Why is Obama such an insecure little crybaby?

The poor wussy Alt Righties who will never have their safe space for snowflakes. Ever.
Are you asking us to provide a safe space for you?
Your lack of reading comprehension appears again. :lol:
My bad. :)
I was just trying to understand when a Trump supporter ever needed a 'safe space'. I then realized I was reading one of your posts. lol
Sorry.... carry on.
You obviously have needed one for a long time.
The poor wussy Alt Righties who will never have their safe space for snowflakes. Ever.
Are you asking us to provide a safe space for you?
Your lack of reading comprehension appears again. :lol:
My bad. :)
I was just trying to understand when a Trump supporter ever needed a 'safe space'. I then realized I was reading one of your posts. lol
Sorry.... carry on.
You obviously have needed one for a long time.
I've turned them down. It's why I'm now helping security with combative people. :)
He is claims he would have won another term.

Guess what, Barry? It doesn't fucking matter because there are only 2 terms for a POTUS.

Get over yourself and go away.

He is like a middle school kid who lost at dodgeball. He is acting like an utter pussy.

We all know thats bullshit. Barry's plan for America was soundly rejected based on elections all over the country.
America is sick to death of the Boi King!

It funny how liberal shitheads were claiming the Republican Party was finished, yet the Republicans hold both houses, the majority of governorships and the majority of state legislatures.

If the Republican Party is dead, how did all of these people get elected to office?

Pubs are not dead....the MSM is full of shit so they can push their personal agendas.

I love the fact that even with the lapdog media hillary couldnt win and it shows the distrust Americans now have for the LSM in general.
They better start being objective or they'll become totally irrelevant.

Not to mention $1.2 billion she flushed down the toilet.
LOL.. Yeah. And the people who donated the money are now asking just what the hell happened to their money....
I love it! Her donors are pissed off. They thought they were buying off POTUS. Instead, they flushed their money.

Haha! Suckers!
He is claims he would have won another term.

Guess what, Barry? It doesn't fucking matter because there are only 2 terms for a POTUS.

Get over yourself and go away.

He is like a middle school kid who lost at dodgeball. He is acting like an utter pussy.

We all know thats bullshit. Barry's plan for America was soundly rejected based on elections all over the country.
America is sick to death of the Boi King!

It funny how liberal shitheads were claiming the Republican Party was finished, yet the Republicans hold both houses, the majority of governorships and the majority of state legislatures.

If the Republican Party is dead, how did all of these people get elected to office?

Pubs are not dead....the MSM is full of shit so they can push their personal agendas.

I love the fact that even with the lapdog media hillary couldnt win and it shows the distrust Americans now have for the LSM in general.
They better start being objective or they'll become totally irrelevant.

Not to mention $1.2 billion she flushed down the toilet.

How much did Romney flush down the toilet?
Non sequitur.
Hillary Clinton by all intents and purposes was the POTUS on the day she accepted the nomination.
That is what the experts said. That is what the Hollywood elites said. That is why her donors said.
Based on that she ran an incredibly arrogant campaign.....Then she got cocky.
"Basket of deplorables"...."Why am I not winning by 50%?"...Even Obama made these stupid gaffes. He said "this should not even be a race"...
Clinton's camp so arrogantly believed she was a shoo-in, she decided the traditionally democrat leaning states like Ohio, Like Pennsylvania, like Michigan and like Wisconsin were hardly worth more than token recognition. She lost them all....Iowa can be thrown into that list as well. Another state she lost..
Not trying real hard with other people's money is flushing that money down a toilet. Big difference. Mit Romney? You dropped that name out of sheer desperation....
He is claims he would have won another term.

Guess what, Barry? It doesn't fucking matter because there are only 2 terms for a POTUS.

Get over yourself and go away.

He is like a middle school kid who lost at dodgeball. He is acting like an utter pussy.

He would have easily won another term. Against Trump? Please.
Nah....His policies were rejected. His arrogance was rejected. Not only was this a vote For Donald Trump, Clinton's loss was backlash against the last 8 years.
You believe what you wish.
There are no studies, polls or other analysis which even remotely suggests your claim is valid.
We all know thats bullshit. Barry's plan for America was soundly rejected based on elections all over the country.
America is sick to death of the Boi King!

It funny how liberal shitheads were claiming the Republican Party was finished, yet the Republicans hold both houses, the majority of governorships and the majority of state legislatures.

If the Republican Party is dead, how did all of these people get elected to office?

Pubs are not dead....the MSM is full of shit so they can push their personal agendas.

I love the fact that even with the lapdog media hillary couldnt win and it shows the distrust Americans now have for the LSM in general.
They better start being objective or they'll become totally irrelevant.

Not to mention $1.2 billion she flushed down the toilet.

How much did Romney flush down the toilet?
Non sequitur.
Hillary Clinton by all intents and purposes was the POTUS on the day she accepted the nomination.
That is what the experts said. That is what the Hollywood elites said. That is why her donors said.
Based on that she ran an incredibly arrogant campaign.....Then she got cocky.
"Basket of deplorables"...."Why am I not winning by 50%?"...Even Obama made these stupid gaffes. He said "this should not even be a race"...
Clinton's camp so arrogantly believed she was a shoo-in, she decided the traditionally democrat leaning states like Ohio, Like Pennsylvania, like Michigan and like Wisconsin were hardly worth more than token recognition. She lost them all....Iowa can be thrown into that list as well. Another state she lost..
Not trying real hard with other people's money is flushing that money down a toilet. Big difference. Mit Romney? You dropped that name out of sheer desperation....

Hillary's arrogance was her downfall. She was living in an Insulated bubble of bullshit.

It is tough for liberals to come to terms with the fact they are not as smart as they think they are...but alas, it's true.
He is claims he would have won another term.

Guess what, Barry? It doesn't fucking matter because there are only 2 terms for a POTUS.

Get over yourself and go away.

He is like a middle school kid who lost at dodgeball. He is acting like an utter pussy.

He would have easily won another term. Against Trump? Please.

And yet Obama put his legacy on the line and lost. We have the actual election results then we have your opinion of what have been.

No, actually the American people, as a nation, voted for the Obama legacy, if that was the issue.
HUH? Where? Are you really going to spew that popular vote card? That's been debunked.
But for the Votes in LA County and 4 of the 5 boroughs of NYC, Trump takes the popular vote by 500,000. Throw in San Francisco County and Cook County and the margin goes to over 1.25 million. Just stop it. The dog DID NOT eat your homework.
Obama beat your sorry asses, far and alt right wing sillies.

Get over yourselves.

Is that why the beast lost and progressives lost big in national elections?
Jake comes on here, tries to convince everyone he is a conservative then posts lib and sides with the libs....
He is a walking photo bomb. You know, the guy that sees a photo being taken and annoyingly jumps into the frame so the camera captures him? Or the guy who when he sees a live tv news report being taped, jumps into the camera shot and makes douchy gestures...That's Jake.
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Just an FYI...popular vote results of the general election matter as much as the candidates' max bench press.
Obama won the battle but lost the war, Trump rolled over the left like a King Tiger tank and destroyed them.

Trump couldn't win the popular vote, the Democrats picked up seats in the House and Senate.

And Tiger tank or not, the Nazis lost the war.
LOL.....How many?....The margin was essentially flat. When offset by the state elections democrat got their asses kicked.
And your side has far more vulnerable seats in 2018. Which you will lose.
Nobody of any significant number wants liberalism anymore. Your side had its fun over the last 8 years. So objectionable was the Obama brand of progressive, the country in both mid terms, tipped the balance away from democrats.
Dream on...Your side went too far. You pushed us to the point where decided enough was enough and we pushed back. The pendulum, as it always does, has swung in the other direction. Deal with it. Or cry. Your choice.
He is claims he would have won another term.

Guess what, Barry? It doesn't fucking matter because there are only 2 terms for a POTUS.

Get over yourself and go away.

He is like a middle school kid who lost at dodgeball. He is acting like an utter pussy.

He would have easily won another term. Against Trump? Please.

Nah b. The only reason why he ever won in the first place was he is half black. In his second term people didn't want to fire the first half black and gay president. By now people are over that. You know what I mean B!
He won because the people voted for him, because he was a clear rejection of the Bush years.
Passe...Nobody cares

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