Why is Malcom X Celebrated in this Country?

Lol! There is no chanting here ,Scooter. And I'm a little too old to embrace any so called "heroes"

That being said, every sentence that you write reeks of and is obviously lifted off of some wacko supremacist site that contains nothing but cliches, psycho babble, and eugenics theories as well as blind and stupid loyalty to the lunatic fringe of society.

You are a kiddie parrot who has discovered or been trained to say just enough words to make yourself look like an ass.

You are not fooling anyone who has been around the block enough to see right through you. You are either some wannabe urban commando, survivalist nut job or more likely, an impressionable generation X'r who has been recruited by a supremacist cult, and you are too dumb to know it.

Your deflective manner of expressing yourself is ample evidence that you are not an independent thinker.

I am not against so called "whites with pride" or anyone with pride for that matter, in fact i think that all people have a right to proud of their heritage, as long as they are not delusional enough to assume that by racial association they mirror the same qualities as those of their race who actually made a significant difference in society.

What i laugh at and am amused by is anyone of any race who cheapens their pride and invalidates themselves with delusions of grandeur after buying into nonsense that promotes self proclaimed superiority based on the accident of birth of being born as part of a certain racial group. You and a few other wackos who post here have that mentality in common.

You are at best, ignorant and immature.

Carry on.

Racial Superiority ruled for thousands of years. After this forced experiment in equality drifts into dust, the fit races will rise from that dirtpile, brush themselves off, and finish off the unfit once and for all.

Too bad you are going to miss it.
You are trying to avoid the point. We are talking about slavery in the US. There were very few muslims in the US at that time. Lets stay on point. The slave owners were Christians by such a large majority it doesn't even make sense to try and deny it.

That link was someones opinion you agreed with. I could post a link that says the exact opposite of what yours did.

I can see you are playing a game trying to change the subject. :lol: What does that have to do with the point?

Abductor is the word he should have used to be more precise. I see you agree with Malcolm now.

Everything he said can be proven to be true. Your belief system just wont allow you to see that truth.

Get to work then and dont steal your bosses money again. You cant list anything except for a slightly misspoken word so far. I thought you would do better but I should have known when you couldn't create a list of your objections. :lol:

The fact is Little lied and you made a piss poor attempt at defending him. You changed the subject when you brought religion into the mix. Whites did not kidnap Africans to bring here as slaves. That is a lie.

You cannot change the words he used or even suggest what he might have meant.

You say everything he said can be proven to be true but yet you have failed to prove any of it.

What did you say? You're not here to prove anything or some such liberal bullshit. Fact is you moronic little puke, you can't prove any of it because it's all BULLSHIT!

The only fact you have said is actually an opinion. Whites did in fact abduct and bring Blacks over to the US. Some of them may have even been kidnapped. Can you prove they werent?

I didnt change the words. I clearly stated that "abductors" is the word he should have used if he specifically meant "taken against their will". The fact that is the only thing you can point to is funny as hell to tell you the truth. :lol:

Its not my job to prove anything to you Prom. Why would I waste my time? You are too stupid to understand much. Stop being lazy and look it up so you dont have to go off what you think which is obviously wrong.

The burden of proof lies with you.

You claim everything Malcolm Little said was true. Start proving it. Start with whites kidnapping Africans and then go from there.
The fact is Little lied and you made a piss poor attempt at defending him. You changed the subject when you brought religion into the mix. Whites did not kidnap Africans to bring here as slaves. That is a lie.

You cannot change the words he used or even suggest what he might have meant.

You say everything he said can be proven to be true but yet you have failed to prove any of it.

What did you say? You're not here to prove anything or some such liberal bullshit. Fact is you moronic little puke, you can't prove any of it because it's all BULLSHIT!

The only fact you have said is actually an opinion. Whites did in fact abduct and bring Blacks over to the US. Some of them may have even been kidnapped. Can you prove they werent?

I didnt change the words. I clearly stated that "abductors" is the word he should have used if he specifically meant "taken against their will". The fact that is the only thing you can point to is funny as hell to tell you the truth. :lol:

Its not my job to prove anything to you Prom. Why would I waste my time? You are too stupid to understand much. Stop being lazy and look it up so you dont have to go off what you think which is obviously wrong.

The burden of proof lies with you.

You claim everything Malcolm Little said was true. Start proving it. Start with whites kidnapping Africans and then go from there.

The burden lies with you and any who say that he was a liar. You prove it.
The only fact you have said is actually an opinion. Whites did in fact abduct and bring Blacks over to the US. Some of them may have even been kidnapped. Can you prove they werent?

I didnt change the words. I clearly stated that "abductors" is the word he should have used if he specifically meant "taken against their will". The fact that is the only thing you can point to is funny as hell to tell you the truth. :lol:

Its not my job to prove anything to you Prom. Why would I waste my time? You are too stupid to understand much. Stop being lazy and look it up so you dont have to go off what you think which is obviously wrong.

The burden of proof lies with you.

You claim everything Malcolm Little said was true. Start proving it. Start with whites kidnapping Africans and then go from there.

The burden lies with you and any who say that he was a liar. You prove it.

That's the most ridiculous thing you ever said.

Using that logic I can claim any asinine idea and claim it's true and challenge you to prove it's not.

Face it numbnuts, your idol is a liar and you cannot offer any evidence to back his lying ass up.

You're dismissed.
The burden of proof lies with you.

You claim everything Malcolm Little said was true. Start proving it. Start with whites kidnapping Africans and then go from there.

The burden lies with you and any who say that he was a liar. You prove it.

That's the most ridiculous thing you ever said.

Using that logic I can claim any asinine idea and claim it's true and challenge you to prove it's not.

Face it numbnuts, your idol is a liar and you cannot offer any evidence to back his lying ass up.

You're dismissed.

What is ridiculous is you attempting to avoid proving he was a liar which was my orginal challenge. Good thing you dismissed me. I'd hate for you to be able to prove anything. :lol:
Lol! There is no chanting here ,Scooter. And I'm a little too old to embrace any so called "heroes"

That being said, every sentence that you write reeks of and is obviously lifted off of some wacko supremacist site that contains nothing but cliches, psycho babble, and eugenics theories as well as blind and stupid loyalty to the lunatic fringe of society.

You are a kiddie parrot who has discovered or been trained to say just enough words to make yourself look like an ass.

You are not fooling anyone who has been around the block enough to see right through you. You are either some wannabe urban commando, survivalist nut job or more likely, an impressionable generation X'r who has been recruited by a supremacist cult, and you are too dumb to know it.

Your deflective manner of expressing yourself is ample evidence that you are not an independent thinker.

I am not against so called "whites with pride" or anyone with pride for that matter, in fact i think that all people have a right to proud of their heritage, as long as they are not delusional enough to assume that by racial association they mirror the same qualities as those of their race who actually made a significant difference in society.

What i laugh at and am amused by is anyone of any race who cheapens their pride and invalidates themselves with delusions of grandeur after buying into nonsense that promotes self proclaimed superiority based on the accident of birth of being born as part of a certain racial group. You and a few other wackos who post here have that mentality in common.

You are at best, ignorant and immature.

Carry on.

Racial Superiority ruled for thousands of years. After this forced experiment in equality drifts into dust, the fit races will rise from that dirtpile, brush themselves off, and finish off the unfit once and for all.

And who are the fit races? Let me guess...all except what you psycho freaks refer to as "the muds"?

I read this same drivel from Stormfronters and Aryan wackos on a different board back in the mid 90's almost 20 years ago. Probably before you were even born.

Your psychosis is a classic study in the effects of cult brainwashing. It's amazing how gullible humans with no self esteem or pride in their achievements as INDIVIDUALS can be led astray and away from reality.

By 2050 it will be a challenge to determine who is of what race in this country.

By then, you racist, separatist nut cases will probably all be quarantined in some compound in the Midwest, and practicing inbreeding to "preserve your purity".

The majority of Stormfront, Aryan supremacist types are younger, uneducated and ignorant and were not even around in the "good ole days". Nothing more than empty headed drones who can't think for themselves and are ripe to be filled with venomous rhetoric. Not worth pissing in the wind over.

Funny little fact I found out about the Aryans. The word is actually derivative of the word Iran. In the case as used by Hitler, the Arians are actually the followers of a Black African priest name Arius. Arius went against Constantinople and the Council of Nicaea 325 Ad when he proposed taking over the world by painting Jesus as a white man so the empire could have better control over the people the conquered.

Interesting. I did not know that. Is there a link somewhere to this info?
By 2050 it will be a challenge to determine who is of what race in this country.

By then, you racist, separatist nut cases will probably all be quarantined in some compound in the Midwest, and practicing inbreeding to "preserve your purity".



I actually had intended to reference your thread, but could not recall the title. Thanks for the heads up.
Funny little fact I found out about the Aryans. The word is actually derivative of the word Iran. In the case as used by Hitler, the Arians are actually the followers of a Black African priest name Arius. Arius went against Constantinople and the Council of Nicaea 325 Ad when he proposed taking over the world by painting Jesus as a white man so the empire could have better control over the people the conquered.

Interesting. I did not know that. Is there a link somewhere to this info?

Which one? Either way you are going to have to do some digging. Lots of things are either omitted or flat out covered up.
Malcolm X was never involved or arrested for anything violent once he found Islam and was released from prison
You are just totally, totally ignorant of the facts. Totally. Read the autobiography, written by Alex Haley. Educate yourself about the real facts, not the ones you choose to believe because you are so ignorant of what actually happened.

There is also his letter from Mecca, when he converted to true Islam, and disputed the ideology of the Black Muslims.

“Never have I witnessed such sincere hospitality and overwhelming spirit of true brotherhood as is practiced by people of all colors and races here in this ancient Holy Land, the home of Abraham, Muhammad and all the other Prophets of the Holy Scriptures.* For the past week, I have been utterly speechless and spellbound by the graciousness I see displayed all around me by people of all colors.

“I have been blessed to visit the Holy City of Mecca, I have made my seven circuits around the Ka’ba, led by a young Mutawaf named Muhammad, I drank water from the well of the Zam Zam.* I ran seven times back and forth between the hills of Mt. Al-Safa and Al Marwah.* I have prayed in the ancient city of Mina, and I have prayed on Mt. Arafat.

“There were tens of thousands of pilgrims, from all over the world.* They were of all colors, from blue-eyed blondes to black-skinned Africans.* But we were all participating in the same ritual, displaying a spirit of unity and brotherhood that my experiences in America had led me to believe never could exist between the white and non-white."

Malcolm X’s Letter from Mecca - The Religion of Islam

Does it say he rejects his racism, does he offer apologies for the deaths his vitriolic hate caused?

His vile scumbaggery and hate are in part to blame for the current epidemic of race crime against whites( subhumans).

Although it is not incumbent on me to read and interpret for you, the statement where he said he saw "a spirit of unity and brotherhood in Mecca that he never believed could exist between non whites and whites in America", is a significant change for a black man who was raised in the Jim Crow era, and who saw his own Father murdered by the KKK, and then lived in an America whose majority generally viewed him and those of his racial designation as inferior and saw as well as experienced laws in effect during his era that supported that belief.

Furthermore, Malcolm X was killed in 1965. When you produce proof that he was directly responsible for anyone being murdered prior to his death, I will answer your question. But to assume that he is accountable for any kind of an "epidemic of crime" now after being deceased for almost 50 years is ludicrous at best.

Those who committ crimes in the here and now are not being guided by the "vengeful spirit" of Malcolm X. Period.

Futhermore, what is up with your obsession over this "subhuman" designation that you are claiming white people are being referred to as? Who is making such ridiculous statements? Or is this an assumption based on your own obviously seething rage?
This promotheus clown is a sad loser.

I think he is actually quite entertaining. The statements that he posts are obviously scripts and talking points that are written for him by some elder extremist who likely recruited him by filling his head with all this doomsday,
"rise of the superior race", "dirty war", nonsense.

Plus, the name "Prometheus" It is a dead giveaway being that it has a significance within a certain organization, and as a diversionary practice he will try to convince you that he is not part of it and does not parrot their ideology.
Which is not true.

I've read some of the exact same vernacular, metaphors and wordplay that he is using in a forum that has been defunct for years now. If you think there are some wackos here, you should have seen that site....not for the faint of heart.....lol!
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The fact is Little lied and you made a piss poor attempt at defending him. You changed the subject when you brought religion into the mix. Whites did not kidnap Africans to bring here as slaves. That is a lie.

You cannot change the words he used or even suggest what he might have meant.

You say everything he said can be proven to be true but yet you have failed to prove any of it.

What did you say? You're not here to prove anything or some such liberal bullshit. Fact is you moronic little puke, you can't prove any of it because it's all BULLSHIT!

The only fact you have said is actually an opinion. Whites did in fact abduct and bring Blacks over to the US. Some of them may have even been kidnapped. Can you prove they werent?

I didnt change the words. I clearly stated that "abductors" is the word he should have used if he specifically meant "taken against their will". The fact that is the only thing you can point to is funny as hell to tell you the truth. :lol:

Its not my job to prove anything to you Prom. Why would I waste my time? You are too stupid to understand much. Stop being lazy and look it up so you dont have to go off what you think which is obviously wrong.

. Start proving it. Start with whites kidnapping Africans and then go from there.

Abducting and taming these feral herds was the most humane thing Whites ever did for Blacks. The ones we left in Africa are stuck with starvation, lootfests, and self-genocide. Whites who want to humiliate and demoralize the rest of White people are behind all this guilt-mongering.
The only fact you have said is actually an opinion. Whites did in fact abduct and bring Blacks over to the US. Some of them may have even been kidnapped. Can you prove they werent?

I didnt change the words. I clearly stated that "abductors" is the word he should have used if he specifically meant "taken against their will". The fact that is the only thing you can point to is funny as hell to tell you the truth. :lol:

Its not my job to prove anything to you Prom. Why would I waste my time? You are too stupid to understand much. Stop being lazy and look it up so you dont have to go off what you think which is obviously wrong.

. Start proving it. Start with whites kidnapping Africans and then go from there.

Abducting and taming these feral herds was the most humane thing Whites ever did for Blacks. The ones we left in Africa are stuck with starvation, lootfests, and self-genocide. Whites who want to humiliate and demoralize the rest of White people are behind all this guilt-mongering.

I know its hard to override your programming but you really need to start thinking for yourself. The parts of Africa that fit that description are the ones that were colonized by Europeans that have a vested interest in fostering unrest and bloodshed. There are some extremely wealthy Africans outside of the US.

Aliko Dangote - Forbes
. Start proving it. Start with whites kidnapping Africans and then go from there.

Abducting and taming these feral herds was the most humane thing Whites ever did for Blacks. The ones we left in Africa are stuck with starvation, lootfests, and self-genocide. Whites who want to humiliate and demoralize the rest of White people are behind all this guilt-mongering.

I know its hard to override your programming but you really need to start thinking for yourself. The parts of Africa that fit that description are the ones that were colonized by Europeans that have a vested interest in fostering unrest and bloodshed. There are some extremely wealthy Africans outside of the US.

Aliko Dangote - Forbes

Never mind that, you dumbfuck, retarded, low intellect, knuckle dragging, backward, illiterate, friendless, numb nuts tell me more about the Zimmerman TRAIL?
Where does it lead?

I fucking destroyed you on that!!!
You wrote a post calling me illiterate!
Containing spelling and grammatical errors a third grader would be ashamed of!!!
You can call me illiterate, low intelligence, mentally ill, stupid, retarded and insane all you wish.
Just remember though, if I am all those and caught your fuck ups, WHAT DOES THAT MAKE YOU??


How you feeling?
You look it!!!!
Abducting and taming these feral herds was the most humane thing Whites ever did for Blacks. The ones we left in Africa are stuck with starvation, lootfests, and self-genocide. Whites who want to humiliate and demoralize the rest of White people are behind all this guilt-mongering.

I know its hard to override your programming but you really need to start thinking for yourself. The parts of Africa that fit that description are the ones that were colonized by Europeans that have a vested interest in fostering unrest and bloodshed. There are some extremely wealthy Africans outside of the US.

Aliko Dangote - Forbes

Never mind that, you dumbfuck, retarded, low intellect, knuckle dragging, backward, illiterate, friendless, numb nuts tell me more about the Zimmerman TRAIL?
Where does it lead?

I fucking destroyed you on that!!!
You wrote a post calling me illiterate!
Containing spelling and grammatical errors a third grader would be ashamed of!!!
You can call me illiterate, low intelligence, mentally ill, stupid, retarded and insane all you wish.
Just remember though, if I am all those and caught your fuck ups, WHAT DOES THAT MAKE YOU??


How you feeling?
You look it!!!!

:lol: You must really butt hurt to stalk me on another thread! I transposed the a and the i. You caught in "trial". A small victory for you. You are still stupid and quite insane.
I know its hard to override your programming but you really need to start thinking for yourself. The parts of Africa that fit that description are the ones that were colonized by Europeans that have a vested interest in fostering unrest and bloodshed. There are some extremely wealthy Africans outside of the US.

Aliko Dangote - Forbes

Never mind that, you dumbfuck, retarded, low intellect, knuckle dragging, backward, illiterate, friendless, numb nuts tell me more about the Zimmerman TRAIL?
Where does it lead?

I fucking destroyed you on that!!!
You wrote a post calling me illiterate!
Containing spelling and grammatical errors a third grader would be ashamed of!!!
You can call me illiterate, low intelligence, mentally ill, stupid, retarded and insane all you wish.
Just remember though, if I am all those and caught your fuck ups, WHAT DOES THAT MAKE YOU??


How you feeling?
You look it!!!!

:lol: You must really butt hurt to stalk me on another thread! I transposed the a and the i. You caught in "trial". A small victory for you. You are still stupid and quite insane.
You forgot your grammatical error.
Whilst arrogantly attacking another's standard of English you make 2 third grade fuck ups.
You illiterate fuck.
You feel stupid?
You look it!!!

To a liberal stupid = not agreeing. Being of a different opinion.
Insane = proving them wrong!!

Milkweed, you are stupid.
Even your username shows it.
Or did you choose milkweed?

Spelling mistake I'm thinking.

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