Why Is Merely POINTING OUT Racism Worse Than ACTUAL Racism To So Many on The Right??

Why do so many on the Right feel this way?


Good question. I've been called a racist right here at USMB because I thought another poster was being racist.

I think it's just an attack they fall back on because they are too stupid to admit that their views are racist.

Hi 5! Me too! In fact, TruthMocker started a thread about my 'racism'. :lol::lol::lol: She is a sad critter.... particularly since she's the one who called a black guy 'Oreo'. That's racist, that is.
Yeah, that was pretty blatant.
A few weeks ago, I was traveling with my son and his two friends. My son is white/pinoy. His best friend is white/black. The other friend, Cory, is black (and very dark).

We were walking through the parking lot of a subway when a man in a pickup truck almost ran me down. I threw up my hands in the air, because it scared the crap out of me, and said, "Learn to drive."

He didn't respond to me (the white woman, who had yelled at him). He yelled, "Fucking die, you ******!" at Cory, who was standing next to me.

I think that's the kind of shit that a lot of white Americans have never experienced because they don't live or travel or spend a lot of time with people of color. And, that's the kind of shit that makes me want to punch someone in the mouth and tell people that racism is still alive and well in America.

Some moron's words aren't going to keep Cory from going to school, getting a good education, or becoming professionally successful. Hell, he's a smart enough and likeable enough kid that maybe he could even become president.

But, it's still just like a hurtful punch in your gut that knocks the wind out of you and just leaves you reeling. I know it hurt him, because I could see his face. We all laughed it off, in the car, and talked about how ignorant and stupid people can be.

But it still just sucks. And, there was nothing I could do to fix it, other than just love him and tell him that the guy was an idiot.

And, speaking for myself, I'm not sure how many times I could hear something like that about myself without really taking it personally.
Your testinomy is just a scintilla of what's really going on, and his been going on, in this country regarding race relations. Time and time again I hear, and/or hear of accounts similar to the one you just made, by whites who just happened to have tasted a sample of what you reported by being in the proximity of one or a group of their black friends when something like that goes down.

The response is 100% shock with statements such as "I had no idea" from the white person, where the black person typically says something like "see? I told you."

And these are accounts and testimonies being made in these modern times, as in within the last 5 years including this year.

Yet, most whites, particularly RW whites seem to have no clue and even express anger at the fact that many blacks refute the statement that it's a "post-racial America", especially since Obama, so we should shut up about race already. It's infuriating when you consider the reality of the matter.

Like you said, it's a wonder that more blacks aren't racist. Blacks are the most forgiving people on earth if truth be told.
He didn't respond to me (the white woman, who had yelled at him). He yelled, "Fucking die, you ******!" at Cory, who was standing next to me.

Maybe he yelled "wigger"? Maybe he is a guy who gets none of the alleged privileged of being white, while always being shafted and demonized for being white? It's really retarded of you shitbrained racists who point point to the guy in the pickup truck and complain that this is what blacks have to deal with. In my personal experience, I've never heard anyone yell "******" and an Afro on the street, so it can't be that common. I haven't even seen a youtube video of anything like you describe. Your tribe is reduced to insisting you hear the word "coon" when someone mutters "cold".

On the other hand, whites face racism daily, not just from self-hating crackers and dumb XXXX but in the media and the public schools. It's a major them. We constantly hear about how whites oppress and have oppressed the inferior races. Government and most companies have policies of discrimination against whites, ironically called "Affirmative Action". For someone white to get into a good university, he's needs a SAT score better than the scores achieved by three quarters of the blacks that are accepted into that university.
No. But it hasn't been taken in context by either side, has it? A man in his position must be more cautious about what he chooses to opine upon. People do place more weight on his words than on another's.

I can't speak for the "sides" because I read news and I don't pay attention to political commentators. However, someone posted a link to a news article that had a verbal transcription of his comments, and I followed the link and read the entire story. Then, I made up my own mind about it.

And, what I thought was that, if I were asked that question, I'd probably have answered rather similarly (mainly because I have a minority son). It was really a pretty cautious answer, if you look at the entire statement.

I think that's what people should do. Read the news. Think about it critically, and make up your own mind about it, rather than waiting for one of the "sides" to tell you what your opinion should be.
First, out of the dozens of unfortunate incidents, like the Martin case, that occur in this country every day, why does obama sound off about this specific case? Where are all the self-appointed judge-jury-executioners (i.e. Sharpton, Jackson, et.al.) when any other black youth is shot down? Obama has made a point of "sounding out" about very specific cases, often without enough prior knowledge to come across as anything else but a racist. So the image many hold of obama as a racially divisive person is based primarily on his own words and actions. It is very unfortunate that so many people look up to him and place a higher value on opinions best kept to himself.

Second, I know lots of lefties really hate to hear this because it contradicts their firmly held belief that non-blacks dislike obama because of his skin color. Many people, including lots of blacks, dislike obama's very publically presented socialist ideology. An ideology he has made no bones about implementing, regardless of whether he does so Constitutionally, or not. Those of us who found the media vetting of obama during the '08 election actually bothered to read what he had put on paper and published in his name.

Third, why are white people sensitive about someone "pointing out racism"? Because it has been used as a proverbial bludgeon to beat them into submission. If a black doesn't like something a non-black says or does, he cries racism. If a liberal doesn't agree with a conservative viewpoint, that viewpoint is often denounced as racist. The fear of a potential accusation of racism has changed the way we use language, the way we do business, the way we conduct our daily lives...and not always for the better. Cry "wolf" often enough and pretty soon no one will pay you any attention. When the "wolf" finally shows up, who's going to give a hoot?
Firstly, you come off as disengenous with your use of the term "sounding off." You act as if Obama held a Press Conference for the express purpose of talking about Trayvon Martin, when the TRUTH of the matter is, he was asked. Which is and has been the case with just about every other instance that you and others like yourself have had issues with Obama "sounding out." What's he to do? Not answer direct questions when asked? Contrast that w/Bush who WILLFULLY INJECTED himself into the VERY DIVISIVE Terri Schiavo case...do you recall?

Secondly, your statement about what blacks think. You clearly haven't been listening all these years. We don't say someone is racist SIMPLY for disagreeing, we call racism when there APPEARS to be racist statements and/or actions.

Thirdly, you may know one or two blacks in your circle, which I'm sure is at least 90% RW, that don't agree with and/or like Obama and/or his policies, but you must realize that they are in the minority, like...a fraction. I can tell you that as an active member in the black community, folks are primed and ready to give Obama their FULL support. And this has been SINCE 2010, you know, when you RWers, read the Tea Party, in Congress and elsewhere really showed their backside and their intentions to crush Obama even it means crushing the country in the process.

Not only did obama "sound off" about the Martin case, he made a point of inviting the family for a visit. Why?
As far as my circle, you know no more than I know of yours, other than what is revealed on this forum. The number of blacks who do not support obama are more numerous than you would think. Although they are as dismayed about the abysmal alternatives as many of the rest of us, they are determined to do their best to restore our Nation and stop the wholesale destruction of America and the Constitution which founded her.
And just why do so many blacks in your circle support obama?
It always amazes me the ignorance of the people who point to that flag and automatically think racism.

Oh, that's right. It's "history not hate."

Yeah. Interestingly enough, though, the people who'd choose that as an avatar on an online forum are almost all racist fucktards.

Coincidink? I think not.

This guy must be a racist huh?

Black Confederate - YouTube

The same with these men.


Sunday in the South: Black History Month in Whiteville, NC

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Black-Slaveowners-Masters-Carolina-1790-1860/dp/1570030375]Amazon.com: Black Slaveowners: Free Black Slave Masters in South Carolina, 1790-1860 (9781570030376): Larry Koger: Books[/ame]


Black Slave Owners Civil War Article by Robert M Grooms

According to federal census reports, on June 1, 1860 there were nearly 4.5 million Negroes in the United States, with fewer than four million of them living in the southern slaveholding states. Of the blacks residing in the South, 261,988 were not slaves. Of this number, 10,689 lived in New Orleans. The country's leading African American historian, Duke University professor John Hope Franklin, records that in New Orleans over 3,000 free Negroes owned slaves, or 28 percent of the free Negroes in that city.
How often do you think something like that happens? So you help the kid deal with a jerk. That's a good thing. But do you tell him he needs to take revenge on the entire white race because of a one-in-a-million asshole? I doubt it.
I don't deny there are racists. Racism comes in all colors, by-the-way. Whites haven't got the market cornered on that particular failing. And racists may be more numerous than is evident. But thinking a thing and acting on it are two very, very different cases.
Quick question....what message is the picture in your siggy trying to convey?
Not only did obama "sound off" about the Martin case, he made a point of inviting the family for a visit. Why?
As far as my circle, you know no more than I know of yours, other than what is revealed on this forum. The number of blacks who do not support obama are more numerous than you would think. Although they are as dismayed about the abysmal alternatives as many of the rest of us, they are determined to do their best to restore our Nation and stop the wholesale destruction of America and the Constitution which founded her.
And just why do so many blacks in your circle support obama?
I guarantee you that the total number, or percentage rather, of those blacks against Obama are in the single digits.

As to why the rest are in support of him? Well that's because they like and approve of what he's done considering the push back, attacks and unprecedented disrespect his been given by the opposition. They're all glad that he was able to accomplish as much under those circumstances. They realize that he didn't CAUSE this mess, as the RW would like to argue, they realize he was GIVEN this mess by the COLOSSAL FAILURE George W. Bush.

Obama has done a very good job, despite what RepubliCON$ and RWers would like to think/portray.
How often do you think something like that happens? So you help the kid deal with a jerk. That's a good thing. But do you tell him he needs to take revenge on the entire white race because of a one-in-a-million asshole? I doubt it.
I don't deny there are racists. Racism comes in all colors, by-the-way. Whites haven't got the market cornered on that particular failing. And racists may be more numerous than is evident. But thinking a thing and acting on it are two very, very different cases.

He told me that it happens to him a lot...a couple of times a month.

My advice to him was that there are a lot of idiots out there in the world, and if you want to be somebody, you can't waste your time worrying what they think. You have to chalk it up to the fact that they're stupid and pitiful, and keep on moving.

I understand that racism is something that any race can play.

My only point is that young black men probably deal with this shit being pushed into their faces on a more regular basis than many white people would imagine. The perspectives are different because the experiences are different.

Sounds like good advice. Ignoring idiots is often the best way to deal with them, plus you can spend your energy on being the best person you can be. Some things won't change, some people won't change. As for experiences, each and every one of us brings a totally different perspective to the table because no two of us have had the same experiences. Hell, that's what makes life so interesting. It's also the reason we are not, nor will we ever be, equal.
No. But it hasn't been taken in context by either side, has it? A man in his position must be more cautious about what he chooses to opine upon. People do place more weight on his words than on another's.

I can't speak for the "sides" because I read news and I don't pay attention to political commentators. However, someone posted a link to a news article that had a verbal transcription of his comments, and I followed the link and read the entire story. Then, I made up my own mind about it.

And, what I thought was that, if I were asked that question, I'd probably have answered rather similarly (mainly because I have a minority son). It was really a pretty cautious answer, if you look at the entire statement.

I think that's what people should do. Read the news. Think about it critically, and make up your own mind about it, rather than waiting for one of the "sides" to tell you what your opinion should be.

Noble of you to form your own opinion, but other people live in their own vacuum. They have taken sides and both sides use comments made by a powerful figure to further their own narratives. As I have been able to glean, the pro-Martin camp uses obama's statement to strengthen their contention that Martin was murdered in cold blood. The pro-Zimmerman camp likes to claim that obama's statement is racially divisive because he has failed to comment on many other cases, specifically black-on-black crimes of similar nature.
There are many, many factors that most people commenting on the case are ignorant of. How many of us would have ever heard of this story if the usual (racist) suspects had not stepped up to the podium and exhorted the mob to a full-throated howling?
Sounds like good advice. Ignoring idiots is often the best way to deal with them, plus you can spend your energy on being the best person you can be. Some things won't change, some people won't change. As for experiences, each and every one of us brings a totally different perspective to the table because no two of us have had the same experiences. Hell, that's what makes life so interesting. It's also the reason we are not, nor will we ever be, equal.

We don't all have equal capabilities or experiences, but we are all equal in the eyes of the law, and that's as it should be.
Noble of you to form your own opinion, but other people live in their own vacuum. They have taken sides and both sides use comments made by a powerful figure to further their own narratives. As I have been able to glean, the pro-Martin camp uses obama's statement to strengthen their contention that Martin was murdered in cold blood. The pro-Zimmerman camp likes to claim that obama's statement is racially divisive because he has failed to comment on many other cases, specifically black-on-black crimes of similar nature.

I try not to let my course be dictated by extremists.

There are many, many factors that most people commenting on the case are ignorant of. How many of us would have ever heard of this story if the usual (racist) suspects had not stepped up to the podium and exhorted the mob to a full-throated howling?

I find a lot of ignorance on both sides. People have accused Zimmerman of racism, while having zero knowledge of his motivations and thoughts. Other folks have accused Martin of being a criminal and provoking the incident, without evidence of this claim.

It's kind of brought out the shittiest aspects of both sides, tbh.

On the flip side, if the family had not retained an attorney, would the police department have dropped the investigation entirely and done nothing?

I'm not sure. Sanford PD appears to have been less than forthcoming about the "investigation."

I created this myself by going on the Miami Herald's website and reviewing their articles over time. I think it's kind of interesting. And also, that I may have some OCD/nerd tendencies.

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Sounds like good advice. Ignoring idiots is often the best way to deal with them, plus you can spend your energy on being the best person you can be. Some things won't change, some people won't change. As for experiences, each and every one of us brings a totally different perspective to the table because no two of us have had the same experiences. Hell, that's what makes life so interesting. It's also the reason we are not, nor will we ever be, equal.

We don't all have equal capabilities or experiences, but we are all equal in the eyes of the law, and that's as it should be.

I fully agree with that. But it does raise the question about "hate crimes". That type of legal designation does create a de facto inequality under law.
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I fully agree with that. But it does raise the question about "hate crimes". That type of legal designation does create a de facto inequality under law.

I'm not a fan of labeling crimes as "hate" crimes. The label is not equitably applied. There are very few violent crimes that can't be accurately classified as hate crimes. Trust me, when gang members shoot each other to death in a grocery store parking lot, or when a husband beats his wife to death, there ain't a lot of love going on. But, those crimes don't meet the standard to be considered a hate crime.

On the flip side, some crimes clearly are racially motivated, and people are victimized purely on the basis of their race, or gender, or religion. But, those instances are really quite rare, statistically speaking.

I wish we'd get rid of the label.
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Why do so many on the Right feel this way?


Good question. I've been called a racist right here at USMB because I thought another poster was being racist.

I think it's just an attack they fall back on because they are too stupid to admit that their views are racist.

No. Calling someone else a racist (for no valid reason) does not necessarily make you a racist.

But it does make you absurd.

And denying that you argued that somebody is a racist (when that's exactly what you argued) simply makes you a liar.
Why do so many on the Right feel this way?


Good question. I've been called a racist right here at USMB because I thought another poster was being racist.

I think it's just an attack they fall back on because they are too stupid to admit that their views are racist.

No. Calling someone else a racist (for no valid reason) does not necessarily make you a racist.

But it does make you absurd.

And denying that you argued that somebody is a racist (when that's exactly what you argued) simply makes you a liar.
:lol: I wasn't even talking about your latest stupidity. Or you at all.
Good question. I've been called a racist right here at USMB because I thought another poster was being racist.

I think it's just an attack they fall back on because they are too stupid to admit that their views are racist.

No. Calling someone else a racist (for no valid reason) does not necessarily make you a racist.

But it does make you absurd.

And denying that you argued that somebody is a racist (when that's exactly what you argued) simply makes you a liar.
:lol: I wasn't even talking about your latest stupidity. Or you at all.

I wasn't talking about anything I had pointed out about you, either, gasbag.

But yeah, I sure was talking about your dishonesty.
How often do you think something like that happens? So you help the kid deal with a jerk. That's a good thing. But do you tell him he needs to take revenge on the entire white race because of a one-in-a-million asshole? I doubt it.
I don't deny there are racists. Racism comes in all colors, by-the-way. Whites haven't got the market cornered on that particular failing. And racists may be more numerous than is evident. But thinking a thing and acting on it are two very, very different cases.
Quick question....what message is the picture in your siggy trying to convey?

Quick answer: many seem to ignore the fact that obama is part white, too. You'd think he'd be intelligent enough to use that to appeal to a wider, more racially diverse voter base. Alas, being white is not politically expedient in this PC day and age.
It always amazes me the ignorance of the people who point to that flag and automatically think racism.

Oh, that's right. It's "history not hate."

Yeah. Interestingly enough, though, the people who'd choose that as an avatar on an online forum are almost all racist fucktards.

Coincidink? I think not.

You think he's a racist? On what grounds.

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