Why is Obama such an insecure little crybaby?

So if we throw out half of the Democratic votes: then Trump wins the popular vote? Interesting.

Recounts in disputed states has added votes to Trump and has taken votes from Hitlery....imagine if we did that in all other states with no voter ID laws.......yeah, Trump won the popular vote just **** he won the electoral college in a land slide.....it's a fact that leftards need to come to terms with.....
No one needs to accept as "fact" that Trump won a landslide election because he didn't and no matter how many times that lie is told it will never be fact. Obama won far larger margins against both McCain and Romney. Obama won with a 192 vote margin against McCain and a 126 vote margin against Romney. Trump won with about a 74 vote margin.

Trump won in a landslide fool this wasn't some squeaker. He won 30 states including demolishing the blue wall in PA, MI, and WI that's a landslide. He bitch slapped the old hag.
That is only your and Trump's definition which was made up just for this election. The number of states does not define a landslide. The number of Elector College votes and popular votes are what counts. We have states that have less than one million citizens and we have states that have many millions of citizens. The numbers relating to voters voting is what counts, not how many cows, corn plants or trees are in a state.

You are a liar, you have to lie to deny Trump's landslide win we get it. The so called popular vote is meaningless and you now it. First stop lying, hell stop lying to yourself then maybe we can discuss it.
FU, I am using the academic and accepted and logical definitions of the word mandate. If anyone is lying it is Trump and those who mimic his lie. Use a dictionary asshole.
Did someone say, 'Use a Dictionary'?

"You may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you're not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve."
-- Narcissistic personality disorder - Mayo Clinic

Obama Blames The Media For Not Telling Rural Americans How Awesome He Is
"President Obama thinks the media is to blame, at least in part, for rural Americans not voting Democrat this election despite his administration pumping billions of dollars into rural economies."


Recounts in disputed states has added votes to Trump and has taken votes from Hitlery....imagine if we did that in all other states with no voter ID laws.......yeah, Trump won the popular vote just **** he won the electoral college in a land slide.....it's a fact that leftards need to come to terms with.....
No one needs to accept as "fact" that Trump won a landslide election because he didn't and no matter how many times that lie is told it will never be fact. Obama won far larger margins against both McCain and Romney. Obama won with a 192 vote margin against McCain and a 126 vote margin against Romney. Trump won with about a 74 vote margin.

Trump won in a landslide fool this wasn't some squeaker. He won 30 states including demolishing the blue wall in PA, MI, and WI that's a landslide. He bitch slapped the old hag.
That is only your and Trump's definition which was made up just for this election. The number of states does not define a landslide. The number of Elector College votes and popular votes are what counts. We have states that have less than one million citizens and we have states that have many millions of citizens. The numbers relating to voters voting is what counts, not how many cows, corn plants or trees are in a state.

You are a liar, you have to lie to deny Trump's landslide win we get it. The so called popular vote is meaningless and you now it. First stop lying, hell stop lying to yourself then maybe we can discuss it.
FU, I am using the academic and accepted and logical definitions of the word mandate. If anyone is lying it is Trump and those who mimic his lie. Use a dictionary asshole.

No you are lying, and its intentional which speaks to your character or the lack thereof. Did you also support the recounts and the campaign to flip electors? It would not surprise me based on what I'm seeing.
: Democrats lost over 1,000 seats under Obama tenure
HUH? Where? Are you really going to spew that popular vote card? That's been debunked.
But for the Votes in LA County and 4 of the 5 boroughs of NYC, Trump takes the popular vote by 500,000. Throw in San Francisco County and Cook County and the margin goes to over 1.25 million. Just stop it. The dog DID NOT eat your homework.
So if we throw out half of the Democratic votes: then Trump wins the popular vote? Interesting.

Recounts in disputed states has added votes to Trump and has taken votes from Hitlery....imagine if we did that in all other states with no voter ID laws.......yeah, Trump won the popular vote just **** he won the electoral college in a land slide.....it's a fact that leftards need to come to terms with.....
No one needs to accept as "fact" that Trump won a landslide election because he didn't and no matter how many times that lie is told it will never be fact. Obama won far larger margins against both McCain and Romney. Obama won with a 192 vote margin against McCain and a 126 vote margin against Romney. Trump won with about a 74 vote margin.

Trump won in a landslide fool this wasn't some squeaker. He won 30 states including demolishing the blue wall in PA, MI, and WI that's a landslide. He bitch slapped the old hag.

Bush won 30 states in 2000. I guess that was a landslide too. Goddam you people get more retarded every day.

Trump easily carried many of the states that the Barrypuppet allegedly won in the last two elections....so yeah, I would say that Trump has a mandate as this election was a repudiation of what has been happening to this country the last 8 years.....

Again, I would like to see a recount of all states Hitlery won....most of which were states with no voter ID laws and lets see how well she fares. As we know from Wikileaks and Project Veritas, the fix was in for Hitlery and it was only an incredible voter turnout that kept this election from being stolen. You have a long four years ahead of you, pal....might want to see about getting on some anti-depression medication.
Recounts in disputed states has added votes to Trump and has taken votes from Hitlery....imagine if we did that in all other states with no voter ID laws.......yeah, Trump won the popular vote just **** he won the electoral college in a land slide.....it's a fact that leftards need to come to terms with.....
No one needs to accept as "fact" that Trump won a landslide election because he didn't and no matter how many times that lie is told it will never be fact. Obama won far larger margins against both McCain and Romney. Obama won with a 192 vote margin against McCain and a 126 vote margin against Romney. Trump won with about a 74 vote margin.

Trump won in a landslide fool this wasn't some squeaker. He won 30 states including demolishing the blue wall in PA, MI, and WI that's a landslide. He bitch slapped the old hag.
That is only your and Trump's definition which was made up just for this election. The number of states does not define a landslide. The number of Elector College votes and popular votes are what counts. We have states that have less than one million citizens and we have states that have many millions of citizens. The numbers relating to voters voting is what counts, not how many cows, corn plants or trees are in a state.

You are a liar, you have to lie to deny Trump's landslide win we get it. The so called popular vote is meaningless and you now it. First stop lying, hell stop lying to yourself then maybe we can discuss it.
FU, I am using the academic and accepted and logical definitions of the word mandate. If anyone is lying it is Trump and those who mimic his lie. Use a dictionary asshole.
had he not won with both houses you'd be spot on, but he did win with both houses. So, mandate bubba! and you know what else you won't like, the dems are not going to want to lose three midterms in a row so they will cooperate with Trump.

Obama's a terrible negotiator. HE DID BERGDAHL!

We get Bergdahl, they get 5 killer terrorists that they wanted over there. we get a no-good traitor and they get 5 folks that they wanted for years. and those folks are now back on the battlefield tryin to kill us! that's the negotiator we have.
He is claims he would have won another term.

Guess what, Barry? It doesn't fucking matter because there are only 2 terms for a POTUS.

Get over yourself and go away.

He is like a middle school kid who lost at dodgeball. He is acting like an utter pussy.
I read the article...he would have won a 3rd election
had he'd been able to run...I'm like...whaaat?

And then he'd been able to unite the country....
I'm like, lol, yeah, right, get the fuck over yourself!
He is claims he would have won another term.

Guess what, Barry? It doesn't fucking matter because there are only 2 terms for a POTUS.

Get over yourself and go away.

He is like a middle school kid who lost at dodgeball. He is acting like an utter pussy.
I read the article...he would have won a 3rd election
had he'd been able to run...I'm like...whaaat?

And then he'd been able to unite the country....
I'm like, lol, yeah, right, get the fuck over yourself!

Exactly. He wasn't making any relevant point other than trying to pat himself on the back.

If he was actually a respected POTUS, Hillary would have run.

Obama campaigned for Hillary and also stated that he took it as a PERSONLA INSULT if people didn't vote for Hillary...

WELL, OBAMA....consider yourself INSULTED.
He is claims he would have won another term.

Guess what, Barry? It doesn't fucking matter because there are only 2 terms for a POTUS.

Get over yourself and go away.

He is like a middle school kid who lost at dodgeball. He is acting like an utter pussy.
I read the article...he would have won a 3rd election
had he'd been able to run...I'm like...whaaat?

And then he'd been able to unite the country....
I'm like, lol, yeah, right, get the fuck over yourself!

Exactly. He wasn't making any relevant point other than trying to pat himself on the back.

If he was actually a respected POTUS, Hillary would have run.

Obama campaigned for Hillary and also stated that he took it as a PERSONLA INSULT if people didn't vote for Hillary...

WELL, OBAMA....consider yourself INSULTED.
Obama campaigned for Hillary and also stated that he took it as a PERSONLA INSULT if people didn't vote for Hillary...
He said he'd take it as a personal insult
IF THE BLACK COMMUNITY, didn't come out to vote for Hillary!

I was like...really...are you fucking kidding me!
Obama would have beaten Trump, and his Bulls will beat the Clippers in the finals, and I'll beat Mike Tyson.

He is claims he would have won another term.

Guess what, Barry? It doesn't fucking matter because there are only 2 terms for a POTUS.

Get over yourself and go away.

He is like a middle school kid who lost at dodgeball. He is acting like an utter pussy.

I was sick of him claiming he'd win another term before the election. It's insane that he's still claiming that. He is a lot like the crybabies who never learned how to accept defeat. He probably wants to keep the radical supporters angry so they'll continue to harass anyone who supports Trump. I think Obama plans to do everything he can to undermine Trump's presidency. Libs are still coming unglued over every little thing. Someone compared them to an injured wild animal. Don't expect to be able to reason with them. They are vicious and unpredictable. Obama's legacy is crumbling and the left can't handle it.

They refuse to blame themselves and are taking their anger out on others.
Obama is now on DEFCON 1 meltdown. As is the entire democrat establishment.
the two worst candidates in more than a century

more than eleven million more voted against Trump

more than four million more voted for Clinton than Trump

a Congress full of GOP antiTrumpers and Freedom Caucus

Oh shut up. Before her Waterloo, you were heaping praise on Hillary Clinton.
Oh how the grapes continue to sour
the two worst candidates in more than a century

more than eleven million more voted against Trump

more than four million more voted for Clinton than Trump

a Congress full of GOP antiTrumpers and Freedom Caucus
Oh shut up. Before her Waterloo, you were heaping praise on Hillary Clinton.
Oh how the grapes continue to sour
:lol: Show me where I heaped praise on Clinton: show us! You are book marked.

And your comment says not about 11 million more voted against Trump than for him, for than four million for Clinton than Trump, and congress as a whole despises Trump.

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