Why is Obama such an insecure little crybaby?

I'd still like to know what experience he brought into the White House?
OBAMA 2008:

"I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth."

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Barack Obama's Failed Presidency
And your fn traitors DID NOTHING to help achieve those goals They sat on their overpaid fat asses for 8 years
dude, excuse me, :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:but, :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:but, :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:he had all three :lmao::lmao::lmao:houses for two years :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:how is that again? :mm::mm::mm::mm::mm::mm:
He is claims he would have won another term.

Guess what, Barry? It doesn't fucking matter because there are only 2 terms for a POTUS.

Get over yourself and go away.

He is like a middle school kid who lost at dodgeball. He is acting like an utter pussy.

I was sick of him claiming he'd win another term before the election. It's insane that he's still claiming that. He is a lot like the crybabies who never learned how to accept defeat. He probably wants to keep the radical supporters angry so they'll continue to harass anyone who supports Trump. I think Obama plans to do everything he can to undermine Trump's presidency. Libs are still coming unglued over every little thing. Someone compared them to an injured wild animal. Don't expect to be able to reason with them. They are vicious and unpredictable. Obama's legacy is crumbling and the left can't handle it.

They refuse to blame themselves and are taking their anger out on others.

Obama wasn't defeated. Accept defeat?
his legacy is dead. that is about as defeated as one can get.
And your fn traitors DID NOTHING to help achieve those goals They sat on their overpaid fat asses for 8 years
I am sorry the GOP did not help 'the messiah' slow the rise of the oceans & heal the planet. Perhaps if Barry had not by-passed Congress so much to do whatever he wanted...

The GOP 'traitors'?
Did the GOP help the Muslim Brotherhood take over Egypt? NO - That was BARRY!

Did the GOP arm Mexican Drug Cartels? NO - That was BARRY!

Did the GOP finance, supply, arm, train, protect, defend, and use the US military to help ISIS and Al Qaeida - dragging us into 2 UN-Constitutional Wars to help terrorists, to include the ones who slaughtered 3,000 Americans? NO - That was BARRY!

Did the GOP have such poor security processes and habits their personal e-mails and classified documents get hacked, stolen, and exposed? NO - that was BARRY, HILLAR, & the DNC!

Did the GOP release the Taliban 5 based on a LIE? NO - That was BARRY!

Did the GOP humiliate the US with its 'Red Line' fiasco? NO - That was BARRY!

Did the GOP abandon Americans and let them needlessly die at the hands of terrorists? NO - That was BARRY!

You need to get your facts straight, Eddie. There are only 2 traitors - Barry and Hillary.
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I'd still like to know what experience he brought into the White House?
Whatever experience he had in gov't the Presidency is a brand new thing But he's very intelligent and did a great job CONSIDERING the pos repub congress pulling against him all the way
OBAMA 2008:

"I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth."

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Barack Obama's Failed Presidency
And your fn traitors DID NOTHING to help achieve those goals They sat on their overpaid fat asses for 8 years
I am sorry the GOP did not help 'the messiah' slow the rise of the oceans & heal the planet. Perhaps if Barry had not by-passed Congress so much to do whatever he wanted...
Tell us easy How many fillibuters did your idiots throw at Obama??
I'd still like to know what experience he brought into the White House?
Whatever experience he had in gov't the Presidency is a brand new thing But he's very intelligent and did a great job CONSIDERING the pos repub congress pulling against him all the way
he did a great job of what? he had no business experience, no foreign policy experience, he certainly never held a private job. he did absolutely nothing except destroy america. destroyed it. Work will be done to repair our country and the first step will be jan 21 when he leaves.
I'd still like to know what experience he brought into the White House?
Whatever experience he had in gov't the Presidency is a brand new thing But he's very intelligent and did a great job CONSIDERING the pos repub congress pulling against him all the way
he did a great job of what? he had no business experience, no foreign policy experience, he certainly never held a private job. he did absolutely nothing except destroy america. destroyed it. Work will be done to repair our country and the first step will be jan 21 when he leaves.

What has been destroyed?
OBAMA 2008:

"I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth."

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Barack Obama's Failed Presidency
And your fn traitors DID NOTHING to help achieve those goals They sat on their overpaid fat asses for 8 years
I am sorry the GOP did not help 'the messiah' slow the rise of the oceans & heal the planet. Perhaps if Barry had not by-passed Congress so much to do whatever he wanted...
Tell us easy How many fillibuters did your idiots throw at Obama??
are you saying that obummer couldn't negotiate? wow, lack of experience there as well.
I'd still like to know what experience he brought into the White House?
Whatever experience he had in gov't the Presidency is a brand new thing But he's very intelligent and did a great job CONSIDERING the pos repub congress pulling against him all the way
he did a great job of what? he had no business experience, no foreign policy experience, he certainly never held a private job. he did absolutely nothing except destroy america. destroyed it. Work will be done to repair our country and the first step will be jan 21 when he leaves.

What has been destroyed?
He destroyed the DOW the NAS the S&P,,,,lol all the places republicans here watched and bellached as they all broke records,,,and 15 million added to jobs force?? Obama the destroyer ?Only for dumb fuks who sat on their fat asses
lol, it was only a few weeks ago these nuts were saying that Trump was going to win because Hillary wasn't going to get the black vote like Obama did...

...well, HAD he been able to run again, he would have gotten that black vote,

and there's your difference, by the RWnut standard alone.
I'd still like to know what experience he brought into the White House?
Whatever experience he had in gov't the Presidency is a brand new thing But he's very intelligent and did a great job CONSIDERING the pos repub congress pulling against him all the way
he did a great job of what? he had no business experience, no foreign policy experience, he certainly never held a private job. he did absolutely nothing except destroy america. destroyed it. Work will be done to repair our country and the first step will be jan 21 when he leaves.

What has been destroyed?
well the show doesn't start until jan 20th.
HUH? Where? Are you really going to spew that popular vote card? That's been debunked.
But for the Votes in LA County and 4 of the 5 boroughs of NYC, Trump takes the popular vote by 500,000. Throw in San Francisco County and Cook County and the margin goes to over 1.25 million. Just stop it. The dog DID NOT eat your homework.
So if we throw out half of the Democratic votes: then Trump wins the popular vote? Interesting.

Recounts in disputed states has added votes to Trump and has taken votes from Hitlery....imagine if we did that in all other states with no voter ID laws.......yeah, Trump won the popular vote just **** he won the electoral college in a land slide.....it's a fact that leftards need to come to terms with.....
No one needs to accept as "fact" that Trump won a landslide election because he didn't and no matter how many times that lie is told it will never be fact. Obama won far larger margins against both McCain and Romney. Obama won with a 192 vote margin against McCain and a 126 vote margin against Romney. Trump won with about a 74 vote margin.

Trump won in a landslide fool this wasn't some squeaker. He won 30 states including demolishing the blue wall in PA, MI, and WI that's a landslide. He bitch slapped the old hag.
And that old hag was begging for a bitch slapping something fierce.

Trump wiped the smirk right off her face didn't he.
I'd still like to know what experience he brought into the White House?
Whatever experience he had in gov't the Presidency is a brand new thing But he's very intelligent and did a great job CONSIDERING the pos repub congress pulling against him all the way
he did a great job of what? he had no business experience, no foreign policy experience, he certainly never held a private job. he did absolutely nothing except destroy america. destroyed it. Work will be done to repair our country and the first step will be jan 21 when he leaves.

What has been destroyed?
He destroyed the DOW the NAS the S&P,,,,lol all the places republicans here watched and bellached as they all broke records,,,and 15 million added to jobs force?? Obama the destroyer ?Only for dumb fuks who sat on their fat asses

All they meant was he destroyed marriage, lol.
I'd still like to know what experience he brought into the White House?
Whatever experience he had in gov't the Presidency is a brand new thing But he's very intelligent and did a great job CONSIDERING the pos repub congress pulling against him all the way
he did a great job of what? he had no business experience, no foreign policy experience, he certainly never held a private job. he did absolutely nothing except destroy america. destroyed it. Work will be done to repair our country and the first step will be jan 21 when he leaves.

What has been destroyed?
well the show doesn't start until jan 20th.

Really? Then why is the fuckwit Trump claiming credit for the good shopping numbers for Christmas?
I'd still like to know what experience he brought into the White House?
Whatever experience he had in gov't the Presidency is a brand new thing But he's very intelligent and did a great job CONSIDERING the pos repub congress pulling against him all the way
he did a great job of what? he had no business experience, no foreign policy experience, he certainly never held a private job. he did absolutely nothing except destroy america. destroyed it. Work will be done to repair our country and the first step will be jan 21 when he leaves.

What has been destroyed?
He destroyed the DOW the NAS the S&P,,,,lol all the places republicans here watched and bellached as they all broke records,,,and 15 million added to jobs force?? Obama the destroyer ?Only for dumb fuks who sat on their fat asses

All they meant was he destroyed marriage, lol.
well there is a list already posted.
I'd still like to know what experience he brought into the White House?
Whatever experience he had in gov't the Presidency is a brand new thing But he's very intelligent and did a great job CONSIDERING the pos repub congress pulling against him all the way
he did a great job of what? he had no business experience, no foreign policy experience, he certainly never held a private job. he did absolutely nothing except destroy america. destroyed it. Work will be done to repair our country and the first step will be jan 21 when he leaves.

What has been destroyed?
well the show doesn't start until jan 20th.
Get ready cause the show is a Comedy
I'd still like to know what experience he brought into the White House?
Whatever experience he had in gov't the Presidency is a brand new thing But he's very intelligent and did a great job CONSIDERING the pos repub congress pulling against him all the way
he did a great job of what? he had no business experience, no foreign policy experience, he certainly never held a private job. he did absolutely nothing except destroy america. destroyed it. Work will be done to repair our country and the first step will be jan 21 when he leaves.

What has been destroyed?
well the show doesn't start until jan 20th.

Really? Then why is the fuckwit Trump claiming credit for the good shopping numbers for Christmas?
Really? you can't figure that one out? wow. dude, you are fking clueless aren't you. I'd be careful out in public, you might find too many challenges for your limited experience in life.

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