Why Is Merely POINTING OUT Racism Worse Than ACTUAL Racism To So Many on The Right??

But so many on the Right keep saying the worlds holds no more meaning because of it's misuse and abuse.

So what is it? Either its still a very powerful word, allegation, or it isn't.

Let me clue you in here. You take claims by some people that say racism has no meaning, and you take claims by COMPLETELY different people that being accused of racism is hurtful, and you mash them together and tell us that it's the same people.

Is it clear now?

Here's the thing about that though...I never see one correcting the other. So it comes off as trying to have your cake and eat it too.

Clear as mud?

Well that is perception isn't it? I personally feel that the left have used the racist label so much it has no meaning. OTOH, if someone on the right is hurt by being called a racist, is it my place to correct them? It is not.

It's pretty clear to me.
It always amazes me the ignorance of the people who point to that flag and automatically think racism.

Oh, that's right. It's "history not hate."

Yeah. Interestingly enough, though, the people who'd choose that as an avatar on an online forum are almost all racist fucktards.

Coincidink? I think not.

You think he's a racist? On what grounds.

I have no idea if he's a racist. That's why I gave him the benefit of the doubt and said "almost all." I'm open to the possibility that he's one of the rare exceptions to the rule.

I live in the South, I've known quite a few people who've flown variations of the confederate flag in different ways. Several of them weren't racist, just socially inept and clueless about the impression they were making. In some families down here, having confederate ancestors is a big source of pride. People grow up with the confederate flag being flown or worn or put on their car, and may not realize that in most parts of the U.S., flying the stars and bars will give people the impression that you're a racist.

Plus, I was a Kappa Alpha little sister for four years in college. I'm pretty sure that the guys from that frat didn't realize how their adulation of all things confederate probably appeared to outsiders. I didn't either, at that point in my life. Flying the confederate flag wasn't all that uncommon in Missouri in that era.

So, I try not to prejudge.

However, on forums, the majority of people I've encountered who've made a big deal about using that symbol as their avatar have been racists. Not all, but definitely most.
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Oh, that's right. It's "history not hate."

Yeah. Interestingly enough, though, the people who'd choose that as an avatar on an online forum are almost all racist fucktards.

Coincidink? I think not.

You think he's a racist? On what grounds.

I have no idea if he's a racist. That's why I gave him the benefit of the doubt and said "almost all." I'm open to the possibility that he's one of the rare exceptions to the rule.

I live in the South, I've known several people who've flown variations of the confederate flag. Some of them weren't racist, just socially inept and clueless.

I don't fly a confederate battle flag, even though I was born in Texas and have lived most of my life in the South. The ONLY reason I won't fly it is because one of my ancestors, who also happens to bear my name, died in the civil war fighting for the union army. It has absolutely nothing to do with race. That flag represents Southern Pride to me. Not race.
I don't fly a confederate battle flag, even though I was born in Texas and have lived most of my life in the South. The ONLY reason I won't fly it is because one of my ancestors, who also happens to bear my name, died in the civil war fighting for the union army. It has absolutely nothing to do with race. That flag represents Southern Pride to me. Not race.

Like I said, I live in the South. I get that. On the flip side, I've also known plenty of racists on the internet who've enjoyed displaying that symbol just to get a reaction.

It generally can go either way, though I've found it more commonly displayed by racists. However, that's just my experience. YMMV.
I've always been of this mind:

If you judge everyone and every interaction with others on the color of the skin of those involved, you are racist. It doesn't matter what color YOU are.
I've always been of this mind:

If you judge everyone and every interaction with others on the color of the skin of those involved, you are racist. It doesn't matter what color YOU are.

I actually think that's a pretty good basis to go by, and not far off of my own definition, which is something along the lines of:

"If you think that you can prejudge the character or capabilities of a person on the basis of their color, you're probably a racist."

And, if you don't, you probably aren't.
I've always been of this mind:

If you judge everyone and every interaction with others on the color of the skin of those involved, you are racist. It doesn't matter what color YOU are.
What if it is just one interaction?
Oh, that's right. It's "history not hate."

Yeah. Interestingly enough, though, the people who'd choose that as an avatar on an online forum are almost all racist fucktards.

Coincidink? I think not.

This guy must be a racist huh?

Black Confederate - YouTube

The same with these men.


Sunday in the South: Black History Month in Whiteville, NC

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Black-Slaveowners-Masters-Carolina-1790-1860/dp/1570030375]Amazon.com: Black Slaveowners: Free Black Slave Masters in South Carolina, 1790-1860 (9781570030376): Larry Koger: Books[/ame]


Black Slave Owners Civil War Article by Robert M Grooms

According to federal census reports, on June 1, 1860 there were nearly 4.5 million Negroes in the United States, with fewer than four million of them living in the southern slaveholding states. Of the blacks residing in the South, 261,988 were not slaves. Of this number, 10,689 lived in New Orleans. The country's leading African American historian, Duke University professor John Hope Franklin, records that in New Orleans over 3,000 free Negroes owned slaves, or 28 percent of the free Negroes in that city.

Perhaps one day the black folks in this country will learn their history.

But I won't hold my breath.
I've always been of this mind:

If you judge everyone and every interaction with others on the color of the skin of those involved, you are racist. It doesn't matter what color YOU are.
What if it is just one interaction?

Nah, you pretty much have to go into at least MOST interactions with color in mind.
Oh, that's right. It's "history not hate."

Yeah. Interestingly enough, though, the people who'd choose that as an avatar on an online forum are almost all racist fucktards.

Coincidink? I think not.

You think he's a racist? On what grounds.

I have no idea if he's a racist. That's why I gave him the benefit of the doubt and said "almost all." I'm open to the possibility that he's one of the rare exceptions to the rule.

I live in the South, I've known quite a few people who've flown variations of the confederate flag in different ways. Several of them weren't racist, just socially inept and clueless about the impression they were making. In some families down here, having confederate ancestors is a big source of pride. People grow up with the confederate flag being flown or worn or put on their car, and may not realize that in most parts of the U.S., flying the stars and bars will give people the impression that you're a racist.

Plus, I was a Kappa Alpha little sister for four years in college. I'm pretty sure that the guys from that frat didn't realize how their adulation of all things confederate probably appeared to outsiders. I didn't either, at that point in my life. Flying the confederate flag wasn't all that uncommon in Missouri in that era.

So, I try not to prejudge.

However, on forums, the majority of people I've encountered who've made a big deal about using that symbol as their avatar have been racists. Not all, but definitely most.

I see no racism in flying the Confederate battle flag, as I've said many blacks fought bravely for the South. If others have a problem with it then they need to take a long hard look at themselves.
Why do so many on the Right feel this way?


Spot on, my friend. It's called deflection. As I posted several times on my thread on this:

I have trouble with this idea that a policy that obviously is designed to HELLP members of a minority race that has historically been discriminated against and perscuted in our country, is labeled "racist" because it may do so at the expense of the majority race (i.e., caucasians) that has been doing the persecuting all of these years.

That is not "raciscm." Rather, it is exactly the opposite. Might as well say that the kid who comes to the aid of a child who is being bullied in school, is himself a bully, because he is depriving the real bully of his fun.
You think he's a racist? On what grounds.

I have no idea if he's a racist. That's why I gave him the benefit of the doubt and said "almost all." I'm open to the possibility that he's one of the rare exceptions to the rule.

I live in the South, I've known quite a few people who've flown variations of the confederate flag in different ways. Several of them weren't racist, just socially inept and clueless about the impression they were making. In some families down here, having confederate ancestors is a big source of pride. People grow up with the confederate flag being flown or worn or put on their car, and may not realize that in most parts of the U.S., flying the stars and bars will give people the impression that you're a racist.

Plus, I was a Kappa Alpha little sister for four years in college. I'm pretty sure that the guys from that frat didn't realize how their adulation of all things confederate probably appeared to outsiders. I didn't either, at that point in my life. Flying the confederate flag wasn't all that uncommon in Missouri in that era.

So, I try not to prejudge.

However, on forums, the majority of people I've encountered who've made a big deal about using that symbol as their avatar have been racists. Not all, but definitely most.

I see no racism in flying the Confederate battle flag, as I've said many blacks fought bravely for the South. If others have a problem with it then they need to take a long hard look at themselves.

I don't know - I'm not black. I think that if I WERE black, a Confederate flag might be offensive to me. You know - slavery and all of that. Just sayin'
You think he's a racist? On what grounds.

I have no idea if he's a racist. That's why I gave him the benefit of the doubt and said "almost all." I'm open to the possibility that he's one of the rare exceptions to the rule.

I live in the South, I've known several people who've flown variations of the confederate flag. Some of them weren't racist, just socially inept and clueless.

I don't fly a confederate battle flag, even though I was born in Texas and have lived most of my life in the South. The ONLY reason I won't fly it is because one of my ancestors, who also happens to bear my name, died in the civil war fighting for the union army. It has absolutely nothing to do with race. That flag represents Southern Pride to me. Not race.

"Southern Pride" Why am I thinking code phrase here?
I have no idea if he's a racist. That's why I gave him the benefit of the doubt and said "almost all." I'm open to the possibility that he's one of the rare exceptions to the rule.

I live in the South, I've known several people who've flown variations of the confederate flag. Some of them weren't racist, just socially inept and clueless.

I don't fly a confederate battle flag, even though I was born in Texas and have lived most of my life in the South. The ONLY reason I won't fly it is because one of my ancestors, who also happens to bear my name, died in the civil war fighting for the union army. It has absolutely nothing to do with race. That flag represents Southern Pride to me. Not race.

"Southern Pride" Why am I thinking code phrase here?

Because you are a left wing partisan hack.
Why do so many on the Right feel this way?


Spot on, my friend. It's called deflection. As I posted several times on my thread on this:

I have trouble with this idea that a policy that obviously is designed to HELLP members of a minority race that has historically been discriminated against and perscuted in our country, is labeled "racist" because it may do so at the expense of the majority race (i.e., caucasians) that has been doing the persecuting all of these years.

That is not "raciscm." Rather, it is exactly the opposite. Might as well say that the kid who comes to the aid of a child who is being bullied in school, is himself a bully, because he is depriving the real bully of his fun.


It IS absolutely racism.

Let's go with some BASIC definitions to get started:

a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination. * * * *
Racism | Define Racism at Dictionary.com

Now, let's consider your claim. I will STIPULATE that America had a history of racism. That's not much of a concession. It's the mere admission of an historical and I believe undeniable fact.

Let me further stipulate that the EFFECT of racism in America left the victims of that racial discrimination -- official and unofficial racism -- in a very disadvantaged state in terms of poverty.

Now, whether one agrees with Affirmative Action in principle or not, let me go even further and stipulate that the original motivation for AA was to give some measure of fairness to the present day victims of past discrimination. I will commend the underlying motivation of trying to rectify the harm caused. BUT that DOES beg the question. HOW do we go about fixing it without taking race into account?

And the history of AA is a history of very much TAKING race into account.

Now let's consider the practical aspect of that. BECAUSE of the impoverished educational opportunities inflicted on the victims of racism, when it comes time to get a job, they are working at a disadvantage. So, the government decides in the interest of "fairness" to put the thumb on the scale. Race consciousness is the order of the day. If you are a black job applicant, you get a leg up. Even without "quotas" the GOVERNMENT mandates it and "monitors" compliance....

What do you call it when the government policy and heavy handed action takes RACE into account in that fashion?

And you might think, "oh hell. It's only the opposite of racism. We aren't disadvantaging a black man on the basis of race! Not noble US! No no. We are giving him an ADVANTAGE on the basis of race." You might tend to feel all vituous and noble about it. Except

The flip side is that because of that governmental policy, you ARE disadvantaging others on account of race -- the white applicants, for example.

So, once again, what do you call it when the government policy and heavy handed action takes RACE into account in that fashion?

You may not LIKe the idea of admitting that it's racism, but it is racism.
Not only did obama "sound off" about the Martin case, he made a point of inviting the family for a visit. Why?
As far as my circle, you know no more than I know of yours, other than what is revealed on this forum. The number of blacks who do not support obama are more numerous than you would think. Although they are as dismayed about the abysmal alternatives as many of the rest of us, they are determined to do their best to restore our Nation and stop the wholesale destruction of America and the Constitution which founded her.
And just why do so many blacks in your circle support obama?
I guarantee you that the total number, or percentage rather, of those blacks against Obama are in the single digits.

As to why the rest are in support of him? Well that's because they like and approve of what he's done considering the push back, attacks and unprecedented disrespect his been given by the opposition. They're all glad that he was able to accomplish as much under those circumstances. They realize that he didn't CAUSE this mess, as the RW would like to argue, they realize he was GIVEN this mess by the COLOSSAL FAILURE George W. Bush.

Obama has done a very good job, despite what RepubliCON$ and RWers would like to think/portray.

You have often expressed the opinion that whites, and others, cannot possibly have any understanding of what blacks experience. I can grant that because none of us has the same experiences. Our experience with life can and does vary greatly depending on many factors. So, based on his life experience, what understanding can obama have for most blacks in this country? He was raised by white people, he is half white. He attended private schools abroad and in this country. He graduated from some of the most exclusive universities. His life has been anything but common as it relates to the typical black experience. Just how is obama any different than the white people you so dislike?
You think he's a racist? On what grounds.

I have no idea if he's a racist. That's why I gave him the benefit of the doubt and said "almost all." I'm open to the possibility that he's one of the rare exceptions to the rule.

I live in the South, I've known several people who've flown variations of the confederate flag. Some of them weren't racist, just socially inept and clueless.

I don't fly a confederate battle flag, even though I was born in Texas and have lived most of my life in the South. The ONLY reason I won't fly it is because one of my ancestors, who also happens to bear my name, died in the civil war fighting for the union army. It has absolutely nothing to do with race. That flag represents Southern Pride to me. Not race.

If we are permitted to display our gay pride, our black pride, our puerto rican pride, our mexican pride, etc, why can some people not display their southern pride if they so desire. Why is it some people are allowed their pride and others are denied?

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