Why is our US intelligence bragging like WE are personally killing a lot of Russian Generals, tanks, and ships?

Xiden and the dembots are desperate for some sort of "win" they are willing to undermine our intel community by leaking this info.

Sad stuff
Ummm, one's gotta watch (or read) all of the news.

The DOD promptly denied the story of 'targeting' generals.

It is fitting and proper for NATO to provide Ukraine with intelligence ---humint, satellite, drone, etc. --- on the locations of military field HQ's on Ukrainian soil....be it at company, battalion, regiment, division levels.

It seems obvious that the combined resources and 'feet-on-the-street' knowledge of NATO members could provide useful (actionable?) intelligence.

It is then up to Ukraine to decide what....if anything....to do about it.

If they do do something about it....say, do an artillery strike on a field HQ......it seems not improbable that a command officer, or two, could become casualties.

War is like that.
It probably gives Russia the right to bomb NATO/American bases within NATO territory.
It's basically the Cuban Missle Crisis in reverse.
I'm surprised that Sippy Cup hasn't taken off a shoe and banged a podium telling Russia "that we will bury you!!".
It's basically the Cuban Missle Crisis in reverse.
I'm surprised that Sippy Cup hasn't taken off a shoe and banged a podium telling Russia "that we will bury you!!".or

or like just like his old boss…Mr Flexible himself…”cut it out”

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