Why is Malcom X Celebrated in this Country?

Blah, blah, blah. Civilized-sounding chimp chat is good cover for the instigator of feral behavior.

It's not about words, it's about swords.

Prom i think you just miss the good ole days when you got to do what ever you wanted to. I know it angers you that you would get hurt trying that stuff now. Malcolm had a lot to do with your current reality. All it does is show how much of a coward your type are.

The majority of Stormfront, Aryan supremacist types are younger, uneducated and ignorant and were not even around in the "good ole days". Nothing more than empty headed drones who can't think for themselves and are ripe to be filled with venomous rhetoric. Not worth pissing in the wind over. The real truth is that the so called 1% regards underprivileged whites with the same disdain that they regard "******* in slums". The true irony is that many underprivileged and misinformed blacks and whites often are gullible enough to believe otherwise. This whole black versus white racial conflict is humorous to those who throw scraps to both. Disenfrnchised, low rent whites are angry because they feel that they are under siege and are victims of an "avalanche" of anti white violence being visited upon them by "the blacks" and the media is surpressing it. They also believe thst the society as a whole has turned against them because there are "racially preferential programs" in place like affirmative action, which ironically has benefitted white females more than any other group of people since it's inception.

To the 1% this racial conflict is nothing more than a high stakes cock fight between dispensible entities that are so distracted with one another that they do not see what is really happening.

Being born into or ascending the class ladder is all that matters in a capitalist society. When one has the resources to buy their way in, color becomes a non factor.
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Are you saying if you are in the majority you are right? I usually go the other way when I see the majority agreeing. I know something ignorant is about to happen.

Exactly what the 1% thinks about the majority. This is even more proof that your feral race of attack dogs have been turned loose on unprivileged Whites to humiliate us, demoralize us, and distract us.

No it only seems that way because you are ignorant and being brainwashed by even more ignorant people in the KKK and Stormfront. The 1% that control the majority of the wealth need you and your kind to keep up your yelping so you continue to buy supplies in order to stock your survivalist camps for a war that's never going to come. :lol:
Prom i think you just miss the good ole days when you got to do what ever you wanted to. I know it angers you that you would get hurt trying that stuff now. Malcolm had a lot to do with your current reality. All it does is show how much of a coward your type are.

The majority of Stormfront, Aryan supremacist types are younger, uneducated and ignorant and were not even around in the "good ole days". Nothing more than empty headed drones who can't think for themselves and are ripe to be filled with venomous rhetoric. Not worth pissing in the wind over.

Funny little fact I found out about the Aryans. The word is actually derivative of the word Iran. In the case as used by Hitler, the Arians are actually the followers of a Black African priest name Arius. Arius went against Constantinople and the Council of Nicaea 325 Ad when he proposed taking over the world by painting Jesus as a white man so the empire could have better control over the people the conquered.
Wait...how can you not know what they considered themselves to be when your own historians tell you they were Christian? How did you miss that but were able to find out what the African nations did or did not do?

You only gave me your opinion of the origin of slavery. Your opinion doesnt count.

What does Africans practicing slavery currently have to do with my question? Lets stay on each point before we move the goal posts.

See above. Lets stay on point that white christians brought a large population of Black people over to the US as slaves against their will.

I said he could have used a better term such as abductor at the start of my post. Are you able to comprehend what that meant?

I keep telling you that I'm trying to gather information as to why you think he was wrong. I am not trying to convince you of anything. Please list more objections.

Unlike you I don't lump everyone into the same religious belief. I assume some were Christian but I don't believe all were. History tell us the majority of those engaging in slavery were actually Muslim.

I gave you a link it wasn't just an opinion.

Where's your evidence that it was white Christians sailing the slave ships?

No abductor isn't the word that Little used, so let's stay on topic.

He was wrong for the simple fact that nothing he said can be proven to be true.

No need in listing any more objections. Only one was needed to show him to be a liar.

Now I have work to do so unless you can come up with ANY evidence that suggest ANY thing you've stated is true, I'll won't be back until tomorrow.

You are trying to avoid the point. We are talking about slavery in the US. There were very few muslims in the US at that time. Lets stay on point. The slave owners were Christians by such a large majority it doesn't even make sense to try and deny it.

That link was someones opinion you agreed with. I could post a link that says the exact opposite of what yours did.

I can see you are playing a game trying to change the subject. :lol: What does that have to do with the point?

Abductor is the word he should have used to be more precise. I see you agree with Malcolm now.

Everything he said can be proven to be true. Your belief system just wont allow you to see that truth.

Get to work then and dont steal your bosses money again. You cant list anything except for a slightly misspoken word so far. I thought you would do better but I should have known when you couldn't create a list of your objections. :lol:

The White working class in sweatshops and serving on ships had it a lot worse than the cottonpickers on plantations. For one thing, they weren't even at the level of property and could be horribly mistreated and thrown aside for another one. The fact that the White lower class up North was treated worse than the Black lower class down South is ignored in social commentary, indicating that such one-sided propaganda is controlled by the ruling class we have now.

Looking Backward, a Communist criticism of America written in 1888 rakes the Gilded Age structure over the coals but never mentions racial discrimination. Until the 1950s, any talk about equal rights was considered, even by the Far Left, to be as silly as advocating that 10-year-olds be allowed to vote. If we could lift off the dark glasses people opinionate under in this New Age fantasyland, that would be the common-sense opinion today.
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Unlike you I don't lump everyone into the same religious belief. I assume some were Christian but I don't believe all were. History tell us the majority of those engaging in slavery were actually Muslim.

I gave you a link it wasn't just an opinion.

Where's your evidence that it was white Christians sailing the slave ships?

No abductor isn't the word that Little used, so let's stay on topic.

He was wrong for the simple fact that nothing he said can be proven to be true.

No need in listing any more objections. Only one was needed to show him to be a liar.

Now I have work to do so unless you can come up with ANY evidence that suggest ANY thing you've stated is true, I'll won't be back until tomorrow.

You are trying to avoid the point. We are talking about slavery in the US. There were very few muslims in the US at that time. Lets stay on point. The slave owners were Christians by such a large majority it doesn't even make sense to try and deny it.

That link was someones opinion you agreed with. I could post a link that says the exact opposite of what yours did.

I can see you are playing a game trying to change the subject. :lol: What does that have to do with the point?

Abductor is the word he should have used to be more precise. I see you agree with Malcolm now.

Everything he said can be proven to be true. Your belief system just wont allow you to see that truth.

Get to work then and dont steal your bosses money again. You cant list anything except for a slightly misspoken word so far. I thought you would do better but I should have known when you couldn't create a list of your objections. :lol:

The White working class in sweatshops and serving on ships had it a lot worse than the cottonpickers on plantations. For one thing, they weren't even at the level of property and could be horribly mistreated and thrown aside for another one. The fact that the White lower class up North was treated worse than the Black lower class down South is ignored in social commentary, indicating that such one-sided propaganda is controlled by the ruling class we have now.

Looking Backward, a Communist criticism of America written in 1888 rakes the Gilded Age structure over the coals but never mentions racial discrimination. Until the 1950s, any talk about equal rights was considered even by the Far Left, to be as silly as advocating that 10-year-olds be allowed to vote. If we could lift off the dark glasses people opinionate under in this New Age fantasyland, that would be the common-sense opinion today.

Except common sense would dictate that it is always better to be free and poverty stricken than to be well kept and a on the level of a farm animal. You sound like one of those clowns that believe slaves had it better than poor whites. Please dont make me laugh. :lol:
Blah, blah, blah. Civilized-sounding chimp chat is good cover for the instigator of feral behavior.

It's not about words, it's about swords.

Prom i think you just miss the good ole days when you got to do what ever you wanted to. I know it angers you that you would get hurt trying that stuff now. Malcolm had a lot to do with your current reality. All it does is show how much of a coward your type are.

Fine, you think we are cowards. Then you'll finally go too far in your feral way and see what we are capable of when we can allow no more of your shit. I'm sure the Zulus at Blood River thought the Boers were cowards; that's why they attacked the Boers. Every extinct race believed their enemies would run away.

And you think we are soft and lazy, only capable of getting anything done if we employ minorities to do it for us? We built this country; you were only farm animals. Typical of the places you built are: Somalia, Haiti, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, and Darfur. Where our criminal ruling class of thieves and traitors let you take charge, you changed Detroit into Darfur.
Prom i think you just miss the good ole days when you got to do what ever you wanted to. I know it angers you that you would get hurt trying that stuff now. Malcolm had a lot to do with your current reality. All it does is show how much of a coward your type are.

The majority of Stormfront, Aryan supremacist types are younger, uneducated and ignorant and were not even around in the "good ole days". Nothing more than empty headed drones who can't think for themselves and are ripe to be filled with venomous rhetoric. Not worth pissing in the wind over. The real truth is that the so called 1% regards underprivileged whites with the same disdain that they regards"******* in slums". The true irony is that many underprivileged and misinformed blacks and whites often are gullible enough to believe otherwise. This whole black versus white racial conflict is humorous to those who throw scraps to both.

To them, this is nothing more than a high stakes cock fight. Being born into or ascending the class ladder is all that matters in a capitalist society. When one has the resources to buy their way in, color becomes a non factor.

You chant the same intelligent-sounding but braindead fantasy spouted by the Left Wing agents of the Right Wing. Instead of creating race hatred through propaganda, your heroes purposely forced naturally incompatible elements together in order to break up working-class solidarity be being forced to work with the lazy and incompetent race. Integration is disintegration. All the scum on top must be wiped out, and that's where your pseudo-Leftists crept down from.

As far as Stormfront goes, just go on thinking Whites with pride are associated with those Chickenhawk loudmouth cartoon soldiers. Anti-semitism always leaves a yellow stain; those clowns and the Kluxers are just boytoys for the bosses, licking up the trickledown and calling it lemonade. They run away to Idaho when the front lines in the War for White Survival are in the big cities. Deserters belong in the desert.
Exactly what the 1% thinks about the majority. This is even more proof that your feral race of attack dogs have been turned loose on unprivileged Whites to humiliate us, demoralize us, and distract us.

No it only seems that way because you are ignorant and being brainwashed by even more ignorant people in the KKK and Stormfront. The 1% that control the majority of the wealth need you and your kind to keep up your yelping so you continue to buy supplies in order to stock your survivalist camps for a war that's never going to come. :lol:

A complete contradiction of reality that your Limousine Liberal masters feed you. You don't have one talking point that hasn't been fed to you by people with human intelligence. Those slaveboy Whites you wishfully think represent White Pride all believe in the 1%'s economic supremacy and that labor union men are dupes of the COMMNISS! The belief that "Be Good to the Boss and the Boss Will Be Good to You" is hillbilly dogma. So whatever those inbreds do is always controlled by the 1%.
The majority of Stormfront, Aryan supremacist types are younger, uneducated and ignorant and were not even around in the "good ole days". Nothing more than empty headed drones who can't think for themselves and are ripe to be filled with venomous rhetoric. Not worth pissing in the wind over.

Funny little fact I found out about the Aryans. The word is actually derivative of the word Iran. In the case as used by Hitler, the Arians are actually the followers of a Black African priest name Arius. Arius went against Constantinople and the Council of Nicaea 325 Ad when he proposed taking over the world by painting Jesus as a white man so the empire could have better control over the people the conquered.

Typical of how people with a genetic mental inferiority throw around historical facts like their fellow unevolved primate species throws shit at one another.
You are trying to avoid the point. We are talking about slavery in the US. There were very few muslims in the US at that time. Lets stay on point. The slave owners were Christians by such a large majority it doesn't even make sense to try and deny it.

That link was someones opinion you agreed with. I could post a link that says the exact opposite of what yours did.

I can see you are playing a game trying to change the subject. :lol: What does that have to do with the point?

Abductor is the word he should have used to be more precise. I see you agree with Malcolm now.

Everything he said can be proven to be true. Your belief system just wont allow you to see that truth.

Get to work then and dont steal your bosses money again. You cant list anything except for a slightly misspoken word so far. I thought you would do better but I should have known when you couldn't create a list of your objections. :lol:

The White working class in sweatshops and serving on ships had it a lot worse than the cottonpickers on plantations. For one thing, they weren't even at the level of property and could be horribly mistreated and thrown aside for another one. The fact that the White lower class up North was treated worse than the Black lower class down South is ignored in social commentary, indicating that such one-sided propaganda is controlled by the ruling class we have now.

Looking Backward, a Communist criticism of America written in 1888 rakes the Gilded Age structure over the coals but never mentions racial discrimination. Until the 1950s, any talk about equal rights was considered even by the Far Left, to be as silly as advocating that 10-year-olds be allowed to vote. If we could lift off the dark glasses people opinionate under in this New Age fantasyland, that would be the common-sense opinion today.

Except common sense would dictate that it is always better to be free and poverty stricken than to be well kept and a on the level of a farm animal. You sound like one of those clowns that believe slaves had it better than poor whites. Please dont make me laugh. :lol:

Why shouldn't you laugh at your silly delusions of equality? After all, the race card is a Joker.
Fine, you think we are cowards. Then you'll finally go too far in your feral way and see what we are capable of when we can allow no more of your shit.

Who's "we," asshole? Just who the fuck do you think you speak for other than your own miserable failure of an individual?
Prom i think you just miss the good ole days when you got to do what ever you wanted to. I know it angers you that you would get hurt trying that stuff now. Malcolm had a lot to do with your current reality. All it does is show how much of a coward your type are.

Fine, you think we are cowards. Then you'll finally go too far in your feral way and see what we are capable of when we can allow no more of your shit. I'm sure the Zulus at Blood River thought the Boers were cowards; that's why they attacked the Boers. Every extinct race believed their enemies would run away.

And you think we are soft and lazy, only capable of getting anything done if we employ minorities to do it for us? We built this country; you were only farm animals. Typical of the places you built are: Somalia, Haiti, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, and Darfur. Where our criminal ruling class of thieves and traitors let you take charge, you changed Detroit into Darfur.

Yes Prom I think all of you white racist punks are cowards. You are soft and lazy. You didnt build the country because the experiment with white indentured servants failed. We also built Ghana, Mali, Songhay, Egypt, and brought Europe back from the Dark Ages. All you cowards do is talk and cry about how you can no longer get away with wrong doing. The real white supremacists are using you clowns. They have moved to psychological warfare and you are a victim just like everyone else. :lol:
Good Samaritans Who Saved Reginald Denny Are Heroes of L.A. Riots

Also, below are some quotes by Malcolm X regarding self defense, non violence and violence:

Violence, Nonviolence, Self-Defense...

"Concerning nonviolence: It is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself, when he is the constant victim of brutal attacks. It is legal and lawful to own a shotgun or a rifle. We believe in obeying the law."

"It doesn't mean that I advocate violence, but at the same time, I am not against using violence in self-defense. I don't call it violence when it's self-defense, I call it intelligence."

"If violence is wrong in America, violence is wrong abroad. If it is wrong to be violent defending black women and black children and black babies and black men, then it is wrong for America to draft us, and make us violent abroad in defense of her. And if it is right for America to draft us, and teach us how to be violent in defense of her, then it is right for you and me to do whatever is necessary to defend our own people right here in this country."

"I don't mean go out and get violent; but at the same time you should never be nonviolent unless you run into some nonviolence. I'm nonviolent with those who are nonviolent with me. But when you drop that violence on me, then you've made me go insane, and I'm not responsible for what I do."

"I don't favor violence. If we could bring about recognition and respect of our people by peaceful means, well and good. Everybody would like to reach his objectives peacefully. But I'm also a realist. The only people in this country who are asked to be nonviolent are black people."

"Last but not least, I must say this concerning the great controversy over rifles and shotguns. The only thing I've ever said is that in areas where the government has proven itself either unwilling or unable to defend the lives and the property of Negroes, it's time for Negroes to defend themselves. Article number two of the Constitutional amendments provides you and me the right to own a rifle or a shotgun. It is constitutionally legal to own a shotgun or a rifle."

Blah, blah, blah. Civilized-sounding chimp chat is good cover for the instigator of feral behavior.

It's not about words, it's about swords.

Deflection is the most practiced behavior of the intellectially shortchanged.

I think your avoidance of addressing the quotes, is good cover for an empty head incapable of doing so.
The majority of Stormfront, Aryan supremacist types are younger, uneducated and ignorant and were not even around in the "good ole days". Nothing more than empty headed drones who can't think for themselves and are ripe to be filled with venomous rhetoric. Not worth pissing in the wind over. The real truth is that the so called 1% regards underprivileged whites with the same disdain that they regards"******* in slums". The true irony is that many underprivileged and misinformed blacks and whites often are gullible enough to believe otherwise. This whole black versus white racial conflict is humorous to those who throw scraps to both.

To them, this is nothing more than a high stakes cock fight. Being born into or ascending the class ladder is all that matters in a capitalist society. When one has the resources to buy their way in, color becomes a non factor.

You chant the same intelligent-sounding but braindead fantasy spouted by the Left Wing agents of the Right Wing. Instead of creating race hatred through propaganda, your heroes purposely forced naturally incompatible elements together in order to break up working-class solidarity be being forced to work with the lazy and incompetent race. Integration is disintegration. All the scum on top must be wiped out, and that's where your pseudo-Leftists crept down from.

As far as Stormfront goes, just go on thinking Whites with pride are associated with those Chickenhawk loudmouth cartoon soldiers. Anti-semitism always leaves a yellow stain; those clowns and the Kluxers are just boytoys for the bosses, licking up the trickledown and calling it lemonade. They run away to Idaho when the front lines in the War for White Survival are in the big cities. Deserters belong in the desert.

Lol! There is no chanting here ,Scooter. And I'm a little too old to embrace any so called "heroes"

That being said, every sentence that you write reeks of and is obviously lifted off of some wacko supremacist site that contains nothing but cliches, psycho babble, and eugenics theories as well as blind and stupid loyalty to the lunatic fringe of society.

You are a kiddie parrot who has discovered or been trained to say just enough words to make yourself look like an ass.

You are not fooling anyone who has been around the block enough to see right through you. You are either some wannabe urban commando, survivalist nut job or more likely, an impressionable generation X'r who has been recruited by a supremacist cult, and you are too dumb to know it.

Your deflective manner of expressing yourself is ample evidence that you are not an independent thinker.

I am not against so called "whites with pride" or anyone with pride for that matter, in fact i think that all people have a right to proud of their heritage, as long as they are not delusional enough to assume that by racial association they mirror the same qualities as those of their race who actually made a significant difference in society.

What i laugh at and am amused by is anyone of any race who cheapens their pride and invalidates themselves with delusions of grandeur after buying into nonsense that promotes self proclaimed superiority based on the accident of birth of being born as part of a certain racial group. You and a few other wackos who post here have that mentality in common.

You are at best, ignorant and immature.

Carry on.
Wait...how can you not know what they considered themselves to be when your own historians tell you they were Christian? How did you miss that but were able to find out what the African nations did or did not do?

You only gave me your opinion of the origin of slavery. Your opinion doesnt count.

What does Africans practicing slavery currently have to do with my question? Lets stay on each point before we move the goal posts.

See above. Lets stay on point that white christians brought a large population of Black people over to the US as slaves against their will.

I said he could have used a better term such as abductor at the start of my post. Are you able to comprehend what that meant?

I keep telling you that I'm trying to gather information as to why you think he was wrong. I am not trying to convince you of anything. Please list more objections.

Unlike you I don't lump everyone into the same religious belief. I assume some were Christian but I don't believe all were. History tell us the majority of those engaging in slavery were actually Muslim.

I gave you a link it wasn't just an opinion.

Where's your evidence that it was white Christians sailing the slave ships?

No abductor isn't the word that Little used, so let's stay on topic.

He was wrong for the simple fact that nothing he said can be proven to be true.

No need in listing any more objections. Only one was needed to show him to be a liar.

Now I have work to do so unless you can come up with ANY evidence that suggest ANY thing you've stated is true, I'll won't be back until tomorrow.

You are trying to avoid the point. We are talking about slavery in the US. There were very few muslims in the US at that time. Lets stay on point. The slave owners were Christians by such a large majority it doesn't even make sense to try and deny it.

That link was someones opinion you agreed with. I could post a link that says the exact opposite of what yours did.

I can see you are playing a game trying to change the subject. :lol: What does that have to do with the point?

Abductor is the word he should have used to be more precise. I see you agree with Malcolm now.

Everything he said can be proven to be true. Your belief system just wont allow you to see that truth.

Get to work then and dont steal your bosses money again. You cant list anything except for a slightly misspoken word so far. I thought you would do better but I should have known when you couldn't create a list of your objections. :lol:

The fact is Little lied and you made a piss poor attempt at defending him. You changed the subject when you brought religion into the mix. Whites did not kidnap Africans to bring here as slaves. That is a lie.

You cannot change the words he used or even suggest what he might have meant.

You say everything he said can be proven to be true but yet you have failed to prove any of it.

What did you say? You're not here to prove anything or some such liberal bullshit. Fact is you moronic little puke, you can't prove any of it because it's all BULLSHIT!
Blah, blah, blah. Civilized-sounding chimp chat is good cover for the instigator of feral behavior.

It's not about words, it's about swords.

Deflection is the most practiced behavior of the intellectially shortchanged.

I think your avoidance of addressing the quotes, is good cover for an empty head incapable of doing so.

I am at a loss for words because you are lost in a cloud of words that you think is solid matter. Try reading the Communist Manifesto and other high-sounding babble from both the Left and Right that put lowlife in high places.
Fine, you think we are cowards. Then you'll finally go too far in your feral way and see what we are capable of when we can allow no more of your shit. I'm sure the Zulus at Blood River thought the Boers were cowards; that's why they attacked the Boers. Every extinct race believed their enemies would run away.

And you think we are soft and lazy, only capable of getting anything done if we employ minorities to do it for us? We built this country; you were only farm animals. Typical of the places you built are: Somalia, Haiti, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, and Darfur. Where our criminal ruling class of thieves and traitors let you take charge, you changed Detroit into Darfur.

Yes Prom I think all of you white racist punks are cowards. You are soft and lazy. You didnt build the country because the experiment with white indentured servants failed. We also built Ghana, Mali, Songhay, Egypt, and brought Europe back from the Dark Ages. All you cowards do is talk and cry about how you can no longer get away with wrong doing. The real white supremacists are using you clowns. They have moved to psychological warfare and you are a victim just like everyone else. :lol:

If only we can get you to practice what you preach in order to send you back to the jungles we saved you from.
Unlike you I don't lump everyone into the same religious belief. I assume some were Christian but I don't believe all were. History tell us the majority of those engaging in slavery were actually Muslim.

I gave you a link it wasn't just an opinion.

Where's your evidence that it was white Christians sailing the slave ships?

No abductor isn't the word that Little used, so let's stay on topic.

He was wrong for the simple fact that nothing he said can be proven to be true.

No need in listing any more objections. Only one was needed to show him to be a liar.

Now I have work to do so unless you can come up with ANY evidence that suggest ANY thing you've stated is true, I'll won't be back until tomorrow.

You are trying to avoid the point. We are talking about slavery in the US. There were very few muslims in the US at that time. Lets stay on point. The slave owners were Christians by such a large majority it doesn't even make sense to try and deny it.

That link was someones opinion you agreed with. I could post a link that says the exact opposite of what yours did.

I can see you are playing a game trying to change the subject. :lol: What does that have to do with the point?

Abductor is the word he should have used to be more precise. I see you agree with Malcolm now.

Everything he said can be proven to be true. Your belief system just wont allow you to see that truth.

Get to work then and dont steal your bosses money again. You cant list anything except for a slightly misspoken word so far. I thought you would do better but I should have known when you couldn't create a list of your objections. :lol:

The fact is Little lied and you made a piss poor attempt at defending him. You changed the subject when you brought religion into the mix. Whites did not kidnap Africans to bring here as slaves. That is a lie.

You cannot change the words he used or even suggest what he might have meant.

You say everything he said can be proven to be true but yet you have failed to prove any of it.

What did you say? You're not here to prove anything or some such liberal bullshit. Fact is you moronic little puke, you can't prove any of it because it's all BULLSHIT!

The only fact you have said is actually an opinion. Whites did in fact abduct and bring Blacks over to the US. Some of them may have even been kidnapped. Can you prove they werent?

I didnt change the words. I clearly stated that "abductors" is the word he should have used if he specifically meant "taken against their will". The fact that is the only thing you can point to is funny as hell to tell you the truth. :lol:

Its not my job to prove anything to you Prom. Why would I waste my time? You are too stupid to understand much. Stop being lazy and look it up so you dont have to go off what you think which is obviously wrong.
You chant the same intelligent-sounding but braindead fantasy spouted by the Left Wing agents of the Right Wing. Instead of creating race hatred through propaganda, your heroes purposely forced naturally incompatible elements together in order to break up working-class solidarity be being forced to work with the lazy and incompetent race. Integration is disintegration. All the scum on top must be wiped out, and that's where your pseudo-Leftists crept down from.

As far as Stormfront goes, just go on thinking Whites with pride are associated with those Chickenhawk loudmouth cartoon soldiers. Anti-semitism always leaves a yellow stain; those clowns and the Kluxers are just boytoys for the bosses, licking up the trickledown and calling it lemonade. They run away to Idaho when the front lines in the War for White Survival are in the big cities. Deserters belong in the desert.

Lol! There is no chanting here ,Scooter. And I'm a little too old to embrace any so called "heroes"

That being said, every sentence that you write reeks of and is obviously lifted off of some wacko supremacist site that contains nothing but cliches, psycho babble, and eugenics theories as well as blind and stupid loyalty to the lunatic fringe of society.

You are a kiddie parrot who has discovered or been trained to say just enough words to make yourself look like an ass.

You are not fooling anyone who has been around the block enough to see right through you. You are either some wannabe urban commando, survivalist nut job or more likely, an impressionable generation X'r who has been recruited by a supremacist cult, and you are too dumb to know it.

Your deflective manner of expressing yourself is ample evidence that you are not an independent thinker.

I am not against so called "whites with pride" or anyone with pride for that matter, in fact i think that all people have a right to proud of their heritage, as long as they are not delusional enough to assume that by racial association they mirror the same qualities as those of their race who actually made a significant difference in society.

What i laugh at and am amused by is anyone of any race who cheapens their pride and invalidates themselves with delusions of grandeur after buying into nonsense that promotes self proclaimed superiority based on the accident of birth of being born as part of a certain racial group. You and a few other wackos who post here have that mentality in common.

You are at best, ignorant and immature.

Carry on.

Racial Superiority ruled for thousands of years. After this forced experiment in equality drifts into dust, the fit races will rise from that dirtpile, brush themselves off, and finish off the unfit once and for all.

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