Why is Obama such an insecure little crybaby?

They are rich, you are dead broke.

And you are a far bigger cry baby than Obama. :)
Really. You've been the No. 1 pillow-biter around here for about two months. So I guess you've even topped Obama. You could get a job with the DNC. Think about it, but you'd have to pay taxes and lose Section 8 housing and food stamps though.
That is you to whom you are talking in the mirror: dead broke and needing government assistance. Unlike President Obama, you are "insecure little crybaby" who is beginning to realize that Trump's election will mean nothing good for you.
I can get government assistance in Europe?! Section 8 housing and food stamps? Hell, I might as well go to the embassy tomorrow.
Of course you are eligible for government assistance in Europe. You did not know that?
Unfortunately, welfare isn't given to those residing abroad, so stay in whatever shit hole you live in.
The irony is that Obama turned out pretty much like you'd expect a stoner raised by Communists with no business experience to turn out.
While bloviating about a WORLD without nuclear weapons, the only nuclear weapons Obama has actually been dismantling are OURS

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