Why Is Liz Cheney Acting Like A Democrat, Focused On Attacking Trump & Conservatives Instead Of Moving On?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015


LIZ CHENEY, acting like a TDS-suffering, obsessed anti-Trimp Democrat, continued to rail against Trump instead of moving on and getting back to work for her Constituents and the American people.

She was warned by her constituents to do so.
She was warned by her party to do so.
- She ignored them all and continued to do so.

She was Censured back at home.
- She ignored them.

She was removed from her leadership position by her party
- She continued her attacks in Trump on the way out and swore to do everything she can to prevent Trump's return instead of getting back to work for her Constituents and country, justifying her removal

Liz Cheney is STILL 'campaigning against former President Trump, still attacking him and the 74 million Conservatives / Trump supporters who voted for him, insulting / alienating them, and driving them away from the GOP that needs them yo unseat tge Dems in the mid-terms...

So WTF? She is like a rabid dog, lashing out - she is obsessed with Trump, like Democrats, and she is siding with the same Democrats who viciously attacked and insulted her father and who only support her now for her unhinged, obsessive ranting and attacks on a man no longer in office.

At this rate, she will not win re-election...as a Repblican.



LIZ CHENEY, acting like a TDS-suffering, obsessed anti-Trimp Democrat, continued to rail against Trump instead of moving on and getting back to work for her Constituents and the American people.

She was warned by her constituents to do so.
She was warned by her party to do so.
- She ignored them all and continued to do so.

She was Censured back at home.
- She ignored them.

She was removed from her leadership position by her party
- She continued her attacks in Trump on the way out and swore to do everything she can to prevent Trump's return instead of getting back to work for her Constituents and country, justifying her removal

Liz Cheney is STILL 'campaigning against former President Trump, still attacking him and the 74 million Conservatives / Trump supporters who voted for him, insulting / alienating them, and driving them away from the GOP that needs them yo unseat tge Dems in the mid-terms...

So WTF? She is like a rabid dog, lashing out - she is obsessed with Trump, like Democrats, and she is siding with the same Democrats who viciously attacked and insulted her father and who only support her now for her unhinged, obsessive ranting and attacks on a man no longer in office.

At this rate, she will not win re-election...as a Repblican.

What's the confusion?
She is an establishment, Open Borders, Asian Cheap Labor piece of shit like her father.


LIZ CHENEY, acting like a TDS-suffering, obsessed anti-Trimp Democrat, continued to rail against Trump instead of moving on and getting back to work for her Constituents and the American people.

She was warned by her constituents to do so.
She was warned by her party to do so.
- She ignored them all and continued to do so.

She was Censured back at home.
- She ignored them.

She was removed from her leadership position by her party
- She continued her attacks in Trump on the way out and swore to do everything she can to prevent Trump's return instead of getting back to work for her Constituents and country, justifying her removal

Liz Cheney is STILL 'campaigning against former President Trump, still attacking him and the 74 million Conservatives / Trump supporters who voted for him, insulting / alienating them, and driving them away from the GOP that needs them yo unseat tge Dems in the mid-terms...

So WTF? She is like a rabid dog, lashing out - she is obsessed with Trump, like Democrats, and she is siding with the same Democrats who viciously attacked and insulted her father and who only support her now for her unhinged, obsessive ranting and attacks on a man no longer in office.

At this rate, she will not win re-election...as a Repblican.

She is no different than others who are insistent on piling on. They know they have done something illegal/unethical and they need to silence anyone questing anything.

They are all acting guilty of something.


LIZ CHENEY, acting like a TDS-suffering, obsessed anti-Trimp Democrat, continued to rail against Trump instead of moving on and getting back to work for her Constituents and the American people.

She was warned by her constituents to do so.
She was warned by her party to do so.
- She ignored them all and continued to do so.

She was Censured back at home.
- She ignored them.

She was removed from her leadership position by her party
- She continued her attacks in Trump on the way out and swore to do everything she can to prevent Trump's return instead of getting back to work for her Constituents and country, justifying her removal

Liz Cheney is STILL 'campaigning against former President Trump, still attacking him and the 74 million Conservatives / Trump supporters who voted for him, insulting / alienating them, and driving them away from the GOP that needs them yo unseat tge Dems in the mid-terms...

So WTF? She is like a rabid dog, lashing out - she is obsessed with Trump, like Democrats, and she is siding with the same Democrats who viciously attacked and insulted her father and who only support her now for her unhinged, obsessive ranting and attacks on a man no longer in office.

At this rate, she will not win re-election...as a Repblican.

The answer is pretty simple... she has had it with the lies of an egomaniac and the cult like following by her party to cover up for those lies. I commend her. Despite your hyperbole and false representations of how she is acting, I see one of the few republicans that is still out there being a patriot and acting with integrity and honesty.
The first and foremost duty of any US Representative is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

The question is not why Cheney is attacking Trump but why are Republicans attacking Cheney for protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States.
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LIZ CHENEY, acting like a TDS-suffering, obsessed anti-Trimp Democrat, continued to rail against Trump instead of moving on and getting back to work for her Constituents and the American people.

She was warned by her constituents to do so.
She was warned by her party to do so.
- She ignored them all and continued to do so.

She was Censured back at home.
- She ignored them.

She was removed from her leadership position by her party
- She continued her attacks in Trump on the way out and swore to do everything she can to prevent Trump's return instead of getting back to work for her Constituents and country, justifying her removal

Liz Cheney is STILL 'campaigning against former President Trump, still attacking him and the 74 million Conservatives / Trump supporters who voted for him, insulting / alienating them, and driving them away from the GOP that needs them yo unseat tge Dems in the mid-terms...

So WTF? She is like a rabid dog, lashing out - she is obsessed with Trump, like Democrats, and she is siding with the same Democrats who viciously attacked and insulted her father and who only support her now for her unhinged, obsessive ranting and attacks on a man no longer in office.

At this rate, she will not win re-election...as a Repblican.

The answer is pretty simple... she has had it with the lies of an egomaniac and the cult like following by her party to cover up for those lies. I commend her. Despite your hyperbole and false representations of how she is acting, I see one of the few republicans that is still out there being a patriot and acting with integrity and honesty.
Spoken like a true partisan traitorous Democrat-defending nut-hugger. Thanks for that rant.

Donald Trump us gone.
- Snowflakes use to cry, whine, & demand all talk of Obama stop after he left office....you hypocritical whiny puss.

The liberal media has proved they can't survive without him - CNN's numbers have catered yet they keep reporting about him and ignoring all of Biden's failures.

Snowflakes still hijack threads, post 'whattabout-isms' and continue to talk about him just to ignore having to talk about Biden.

Cheney has embraced terminal TDS, continuing to join obsessed leftists in their mental inability to move forward and concentrate on fixing the disasters Joe has created thus far.
LIZ CHENEY, acting like a TDS-suffering, obsessed anti-Trimp Democrat, continued to rail against Trump instead of moving on and getting back to work for her Constituents and the American people.

Kinda like a a lot of people after December 7th 1941, or September 11th 2001. They just refused to let it go.


LIZ CHENEY, acting like a TDS-suffering, obsessed anti-Trimp Democrat, continued to rail against Trump instead of moving on and getting back to work for her Constituents and the American people.

She was warned by her constituents to do so.
She was warned by her party to do so.
- She ignored them all and continued to do so.

She was Censured back at home.
- She ignored them.

She was removed from her leadership position by her party
- She continued her attacks in Trump on the way out and swore to do everything she can to prevent Trump's return instead of getting back to work for her Constituents and country, justifying her removal

Liz Cheney is STILL 'campaigning against former President Trump, still attacking him and the 74 million Conservatives / Trump supporters who voted for him, insulting / alienating them, and driving them away from the GOP that needs them yo unseat tge Dems in the mid-terms...

So WTF? She is like a rabid dog, lashing out - she is obsessed with Trump, like Democrats, and she is siding with the same Democrats who viciously attacked and insulted her father and who only support her now for her unhinged, obsessive ranting and attacks on a man no longer in office.

At this rate, she will not win re-election...as a Repblican.

The answer is pretty simple... she has had it with the lies of an egomaniac and the cult like following by her party to cover up for those lies. I commend her. Despite your hyperbole and false representations of how she is acting, I see one of the few republicans that is still out there being a patriot and acting with integrity and honesty.
Spoken like a true partisan traitorous Democrat-defending nut-hugger. Thanks for that rant.

Donald Trump us gone.
- Snowflakes use to cry, whine, & demand all talk of Obama stop after he left office....you hypocritical whiny puss.

The liberal media has proved they can't survive without him - CNN's numbers have catered yet they keep reporting about him and ignoring all of Biden's failures.

Snowflakes still hijack threads, post 'whattabout-isms' and continue to talk about him just to ignore having to talk about Biden.

Cheney has embraced terminal TDS, continuing to join obsessed leftists in their mental inability to move forward and concentrate on fixing the disasters Joe has created thus far.
You asked a question and I gave you the answer. If you don’t think Lizzy’s actions have nothing to do with Trump and how her party is coddling him and his lies then you aren’t paying attention. Do you honestly think the reasons I laid out are not true?!


LIZ CHENEY, acting like a TDS-suffering, obsessed anti-Trimp Democrat, continued to rail against Trump instead of moving on and getting back to work for her Constituents and the American people.

She was warned by her constituents to do so.
She was warned by her party to do so.
- She ignored them all and continued to do so.

She was Censured back at home.
- She ignored them.

She was removed from her leadership position by her party
- She continued her attacks in Trump on the way out and swore to do everything she can to prevent Trump's return instead of getting back to work for her Constituents and country, justifying her removal

Liz Cheney is STILL 'campaigning against former President Trump, still attacking him and the 74 million Conservatives / Trump supporters who voted for him, insulting / alienating them, and driving them away from the GOP that needs them yo unseat tge Dems in the mid-terms...

So WTF? She is like a rabid dog, lashing out - she is obsessed with Trump, like Democrats, and she is siding with the same Democrats who viciously attacked and insulted her father and who only support her now for her unhinged, obsessive ranting and attacks on a man no longer in office.

At this rate, she will not win re-election...as a Repblican.

What's the confusion?
She is an establishment, Open Borders, Asian Cheap Labor piece of shit like her father.

IOW, A swamp dweller.

Kinda like a a lot of people after December 7th 1941, or September 11th 2001. They just refused to let it go.

Thank you for proving you are completely fucked up in the head, attempting to compare one of the most successful presidents in our nation's history to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the terrorist attack on 9/11 that killed 3,000 Americans.

THAT level of insanity just destroyed any credibility you had or will ever have and makes anything you post from here on out not worth printing out and using as toilet paper, let alone reading.

You just joined the people proving themselves to be SO stupid and/or partisan that I just completely ignore them.
he is significantly more conservative than the woman who replaced her.

She has always been a consistent conservative.
They’re both female and politicians... there is absolutely NOTHING Conservative about that. Conservative women know where their place is and it sure as Hell isn’t anywhere near politics.
Mac, don’t even respond to this idiot
Donald Trump us gone.
- Snowflakes use to cry, whine, & demand all talk of Obama stop after he left office....you hypocritical whiny puss.

Well, early in the pandemic, yall would compare Trumps response to that of Obama and the HIN1. Back in February when you would point out Trump having only 100 casualities, while Obama had 14,000. Saying Obama messed up the response to the swine flu.

Back then I said, wait and see. And that within 6 months Trump would be begging to have Obama's "terrible" numbers. And guess what? I was right. 14,000 seems like a lot, until you compare it to 50,000. And then 100,000 … 200,000
Donald Trump us gone.
- Snowflakes use to cry, whine, & demand all talk of Obama stop after he left office....you hypocritical whiny puss.

Well, early in the pandemic, yall would compare Trumps response to that of Obama and the HIN1. Back in February when you would point out Trump having only 100 casualities, while Obama had 14,000. Saying Obama messed up the response to the swine flu.

Back then I said, wait and see. And that within 6 months Trump would be begging to have Obama's "terrible" numbers. And guess what? I was right. 14,000 seems like a lot, until you compare it to 50,000. And then 100,000 … 200,000
Let me respond for Easy as I’ve heard their idiotic retorts far too many times....

The COVID numbers are fake, the media and dems inflated everything to get Trump out and make the USA communist. ** Burp fart chug a beer, can you itch my back??
Thank you for proving you are completely fucked up in the head, attempting to compare one of the most successful presidents in our nation's history to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the terrorist attack on 9/11 that killed 3,000 Americans.

Actually I should compare Trump to Herbert Hoover. And point out that until August 1929,

The 1920s is the decade when America's economy grew 42%. Mass production spread new consumer goods into every household. The modern auto and airline industries were born. The U.S. victory in World War I gave the country its first experience of being a global power.

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