today getting the same treatment and they cry, shed big ol' tears now.
Those stinking redskins fought tooth and claw until they were defeated.

Do you expect poh white folk to do differently?
No, but I hope you white folks at least take it as well as the injuns did..
You’d have a shit fit if they did. If you knew history; you’d know the Indians fought back. Whites haven’t quite begun to do so yet. But thanks for green lighting the proposal...
Yeah, the whites have just tried to subjugate the entire population.
The answer is that it's not. We are seeing the effects of wars and corruption driving people towards the free and opportunistic countries. There will be growing pains and there will be attempts by the xenophobic to stop it, but the mixing of people is inescapable. It's part of nature. You can see it in other species and in humans going back 10s of thousands of years. What we see in America is the right frantically trying to cling to the status quo as usual, to prevent inevitable change. They will have some successes but when the kids mingle they learn that the racism and xenophobia are baseless and immoral. Skin color, place of birth, even religion don't define a person's goodness or potential.
Bullshit. People aren’t mixing. They’re segregating and it’s getting a push from leftist ideology.
What are you basing that on? My experience in my workplace and other jobs I've worked is that a significant amount of mixing is occurring both first generation and even more so in the second generation much like other waves of migrants in the past.
When you are seeing such at work; that is typically by force of law. Not freedom of association.
What law? Maybe the law of attraction. I've crushed hard on Indian, Mexican, nepali, Chinese, guatemalan girls. I've had to pump the breaks hard too for workplace reasons. I've dated a few of them.
Affirmative Action laws. Hiring quotas. So called “Discrimination” laws... The list goes on, and on.
As for your own personal standards... That’s your issue. Not a social one.
Typically by force of affirmative action? Are you so racist that you think its typical for immigrants to only get into jobs because of affirmative action? Your line of thinking is a waste of glucose. It actually sounds like you don't want it to happen, you don't want affirmative action to exist.

They aren't only my standards. That's what I see in jobs I've worked. I've also seen more clicky groups but there was still commonality. It's probably much more common in the second gen immigrant than first. My current job is a melting pot and I'm pretty sure affirmative action has little to do with it. My current team has a Brazilian, slovakian, nepali, Hmong, 3 Americans 1 of which has some native, an Iranian, Kenyan, 2 indians. We've also had Chinese and Lebanese. They enjoy being here and the freedoms and they are not much different than anyone else as far as work goes. I've spent time outside of work with most of them. We drink beer together and have many common interests and points of similarity.

People seem to think that when an immigrant comes here they should abandon all aspects of their past immediately. That's crazy. Foods, friends, activities, those are all personal preference and I'd expect many would continue participating in them.
Last edited:
Bullshit. People aren’t mixing. They’re segregating and it’s getting a push from leftist ideology.
What are you basing that on? My experience in my workplace and other jobs I've worked is that a significant amount of mixing is occurring both first generation and even more so in the second generation much like other waves of migrants in the past.
When you are seeing such at work; that is typically by force of law. Not freedom of association.
What law? Maybe the law of attraction. I've crushed hard on Indian, Mexican, nepali, Chinese, guatemalan girls. I've had to pump the breaks hard too for workplace reasons. I've dated a few of them.
Affirmative Action laws. Hiring quotas. So called “Discrimination” laws... The list goes on, and on.
As for your own personal standards... That’s your issue. Not a social one.
Typically by force of affirmative action? Are you so racist that you think its typical for immigrants to only get into jobs because of affirmative action? Your line of thinking is a waste of glucose.
That’s the most poorly cobbled together strawman of the day.

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