Why is our President is M. I.A.??

Over 1,000 Americans are dying of COVID 19 everyday. Millions of Americans face eviction in the cold weather as unemployment benefits and eviction grace periods expire, Small businesses are folding by the thousands every week. China is becoming the next economic superpower, eroding market share from American companies.

Why is our President M.I.A??

Donald J Trump has lawyers to fight his legal battles. Why is he hiding in the White House sulking? Why does he refuse to answer questions? There are bigger issues to deal with here than President Trump's election loss. We hired Trump to do a job, but he's done nothing for over 2 weeks. We need leadership - Now!

Granted Trump has been an amazing president and his list of accomplishments is more impressive than any other president, but he doesn't have a magic wand. He met with scientists, Doctors, manufacturers to get it done warp speed and it appears he has done just that.. No two year wait, just a two month wait if that..

My God if it was Biden who was in charge, you'd have to wake him up to ASK THE DAMN QUESTION!
When he tried to stop all incoming flights from asia and other countries, y'all had a fit.

Oh! Look! It's very windy outside and trees may topple! It's Trumps fault.

On Jan 30, 2020, he stopped only the Chinese from flying from mainland China to the US. Meanwhile in the months of Feb and Mar, there were over 40,000 Asians flying into (many originated in China) into the US. And Europe was exporting their Covid to the US from the other shore. It went from 15 reported cases to thousands in just a little over a month. Had he actually stopped all the flights as you claim Covid would have been able to be contained with testing and contact tracing just like every other deadly transmittable disease before it. It jumped from 15 cases to an excess of 15000 in March. That's not cases, that Covid 19 related deaths. All the while, The Orange One was saying it was a hoax.

You said that the Orange Deity didn't start any new wars. In some ways, I would trade a new all out war in exchange for the Covid Crisis. Fewer would be dead. The United States, alone, has already exceeded our deaths in WWI, Korea and Vietnam combined. Before it's all over, we are going to exceed WWII, the second largest death count for the US in wars. Lord help us if it hits the Civil War. All from what the Orange Deity claims as a hoax.
Mr Trump signed a different law in 2018 that expanded the Veterans Choice programme. He has reportedly made the false claim about Veterans Choice more than 150 times.
Eh... A Nintendo, and a Nintendo 64 are very different things. So.............. I don't think that's a false claim. But I'll be absolutely honest that I don't know what he expanded. But if he changed it, it's something new. It doesn't look like anyone thinks it's worse, so I don't know what the hoopla is other than patrician hack bullshit.
Over 1,000 Americans are dying of COVID 19 everyday. Millions of Americans face eviction in the cold weather as unemployment benefits and eviction grace periods expire, Small businesses are folding by the thousands every week. China is becoming the next economic superpower, eroding market share from American companies.

Why is our President M.I.A??

Donald J Trump has lawyers to fight his legal battles. Why is he hiding in the White House sulking? Why does he refuse to answer questions? There are bigger issues to deal with here than President Trump's election loss. We hired Trump to do a job, but he's done nothing for over 2 weeks. We need leadership - Now!

Granted Trump has been an amazing president and his list of accomplishments is more impressive than any other president, but he doesn't have a magic wand. He met with scientists, Doctors, manufacturers to get it done warp speed and it appears he has done just that.. No two year wait, just a two month wait if that..

My God if it was Biden who was in charge, you'd have to wake him up to ASK THE DAMN QUESTION!

In 10 days, with the Obama/Biden time, they had H1N1 isolated. In 2009 to 2010, over 12,000 people died from it even then before it was corraled in. It was handled using the same Emergency Plans handed down from President to President for decades of almost 100 years. Lessens learned from the Spanish Flu, Polio, Small Pox and many others.

As one Red Cross PSA put it, “the man or woman or child who will not wear a mask now is a dangerous slacker.” This sense of wartime duty—and the fear of being seen as a “slacker”—may have motivated those who complied with mask orders in cities like San Francisco, Seattle, Denver and Phoenix.

Here is a picture from 1919 of Red Cross Workers making Masks.

You honestly believe that you are the first to react this way?


N95 Masks weren't available and the Cotton and Gauze masks did not stop the Spanish Flue either. They had no idea why masks had the affect on preventing the spread. Well, today, we know now. It didn't protect the person wearing the mask, it protects everyone around the person wearing the mask but not completely. The Manantory Mask requirement in 1919 slowed the spread down and it just ran out of hosts but not before it killed over 675,000 people in the US alone and over 50 Million world wide.
Compare: 1918 Spanish Influenza Pandemic Versus COVID-19
We are on par with reaching those kind of totals in the US with the haphazard way many are taking it. I suggest the same measures need to be taken where the US goes to war footing to stop it cold with or without a Vaccine that may or may not works. And the most important value in that is wear the friggin mask anytime you are out in public.
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Over 1,000 Americans are dying of COVID 19 everyday. Millions of Americans face eviction in the cold weather as unemployment benefits and eviction grace periods expire, Small businesses are folding by the thousands every week. China is becoming the next economic superpower, eroding market share from American companies.

Why is our President M.I.A??

Donald J Trump has lawyers to fight his legal battles. Why is he hiding in the White House sulking? Why does he refuse to answer questions? There are bigger issues to deal with here than President Trump's election loss. We hired Trump to do a job, but he's done nothing for over 2 weeks. We need leadership - Now!

The people that are dying are dying from 5G.
Over 1,000 Americans are dying of COVID 19 everyday. Millions of Americans face eviction in the cold weather as unemployment benefits and eviction grace periods expire, Small businesses are folding by the thousands every week. China is becoming the next economic superpower, eroding market share from American companies.

Why is our President M.I.A??

Donald J Trump has lawyers to fight his legal battles. Why is he hiding in the White House sulking? Why does he refuse to answer questions? There are bigger issues to deal with here than President Trump's election loss. We hired Trump to do a job, but he's done nothing for over 2 weeks. We need leadership - Now!

Made this for you. :D

Over 1,000 Americans are dying of COVID 19 everyday. Millions of Americans face eviction in the cold weather as unemployment benefits and eviction grace periods expire, Small businesses are folding by the thousands every week. China is becoming the next economic superpower, eroding market share from American companies.

Why is our President M.I.A??

Donald J Trump has lawyers to fight his legal battles. Why is he hiding in the White House sulking? Why does he refuse to answer questions? There are bigger issues to deal with here than President Trump's election loss. We hired Trump to do a job, but he's done nothing for over 2 weeks. We need leadership - Now!

The msm is pretty much not paying attention to him publicly while talking about all the upcoming wonders of a Muppet Biden presidency
Over 1,000 Americans are dying of COVID 19 everyday. Millions of Americans face eviction in the cold weather as unemployment benefits and eviction grace periods expire, Small businesses are folding by the thousands every week. China is becoming the next economic superpower, eroding market share from American companies.

Why is our President M.I.A??

Donald J Trump has lawyers to fight his legal battles. Why is he hiding in the White House sulking? Why does he refuse to answer questions? There are bigger issues to deal with here than President Trump's election loss. We hired Trump to do a job, but he's done nothing for over 2 weeks. We need leadership - Now!

The msm is pretty much not paying attention to him publicly while talking about all the upcoming wonders of a Muppet Biden presidency
View attachment 420357

I did find this link:
Over 1,000 Americans are dying of COVID 19 everyday. Millions of Americans face eviction in the cold weather as unemployment benefits and eviction grace periods expire, Small businesses are folding by the thousands every week. China is becoming the next economic superpower, eroding market share from American companies.

Why is our President M.I.A??

Donald J Trump has lawyers to fight his legal battles. Why is he hiding in the White House sulking? Why does he refuse to answer questions? There are bigger issues to deal with here than President Trump's election loss. We hired Trump to do a job, but he's done nothing for over 2 weeks. We need leadership - Now!

Chinese virus is not lethal you ignorant sheep communist fuckhead.
Over 1,000 Americans are dying of COVID 19 everyday. Millions of Americans face eviction in the cold weather as unemployment benefits and eviction grace periods expire, Small businesses are folding by the thousands every week. China is becoming the next economic superpower, eroding market share from American companies.

Why is our President M.I.A??

Donald J Trump has lawyers to fight his legal battles. Why is he hiding in the White House sulking? Why does he refuse to answer questions? There are bigger issues to deal with here than President Trump's election loss. We hired Trump to do a job, but he's done nothing for over 2 weeks. We need leadership - Now!

Made this for you. :D

If I played the Gitfiddle that bad, I certainly wouldn't be advertising it.
Over 1,000 Americans are dying of COVID 19 everyday. Millions of Americans face eviction in the cold weather as unemployment benefits and eviction grace periods expire, Small businesses are folding by the thousands every week. China is becoming the next economic superpower, eroding market share from American companies.

Why is our President M.I.A??

Donald J Trump has lawyers to fight his legal battles. Why is he hiding in the White House sulking? Why does he refuse to answer questions? There are bigger issues to deal with here than President Trump's election loss. We hired Trump to do a job, but he's done nothing for over 2 weeks. We need leadership - Now!

Made this for you. :D

If I played the Gitfiddle that bad, I certainly wouldn't be advertising it.

Jealous much?
Over 1,000 Americans are dying of COVID 19 everyday. Millions of Americans face eviction in the cold weather as unemployment benefits and eviction grace periods expire, Small businesses are folding by the thousands every week. China is becoming the next economic superpower, eroding market share from American companies.

Why is our President M.I.A??

Donald J Trump has lawyers to fight his legal battles. Why is he hiding in the White House sulking? Why does he refuse to answer questions? There are bigger issues to deal with here than President Trump's election loss. We hired Trump to do a job, but he's done nothing for over 2 weeks. We need leadership - Now!

Made this for you. :D

If I played the Gitfiddle that bad, I certainly wouldn't be advertising it.

Jealous much?

No, just a professional Musician with a critique. But there is time. Go get lessons, practice at least 4 hours a day and then get back to us. Also, get someone to sing it for you because YOU CAN"T SING.
Over 1,000 Americans are dying of COVID 19 everyday. Millions of Americans face eviction in the cold weather as unemployment benefits and eviction grace periods expire, Small businesses are folding by the thousands every week. China is becoming the next economic superpower, eroding market share from American companies.

Why is our President M.I.A??

Donald J Trump has lawyers to fight his legal battles. Why is he hiding in the White House sulking? Why does he refuse to answer questions? There are bigger issues to deal with here than President Trump's election loss. We hired Trump to do a job, but he's done nothing for over 2 weeks. We need leadership - Now!

Why would Trump talk to a press that won't even let him Tweet what he has to say?

The only garbage they will print, or have printed, puts a negative light on anything he does or says.

No conservative should ever address the press again, nor watch them.

They are Pravda.
Trump has given up on being President. He ought to resign NOW

He skipped a G20 pandemic meeting to play golf...in the middle of a second wave of the worst pandemic in 100 years
Over 1,000 Americans are dying of COVID 19 everyday.
He has never given two shits about the virus, outside of looking at it as an obstacle to his re-election.

He had a chance to be a great leader through a national health crisis, and he was exposed as the worthless buffoon that he is.

He hasn't attended COVID meetings in months, and now he doesn't have to pretend to care.
Over 1,000 Americans are dying of COVID 19 everyday. Millions of Americans face eviction in the cold weather as unemployment benefits and eviction grace periods expire, Small businesses are folding by the thousands every week. China is becoming the next economic superpower, eroding market share from American companies.

Why is our President M.I.A??

Donald J Trump has lawyers to fight his legal battles. Why is he hiding in the White House sulking? Why does he refuse to answer questions? There are bigger issues to deal with here than President Trump's election loss. We hired Trump to do a job, but he's done nothing for over 2 weeks. We need leadership - Now!

you do know that trumps not a doctor dont you???
We all know that.

Any other excuses?
so stupid you had to say it twice,,,

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