Why is Senator K. Harris (D-CA) Not the MAIN ISSUE in this Campaign?

Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign

The fact that your side has embraced violent, murderous street violence as political speech, is the main issue in this campaign.

It shows US, your true face and what you intend for our future.

A totalitarian state when any dissent is met with doxxing, canceling, firing, ect, and it that does not do it, the mob will be sent to kill you, and if you successfully defend yourself, only then will the police get involved to arrest you for your crime of self defense.
The Street violence is reaction to Trump and his indifference.

His advocating busting heads is a direct descendance Of Mayor Daly in Chicago and Bull Connor in Birmingham

I see that you think your street violence is justified because of "indifference".

Regardless, like I said, now your side's embrace of violent, murderous street violence as political speech, is the main issue in this campaign.

As well it should be. Anyone that does not want to live in a society of bloody mob rule, should vote against you.

Anyone that is happy with their lives and the lives of their family and friends being at the mercy of a bloodthirty mob, should vote for the dems.
This violence is what we should have expected when we elected Trump

We can rectify that in November

That makes no sense. Unless you think we should have been able to look at you lefties in 2016 and see that you were so full of hate that you would not respect the peaceful transfer of power?
Seems Hillary did

Doesnt seem Trump will be so gracious

Trump will be the least of your worries.

How so?
Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign
Well yeah... what else> Obviously they are not going to concentrate on Biden and Harris.
If Trump is loved, he will be re-elected.
If not, Biden is our President
In other words....
If Trump is hated more than everything else that matters much more than that - Biden will be President.


People will decide if they still want Trump as their President
That is the way it works
Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign

The fact that your side has embraced violent, murderous street violence as political speech, is the main issue in this campaign.

It shows US, your true face and what you intend for our future.

A totalitarian state when any dissent is met with doxxing, canceling, firing, ect, and it that does not do it, the mob will be sent to kill you, and if you successfully defend yourself, only then will the police get involved to arrest you for your crime of self defense.
The Street violence is reaction to Trump and his indifference.

His advocating busting heads is a direct descendance Of Mayor Daly in Chicago and Bull Connor in Birmingham

I see that you think your street violence is justified because of "indifference".

Regardless, like I said, now your side's embrace of violent, murderous street violence as political speech, is the main issue in this campaign.

As well it should be. Anyone that does not want to live in a society of bloody mob rule, should vote against you.

Anyone that is happy with their lives and the lives of their family and friends being at the mercy of a bloodthirty mob, should vote for the dems.
This violence is what we should have expected when we elected Trump

We can rectify that in November

That makes no sense. Unless you think we should have been able to look at you lefties in 2016 and see that you were so full of hate that you would not respect the peaceful transfer of power?
Seems Hillary did

Doesnt seem Trump will be so gracious

Trump will be the least of your worries.

How so?

Nor much at extrapolation, are you.
Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign
Well yeah... what else> Obviously they are not going to concentrate on Biden and Harris.
If Trump is loved, he will be re-elected.
If not, Biden is our President
In other words....
If Trump is hated more than everything else that matters much more than that - Biden will be President.

I guess you can look at it that way if you wish. But I don't look at it that way. And I still won't vote for Rump.
Every day that passes by, it becomes more and more obvious that Biden will not finish a four-year term. He will either be dead or incapacitated, possibly even before Inauguration Day.

With that in mind, the Democrat party has put before us the most radical, leftist, socialist extremist in all of the United States congress, and NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT IT!!! And not only that, there is no indication whatsoever that she has any clue about any subject other than criminal justice - which is her background.

Are "we" being forced into silence because the identifies as a so-called, "Black person"?????
All he needs is a good management team.

And, who doesn't love a cute cameltoe?

Cute? She looks like a goat, and acts like a horse's ass.
Nothing but ad hominems instead of any better arguments or better solutions at lower cost?
Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign

The fact that your side has embraced violent, murderous street violence as political speech, is the main issue in this campaign.

It shows US, your true face and what you intend for our future.

A totalitarian state when any dissent is met with doxxing, canceling, firing, ect, and it that does not do it, the mob will be sent to kill you, and if you successfully defend yourself, only then will the police get involved to arrest you for your crime of self defense.
The Street violence is reaction to Trump and his indifference.

His advocating busting heads is a direct descendance Of Mayor Daly in Chicago and Bull Connor in Birmingham

I see that you think your street violence is justified because of "indifference".

Regardless, like I said, now your side's embrace of violent, murderous street violence as political speech, is the main issue in this campaign.

As well it should be. Anyone that does not want to live in a society of bloody mob rule, should vote against you.

Anyone that is happy with their lives and the lives of their family and friends being at the mercy of a bloodthirty mob, should vote for the dems.
This violence is what we should have expected when we elected Trump

We can rectify that in November

That makes no sense. Unless you think we should have been able to look at you lefties in 2016 and see that you were so full of hate that you would not respect the peaceful transfer of power?
Seems Hillary did

Doesnt seem Trump will be so gracious

Trump will be the least of your worries.

How so?

Nor much at extrapolation, are you.
You made the statement
Biden is running as a Moderate
Harris is running to his left to satisfy the Liberal wing

Trump is running as TRUMP

Let the voters decide
Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign
Well yeah... what else> Obviously they are not going to concentrate on Biden and Harris.
If Trump is loved, he will be re-elected.
If not, Biden is our President
In other words....
If Trump is hated more than everything else that matters much more than that - Biden will be President.


People will decide if they still want Trump as their President
That is the way it works
Sure, but I get it.... yuo are never going to say Biden is a lousy candidate, which you know... but I get it
Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign
Well yeah... what else> Obviously they are not going to concentrate on Biden and Harris.
If Trump is loved, he will be re-elected.
If not, Biden is our President
In other words....
If Trump is hated more than everything else that matters much more than that - Biden will be President.


People will decide if they still want Trump as their President
That is the way it works
Sure, but I get it.... yuo are never going to say Biden is a lousy candidate, which you know... but I get it
Biden is a great candidate to heal the country. He has a long history as a moderate, pragmatist and someone who works with both sides of the aisle

For Republicans, Biden is the best available Democratic candidate
People talk about it, but just as some of the Trump supporters don't care he is a scummy, lying con-man. Dems don't give a shit about Biden being a senile old fool or any of your other complaints. And a good portion of the dems want America to become a socialist country. So they cheer it on.

Our choices are: vote for gun confiscation, socialism, turning America into Mexico, losing our 1A rights, fascism, reparations, baby murder, queerifying the nation and on and on.

...or vote for Trump.

So as long as Trump is not worse at the aforementioned, it does not matter what he does...he always beats voting a filthy dem. And it works the same way for dems wanting their agenda enacted.

Here is the dem's base. Beside misguided and delusional people, the Dem's base is composed of many varieties of misfits, lowlife, anarchists and the mentally ill.

Illegal Aliens
Young People
Dope Lovers
Gun haters
Welfare Lovers
Medicare for all hopefuls
Mainstream Media
Hollywood - Entertainers
Prostitutes / Sex Workers
Anarchists / Insurgents
Bigots and Racists - the definition of a bigot is the textbook definition of a democrat...a bigot is a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.
Peace Activists - What is wrong with peace? Nothing, as long as we live in a fantasy world. In the real world when peace activists won't fight when the time comes to defend the country...the country will die.

OP, conservative policies are just not popular any longer with the upcoming Millennial, Gen Z'ers or iGen vote. The dems are unbeatable or will be unbeatable in the near future. They have too many bases that vote for them...

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Now the MSM keep hammering in the idea that Trump will win on the election night , but eventually lose as the dems votes trickle in. Isn't that amazing they have such a crystal ball.
You left out Globalists which covers all the groups you listed.
Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign
Well yeah... what else> Obviously they are not going to concentrate on Biden and Harris.
If Trump is loved, he will be re-elected.
If not, Biden is our President
In other words....
If Trump is hated more than everything else that matters much more than that - Biden will be President.


People will decide if they still want Trump as their President
That is the way it works
Sure, but I get it.... yuo are never going to say Biden is a lousy candidate, which you know... but I get it
Biden is a great candidate to heal the country. He has a long history as a moderate, pragmatist and someone who works with both sides of the aisle

For Republicans, Biden is the best available Democratic candidate
Biden is a Senile Old Pedophile and no one is buying your "canned" defense of the hair sniffing segregationist.
Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign
Well yeah... what else> Obviously they are not going to concentrate on Biden and Harris.
If Trump is loved, he will be re-elected.
If not, Biden is our President
In other words....
If Trump is hated more than everything else that matters much more than that - Biden will be President.


People will decide if they still want Trump as their President
That is the way it works
Sure, but I get it.... yuo are never going to say Biden is a lousy candidate, which you know... but I get it
So what. We already know who the Greatest of the Great is for the right wing. I get it.
Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign
Well yeah... what else> Obviously they are not going to concentrate on Biden and Harris.
If Trump is loved, he will be re-elected.
If not, Biden is our President
In other words....
If Trump is hated more than everything else that matters much more than that - Biden will be President.


People will decide if they still want Trump as their President
That is the way it works
Sure, but I get it.... yuo are never going to say Biden is a lousy candidate, which you know... but I get it
Biden is a great candidate to heal the country. He has a long history as a moderate, pragmatist and someone who works with both sides of the aisle

For Republicans, Biden is the best available Democratic candidate
HAha.... spoken like a true soldier.
One of these days guy, you might come around and join the enlightened.
Trump is certainly not even in the top 1000 who are good for President. (See how easy that was)
And Biden is not in the top 100,000 due primarily to his advanced ageing. Senility is a process of life. Some are affected earlier by it than others, Biden began his mental decline a good 5 years ago, and it is getting worse every month. Which is why you know as well as I di, there is literally zero chance he will finish 4 years. It's not going to happen.
So then, the important, and indeed more accurate question, is Harris right for the Presidency.
Trump is running unopposed this time. There is no main issue on the other side.

We can laugh at Plugs shitting the bed every time he's trotted out in front of a camera, or how many whore-hours kameltoe spent on her back with her legs in the air..... but those aren't really issues..... more like spectacles.
Biden is running as a Moderate
Harris is running to his left to satisfy the Liberal wing

Trump is running as TRUMP

Let the voters decide

Except, for dems, being a moderate means using weasel words when "condemning" the dem mobs terrorizing the streets, as opposed to the more lefties who are more open in their active support.
Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign

The fact that your side has embraced violent, murderous street violence as political speech, is the main issue in this campaign.

It shows US, your true face and what you intend for our future.

A totalitarian state when any dissent is met with doxxing, canceling, firing, ect, and it that does not do it, the mob will be sent to kill you, and if you successfully defend yourself, only then will the police get involved to arrest you for your crime of self defense.
The Street violence is reaction to Trump and his indifference.

His advocating busting heads is a direct descendance Of Mayor Daly in Chicago and Bull Connor in Birmingham

I see that you think your street violence is justified because of "indifference".

Regardless, like I said, now your side's embrace of violent, murderous street violence as political speech, is the main issue in this campaign.

As well it should be. Anyone that does not want to live in a society of bloody mob rule, should vote against you.

Anyone that is happy with their lives and the lives of their family and friends being at the mercy of a bloodthirty mob, should vote for the dems.
This violence is what we should have expected when we elected Trump

We can rectify that in November

That makes no sense. Unless you think we should have been able to look at you lefties in 2016 and see that you were so full of hate that you would not respect the peaceful transfer of power?
Seems Hillary did

Doesnt seem Trump will be so gracious

Trump will be the least of your worries.

How so?

Nor much at extrapolation, are you.
You made the statement

Indeed I did.

The "How so?" is obvious.
Meanwhile, back in Normal World, the actual Left is pissed off that Biden played it safe with Harris and are trying to form a new party.

But Harris isn't a mindless Trump sheep, so she's the most radical pinko Hitler commie the history of historical histories.

And they really believe this kind of thing. After all, they heard it on the radio.

No, they believe this kind of thing because SHE told them so - or were you utterly ignoring the primary race where she tacked hard left.

Gipper is correct though - she has no center in much the same way Trump is lacking one. She says whatever is politically expedient at the time. First, Biden is a racist, then he is a champion of equality. Even she could not come up with a valid excuse for that bullshit - and she is really good at coming up with excuses.
Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign
Well yeah... what else> Obviously they are not going to concentrate on Biden and Harris.
If Trump is loved, he will be re-elected.
If not, Biden is our President
In other words....
If Trump is hated more than everything else that matters much more than that - Biden will be President.


People will decide if they still want Trump as their President
That is the way it works
Sure, but I get it.... yuo are never going to say Biden is a lousy candidate, which you know... but I get it
Biden is a great candidate to heal the country. He has a long history as a moderate, pragmatist and someone who works with both sides of the aisle

For Republicans, Biden is the best available Democratic candidate
Biden is a Senile Old Pedophile and no one is buying your "canned" defense of the hair sniffing segregationist.
Yet it was Trump who was accused of raping a 13 year old
Biden is running as a Moderate
Harris is running to his left to satisfy the Liberal wing

Trump is running as TRUMP

Let the voters decide

Except, for dems, being a moderate means using weasel words when "condemning" the dem mobs terrorizing the streets, as opposed to the more lefties who are more open in their active support.

Biden has a long history of being moderate. He has a record of working with Republicans to reach a compromise.

What do you consider moderate?
Biden is running as a Moderate
Harris is running to his left to satisfy the Liberal wing

Trump is running as TRUMP

Let the voters decide

Except, for dems, being a moderate means using weasel words when "condemning" the dem mobs terrorizing the streets, as opposed to the more lefties who are more open in their active support.

Biden has a long history of being moderate. He has a record of working with Republicans to reach a compromise.

What do you consider moderate?

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