Why is OK for this Train Driver to kick this guy in the head?...

You should see what they do to you if they catch you putting a penny on the track

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I haz questions.

1- How does anybody know it was the train "driver"? Recognize the shoe?
2- If he is the "driver" -- how is he "driving" from the edge of the train?
3- When did train engineers become "drivers"?
4- How do we know this train wasn't going like seven miles an hour?

It was probably a conductor. The train must have been going slowly or the manoeuvre would not have been possible. IMO the 'boot' was trying to make sure that the guy standing too close did not get hurt or killed. A slow train can still cause serious damage. Think how much the damn thing weighs. If you get hit in the head or knocked out of the way by something that weighs so much, it can be fatal. It was a judgment call by someone with a lot more experience of trains than the rest of us. I wouldn't be surprised that in part the 'boot' was also very annoyed with this guy because those who work in that field are fkg tired of people who, by using little or no commonn sense, get in the way of trains and jeopardize their own safety. Then those driving the trains get blamed for it. All speculation, of course. :)

All logical too.

The bigger remaining question is: how is it we have these video stills? What this kid got out of the whole experience was apparently not "holy shit what a stupid thing I almost did" but, "dood, I got an awesome action shot".

I mean if it were me I'd want that evidence buried forever.
This guy publishes it. I don't think the kid learned a damn thing, and it wouldn't surprise me if he does the same thing tomorrow and gets maimed.

Such is the voyeuristic Zuckerberg world we've become, where getting one's 'selfie' on line means more than public freaking safety...
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Bet the dumbass kid doesn't do that again.

^NTG's in for the Obvious Echo, Echo, Echo...

Right or wrong aside, I'd bet that's the last time the kid tries that.



I read your OP and replied. I don't have the time nor inclination what you, or anyone else, posts in between. If I see something to comment on, I'll do so.

Did you say something?... :dunno:

What month is Thanksgiving in and what do you put on before you put on shoes?



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