Why is Senator K. Harris (D-CA) Not the MAIN ISSUE in this Campaign?

Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign

The fact that your side has embraced violent, murderous street violence as political speech, is the main issue in this campaign.

It shows US, your true face and what you intend for our future.

A totalitarian state when any dissent is met with doxxing, canceling, firing, ect, and it that does not do it, the mob will be sent to kill you, and if you successfully defend yourself, only then will the police get involved to arrest you for your crime of self defense.
Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign

The fact that your side has embraced violent, murderous street violence as political speech, is the main issue in this campaign.

It shows US, your true face and what you intend for our future.

A totalitarian state when any dissent is met with doxxing, canceling, firing, ect, and it that does not do it, the mob will be sent to kill you, and if you successfully defend yourself, only then will the police get involved to arrest you for your crime of self defense.
The Street violence is reaction to Trump and his indifference.

His advocating busting heads is a direct descendance Of Mayor Daly in Chicago and Bull Connor in Birmingham


The 47th President, if Biden wins.

And again, why is this not THE issue in this campaign? Hint: Because she identifies as "Black," she is untouchable. Which is why Sleepy Joe ultimately decided to name her.

Um, yeah. Same reason McCain nominated that idiot Palin, someone for the base to get excited about.

After he named her, he raised over 300 MILLION dollars.. Totally worth it.
Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign

The fact that your side has embraced violent, murderous street violence as political speech, is the main issue in this campaign.

It shows US, your true face and what you intend for our future.

A totalitarian state when any dissent is met with doxxing, canceling, firing, ect, and it that does not do it, the mob will be sent to kill you, and if you successfully defend yourself, only then will the police get involved to arrest you for your crime of self defense.
The Street violence is reaction to Trump and his indifference.

His advocating busting heads is a direct descendance Of Mayor Daly in Chicago and Bull Connor in Birmingham

I see that you think your street violence is justified because of "indifference".

Regardless, like I said, now your side's embrace of violent, murderous street violence as political speech, is the main issue in this campaign.

As well it should be. Anyone that does not want to live in a society of bloody mob rule, should vote against you.

Anyone that is happy with their lives and the lives of their family and friends being at the mercy of a bloodthirty mob, should vote for the dems.
Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign

The fact that your side has embraced violent, murderous street violence as political speech, is the main issue in this campaign.

It shows US, your true face and what you intend for our future.

A totalitarian state when any dissent is met with doxxing, canceling, firing, ect, and it that does not do it, the mob will be sent to kill you, and if you successfully defend yourself, only then will the police get involved to arrest you for your crime of self defense.
The Street violence is reaction to Trump and his indifference.

His advocating busting heads is a direct descendance Of Mayor Daly in Chicago and Bull Connor in Birmingham

I see that you think your street violence is justified because of "indifference".

Regardless, like I said, now your side's embrace of violent, murderous street violence as political speech, is the main issue in this campaign.

As well it should be. Anyone that does not want to live in a society of bloody mob rule, should vote against you.

Anyone that is happy with their lives and the lives of their family and friends being at the mercy of a bloodthirty mob, should vote for the dems.
This violence is what we should have expected when we elected Trump

We can rectify that in November
People talk about it, but just as some of the Trump supporters don't care he is a scummy, lying con-man. Dems don't give a shit about Biden being a senile old fool or any of your other complaints. And a good portion of the dems want America to become a socialist country. So they cheer it on.

Our choices are: vote for gun confiscation, socialism, turning America into Mexico, losing our 1A rights, fascism, reparations, baby murder, queerifying the nation and on and on.

...or vote for Trump.

So as long as Trump is not worse at the aforementioned, it does not matter what he does...he always beats voting a filthy dem. And it works the same way for dems wanting their agenda enacted.

Here is the dem's base. Beside misguided and delusional people, the Dem's base is composed of many varieties of misfits, lowlife, anarchists and the mentally ill.

Illegal Aliens
Young People
Dope Lovers
Gun haters
Welfare Lovers
Medicare for all hopefuls
Mainstream Media
Hollywood - Entertainers
Prostitutes / Sex Workers
Anarchists / Insurgents
Bigots and Racists - the definition of a bigot is the textbook definition of a democrat...a bigot is a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.
Peace Activists - What is wrong with peace? Nothing, as long as we live in a fantasy world. In the real world when peace activists won't fight when the time comes to defend the country...the country will die.

OP, conservative policies are just not popular any longer with the upcoming Millennial, Gen Z'ers or iGen vote. The dems are unbeatable or will be unbeatable in the near future. They have too many bases that vote for them...

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Now the MSM keep hammering in the idea that Trump will win on the election night , but eventually lose as the dems votes trickle in. Isn't that amazing they have such a crystal ball.
You left off convicted felons and pedophiles, they love the Dem Party.
Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign

The fact that your side has embraced violent, murderous street violence as political speech, is the main issue in this campaign.

It shows US, your true face and what you intend for our future.

A totalitarian state when any dissent is met with doxxing, canceling, firing, ect, and it that does not do it, the mob will be sent to kill you, and if you successfully defend yourself, only then will the police get involved to arrest you for your crime of self defense.
The Street violence is reaction to Trump and his indifference.

His advocating busting heads is a direct descendance Of Mayor Daly in Chicago and Bull Connor in Birmingham

I see that you think your street violence is justified because of "indifference".

Regardless, like I said, now your side's embrace of violent, murderous street violence as political speech, is the main issue in this campaign.

As well it should be. Anyone that does not want to live in a society of bloody mob rule, should vote against you.

Anyone that is happy with their lives and the lives of their family and friends being at the mercy of a bloodthirty mob, should vote for the dems.
This violence is what we should have expected when we elected Trump

We can rectify that in November

That makes no sense. Unless you think we should have been able to look at you lefties in 2016 and see that you were so full of hate that you would not respect the peaceful transfer of power?
Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign
Progs and their plans for the Democratic Socialist States of Amerikka is. How Harris and others acted to Kavanaugh is what they are. They will do the same to the peasant and have. They have Joe becoming old country Joe now with witicisms from childhood and his Mom. If Joe was ever that, he lost it along time ago. Joe is a slicker for power.
Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign
Well yeah... what else> Obviously they are not going to concentrate on Biden and Harris.
If Trump is loved, he will be re-elected.
If not, Biden is our President

It is weird the way you want to "love" your presidents.
Trump is not loved?

Go figure

The way he drives you libs nuts, by just not being the slightest bit intimidated by you?

There is a growing warmth I admit.

Beyond that, Presidents are people that work for US. We never meet them, we don't hang out, or take long walks together.

That you want to judge them on the level of love you have for them, is weird.
Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign

The fact that your side has embraced violent, murderous street violence as political speech, is the main issue in this campaign.

It shows US, your true face and what you intend for our future.

A totalitarian state when any dissent is met with doxxing, canceling, firing, ect, and it that does not do it, the mob will be sent to kill you, and if you successfully defend yourself, only then will the police get involved to arrest you for your crime of self defense.
The Street violence is reaction to Trump and his indifference.

His advocating busting heads is a direct descendance Of Mayor Daly in Chicago and Bull Connor in Birmingham

I see that you think your street violence is justified because of "indifference".

Regardless, like I said, now your side's embrace of violent, murderous street violence as political speech, is the main issue in this campaign.

As well it should be. Anyone that does not want to live in a society of bloody mob rule, should vote against you.

Anyone that is happy with their lives and the lives of their family and friends being at the mercy of a bloodthirty mob, should vote for the dems.
This violence is what we should have expected when we elected Trump

We can rectify that in November

That makes no sense. Unless you think we should have been able to look at you lefties in 2016 and see that you were so full of hate that you would not respect the peaceful transfer of power?
Seems Hillary did

Doesnt seem Trump will be so gracious
Every day that passes by, it becomes more and more obvious that Biden will not finish a four-year term. He will either be dead or incapacitated, possibly even before Inauguration Day.

With that in mind, the Democrat party has put before us the most radical, leftist, socialist extremist in all of the United States congress, and NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT IT!!! And not only that, there is no indication whatsoever that she has any clue about any subject other than criminal justice - which is her background.

Are "we" being forced into silence because the identifies as a so-called, "Black person"?????

In answering your title question, it's not about Harris, it's about do we want, need or can afford 4 more years of Rump. That is the only question. Everything else is just gravy. All Biden and Harris has to do is break even to win. Meanwhile, Rump has to reinvent himself which is isn't even trying to do. In the last 24hours, Biden has said the right things one would expect from a President while Rump said all the wrong things even doing a photo op clearly premised on a lie. Rump needs to stop digging that damned hole. In 2016, it was Clinton that had the background that we al knew and she had to defend it and Rump didn't have any real background. Today, Rump has that background and he isn't working to defend his own background. He's too busy trying to destroy everyone else around him. That worked in 2016 but not today. I don't see him changing because that's the way he always has been and always will be.
Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign

The fact that your side has embraced violent, murderous street violence as political speech, is the main issue in this campaign.

It shows US, your true face and what you intend for our future.

A totalitarian state when any dissent is met with doxxing, canceling, firing, ect, and it that does not do it, the mob will be sent to kill you, and if you successfully defend yourself, only then will the police get involved to arrest you for your crime of self defense.
The Street violence is reaction to Trump and his indifference.

His advocating busting heads is a direct descendance Of Mayor Daly in Chicago and Bull Connor in Birmingham

I see that you think your street violence is justified because of "indifference".

Regardless, like I said, now your side's embrace of violent, murderous street violence as political speech, is the main issue in this campaign.

As well it should be. Anyone that does not want to live in a society of bloody mob rule, should vote against you.

Anyone that is happy with their lives and the lives of their family and friends being at the mercy of a bloodthirty mob, should vote for the dems.
This violence is what we should have expected when we elected Trump

We can rectify that in November

That makes no sense. Unless you think we should have been able to look at you lefties in 2016 and see that you were so full of hate that you would not respect the peaceful transfer of power?
Seems Hillary did

Doesnt seem Trump will be so gracious

Yes, Hillary did. You lefties did not.

Thus a soft coup attempt and when that failed, open insurrection in the streets.

Trump is likely to win, because you people showed your true face to the American voters, too early.
Every day that passes by, it becomes more and more obvious that Biden will not finish a four-year term. He will either be dead or incapacitated, possibly even before Inauguration Day.

With that in mind, the Democrat party has put before us the most radical, leftist, socialist extremist in all of the United States congress, and NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT IT!!! And not only that, there is no indication whatsoever that she has any clue about any subject other than criminal justice - which is her background.

Are "we" being forced into silence because the identifies as a so-called, "Black person"?????

In answering your title question, it's not about Harris, it's about do we want, need or can afford 4 more years of Rump. That is the only question. Everything else is just gravy. All Biden and Harris has to do is break even to win. Meanwhile, Rump has to reinvent himself which is isn't even trying to do. In the last 24hours, Biden has said the right things one would expect from a President while Rump said all the wrong things even doing a photo op clearly premised on a lie. Rump needs to stop digging that damned hole. In 2016, it was Clinton that had the background that we al knew and she had to defend it and Rump didn't have any real background. Today, Rump has that background and he isn't working to defend his own background. He's too busy trying to destroy everyone else around him. That worked in 2016 but not today. I don't see him changing because that's the way he always has been and always will be.

You side supports mob rule of society and Trump does not.

Everything else is pretty small potatoes to that.

We cons have always talked about how you marxist eventually kill everyone. Now you are giving our words serious weight.
Every day that passes by, it becomes more and more obvious that Biden will not finish a four-year term. He will either be dead or incapacitated, possibly even before Inauguration Day.

With that in mind, the Democrat party has put before us the most radical, leftist, socialist extremist in all of the United States congress, and NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT IT!!! And not only that, there is no indication whatsoever that she has any clue about any subject other than criminal justice - which is her background.

Are "we" being forced into silence because the identifies as a so-called, "Black person"?????
It is very obvious that neither Trump or Biden will live through a term as president because they are both old...Yet, you don't make up stupid stuff about Trump that is the only difference...You are also blind to Trump's love of fascism..
Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign

The fact that your side has embraced violent, murderous street violence as political speech, is the main issue in this campaign.

It shows US, your true face and what you intend for our future.

A totalitarian state when any dissent is met with doxxing, canceling, firing, ect, and it that does not do it, the mob will be sent to kill you, and if you successfully defend yourself, only then will the police get involved to arrest you for your crime of self defense.
The Street violence is reaction to Trump and his indifference.

His advocating busting heads is a direct descendance Of Mayor Daly in Chicago and Bull Connor in Birmingham

I see that you think your street violence is justified because of "indifference".

Regardless, like I said, now your side's embrace of violent, murderous street violence as political speech, is the main issue in this campaign.

As well it should be. Anyone that does not want to live in a society of bloody mob rule, should vote against you.

Anyone that is happy with their lives and the lives of their family and friends being at the mercy of a bloodthirty mob, should vote for the dems.
This violence is what we should have expected when we elected Trump

We can rectify that in November

That makes no sense. Unless you think we should have been able to look at you lefties in 2016 and see that you were so full of hate that you would not respect the peaceful transfer of power?
Seems Hillary did

Doesnt seem Trump will be so gracious

Trump will be the least of your worries.

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