Why is Obama trying to sell immigration reform IN OTHER COUNTRIES?

Why should we give a flying fuck what you think? You're an embarrassment to the country. I'll take a hard working Mexican over a dozen of you any day.

Yeah.....let's let them turn America into the same kind of shit-hole Mexico is.

Why do you assume that's how it would work? You don't seem to have much faith in the American way! :eusa_eh:

How else could it possibly work? what ideas from Mexico do you believe would improve America?
I wish I had time to post a transcript of his speech, annotated with all the lies, half-truths, and distortions that he spouted.

I honestly tried to watch it, but had to shut it off after a few minutes.
I wish I had time to post a transcript of his speech, annotated with all the lies, half-truths, and distortions that he spouted.

I honestly tried to watch it, but had to shut it off after a few minutes.

Nobody is listening to Obama anymore. :cuckoo:

For having nobody listen to him, he sure has a lot of you wingnuts talking about him day in and day out.
I'm seeing a bunch of butthurt wingnuts wringing their hands over the 2014 election knowing that Latinos will support the GOP even less than they did in 2012.

Why aren't you guys imploring your GOP congressmen to go out there and sell this bill?
Who gives a shit what another nation thinks of our immigration policies.

Come home and do your damn job.

I understand where you're coming from Grampa, but here are some things which complicate your thesis.

Globalization has replaced the isolated nation state with transnational partnerships based on an alliance of capital. Those other nations are our partners - deep partners Around the late 60s the business community started to see lower profits. This was because the USA was nearing the peak of domestic oil production (and was becoming increasingly reliant on foreign energy) but also because Europe and Japan had recovered from WWII and were now competing for manufacturing dominance. As a result the U.S. business community no longer wanted to pay the expensive costs associated with a free, first-world labor market. In short, they wanted to cut the American Middle Class out of the loop, so they could concentrate the gains of economic growth (and the political power it brings) into fewer and fewer hands. So the business community began shipping production to Asia and the global south where they could get products made for pennies a day (from freedom hating nations where workers lived in hovels beneath dictators). Meaning: a global market system was created partly to give American capital easy access to the world's cheapest raw materials and cheapest labor. This meant that the USA had to create very strong partnerships with foreign nations - and it explains why we have military bases around the globe. We need to be able to stabilize supply chains and trade routes in dangerous parts of the world. [Have you ever read where your clothes and consumer goods come from?]

For instance, Walmart - one of the largest contributors to rightwing causes - gets over 50% of its products made in Communist China. [The point of the rightwing message machine, which owns your opinion and fuels your rage, is to make sure you never research these contradictions]

When so much of your livelihood depends on other nations, those nations, as a result, have increased power over your sphere action. You need to turn off your party's message machine and study things like Globalization.

Big Oil: Your party tied us tighter to the Middle East. In the late 70s, Jimmy Carter said that our petrol relationships to terrorist nations would lead to problems down the road. He asked the nation to create a "moonshot" around using less petroleum so that we could disentangle from the radical Islamists. His plan involved using less oil through conservation and alternative energy. Unfortunately, the GOP was deeply tied to big oil - and they crushed him. Do some research on who funded the Reagan ascendancy. [It wasn't just big oil, but big oil was a very real part of it] Also google "Bush, Carlyle, Arbusto" and you will see very deep oil partnerships which partly explain why other nations have such a profound influence over our nation.

Your political party (my old party) used to be the isolationists - which made it easier for them to ignore other nations. Indeed, your party opposed Truman during the early Cold War because they thought Washington didn't have the competence or financial resources to police the globe. During the interwar period and early Cold War conservatives were weary over the foreign partnerships Washington was forming. However, the climate of anti-communism successfully converted your party into "World Improvers", and this is why your party gave Washington so much money and power to manage the globe, which involved the projection of the American Power from a very centralized place along with the formation of very questionable global alliances. [Unfortunately, as we saw form Vietnam to Iraq, sometimes Washington is not as competent as your party believes. Sometimes you cannot improve the world form a centralized place called Washington. Sometimes Big Government cannot solve problems] This is why the Libertarians (Ron Paul types) were weary of Reagan's relationship to Iran, and Hussein and the Mujahideen (an early formation of Al Qaeda). This is why Carter said we should get out of the middle east. The GOP was warned that their oil-partnerships with terrorist petrol-states & radical groups would some day bite us in the ass. Reagan didn't listen. He called Bin Laden and the Mujahideen "freedom fighters" when they were helping us kick the Russians out of Afghanistan.

Fighting the Soviets and the law of unintended consequences. To summarize: your party, in the 80s, wanted to put Washington more in control of the Middle East. So Reagan invested heavily into terrorist groups who helped us contain the Soviets. We made those terrorist groups stronger. We gave weapons and money to monsters as a part of a larger Cold War strategy. But, make no mistake, Reagan was warned that eventually the support we were supplying to Iran, Hussein, Saudi Arabia and the Afghan rebels (because of wrongheaded energy & Cold War policies) would litter the world with terror cells that would eventually turn against us. [Sometimes Washington makes things worse, despite your faith that it can fix things. But make no mistake, your party also benefited when those terrorist groups turned against us. It gave them a justification to rebuild the Pentagon Budget and build an expensive and hugely powerful national surveillance bureaucracy. It also proved to be electoral gold, as you scared middle America into the voting booth with images of mushroom clouds. More importantly, the rise of the terrorism in the middle east provided a "national security context" to further militarize the region so that we could protect our energy assets]

Before you blame anyone for their relationships with foreign nations, you need to study the behavior and policies of your own party. You need to try and get information from places beside your trusted pundits and news sources. You have been lied to.
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Why is Obama trying to sell immigration reform IN OTHER COUNTRIES?

Because he knows it's a hard sell in this one.
Yeah.....let's let them turn America into the same kind of shit-hole Mexico is.

That's kinda the point. Obama says the nation should become just like Chicago. Well, the best way to do that in a short amount of time is to import millions of uneducated Mexicans.

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