Why is Malcom X Celebrated in this Country?

In other words, you can't prove something that isn't true.

The onus is on you to prove your claims.

Nothing you have just said was accurate or true. And you are not capable of proving any of it.

Ok. You have the information to start your ascent from ignorance. Do with it what you will. Now aside from that point where was he wrong in his speech?

You've given no information just a bunch of made up bullshit that some black separatist spoon fed you.

I've already pointed out one aspect where he was wrong. And you have yet to prove he was right.

Oh and according to the U.S. Department of Justice statistics, black Americans commit more murders than white Americans. So that's makes him wrong on that point too.

I already told you my aim is not to prove anything to you. You either remain ignorant or you learn. Makes no difference to me. My aim is to see where you think he was wrong in his speech. Are you avoiding the question?
Ok. You have the information to start your ascent from ignorance. Do with it what you will. Now aside from that point where was he wrong in his speech?

You've given no information just a bunch of made up bullshit that some black separatist spoon fed you.

I've already pointed out one aspect where he was wrong. And you have yet to prove he was right.

Oh and according to the U.S. Department of Justice statistics, black Americans commit more murders than white Americans. So that's makes him wrong on that point too.

I already told you my aim is not to prove anything to you. You either remain ignorant or you learn. Makes no difference to me. My aim is to see where you think he was wrong in his speech. Are you avoiding the question?

Face it Sparky, you can't prove any of the nonsense you spout.

He was wrong and you cannot prove he was right.

The Origins of the African Slave Trade

Think about his kidnapping charge for a second, he says whites are the greatest kidnappers or some such bullshit if that is true then please explain why slavery is still going on in African countries.

Slavery in contemporary Africa
You've given no information just a bunch of made up bullshit that some black separatist spoon fed you.

I've already pointed out one aspect where he was wrong. And you have yet to prove he was right.

Oh and according to the U.S. Department of Justice statistics, black Americans commit more murders than white Americans. So that's makes him wrong on that point too.

I already told you my aim is not to prove anything to you. You either remain ignorant or you learn. Makes no difference to me. My aim is to see where you think he was wrong in his speech. Are you avoiding the question?

Face it Sparky, you can't prove any of the nonsense you spout.

He was wrong and you cannot prove he was right.

The Origins of the African Slave Trade

Think about his kidnapping charge for a second, he says whites are the greatest kidnappers or some such bullshit if that is true then please explain why slavery is still going on in African countries.

Slavery in contemporary Africa

So you have the kidnapping charge you disagree with and what else? Please stop stalling and list everything you think is a lie.
I already told you my aim is not to prove anything to you. You either remain ignorant or you learn. Makes no difference to me. My aim is to see where you think he was wrong in his speech. Are you avoiding the question?

Face it Sparky, you can't prove any of the nonsense you spout.

He was wrong and you cannot prove he was right.

The Origins of the African Slave Trade

Think about his kidnapping charge for a second, he says whites are the greatest kidnappers or some such bullshit if that is true then please explain why slavery is still going on in African countries.

Slavery in contemporary Africa

So you have the kidnapping charge you disagree with and what else? Please stop stalling and list everything you think is a lie.

It's all been listed. Nothing the idiot said is true and you cannot prove otherwise.

You claimed what he said was true yet you cannot provide proof.

Says a lot about you and the bullshit you will believe.
Face it Sparky, you can't prove any of the nonsense you spout.

He was wrong and you cannot prove he was right.

The Origins of the African Slave Trade

Think about his kidnapping charge for a second, he says whites are the greatest kidnappers or some such bullshit if that is true then please explain why slavery is still going on in African countries.

Slavery in contemporary Africa

So you have the kidnapping charge you disagree with and what else? Please stop stalling and list everything you think is a lie.

It's all been listed. Nothing the idiot said is true and you cannot prove otherwise.

You claimed what he said was true yet you cannot provide proof.

Says a lot about you and the bullshit you will believe.

So far I only have the kidnapping charge so I will go with that. Technically you are correct but only slighty because kidnapping implies holding someone for ransom. A better word would have been abductors. These slaves were taken against their wills. Thats not the part that really gets me. What gets me is that this is done by people that claim to be Christian. Now white racists will claim that this was ok with God because their contention is that Africans traded all their people for goods. Remember now these are Christian people. This is somehow supposed to excuse their actions even if it were true. Lonestar please tell me why your ancestors decided to suspend their Gods teachings to embrace slavery because someone gave them people to enslave? Since you are afraid to list out your objections i will wait until you release each one to address.
So you have the kidnapping charge you disagree with and what else? Please stop stalling and list everything you think is a lie.

It's all been listed. Nothing the idiot said is true and you cannot prove otherwise.

You claimed what he said was true yet you cannot provide proof.

Says a lot about you and the bullshit you will believe.

So far I only have the kidnapping charge so I will go with that. Technically you are correct but only slighty because kidnapping implies holding someone for ransom. A better word would have been abductors. These slaves were taken against their wills. Thats not the part that really gets me. What gets me is that this is done by people that claim to be Christian. Now white racists will claim that this was ok with God because their contention is that Africans traded all their people for goods. Remember now these are Christian people. This is somehow supposed to excuse their actions even if it were true. Lonestar please tell me why your ancestors decided to suspend their Gods teachings to embrace slavery because someone gave them people to enslave? Since you are afraid to list out your objections i will wait until you release each one to address.

More nonsense you can't prove.

I have no idea what my ancestors decided to do or not. And nor do you.
It's all been listed. Nothing the idiot said is true and you cannot prove otherwise.

You claimed what he said was true yet you cannot provide proof.

Says a lot about you and the bullshit you will believe.

So far I only have the kidnapping charge so I will go with that. Technically you are correct but only slighty because kidnapping implies holding someone for ransom. A better word would have been abductors. These slaves were taken against their wills. Thats not the part that really gets me. What gets me is that this is done by people that claim to be Christian. Now white racists will claim that this was ok with God because their contention is that Africans traded all their people for goods. Remember now these are Christian people. This is somehow supposed to excuse their actions even if it were true. Lonestar please tell me why your ancestors decided to suspend their Gods teachings to embrace slavery because someone gave them people to enslave? Since you are afraid to list out your objections i will wait until you release each one to address.

More nonsense you can't prove.

I have no idea what my ancestors decided to do or not. And nor do you.

So your contention is that these people buying slaves did not consider themselves Christian and provide a demand for slavery? You have to stand your ground somewhere or your story is going to fall apart. I suggest you start standing firm now or you are going to wind up looking like an idiot. Feel free to list your second objection since you are afraid to list them all.

Now you seem to know what the Africans did but you dont know what your own ancestors did? How could that be?
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So far I only have the kidnapping charge so I will go with that. Technically you are correct but only slighty because kidnapping implies holding someone for ransom. A better word would have been abductors. These slaves were taken against their wills. Thats not the part that really gets me. What gets me is that this is done by people that claim to be Christian. Now white racists will claim that this was ok with God because their contention is that Africans traded all their people for goods. Remember now these are Christian people. This is somehow supposed to excuse their actions even if it were true. Lonestar please tell me why your ancestors decided to suspend their Gods teachings to embrace slavery because someone gave them people to enslave? Since you are afraid to list out your objections i will wait until you release each one to address.

More nonsense you can't prove.

I have no idea what my ancestors decided to do or not. And nor do you.

So your contention is that these people buying slaves did not consider themselves Christian and provide a demand for slavery? You have to stand your ground somewhere or your story is going to fall apart. I suggest you start standing firm now or you are going to wind up looking like an idiot.

I have no idea what they considered themselves to be. Nor do you.

I've already giving you the history regarding the origin of slavery. You can lead a man to knowledge but you cannot make him think. And you are a perfect example of that.

Why do some African nations still practice slavery?

Do you dismiss the fact that blacks owned slaves here in the US prior to emancipation?

Speaking of standing on something you cannot even stand on the words of your idol.

He is a liar and you have done nothing to refute that fact.
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More nonsense you can't prove.

I have no idea what my ancestors decided to do or not. And nor do you.

So your contention is that these people buying slaves did not consider themselves Christian and provide a demand for slavery? You have to stand your ground somewhere or your story is going to fall apart. I suggest you start standing firm now or you are going to wind up looking like an idiot.

I have no idea what they considered themselves to be. Nor do you.

I've already giving you the history regarding the origin of slavery. You can lead a man to knowledge but you cannot make him think. And you are a perfect example of that.

Why do some African nations still practice slavery?

Do you dismiss the fact that blacks owned slaves here in the US prior to emancipation?

Speaking of standing on something you cannot even stand on the words of your idol.

He is a liar and you have done nothing to refute that fact.

Wait...how can you not know what they considered themselves to be when your own historians tell you they were Christian? How did you miss that but were able to find out what the African nations did or did not do?

You only gave me your opinion of the origin of slavery. Your opinion doesnt count.

What does Africans practicing slavery currently have to do with my question? Lets stay on each point before we move the goal posts.

See above. Lets stay on point that white christians brought a large population of Black people over to the US as slaves against their will.

I said he could have used a better term such as abductor at the start of my post. Are you able to comprehend what that meant?

I keep telling you that I'm trying to gather information as to why you think he was wrong. I am not trying to convince you of anything. Please list more objections.
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So your contention is that these people buying slaves did not consider themselves Christian and provide a demand for slavery? You have to stand your ground somewhere or your story is going to fall apart. I suggest you start standing firm now or you are going to wind up looking like an idiot.

I have no idea what they considered themselves to be. Nor do you.

I've already giving you the history regarding the origin of slavery. You can lead a man to knowledge but you cannot make him think. And you are a perfect example of that.

Why do some African nations still practice slavery?

Do you dismiss the fact that blacks owned slaves here in the US prior to emancipation?

Speaking of standing on something you cannot even stand on the words of your idol.

He is a liar and you have done nothing to refute that fact.

Wait...how can you not know what they considered themselves to be when your own historians tell you they were Christian? How did you miss that but were able to find out what the African nations did or did not do?

You only gave me your opinion of the origin of slavery. Your opinion doesnt count.

What does Africans practicing slavery currently have to do with my question? Lets stay on each point before we move the goal posts.

See above. Lets stay on point that white christians brought a large population of Black people over to the US as slaves against their will.

I said he could have used a better term such as abductor at the start of my post. Are you able to comprehend what that meant?

I keep telling you that I'm trying to gather information as to why you think he was wrong. I am not trying to convince you of anything. Please list more objections.

Unlike you I don't lump everyone into the same religious belief. I assume some were Christian but I don't believe all were. History tell us the majority of those engaging in slavery were actually Muslim.

I gave you a link it wasn't just an opinion.

Where's your evidence that it was white Christians sailing the slave ships?

No abductor isn't the word that Little used, so let's stay on topic.

He was wrong for the simple fact that nothing he said can be proven to be true.

No need in listing any more objections. Only one was needed to show him to be a liar.

Now I have work to do so unless you can come up with ANY evidence that suggest ANY thing you've stated is true, I'll won't be back until tomorrow.
Seriously he was a violent racist that preached harming whites (women and children) alike and a seperation of the races by force. He applauded the assassination of JFK. He applauded the murder of white police officers. His antisemitic teachings would make Hitler proud and in the end he was vicious evil hate filled monster.

His teaching of blame, hatred and LAZINESS (after all he was a self-proclaimed communist) has done more to harm the African American community then many any other black 'leader' than maybe Sharpton or Jackson.

Yet Congressman came to his funneral (John Lewis I believe), cities have Malcom X day, blacks hold him up in great esteem and no Congressman are denounced who praise him.

I mean he is the black equivalent of Gearge Rockwell. Imagine if white Congressman went to Rockwell's funneral and called him our "White Shining Prince." Imagine if cities had George Rockwell day and congressman today praise the asshole. Imagine that.

Malcom X was no different than Rockwell!

Malcolm X changed his views after seeing Mecca and seeing that Blacks and whites could co exist, but he was killed before he could put his new views into practice.

He was a media creation promoted by and financed (through book sales) by the degenerate trustfundies of the "A Punk Is a Hunk" perversion.
Read a book all the way to the end Paul. You may be surprised at what happens.

Did the scumbag not engage in hate filled incitement to murder the white race, all whites?

Is a person still a scumbag if they changed their stance after finding out the truth? I personally would consider that person enlightened and a great example of how to conduct oneself.

Repentance is a good angle to play if you are a feral power freak addicted to a crowd roaring like predatory beasts seeing red meat.
The black africans raided other tribes and traded the captives to the muslims for goods.

The muslims then sold the africans to the white european ship captains who transported them to the Americas.

The jews bought the Africans from the ship's owners at the ports and then held slave auctions.

Then the christian land owners purchased the slaves and used them to work the fields.

Thus everyone, regardless of race or religion, must share some of the guilt. .. :cool:
I have no idea what they considered themselves to be. Nor do you.

I've already giving you the history regarding the origin of slavery. You can lead a man to knowledge but you cannot make him think. And you are a perfect example of that.

Why do some African nations still practice slavery?

Do you dismiss the fact that blacks owned slaves here in the US prior to emancipation?

Speaking of standing on something you cannot even stand on the words of your idol.

He is a liar and you have done nothing to refute that fact.

Wait...how can you not know what they considered themselves to be when your own historians tell you they were Christian? How did you miss that but were able to find out what the African nations did or did not do?

You only gave me your opinion of the origin of slavery. Your opinion doesnt count.

What does Africans practicing slavery currently have to do with my question? Lets stay on each point before we move the goal posts.

See above. Lets stay on point that white christians brought a large population of Black people over to the US as slaves against their will.

I said he could have used a better term such as abductor at the start of my post. Are you able to comprehend what that meant?

I keep telling you that I'm trying to gather information as to why you think he was wrong. I am not trying to convince you of anything. Please list more objections.

Unlike you I don't lump everyone into the same religious belief. I assume some were Christian but I don't believe all were. History tell us the majority of those engaging in slavery were actually Muslim.

I gave you a link it wasn't just an opinion.

Where's your evidence that it was white Christians sailing the slave ships?

No abductor isn't the word that Little used, so let's stay on topic.

He was wrong for the simple fact that nothing he said can be proven to be true.

No need in listing any more objections. Only one was needed to show him to be a liar.

Now I have work to do so unless you can come up with ANY evidence that suggest ANY thing you've stated is true, I'll won't be back until tomorrow.

You are trying to avoid the point. We are talking about slavery in the US. There were very few muslims in the US at that time. Lets stay on point. The slave owners were Christians by such a large majority it doesn't even make sense to try and deny it.

That link was someones opinion you agreed with. I could post a link that says the exact opposite of what yours did.

I can see you are playing a game trying to change the subject. :lol: What does that have to do with the point?

Abductor is the word he should have used to be more precise. I see you agree with Malcolm now.

Everything he said can be proven to be true. Your belief system just wont allow you to see that truth.

Get to work then and dont steal your bosses money again. You cant list anything except for a slightly misspoken word so far. I thought you would do better but I should have known when you couldn't create a list of your objections. :lol:
So you admit you dont have any way of proving the CIA never conducts operations on US soil. :lol:

Your fellow fruitcakes over on the conspiracy forum can tell you all about it.

You said it so prove it. Dont try and scoff now and give someone else the responsibility of proving your absurd claim. Be a man for once in your life and take a position. How do you know the CIA never conducts operations on US soil? My guess is because someone told you so. :lol:

If the CIA Xed out Malcolm the Hate Monger, it was one of the few things they've ever done right. Best op since putting down Mosaddegh, the Irate Iranian.
But according to Malcolm x the gang took down a racist.
Kill whites was the thrust of his teaching was it not?
All whites are guilty of scores of multigenerational race crimes every day, correct?[/QUO.

Good Samaritans Who Saved Reginald Denny Are Heroes of L.A. Riots

Also, below are some quotes by Malcolm X regarding self defense, non violence and violence:

Violence, Nonviolence, Self-Defense...

"Concerning nonviolence: It is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself, when he is the constant victim of brutal attacks. It is legal and lawful to own a shotgun or a rifle. We believe in obeying the law."

"It doesn't mean that I advocate violence, but at the same time, I am not against using violence in self-defense. I don't call it violence when it's self-defense, I call it intelligence."

"If violence is wrong in America, violence is wrong abroad. If it is wrong to be violent defending black women and black children and black babies and black men, then it is wrong for America to draft us, and make us violent abroad in defense of her. And if it is right for America to draft us, and teach us how to be violent in defense of her, then it is right for you and me to do whatever is necessary to defend our own people right here in this country."

"I don't mean go out and get violent; but at the same time you should never be nonviolent unless you run into some nonviolence. I'm nonviolent with those who are nonviolent with me. But when you drop that violence on me, then you've made me go insane, and I'm not responsible for what I do."

"I don't favor violence. If we could bring about recognition and respect of our people by peaceful means, well and good. Everybody would like to reach his objectives peacefully. But I'm also a realist. The only people in this country who are asked to be nonviolent are black people."

"Last but not least, I must say this concerning the great controversy over rifles and shotguns. The only thing I've ever said is that in areas where the government has proven itself either unwilling or unable to defend the lives and the property of Negroes, it's time for Negroes to defend themselves. Article number two of the Constitutional amendments provides you and me the right to own a rifle or a shotgun. It is constitutionally legal to own a shotgun or a rifle."

Blah, blah, blah. Civilized-sounding chimp chat is good cover for the instigator of feral behavior.

It's not about words, it's about swords.
Good Samaritans Who Saved Reginald Denny Are Heroes of L.A. Riots

Also, below are some quotes by Malcolm X regarding self defense, non violence and violence:

Violence, Nonviolence, Self-Defense...

"Concerning nonviolence: It is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself, when he is the constant victim of brutal attacks. It is legal and lawful to own a shotgun or a rifle. We believe in obeying the law."

"It doesn't mean that I advocate violence, but at the same time, I am not against using violence in self-defense. I don't call it violence when it's self-defense, I call it intelligence."

"If violence is wrong in America, violence is wrong abroad. If it is wrong to be violent defending black women and black children and black babies and black men, then it is wrong for America to draft us, and make us violent abroad in defense of her. And if it is right for America to draft us, and teach us how to be violent in defense of her, then it is right for you and me to do whatever is necessary to defend our own people right here in this country."

"I don't mean go out and get violent; but at the same time you should never be nonviolent unless you run into some nonviolence. I'm nonviolent with those who are nonviolent with me. But when you drop that violence on me, then you've made me go insane, and I'm not responsible for what I do."

"I don't favor violence. If we could bring about recognition and respect of our people by peaceful means, well and good. Everybody would like to reach his objectives peacefully. But I'm also a realist. The only people in this country who are asked to be nonviolent are black people."

"Last but not least, I must say this concerning the great controversy over rifles and shotguns. The only thing I've ever said is that in areas where the government has proven itself either unwilling or unable to defend the lives and the property of Negroes, it's time for Negroes to defend themselves. Article number two of the Constitutional amendments provides you and me the right to own a rifle or a shotgun. It is constitutionally legal to own a shotgun or a rifle."

Blah, blah, blah. Civilized-sounding chimp chat is good cover for the instigator of feral behavior.

It's not about words, it's about swords.

Prom i think you just miss the good ole days when you got to do what ever you wanted to. I know it angers you that you would get hurt trying that stuff now. Malcolm had a lot to do with your current reality. All it does is show how much of a coward your type are.
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Every death row inmate in history "found Jesus" the night before their execution. That doesn't change the fact that they are still pieces of shit. Oh and for the record, you NEVER slapped anyone. No one is buying your bullshit tough guy stories.

Well he wasnt a death row inmate and he found Islam not Jesus. "Oh and for the record"....:lol: Good thing no one is buying because I dont sell wolf tickets. I know you can barely take the humiliation but you would do the same in their place I guarantee you. Might as well face it Goodboy, you guys are all talk behind white pillowcases that double as hoods and your PC keyboards. Just for once i wish I could find one of your kind that will man up without needing 9 others helping him. Better tell your boys to stand up for what they believe in or go home.
You arent selling them BECAUSE no one here is buying them. You got your pockets stuffed with these...


...and for the record, the only community with a reputation for ganging up on people, is the black community. I can probably find 10 incidents in the news this month alone. Very cowardly.

The wannabe Idi Amin is selling the opposite of wolf tickets. He hides his blood-dripping fangs behind bland driveling phrases.
I'm willing to bet my opinion about him is the majority opinion.

Speaking of facts, when did conspiracy theories become facts?

Are you saying if you are in the majority you are right? I usually go the other way when I see the majority agreeing. I know something ignorant is about to happen.

Exactly what the 1% thinks about the majority. This is even more proof that your feral race of attack dogs have been turned loose on unprivileged Whites to humiliate us, demoralize us, and distract us.

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