Why Is Racheal Madcow So Popular? Because She Lies & Spreads Propaganda - Snowflakes LOVE That Shite


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Wrong Again, Rachel
Maddow Just Got Caught Telling A Whopper About The Tax Bill

Maddow Tells Viewers Their Taxes Are Going Up (80 Percent Of Taxpayers Actually Get A Tax Cut) [VIDEO]

'Liberal MSNBC host Rachel Maddow told her viewers Wednesday night that their taxes are going up to give major corporations an “embarrassing amount of money,” even though 80 percent of taxpayers are expected to see their taxes go down next year.

Several major corporations including Wells Fargo, Comcast and AT&T immediately raised wages and gave away hundreds of millions of dollars in added bonuses to their employees on Wednesday as a direct result of Republicans passing their tax cuts legislation.'
Popular with whom? No one watches that channel except the teleprompter programmers at CNN.

The partisan pundits all have the same basic schtick: Amplify, advocate and highlight all facts that support their agenda while minimizing, ignoring, avoiding and distorting all contrary information that doesn't support their agenda.

And occasionally tell a whopper.

Their flocks still take them seriously. Go figure.
Well, every political leaning has their media red meat provider, though there is clearly a bias on a National basis for the promotion of left wing, liberal sources. I will say though, that unless a news organization respects the U.S Constitution and has a fair and honest assessment of what allowed America to be so successful for so long, I listen to them at a minimum.

I've sent some of these media outlets emails and tried to reach them by phone (always get a VM), and offered to debate ANY person on the alt-left, socialist continuum. As someone who has experienced a lifetime of socialism, neo-communism, cronyism, nepotism and state abuse, I am not afraid of the confrontation with anyone with these ideologies, even if they were the state debate champ, I fear them not.

God Bless America!. Get 'er done Trump!
So when your taxes go up, is what she said. I'm sure she went on to explain. Maddow never has false news unless its actually an error, she does not create fake news like Hannity, Ingraham and most of Fox does.
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The partisan pundits all have the same basic schtick: Amplify, advocate and highlight all facts that support their agenda while minimizing, ignoring, avoiding and distorting all contrary information that doesn't support their agenda.

And occasionally tell a whopper.

Their flocks still take them seriously. Go figure.
Hmmm that sounds like what you do on healthcare. Dismiss any argument as binary...
Go figure.
Dude, that time with trumps tax returns was a WHOPPER. I enjoyed the hell out of that!
She is very entertaining
Wrong Again, Rachel
Maddow Just Got Caught Telling A Whopper About The Tax Bill

Maddow Tells Viewers Their Taxes Are Going Up (80 Percent Of Taxpayers Actually Get A Tax Cut) [VIDEO]

'Liberal MSNBC host Rachel Maddow told her viewers Wednesday night that their taxes are going up to give major corporations an “embarrassing amount of money,” even though 80 percent of taxpayers are expected to see their taxes go down next year.

Several major corporations including Wells Fargo, Comcast and AT&T immediately raised wages and gave away hundreds of millions of dollars in added bonuses to their employees on Wednesday as a direct result of Republicans passing their tax cuts legislation.'

You'd think that after her big fiasco of "leaking" Trump's tax returns, she would have learned to keep her vile carpet-munching mouth shut.. But no.

What a disgusting piece of sub-human excrement that twat is.
Dude, that time with trumps tax returns was a WHOPPER. I enjoyed the hell out of that!
She is very entertaining

That was worse than when Geraldo opened Al Capone's secret catacomb on nationwide TV. All she proved was that yes indeed, Donald Trump paid taxes.
The partisan pundits all have the same basic schtick: Amplify, advocate and highlight all facts that support their agenda while minimizing, ignoring, avoiding and distorting all contrary information that doesn't support their agenda.

And occasionally tell a whopper.

Their flocks still take them seriously. Go figure.
Hmmm that sounds like what you do on healthcare. Dismiss any argument as binary...
Go figure.
My ideas on health care come from both ends of the spectrum.

Pretty much the opposite of what you're claiming.

Maybe try again.
Wrong Again, Rachel
Maddow Just Got Caught Telling A Whopper About The Tax Bill

Maddow Tells Viewers Their Taxes Are Going Up (80 Percent Of Taxpayers Actually Get A Tax Cut) [VIDEO]

'Liberal MSNBC host Rachel Maddow told her viewers Wednesday night that their taxes are going up to give major corporations an “embarrassing amount of money,” even though 80 percent of taxpayers are expected to see their taxes go down next year.

Several major corporations including Wells Fargo, Comcast and AT&T immediately raised wages and gave away hundreds of millions of dollars in added bonuses to their employees on Wednesday as a direct result of Republicans passing their tax cuts legislation.'

Laughing.....yeah, remember when she told us how Trump won the popular vote, Global Warming was a hoax by the Chinese, and that Trump had the largest inauguration crowd ever?

That was some quality batshit.
The partisan pundits all have the same basic schtick: Amplify, advocate and highlight all facts that support their agenda while minimizing, ignoring, avoiding and distorting all contrary information that doesn't support their agenda.

And occasionally tell a whopper.

Their flocks still take them seriously. Go figure.
Hmmm that sounds like what you do on healthcare. Dismiss any argument as binary...
Go figure.
My ideas on health care come from both ends of the spectrum.

Pretty much the opposite of what you're claiming.

Maybe try again.
You dismiss any argument as binary. You do what you bitch about. Congratulations.
Try again? lol i wasnt referring to your beliefs, i was referring to you dismissing any argument as bullshit.
Maybe try again :dunno:
The partisan pundits all have the same basic schtick: Amplify, advocate and highlight all facts that support their agenda while minimizing, ignoring, avoiding and distorting all contrary information that doesn't support their agenda.

And occasionally tell a whopper.

Their flocks still take them seriously. Go figure.
Hmmm that sounds like what you do on healthcare. Dismiss any argument as binary...
Go figure.
My ideas on health care come from both ends of the spectrum.

Pretty much the opposite of what you're claiming.

Maybe try again.
You dismiss any argument as binary. You do what you bitch about. Congratulations.
Try again? lol i wasnt referring to your beliefs, i was referring to you dismissing any argument as bullshit.
Maybe try again :dunno:
I don't dismiss any argument as binary. Only binary arguments. Like "government is bad" or "corporations are bad".

If you'd like to address this in that thread, go ahead. Just demonstrate that you can see and understand both sides of the issue.
Dude, that time with trumps tax returns was a WHOPPER. I enjoyed the hell out of that!
She is very entertaining

Yes, I'm sure that was embarrassing for her. After all the effort to find anything concerning Trump's tax returns, her excitement in finding a little tidbit caused her to rush to tell about it before she knew what it showed. She admitted her mistake the next day. Fox makes purely false statements every day, and never mentions hen they have been wrong. Remember the fox claims that Hillary definitely had Parkinson's and would probably die before the election?
Wrong Again, Rachel
Maddow Just Got Caught Telling A Whopper About The Tax Bill

Maddow Tells Viewers Their Taxes Are Going Up (80 Percent Of Taxpayers Actually Get A Tax Cut) [VIDEO]

'Liberal MSNBC host Rachel Maddow told her viewers Wednesday night that their taxes are going up to give major corporations an “embarrassing amount of money,” even though 80 percent of taxpayers are expected to see their taxes go down next year.

Several major corporations including Wells Fargo, Comcast and AT&T immediately raised wages and gave away hundreds of millions of dollars in added bonuses to their employees on Wednesday as a direct result of Republicans passing their tax cuts legislation.'
The Daily Caller, I guess they can't understand English, or maybe they lie.
Give it up. Most Americans understand that the wage earners will see a temporary small cut to be phased out while the investor class reaps huge permanent cuts.
Well we know the one and only tax return he paid taxes and due to the AMT. He probably sent it to her.

Everyone should listen to her, instead of fake fox news.

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