Why is media claiming the GOP is shutting down the govt?

You really buy this shit? You really think the party that holds the WH and Senate needs to defund a law to get the minority party to agree to not shut down the govt? Are you on drugs? If not, consider them.

When the hell has that EVER happened? The gop needs 67 senators to defund obamacare.

Get fudckiing real, eagle.

No I don't expect them to agree and they don't need 67 senators to defund a program, repeal yes, but not to defund.

When, has a sitting president agreed to defund a program passed in his administration, esp when he holds the senate? When had it EVEN been tried. Come, on, Eagle. The gop is bullshitting on this, regardless how you feel about obamacare, and the media isn't being "partial" for calling bullshit.

The election in 2010 was not BS to include ted Kennedys seat being lost to the GOP.
To be hones my biggest issue with obama-care is its so huge ans he totally ignored the economy
we are paying for it still today
Get yer facts straight, kid.

It's not a budget. We haven't had a budget since the last time we had a real president....

It's a CR (continuing resolution)

As to shutting down the gubmint? dimocraps were all for shutting down the Wisconsin gubmint when a REPUBLICAN Governor tried to do something they didn't like.

And they did.

After Wisconsin, How Do Democrats Argue Against a GOP Government Shutdown? | The Weekly Standard

dimocraps are the scum of the earth
In Wisconsin, they are responding to overwhelming public opinion, that is not the case here.

In this case, the GOP is going against the will of the people.

MID-TERM ELECTIONS 2010: Democrats lose the House in Republican tsunami | Mail Online
Republican tsunami: Democrats lose control of the House as voters slam Obama with worst losses for 62 years
Get yer facts straight, kid.

It's not a budget. We haven't had a budget since the last time we had a real president....

It's a CR (continuing resolution)

As to shutting down the gubmint? dimocraps were all for shutting down the Wisconsin gubmint when a REPUBLICAN Governor tried to do something they didn't like.

And they did.

After Wisconsin, How Do Democrats Argue Against a GOP Government Shutdown? | The Weekly Standard

dimocraps are the scum of the earth
In Wisconsin, they are responding to overwhelming public opinion, that is not the case here.

In this case, the GOP is going against the will of the people.

MID-TERM ELECTIONS 2010: Democrats lose the House in Republican tsunami | Mail Online
Republican tsunami: Democrats lose control of the House as voters slam Obama with worst losses for 62 years
There is a bill from the house that funds the federal govt
why is the press claiming other?

Same old lies

Why are they claiming it??

Because they are Liberal Left Wing Liars.

It really is that simple.
Well, they have Obama mouthing lies about his refusal to negotiate as not being the cause, but Republicans. He gives this nutty Happy Talk speech blaming conservative Republicans for shutting down the government, which in fact, he has threatened to do if Congress does its Constitutional Job of passing a workable budget. In this case it is preventing another Trillion dollars from being spent willy-nilly by Obama.

Why is it Obama is willing to negotiate with Russia and its protectorate Iran, which proxies its rhetoric against the West, but he is not willing to negotiate with Representatives elected by the American people?

Happy Talk means the President who refuses to negotiate with the common sense of Congress representing the American people, is putting lipstick on the pig of petty party politics he does with a joke.

Only the joke of borrowing another trillion dollars so Obama can Happy Talk and Spend is not something the American people want to do as he plies the debt ceiling to destroy the fiscal base of this nation so he can spend as he pleases on whatever the hell he wants to spend it on which is basically, give money to people he will con into thinking it's his play to give freebies to people who didn't earn those freebies while overtaxed and burdened taxpayers lift the load of crap in their part time jobs while he raises taxes higher and higher to pay for his funny money.

!!! Bleh !!!
Last edited:
There is a bill from the house that funds the federal govt
why is the press claiming other?

Same old lies

Why are they claiming it??

Because they are Liberal Left Wing Liars.

It really is that simple.
Well, they have Obama mouthing lies about his refusal to negotiate as not being the cause, but Republicans. He gives this nutty Happy Talk speech blaming conservative Republicans for shutting down the government, which in fact, he has threatened to do if Congress does its Constitutional Job of passing a workable budget. In this case it is preventing another Trillion dollars from being spent willy-nilly by Obama.

Why is it Obama is willing to negotiate with Russia and its protectorate Iran, which proxies its rhetoric against the West, but he is not willing to negotiate with Representatives elected by the American people?

Happy Talk means the President who refuses to negotiate with the common sense of Congress representing the American people, is putting lipstick on the pig of petty party politics he does with a joke.

Only the joke of borrowing another trillion dollars so Obama can Happy Talk and Spend is not something the American people want to do as he plies the debt ceiling to destroy the fiscal base of this nation so he can spend as he pleases on whatever the hell he wants to spend it on which is basically, give money to people he will con into thinking it's his play to give freebies to people who didn't earn those freebies while overtaxed and burdened taxpayers lift the load of crap in their part time jobs while he raises taxes higher and higher to pay for his funny money.

!!! Bleh !!!


Tell ya what..................bring me a quote that shows Obama being okay with shutting the government down. I bet you can't.

I can provide several quotes (starting from the tan orange man known as Boehner and working my way down) that says the GOP is interested in shutting down the government.

Anyone wanna talk about the Canadian known as Cruze?
Why are they claiming it??

Because they are Liberal Left Wing Liars.

It really is that simple.
Well, they have Obama mouthing lies about his refusal to negotiate as not being the cause, but Republicans. He gives this nutty Happy Talk speech blaming conservative Republicans for shutting down the government, which in fact, he has threatened to do if Congress does its Constitutional Job of passing a workable budget. In this case it is preventing another Trillion dollars from being spent willy-nilly by Obama.

Why is it Obama is willing to negotiate with Russia and its protectorate Iran, which proxies its rhetoric against the West, but he is not willing to negotiate with Representatives elected by the American people?

Happy Talk means the President who refuses to negotiate with the common sense of Congress representing the American people, is putting lipstick on the pig of petty party politics he does with a joke.

Only the joke of borrowing another trillion dollars so Obama can Happy Talk and Spend is not something the American people want to do as he plies the debt ceiling to destroy the fiscal base of this nation so he can spend as he pleases on whatever the hell he wants to spend it on which is basically, give money to people he will con into thinking it's his play to give freebies to people who didn't earn those freebies while overtaxed and burdened taxpayers lift the load of crap in their part time jobs while he raises taxes higher and higher to pay for his funny money.

!!! Bleh !!!


Tell ya what..................bring me a quote that shows Obama being okay with shutting the government down. I bet you can't.

I can provide several quotes (starting from the tan orange man known as Boehner and working my way down) that says the GOP is interested in shutting down the government.

Anyone wanna talk about the Canadian known as Cruze?

The GOP sent a budget to congress every year sense re gaining the house in 2010 including this year
that is the only quote that matters
House sends government spending bill to the Senate without Obamacare funding

not funding Obama-care is a choice that the will of the people spoke in volumes in the 2010 election cycle
now why does BHO not negotiate
The GOP sent a budget to congress every year sense re gaining the house in 2010 including this year
that is the only quote that matters
House sends government spending bill to the Senate without Obamacare funding

not funding Obama-care is a choice that the will of the people spoke in volumes in the 2010 election cycle
now why does BHO not negotiate

Passing something you know won't go through is easy. The house could pass a bill saying "0% Corporate tax" or "0% tax for top 1%" and there's no chance it'll pass so there's no chance they deal with the reprecussions.

The crap the house has been passing is simply for PR.

In 2010 people mostly voted on the economy....Obamacare was a fresh thing just recently past in March 2010...most had no idea what it was.

Besides it's just as easy to say they voted in FAVOR of it in 2012...and that's a more recent election and one where ACA was much more well known (and didn't rely on Gerrymandering)
I'm posting about this in another thread.

Will summarize a little.

The Gov't doesn't actually SHUT DOWN. The Spending Gap is SHUT DOWN. We still receive 200 Billion a month to pay the bills, while the actual outlays are 290 to 300 Billion a month. Part of those outlays are 50 Billion a month on the Interest on the Debt. So, the sectors that get shut down are completely in the areas of non essential spending, and some essential to a tune of 90 to 100 BILLION A MONTH.

Therefore, the Gov't doesn't SHUT DOWN COMPLETELY as the IDIOTS running around continue to say. The Chicken Little Sky is falling BS that goes on with this Staged Act by both sides.

Why are they funding 987 or so Billion for 2 months when the actual cost for 2 months is about 580 to 600 BILLION.............................

News flash, the Treasury has been cooking the books to delay this BS and we will be paying for 2 months worth of creative financing......................................

Why only until December...........................

Round 2 of the Staged Standard play...........Temporary measures can no longer be justified BS, played on stage Act 2 Scene 98................1 year battle in December with all the standard BS..........Just in time for Christmas and for a year.....................

next battle after the elections next year...........................

And so it continues.
There is a bill from the house that funds the federal govt
why is the press claiming other?

Same old lies

No lie at all.

In fact, the last time the GOP (when populated mostly with conservatives) controlled the House with a Democrat as President, they shut the government down, twice.

And they used the Debt Ceiling as a bargaining chip.

This is something Democrats (when populated mostly with Liberals) have never done. On both counts.

Additionally, the Republicans are doing something that's entirely new, radical and unprecedented, they are trying to kill a law by cutting off it's funding.

That's pretty much undermining the whole process.
I'm posting about this in another thread.

Will summarize a little.

The Gov't doesn't actually SHUT DOWN. The Spending Gap is SHUT DOWN. We still receive 200 Billion a month to pay the bills, while the actual outlays are 290 to 300 Billion a month. Part of those outlays are 50 Billion a month on the Interest on the Debt. So, the sectors that get shut down are completely in the areas of non essential spending, and some essential to a tune of 90 to 100 BILLION A MONTH.

Therefore, the Gov't doesn't SHUT DOWN COMPLETELY as the IDIOTS running around continue to say. The Chicken Little Sky is falling BS that goes on with this Staged Act by both sides.

Why are they funding 987 or so Billion for 2 months when the actual cost for 2 months is about 580 to 600 BILLION.............................

News flash, the Treasury has been cooking the books to delay this BS and we will be paying for 2 months worth of creative financing......................................

Why only until December...........................

Round 2 of the Staged Standard play...........Temporary measures can no longer be justified BS, played on stage Act 2 Scene 98................1 year battle in December with all the standard BS..........Just in time for Christmas and for a year.....................

next battle after the elections next year...........................

And so it continues.

It's not "staged" at all.

The government is set to default on making payments.

This has dire consequences to all sorts of financial institutions and agencies..and that's world wide.

This isn't some "abstract and esoteric" argument, it's very real.

The government bought things on the installment plan. Reneging on that installment plan will trash the credit rating of the government.
There is a bill from the house that funds the federal govt
why is the press claiming other?

Same old lies

Imagine in 2006 or 07 Nancy Pelosi said she would shut down the government unless her budget with expired tax cuts for the rich were included. Who would YOU say was then "shutting down the government"? Yeah, nobody's buying the GOP crap either.

Are you high?

No one in the GOP has said they will shut down the government. In fact, they are the only people who have voted to keep the government open.
Well, they have Obama mouthing lies about his refusal to negotiate as not being the cause, but Republicans. He gives this nutty Happy Talk speech blaming conservative Republicans for shutting down the government, which in fact, he has threatened to do if Congress does its Constitutional Job of passing a workable budget. In this case it is preventing another Trillion dollars from being spent willy-nilly by Obama.

Why is it Obama is willing to negotiate with Russia and its protectorate Iran, which proxies its rhetoric against the West, but he is not willing to negotiate with Representatives elected by the American people?

Happy Talk means the President who refuses to negotiate with the common sense of Congress representing the American people, is putting lipstick on the pig of petty party politics he does with a joke.

Only the joke of borrowing another trillion dollars so Obama can Happy Talk and Spend is not something the American people want to do as he plies the debt ceiling to destroy the fiscal base of this nation so he can spend as he pleases on whatever the hell he wants to spend it on which is basically, give money to people he will con into thinking it's his play to give freebies to people who didn't earn those freebies while overtaxed and burdened taxpayers lift the load of crap in their part time jobs while he raises taxes higher and higher to pay for his funny money.

!!! Bleh !!!


Tell ya what..................bring me a quote that shows Obama being okay with shutting the government down. I bet you can't.

I can provide several quotes (starting from the tan orange man known as Boehner and working my way down) that says the GOP is interested in shutting down the government.

Anyone wanna talk about the Canadian known as Cruze?

The GOP sent a budget to congress every year sense re gaining the house in 2010 including this year
that is the only quote that matters
House sends government spending bill to the Senate without Obamacare funding

not funding Obama-care is a choice that the will of the people spoke in volumes in the 2010 election cycle
now why does BHO not negotiate

The will of the people spoke in 2008 and 2012 as well.

Democrats control 2/3rds of the government.
There is a bill from the house that funds the federal govt
why is the press claiming other?

Same old lies

Because the GOP will not pass a budget without getting their way with Obamacare.
No.....the Senate will not pass a budget without getting their way with Obamacare.

One vote has already been taken. The next no vote is the one that shuts down government. That would be a vote to deny the House bill.

The Democrats aren't even pretending to work with the GOP.
There is a bill from the house that funds the federal govt
why is the press claiming other?

Same old lies
The debt ceiling has been raised dozens and dozens of times by presidents of BOTH PARTIES. It has been pretty much a house keeping task that has been handled with little difficulty. However, thanks to the current crop of republicans we are now seeing a party tieing its political agenda to a house keeping task. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY THAT THIS TACTIC HAS BEEN USED. Basically the gop is telling the Democrats and the United States that either you give us what we want or ELSE we screw the country and everyone in it!!!! It is government by blackmail and the press needs to point out that it is what it is even if you refuse to acknowledge the truth.
Then it is far beyond time is should have happened. If you keep banging your head against a steel post but manage to avoid a concussion, does that mean you should keep trying to damage your brain?

The definition of insane. Expecting the different results from the same action.
The GOP sent a budget to congress every year sense re gaining the house in 2010 including this year
that is the only quote that matters
House sends government spending bill to the Senate without Obamacare funding

not funding Obama-care is a choice that the will of the people spoke in volumes in the 2010 election cycle
now why does BHO not negotiate

Passing something you know won't go through is easy. The house could pass a bill saying "0% Corporate tax" or "0% tax for top 1%" and there's no chance it'll pass so there's no chance they deal with the reprecussions.

The crap the house has been passing is simply for PR.

In 2010 people mostly voted on the economy....Obamacare was a fresh thing just recently past in March 2010...most had no idea what it was.

Besides it's just as easy to say they voted in FAVOR of it in 2012...and that's a more recent election and one where ACA was much more well known (and didn't rely on Gerrymandering)

SO the 08 election to the 2010 election was about gerrymandering?
60 or so seats?
The economy? its a wreck today bud
Now how did that occur?
There is a bill from the house that funds the federal govt
why is the press claiming other?

Same old lies

Because the GOP will not pass a budget without getting their way with Obamacare.
No.....the Senate will not pass a budget without getting their way with Obamacare.

One vote has already been taken. The next no vote is the one that shuts down government. That would be a vote to deny the House bill.

The Democrats aren't even pretending to work with the GOP.

The Senate "and" President won't pass a budget without funding Obamacare. Last I knew 2/3 > 1/3
The ACA will survive, and will be found to be a good program. Then it will morph into universal single payer program that will be good for all the citizens in this nation, except for the piggish CEO's of the present health insurance companies that make millions denying the claims of people that have been paying into their systems for decades.
Take your meds.
Because the GOP will not pass a budget without getting their way with Obamacare.
No.....the Senate will not pass a budget without getting their way with Obamacare.

One vote has already been taken. The next no vote is the one that shuts down government. That would be a vote to deny the House bill.

The Democrats aren't even pretending to work with the GOP.

The Senate "and" President won't pass a budget without funding Obamacare. Last I knew 2/3 > 1/3
Last time I checked, the House was the only branch of government that could pass a spending bill

Three branches of government. Legislative = Executive = Judicial

In Congress...House > Senate because the House represents the people and the Senate represents the States (another government body.

So, it does not matter what party holds what chamber or what branch. Neither chamber nor branch of government can dictate to the other what they will do with regard to their individual responsibilities.

Why is it that the Democrats won't even consider working with the GOP? Isn't compromise a big catch-phrase with you people these days?
I'm posting about this in another thread.

Will summarize a little.

The Gov't doesn't actually SHUT DOWN. The Spending Gap is SHUT DOWN. We still receive 200 Billion a month to pay the bills, while the actual outlays are 290 to 300 Billion a month. Part of those outlays are 50 Billion a month on the Interest on the Debt. So, the sectors that get shut down are completely in the areas of non essential spending, and some essential to a tune of 90 to 100 BILLION A MONTH.

Therefore, the Gov't doesn't SHUT DOWN COMPLETELY as the IDIOTS running around continue to say. The Chicken Little Sky is falling BS that goes on with this Staged Act by both sides.

Why are they funding 987 or so Billion for 2 months when the actual cost for 2 months is about 580 to 600 BILLION.............................

News flash, the Treasury has been cooking the books to delay this BS and we will be paying for 2 months worth of creative financing......................................

Why only until December...........................

Round 2 of the Staged Standard play...........Temporary measures can no longer be justified BS, played on stage Act 2 Scene 98................1 year battle in December with all the standard BS..........Just in time for Christmas and for a year.....................

next battle after the elections next year...........................

And so it continues.

It's not "staged" at all.

The government is set to default on making payments.

This has dire consequences to all sorts of financial institutions and agencies..and that's world wide.

This isn't some "abstract and esoteric" argument, it's very real.

The government bought things on the installment plan. Reneging on that installment plan will trash the credit rating of the government.

Spare me. This battle should have taken place in August. The Feds cooked the books so part of the battle is bills already incurred because we are already past due.

Only creative financing of the Treasury prolonged this BS. Finally, you simply ignore the data that it's NOT A COMPLETE SHUTDOWN.

It's a GAP PER MONTH. So the Gov't doesn't actually SHUT DOWN. The Gap is LARGE, and will absolutely have large effects, but spare me the WHOLE DAMN HOUSE IS GOING TO FALL DOWN ROUTINE.
No.....the Senate will not pass a budget without getting their way with Obamacare.

One vote has already been taken. The next no vote is the one that shuts down government. That would be a vote to deny the House bill.

The Democrats aren't even pretending to work with the GOP.

The Senate "and" President won't pass a budget without funding Obamacare. Last I knew 2/3 > 1/3
Last time I checked, the House was the only branch of government that could pass a spending bill

Three branches of government. Legislative = Executive = Judicial

In Congress...House > Senate because the House represents the people and the Senate represents the States (another government body.

So, it does not matter what party holds what chamber or what branch. Neither chamber nor branch of government can dictate to the other what they will do with regard to their individual responsibilities.

Why is it that the Democrats won't even consider working with the GOP? Isn't compromise a big catch-phrase with you people these days?

Actually it's widely believed the Senate is the more powerful body.

Democrats have firmly stated ACA is not something to negotiate. Besides the fact that 80% of it is mandatory spending and mostly won't be affected by a shutdown.

Nobody is saying anything about "dictating" but that doesn't mean the house just gets it's way on whatever it wants. ACA is not on the table, sequester cuts and the like are.

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