Why Is Page And Strzok Still Working For the FBI?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
At a time when EVERYONE agrees it is CRITICAL for Americans to see the FBI as an impartial, objective, non-partisan entity they can trust, WHY are exposed Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary, disgraced ex-Mueller team member extremists FBI Attorney Lisa Page and FBI Agent Peter Strzok STILL working for the FBI?

"The two sent tens of thousands of texts, riddled with anti-Trump swipes and praise for Hillary Clinton. It’s clear that these two did not want Donald Trump to be president. The exchanges initially raised eyebrows over an August 15, 2016 text, where Strzok mentioned an “insurance policy” after a meeting with Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. Keep in mind; this is the man who signed off on the bureau’s counterintelligence probe into whether the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians a month earlier.

Now, we have a new and rather cryptic text from Lisa Page sent to Strzok the day after the 2016 election, where she mentions a secret society.

Strzok was involved in the Russian collusion and Hillary email fiasco, and believe me—there’s some
glaring discrepancies on that one.

What the hell are these two still doing working at the FBI?

Strzok was transferred to the human resources division upon his departure from the Russia probe once Special Counsel Robert Mueller found out about the texts last summer."

Investigative Reporter: Why Are Strzok And Page Still At The FBI? Also, Did Someone Delete Their Texts?


Can't FBI agents have a little business on the side? They were discussing how many secret decoder rings they could get the right to purchase for $19.95 and how long it would take righties to realize it was a scam.
At a time when EVERYONE agrees it is CRITICAL for Americans to see the FBI as an impartial, objective, non-partisan entity they can trust, WHY are exposed Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary, disgraced ex-Mueller team member extremists FBI Attorney Lisa Page and FBI Agent Peter Strzok STILL working for the FBI?

"The two sent tens of thousands of texts, riddled with anti-Trump swipes and praise for Hillary Clinton. It’s clear that these two did not want Donald Trump to be president. The exchanges initially raised eyebrows over an August 15, 2016 text, where Strzok mentioned an “insurance policy” after a meeting with Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. Keep in mind; this is the man who signed off on the bureau’s counterintelligence probe into whether the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians a month earlier.

Now, we have a new and rather cryptic text from Lisa Page sent to Strzok the day after the 2016 election, where she mentions a secret society.

Strzok was involved in the Russian collusion and Hillary email fiasco, and believe me—there’s some
glaring discrepancies on that one.

What the hell are these two still doing working at the FBI?

Strzok was transferred to the human resources division upon his departure from the Russia probe once Special Counsel Robert Mueller found out about the texts last summer."

Investigative Reporter: Why Are Strzok And Page Still At The FBI? Also, Did Someone Delete Their Texts?


How about the fact that they are allowed to have political opinions. This is a free country and FBI agents are not required to be non-partisan. They are only required to do their job in a non-partisan manner. There is nothing cryptic about what she said. She was joking about a secret society and you right wing nuts fell for it like the fools you are.
How about the fact that they are allowed to have political opinions.
Sorry, NEGATIVE there, snowflake.

Having personal political opinions one keeps to one's self and / or shares with close friends, family, and or adulterous lovers - sure. FBI agents are not permitted to be Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary extremists who act, plot, plan, and commit crimes based on those political biases.

It has been PROVEN Strzok altered the final FBI report on the Hillary scandal, preventing Hillary from being indicted, conspiring with and helping Comey .McCabe, and Lynch protect Hillary. It has been PROVEN he protected Hillary's aides, Abedin and Mills, form the same criminal charges he pinned on Flynn. Based on his extreme bias he should never have been on the Hillary investigation or the Trump investigation.

His memos have helped expose Conspiracy, Obstruction, Sedition, and even Treason within the FBI and DOJ.

Nice try, but 'wide LEFT'. :p
How about the fact that they are allowed to have political opinions.
Sorry, NEGATIVE there, snowflake.

Having personal political opinions one keeps to one's self and / or shares with close friends, family, and or adulterous lovers - sure. FBI agents are not permitted to be Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary extremists who act, plot, plan, and commit crimes based on those political biases.

It has been PROVEN Strzok altered the final FBI report on the Hillary scandal, preventing Hillary from being indicted, conspiring with and helping Comey .McCabe, and Lynch protect Hillary. It has been PROVEN he protected Hillary's aides, Abedin and Mills, form the same criminal charges he pinned on Flynn. Based on his extreme bias he should never have been on the Hillary investigation or the Trump investigation.

His memos have helped expose Conspiracy, Obstruction, Sedition, and even Treason within the FBI and DOJ.

Nice try, but 'wide LEFT'. :p
I wonder if Strzok has something on Wray that is preventing him from being fired?
They are being protected. If they get fired, they are subject to different things. In other words, so long as they work at The FBI, the FBI can claim that their Clown Posse of Conspirators cannot talk about certain things because it is in the interest of National Security.
I wonder if Strzok has something on Wray that is preventing him from being fired?
Either that or a case of 'Penn State Pride'. That is what I call when graduates, students, etc of a particular institution lie, deny, etc in misguided loyalty / defense of their organization about wrong-doing until evidence becomes insurmountable.

First Gateway Pundit and now TruePundit?

I'm surprised that there hasn't been any workplace violence at the FBI. The conduct of many in leadership irreparably tarnished the reputation of the organization and will put field agents in jeopardy. I can imagine there are many honest, career FBI agents who are none too happy about the conduct of Mueller, Comey, Strunz, Page, Rosenstein, etc. I have already lost all faith that the FBI is an honorable organization. I hope I never have to deal with them because they can go get fucked. At least other criminal organizations like the Mafia takes care of their own traitors. What is the FBI wanting for?
I think they should have been FIRED and INDICTED by now.

But, I have seen the representation made that an FBI agent (currently employed) cannot take the Fifth Amendment and refuse to answer questions (before, for example, Congress) without being fired and losing their pensions.

All Federal Bureaucrats think about is their Pensions.

By the way, I have also seen it stated that Strzok has hired David Bois, the extroadinarily expensive shyster who represented Al Gore in the Florida Election Bruhaha, when Bush was elected and who now represents the animal Harvey Weinstein.

Bois is the type of attorney you hire in the morning when they mean to hang you that afternoon. Unfortunately, because of attorney-client privilege, we will never know what extremely wealthy person or persons (like the Clintons or maybe Obama) is paying for this high priced lawyer----but whoever it is....they are very worried.
How about the fact that they are allowed to have political opinions.
Sorry, NEGATIVE there, snowflake.

Having personal political opinions one keeps to one's self and / or shares with close friends, family, and or adulterous lovers - sure. FBI agents are not permitted to be Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary extremists who act, plot, plan, and commit crimes based on those political biases.

It has been PROVEN Strzok altered the final FBI report on the Hillary scandal, preventing Hillary from being indicted, conspiring with and helping Comey .McCabe, and Lynch protect Hillary. It has been PROVEN he protected Hillary's aides, Abedin and Mills, form the same criminal charges he pinned on Flynn. Based on his extreme bias he should never have been on the Hillary investigation or the Trump investigation.

His memos have helped expose Conspiracy, Obstruction, Sedition, and even Treason within the FBI and DOJ.

Nice try, but 'wide LEFT'. :p

Not true. There are no Justice Department guidelines against discussing political issues and they don't have to hide it.

Nothing has been proven except for cuckoogate Trump supporters engage in every day. They smear anyone and anything to protect Trump. Why don't you take your fantasies and see a good doctor Captain Unamerican.

You expose the conspiracy, obstruction, sedition and treason you engage in. The only thing that is wide is your craziness. If involuntary commitment were allowed, all of you would be locked up in a looney bin somewhere.

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