Why is media claiming the GOP is shutting down the govt?

Liar N Chief

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNBhue9OMTY]Amazing - Obama Caught in Bald-Faced Lie on White House Sequester - YouTube[/ame]
President Obama's Predictable Budget: More Spending, More Tax Increases - Forbes

Increased Federal Outlays.................

Increased debt.......................

Refunding Sequester funds.................

and more taxation..........................

Some budget proposal......................

Oh please...even before sequestration the deficit was falling at the fastest pace since after ww2 and the federal budget has been virtually flat for the past 4 years now. It's expected that the deficit will go all the way down to the ~450 billion range next year and maybe even lower.

This GOP-driven ideology of Obama as this crazy spender are based on NOTHING other then the spending for financial crisis and loss of tax revenue from the reccession all of which happened before he was in office. It's total crap!
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It's easy to complain about someone else's proposals while submitting none in return.

It's better to ignore the Budget all together, even when you have control of both houses for 2 years and still don't pass one with a Super Majority.

Only to play the blame game on others, while not even doing your job to begin with.

The Democrat-led Senate last passed a budget on April 29, 2009

they also passed a proposal on on march 23rd, 2013

They dont' have the votes to pass one in the house

And the CR's continue with no compromise. The Sequester was the GOP compromising which included cuts to the military if no cuts were found. The Dems promised to go to the table and replace the sequester cuts before they occurred.

Didn't happen. They now have no credibility in any negotiation.

Cuts proposed on a dotted line or else this time. No BS this time.

Or the Semi Trucks collide.

Funny I point out your blatant misinformation about no budget proposals from the democrats and you side-step to sequester and other junk.
President Obama's Predictable Budget: More Spending, More Tax Increases - Forbes

Increased Federal Outlays.................

Increased debt.......................

Refunding Sequester funds.................

and more taxation..........................

Some budget proposal......................

Oh please...even before sequestration the deficit was falling at the fastest pace since after ww2 and the federal budget has been virtually flat for the past 4 years now. It's expected that the deficit will go all the way down to the ~450 billion range next year and maybe even lower.

This GOP-driven ideology of Obama as this crazy spender are based on NOTHING other then the spending for financial crisis all of which happened before he was in office. It's total crap!

Really................put back into the budget the sequester cuts and it doesn't cost more. Proposed more spending by the article......

And you now say it's not his fault and that spending more will cost us less BS.

You are getting desperate with me.........

That article points out information on it, prove them wrong..............

While your at it, how can or Gov't influx Trillions into the system and still get no decent gains on the economy.

Don't bore me with the Stock Market BS, as it's propped up with Federal Dollars and Derivatives, thus not consistent with the economy.
Look....the whole premise to this entire thread is basically saying since the house is the one who proposed a bill they are blameless for any future shutdown that might occur.

I'm saying that's nonsense because by law they "HAVE TO" be the one to originate a spending bill. If passing some crazy bill is all you have to do to avoid the public blaming you for not having a budget then every single house of reps in our entire history is free of guilt unless they sit on their butts and look at the ceiling the whole time.

why is the main stream media blaming 1/3 of the powers inviolved in this?
it is that simple
President Obama's Predictable Budget: More Spending, More Tax Increases - Forbes

Increased Federal Outlays.................

Increased debt.......................

Refunding Sequester funds.................

and more taxation..........................

Some budget proposal......................

Oh please...even before sequestration the deficit was falling at the fastest pace since after ww2 and the federal budget has been virtually flat for the past 4 years now. It's expected that the deficit will go all the way down to the ~450 billion range next year and maybe even lower.

This GOP-driven ideology of Obama as this crazy spender are based on NOTHING other then the spending for financial crisis and loss of tax revenue from the reccession all of which happened before he was in office. It's total crap!

a defict that Obama and the democratic party created
in 2007 the defict was 162 billion
the last GOP budget
in 2009 it was 1.4+ trillion
spending went from 2.7 to 3.5 in 24 months

now your calling that a decrease?
like calling job creation when job numbers are still far below 2008 levels
where not even back to 0 yet
Private Jobs Down 4.6 Million From January 2008; Federal Jobs Up 11.4%
President Obama's Predictable Budget: More Spending, More Tax Increases - Forbes

Increased Federal Outlays.................

Increased debt.......................

Refunding Sequester funds.................

and more taxation..........................

Some budget proposal......................

Oh please...even before sequestration the deficit was falling at the fastest pace since after ww2 and the federal budget has been virtually flat for the past 4 years now. It's expected that the deficit will go all the way down to the ~450 billion range next year and maybe even lower.

This GOP-driven ideology of Obama as this crazy spender are based on NOTHING other then the spending for financial crisis and loss of tax revenue from the reccession all of which happened before he was in office. It's total crap!

a defict that Obama and the democratic party created
in 2007 the defict was 162 billion
the last GOP budget
in 2009 it was 1.4+ trillion
spending went from 2.7 to 3.5 in 24 months

now your calling that a decrease?
like calling job creation when job numbers are still far below 2008 levels
where not even back to 0 yet
Private Jobs Down 4.6 Million From January 2008; Federal Jobs Up 11.4%

Umm..no? The deficit from oct 2006 to oct 2007 was 505 billion. And that was "before the financial crisis"

It's just simple fact...every year Bush was in office...deficit went up...every year Obama was in Office...deficit went down (excluding his first year which he had no control over)

edit - sorry my bad...there actually was one year the deficit went slightly down under Bush. But that doesn't change the overall picture.
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Oh please...even before sequestration the deficit was falling at the fastest pace since after ww2 and the federal budget has been virtually flat for the past 4 years now. It's expected that the deficit will go all the way down to the ~450 billion range next year and maybe even lower.

This GOP-driven ideology of Obama as this crazy spender are based on NOTHING other then the spending for financial crisis and loss of tax revenue from the reccession all of which happened before he was in office. It's total crap!

a defict that Obama and the democratic party created
in 2007 the defict was 162 billion
the last GOP budget
in 2009 it was 1.4+ trillion
spending went from 2.7 to 3.5 in 24 months

now your calling that a decrease?
like calling job creation when job numbers are still far below 2008 levels
where not even back to 0 yet
Private Jobs Down 4.6 Million From January 2008; Federal Jobs Up 11.4%

Umm..no? The deficit from oct 2006 to oct 2007 was 505 billion. And that was "before the financial crisis"

It's just simple fact...every year Bush was in office...deficit went up...every year Obama was in Office...deficit went down (excluding his first year which he had no control over)

edit - sorry my bad...there actually was one year the deficit went slightly down under Bush. But that doesn't change the overall picture.


Submitted by

George W. Bush

Submitted to

109th Congress
Total revenue
$2.57 trillion
Total expenditures
$2.73 trillion
$161 billion

8.95 trillion
http://www.cbo.gov/doc.cfm?index=10014 Congressional Budget Office
2007 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is a huge difference in debt and defict
I was in-correct
the last GOP budget was in the red 161 billion, not 163

One other item
The 2009 budget Obama signed into law
Obama signs massive, 'imperfect' spending bill
do you think the 1 trillion dollar stimulus was signed BY GWB also?
President Barack Obama signed his $787 billion economic stimulus package into law Tuesday, with an upbeat speech emphasizing the road to recovery.
lets do not forget the tarp he ask for and got also, close to 50 billio of that we never got back
this is why I use the term 1 trillion dollars timulus, not 787

Before inauguration. Senator Obama voted for the budgets he would later blame on Bush, and for the TARP bailout. After just two months of TARP, the Bush administration said it was done -- crisis averted. In fact, President Bush was done after using about $270 billion of the $350 B that was authorized by Congress. But as a courtesy to the incoming president, Bush would request the second $350B from Congress if President-Elect Obama asked for it.

President-Elect Obama asked for it, and he got it. Tim Geithner, who could not do his own taxes and who, as a regulator, did nothing about the Libor scandal, would have all $700B to play with.

We usually call TARP a "bank bailout," but the banks are paying back every cent lent to them. In fact, the part of TARP that went to banks is expected to return $3B to taxpayers. And most of that was paid back quickly. The "cost" of the "bank bailout" was less than zero!

The real bailouts. When the dust clears, the CBO expects TARP to cost taxpayers $32B. Who got that money if banks didn't? General Motors, Chrysler, and "mortgage programs." But GM and Chrysler went bankrupt anyway.

The U.S. auto industry was not "saved." Going bankrupt does not have to mean going out of business. See, for example, Delta Airlines. It went bankrupt in the usual, lawful way and is operating today. On the other hand, GM could be heading into bankruptcy again, post-bailout. Oh, and since the bailout, "GM has increased its manufacturing capacity in China by 55 percent."

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/09/why_blame_obama.html#ixzz2g7DkNjO0
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you need to do your DD on these matters
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The Democrat-led Senate last passed a budget on April 29, 2009

they also passed a proposal on on march 23rd, 2013

They dont' have the votes to pass one in the house

And the CR's continue with no compromise. The Sequester was the GOP compromising which included cuts to the military if no cuts were found. The Dems promised to go to the table and replace the sequester cuts before they occurred.

Didn't happen. They now have no credibility in any negotiation.

Cuts proposed on a dotted line or else this time. No BS this time.

Or the Semi Trucks collide.

Funny I point out your blatant misinformation about no budget proposals from the democrats and you side-step to sequester and other junk.

Ok, Did the Dems vote for Obama's proposal..................

President's budget sinks, 97-0 - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com

one case..............

Continuing resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Continuing resolution, Continuing resolution, Continuing resolution, Continuing resolution, Continuing resolution, Continuing resolution, Continuing resolution, Continuing resolution, Continuing resolution, Continuing resolution, Continuing resolution, Continuing resolution,

Our ruling

Sen. Corker says it has been more than three years since Congress passed a budget and that this year, not a single appropriations bill has made it the Senate floor. The record shows that he has his facts straight.

While other Republicans have tried to lay the blame for the lack of a budget at the feet of Democrats, Corker does not specifically apportion blame just one party. He simply chastised the Senate in general for failing to pass a budget and we rate his statement as True.

April 29, 2009 – The last time the Democrat-led Senate adopted a budget resolution. Also the last time the Majority brought a budget plan to the floor.
You are correct about the April 29, 2009 budget resolution.

Wow. One year..

Did you look at the other link................

Continuing Resolution.................
Same ol dodo this morning
WE have a budget that has passed the house 2 weeks ago and there still claimng the GOP is to blame here
Because theie demand that a law that has been approved by both houses of Congress, signed by the President, and validated by the Supreme Court is blackmail. The GOP is about to lose the House....
Because theie demand that a law that has been approved by both houses of Congress, signed by the President, and validated by the Supreme Court is blackmail. The GOP is about to lose the House....

the will of the people in 2010 stated a very very different opinion
we will see in 2014 who wins the house
as far as all you stated above maybe true, what does that have to do with trying and changing that law?
is there something in our constitution that states a bad law ( if it is seen as such) no matter the will of the people has to stay a bad law?

I think the GOP is making a mistake my self
they should have changed only the parts of it that are bad and add items such as having the same ability to buy health ins as you can car ins for an example
There is a bill from the house that funds the federal govt
why is the press claiming other?

Same old lies

Because they are.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

Then explain to us why the bill that funds the govt that was sent from the house 2 weeks ago (except OBCARE) to SENATE does not count?
It funds the all of govt excpet OBCARE
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