Why is Senator K. Harris (D-CA) Not the MAIN ISSUE in this Campaign?

I don't see that its even debatable that women will increase their % in congress. The candidates running in both parties for congress today, shows 2018 was not an anomaly. W replaced O'Connor with Alito. That would be politically suicidal today, esp given other male, catholic, anti-choice scotus nominees. The gop's share of women will continue to decline, as older white women become less of the electorate overall … unless the gop changes.

It's maybe ironic that the two ancient white men running for potus have the backgrounds they do. Trump is simply off the charts of impropriety. Forget pussy grabbing … that's just the tip of the iceberg. (pun intended.) Biden seeks praise for violence against women act. With his support of C. Thomas, that's like John Kerry posing as the "wartime leader." BUT the dems most liberal and still plain spoken white male senator was Al Frankan, and we saw what happened to him over a not even funny sexist joke where he didn't even touch the woman. America's come a long way (good) but the reality is that men of my generation and even Kegger's have so much shit in their closets, that the America we will see in gender equity in even 20 years will probably make us look at Hillary and think "thank God she wasn't the first." LOL

What do you think it means, when feminist say, " The future if female"?

No normal functioning adult should be so bothered by a slogan. When you are no longer an adolescent perhaps you'll reach some form of normality.

I am not "bothered" by the slogan, i am calling you out on the sexism and bigotry that the slogan reveals about the modern democrat party and the liberal movement as a whole.

You are unable to explain your meaning, in such a way as to not be a sexist bigot. Thus you try to turn it around and make the topic me, and/or how bad of a person you think I am.

Screw that.

You said it, because you meant it. You just didn't expect anyone to actually pay any attention to shit you said, or god forbid to ask you what that shit meant.

I'm not the one here trying to distract from my own words.

You are a sexist bigot.
I don't see that its even debatable that women will increase their % in congress. The candidates running in both parties for congress today, shows 2018 was not an anomaly. W replaced O'Connor with Alito. That would be politically suicidal today, esp given other male, catholic, anti-choice scotus nominees. The gop's share of women will continue to decline, as older white women become less of the electorate overall … unless the gop changes.

It's maybe ironic that the two ancient white men running for potus have the backgrounds they do. Trump is simply off the charts of impropriety. Forget pussy grabbing … that's just the tip of the iceberg. (pun intended.) Biden seeks praise for violence against women act. With his support of C. Thomas, that's like John Kerry posing as the "wartime leader." BUT the dems most liberal and still plain spoken white male senator was Al Frankan, and we saw what happened to him over a not even funny sexist joke where he didn't even touch the woman. America's come a long way (good) but the reality is that men of my generation and even Kegger's have so much shit in their closets, that the America we will see in gender equity in even 20 years will probably make us look at Hillary and think "thank God she wasn't the first." LOL

What do you think it means, when feminist say, " The future if female"?

No. Now what stupid bitch?
I don't see that its even debatable that women will increase their % in congress. The candidates running in both parties for congress today, shows 2018 was not an anomaly. W replaced O'Connor with Alito. That would be politically suicidal today, esp given other male, catholic, anti-choice scotus nominees. The gop's share of women will continue to decline, as older white women become less of the electorate overall … unless the gop changes.

It's maybe ironic that the two ancient white men running for potus have the backgrounds they do. Trump is simply off the charts of impropriety. Forget pussy grabbing … that's just the tip of the iceberg. (pun intended.) Biden seeks praise for violence against women act. With his support of C. Thomas, that's like John Kerry posing as the "wartime leader." BUT the dems most liberal and still plain spoken white male senator was Al Frankan, and we saw what happened to him over a not even funny sexist joke where he didn't even touch the woman. America's come a long way (good) but the reality is that men of my generation and even Kegger's have so much shit in their closets, that the America we will see in gender equity in even 20 years will probably make us look at Hillary and think "thank God she wasn't the first." LOL

What do you think it means, when feminist say, " The future if female"?

No. Now what stupid bitch?
You INCELs sure get bothered by a slogan.

Are you more pissed at Kamala for being a woman, being 10 light years more successful than you ever will be, for being black or for all 3 things?
I don't see that its even debatable that women will increase their % in congress. The candidates running in both parties for congress today, shows 2018 was not an anomaly. W replaced O'Connor with Alito. That would be politically suicidal today, esp given other male, catholic, anti-choice scotus nominees. The gop's share of women will continue to decline, as older white women become less of the electorate overall … unless the gop changes.

It's maybe ironic that the two ancient white men running for potus have the backgrounds they do. Trump is simply off the charts of impropriety. Forget pussy grabbing … that's just the tip of the iceberg. (pun intended.) Biden seeks praise for violence against women act. With his support of C. Thomas, that's like John Kerry posing as the "wartime leader." BUT the dems most liberal and still plain spoken white male senator was Al Frankan, and we saw what happened to him over a not even funny sexist joke where he didn't even touch the woman. America's come a long way (good) but the reality is that men of my generation and even Kegger's have so much shit in their closets, that the America we will see in gender equity in even 20 years will probably make us look at Hillary and think "thank God she wasn't the first." LOL

What do you think it means, when feminist say, " The future if female"?

No normal functioning adult should be so bothered by a slogan. When you are no longer an adolescent perhaps you'll reach some form of normality.

I am not "bothered" by the slogan, i am calling you out on the sexism and bigotry that the slogan reveals about the modern democrat party and the liberal movement as a whole.

You are unable to explain your meaning, in such a way as to not be a sexist bigot. Thus you try to turn it around and make the topic me, and/or how bad of a person you think I am.

Screw that.

You said it, because you meant it. You just didn't expect anyone to actually pay any attention to shit you said, or god forbid to ask you what that shit meant.

I'm not the one here trying to distract from my own words.

You are a sexist bigot.

I've seldom seen anyone more bothered by a slogan than you and your lonely little friend there Junior. I'll let you figure out who your little friend is. I'm sure that will bother you too. LOL
I don't see that its even debatable that women will increase their % in congress. The candidates running in both parties for congress today, shows 2018 was not an anomaly. W replaced O'Connor with Alito. That would be politically suicidal today, esp given other male, catholic, anti-choice scotus nominees. The gop's share of women will continue to decline, as older white women become less of the electorate overall … unless the gop changes.

It's maybe ironic that the two ancient white men running for potus have the backgrounds they do. Trump is simply off the charts of impropriety. Forget pussy grabbing … that's just the tip of the iceberg. (pun intended.) Biden seeks praise for violence against women act. With his support of C. Thomas, that's like John Kerry posing as the "wartime leader." BUT the dems most liberal and still plain spoken white male senator was Al Frankan, and we saw what happened to him over a not even funny sexist joke where he didn't even touch the woman. America's come a long way (good) but the reality is that men of my generation and even Kegger's have so much shit in their closets, that the America we will see in gender equity in even 20 years will probably make us look at Hillary and think "thank God she wasn't the first." LOL

What do you think it means, when feminist say, " The future if female"?

No. Now what stupid bitch?
You INCELs sure get bothered by a slogan.

Are you more pissed at Kamala for being a woman, being 10 light years more successful than you ever will be, for being black or for all 3 things?

I didn't call Kamala a stupid bitch, I called you that, because your video, was of a woman getting in a man face and telling him to get fucking used to it, the "female future" when you won't be clear what that means.

So, My answer to you, is "no". So now what are you going to do about it? You stupid bitch.
I don't see that its even debatable that women will increase their % in congress. The candidates running in both parties for congress today, shows 2018 was not an anomaly. W replaced O'Connor with Alito. That would be politically suicidal today, esp given other male, catholic, anti-choice scotus nominees. The gop's share of women will continue to decline, as older white women become less of the electorate overall … unless the gop changes.

It's maybe ironic that the two ancient white men running for potus have the backgrounds they do. Trump is simply off the charts of impropriety. Forget pussy grabbing … that's just the tip of the iceberg. (pun intended.) Biden seeks praise for violence against women act. With his support of C. Thomas, that's like John Kerry posing as the "wartime leader." BUT the dems most liberal and still plain spoken white male senator was Al Frankan, and we saw what happened to him over a not even funny sexist joke where he didn't even touch the woman. America's come a long way (good) but the reality is that men of my generation and even Kegger's have so much shit in their closets, that the America we will see in gender equity in even 20 years will probably make us look at Hillary and think "thank God she wasn't the first." LOL

What do you think it means, when feminist say, " The future if female"?

No normal functioning adult should be so bothered by a slogan. When you are no longer an adolescent perhaps you'll reach some form of normality.

I am not "bothered" by the slogan, i am calling you out on the sexism and bigotry that the slogan reveals about the modern democrat party and the liberal movement as a whole.

You are unable to explain your meaning, in such a way as to not be a sexist bigot. Thus you try to turn it around and make the topic me, and/or how bad of a person you think I am.

Screw that.

You said it, because you meant it. You just didn't expect anyone to actually pay any attention to shit you said, or god forbid to ask you what that shit meant.

I'm not the one here trying to distract from my own words.

You are a sexist bigot.

I've seldom seen anyone more bothered by a slogan than you and your lonely little friend there Junior. I'll let you figure out who your little friend is. I'm sure that will bother you too. LOL

You are the one saying something, but refusing to say what you mean by it, other than to strongly and ominously imply that the men will be all gone.

Are you advocating genocide? Cause that is what it sounds like. Forgive me, if I find your threatening to kill me and all my male family and friends worthy of being "bothered" you stupid bloodthirsty bitch.
I don't see that its even debatable that women will increase their % in congress. The candidates running in both parties for congress today, shows 2018 was not an anomaly. W replaced O'Connor with Alito. That would be politically suicidal today, esp given other male, catholic, anti-choice scotus nominees. The gop's share of women will continue to decline, as older white women become less of the electorate overall … unless the gop changes.

It's maybe ironic that the two ancient white men running for potus have the backgrounds they do. Trump is simply off the charts of impropriety. Forget pussy grabbing … that's just the tip of the iceberg. (pun intended.) Biden seeks praise for violence against women act. With his support of C. Thomas, that's like John Kerry posing as the "wartime leader." BUT the dems most liberal and still plain spoken white male senator was Al Frankan, and we saw what happened to him over a not even funny sexist joke where he didn't even touch the woman. America's come a long way (good) but the reality is that men of my generation and even Kegger's have so much shit in their closets, that the America we will see in gender equity in even 20 years will probably make us look at Hillary and think "thank God she wasn't the first." LOL

What do you think it means, when feminist say, " The future if female"?

No normal functioning adult should be so bothered by a slogan. When you are no longer an adolescent perhaps you'll reach some form of normality.

I am not "bothered" by the slogan, i am calling you out on the sexism and bigotry that the slogan reveals about the modern democrat party and the liberal movement as a whole.

You are unable to explain your meaning, in such a way as to not be a sexist bigot. Thus you try to turn it around and make the topic me, and/or how bad of a person you think I am.

Screw that.

You said it, because you meant it. You just didn't expect anyone to actually pay any attention to shit you said, or god forbid to ask you what that shit meant.

I'm not the one here trying to distract from my own words.

You are a sexist bigot.

I've seldom seen anyone more bothered by a slogan than you and your lonely little friend there Junior. I'll let you figure out who your little friend is. I'm sure that will bother you too. LOL

You are the one saying something, but refusing to say what you mean by it, other than to strongly and ominously imply that the men will be all gone.

Are you advocating genocide? Cause that is what it sounds like. Forgive me, if I find your threatening to kill me and all my male family and friends worthy of being "bothered" you stupid bloodthirsty bitch.

Genocide? Wow...the slogan is really messing with your play-dough mind there junior.
I don't see that its even debatable that women will increase their % in congress. The candidates running in both parties for congress today, shows 2018 was not an anomaly. W replaced O'Connor with Alito. That would be politically suicidal today, esp given other male, catholic, anti-choice scotus nominees. The gop's share of women will continue to decline, as older white women become less of the electorate overall … unless the gop changes.

It's maybe ironic that the two ancient white men running for potus have the backgrounds they do. Trump is simply off the charts of impropriety. Forget pussy grabbing … that's just the tip of the iceberg. (pun intended.) Biden seeks praise for violence against women act. With his support of C. Thomas, that's like John Kerry posing as the "wartime leader." BUT the dems most liberal and still plain spoken white male senator was Al Frankan, and we saw what happened to him over a not even funny sexist joke where he didn't even touch the woman. America's come a long way (good) but the reality is that men of my generation and even Kegger's have so much shit in their closets, that the America we will see in gender equity in even 20 years will probably make us look at Hillary and think "thank God she wasn't the first." LOL

What do you think it means, when feminist say, " The future if female"?

No. Now what stupid bitch?
You INCELs sure get bothered by a slogan.

Are you more pissed at Kamala for being a woman, being 10 light years more successful than you ever will be, for being black or for all 3 things?

I didn't call Kamala a stupid bitch, I called you that, because your video, was of a woman getting in a man face and telling him to get fucking used to it, the "female future" when you won't be clear what that means.

So, My answer to you, is "no". So now what are you going to do about it? You stupid bitch.

That she, like all other women, are completely ignoring you is what fuels your anger.

"what you going to do about it"....your words make me laugh much like your anatomy makes others laugh.
I don't see that its even debatable that women will increase their % in congress. The candidates running in both parties for congress today, shows 2018 was not an anomaly. W replaced O'Connor with Alito. That would be politically suicidal today, esp given other male, catholic, anti-choice scotus nominees. The gop's share of women will continue to decline, as older white women become less of the electorate overall … unless the gop changes.

It's maybe ironic that the two ancient white men running for potus have the backgrounds they do. Trump is simply off the charts of impropriety. Forget pussy grabbing … that's just the tip of the iceberg. (pun intended.) Biden seeks praise for violence against women act. With his support of C. Thomas, that's like John Kerry posing as the "wartime leader." BUT the dems most liberal and still plain spoken white male senator was Al Frankan, and we saw what happened to him over a not even funny sexist joke where he didn't even touch the woman. America's come a long way (good) but the reality is that men of my generation and even Kegger's have so much shit in their closets, that the America we will see in gender equity in even 20 years will probably make us look at Hillary and think "thank God she wasn't the first." LOL

What do you think it means, when feminist say, " The future if female"?

No normal functioning adult should be so bothered by a slogan. When you are no longer an adolescent perhaps you'll reach some form of normality.

I am not "bothered" by the slogan, i am calling you out on the sexism and bigotry that the slogan reveals about the modern democrat party and the liberal movement as a whole.

You are unable to explain your meaning, in such a way as to not be a sexist bigot. Thus you try to turn it around and make the topic me, and/or how bad of a person you think I am.

Screw that.

You said it, because you meant it. You just didn't expect anyone to actually pay any attention to shit you said, or god forbid to ask you what that shit meant.

I'm not the one here trying to distract from my own words.

You are a sexist bigot.

I've seldom seen anyone more bothered by a slogan than you and your lonely little friend there Junior. I'll let you figure out who your little friend is. I'm sure that will bother you too. LOL

You are the one saying something, but refusing to say what you mean by it, other than to strongly and ominously imply that the men will be all gone.

Are you advocating genocide? Cause that is what it sounds like. Forgive me, if I find your threatening to kill me and all my male family and friends worthy of being "bothered" you stupid bloodthirsty bitch.

Genocide? Wow...the slogan is really messing with your play-dough mind there junior.

I asked you what you meant by the slogan, and you refuse to give me a straight answer.

What you did say, did hint at genocide. If that is not your intended meaning, than clarify it.

But you won't. Because you know that if you are honest, it will prove my accusation that you are a sexist bigot, to be correct.

YOu are an asshole.
I don't see that its even debatable that women will increase their % in congress. The candidates running in both parties for congress today, shows 2018 was not an anomaly. W replaced O'Connor with Alito. That would be politically suicidal today, esp given other male, catholic, anti-choice scotus nominees. The gop's share of women will continue to decline, as older white women become less of the electorate overall … unless the gop changes.

It's maybe ironic that the two ancient white men running for potus have the backgrounds they do. Trump is simply off the charts of impropriety. Forget pussy grabbing … that's just the tip of the iceberg. (pun intended.) Biden seeks praise for violence against women act. With his support of C. Thomas, that's like John Kerry posing as the "wartime leader." BUT the dems most liberal and still plain spoken white male senator was Al Frankan, and we saw what happened to him over a not even funny sexist joke where he didn't even touch the woman. America's come a long way (good) but the reality is that men of my generation and even Kegger's have so much shit in their closets, that the America we will see in gender equity in even 20 years will probably make us look at Hillary and think "thank God she wasn't the first." LOL

What do you think it means, when feminist say, " The future if female"?

No. Now what stupid bitch?
You INCELs sure get bothered by a slogan.

Are you more pissed at Kamala for being a woman, being 10 light years more successful than you ever will be, for being black or for all 3 things?

I didn't call Kamala a stupid bitch, I called you that, because your video, was of a woman getting in a man face and telling him to get fucking used to it, the "female future" when you won't be clear what that means.

So, My answer to you, is "no". So now what are you going to do about it? You stupid bitch.

That she, like all other women, are completely ignoring you is what fuels your anger.

"what you going to do about it"....your words make me laugh much like your anatomy makes others laugh.

Screaming obscenities into someone's face and demanding that they get "used to" what you want the "future" to be,

is not "ignoring them" you stupid bitch.

I have a vision of what I want the future to be too. Why is mine any less valid than yours? Other than you being a woman and screaming demands in my face?

Cause I can scream obscenities too, if that is what defines validity in this new world you people are trying to build.

YOu seem to think that I have some sort of problem with Harris. And that showing her, is somehow, upsetting to me?

I've asked you to clarify what you meant by your slogan. And you won't.

Because if you do, you will be admitting to the sexism I have accused you of.

You know it. I know it. Everyone reading knows it.

you lose. You are a sexist bigot.

YOu seem to think that I have some sort of problem with Harris. And that showing her, is somehow, upsetting to me?

I've asked you to clarify what you meant by your slogan. And you won't.

Because if you do, you will be admitting to the sexism I have accused you of.

You know it. I know it. Everyone reading knows it.

you lose. You are a sexist bigot.

YOu seem to think that I have some sort of problem with Harris. And that showing her, is somehow, upsetting to me?

I've asked you to clarify what you meant by your slogan. And you won't.

Because if you do, you will be admitting to the sexism I have accused you of.

You know it. I know it. Everyone reading knows it.

you lose. You are a sexist bigot.

Your inability or refusal to explain yourself, is clear to all. You are a troll and an asshole.

And my point about you being a sexist bigot, stands.

YOu seem to think that I have some sort of problem with Harris. And that showing her, is somehow, upsetting to me?

I've asked you to clarify what you meant by your slogan. And you won't.

Because if you do, you will be admitting to the sexism I have accused you of.

You know it. I know it. Everyone reading knows it.

you lose. You are a sexist bigot.

Your inability or refusal to explain yourself, is clear to all. You are a troll and an asshole.

And my point about you being a sexist bigot, stands.
This one will really piss you off:


YOu seem to think that I have some sort of problem with Harris. And that showing her, is somehow, upsetting to me?

I've asked you to clarify what you meant by your slogan. And you won't.

Because if you do, you will be admitting to the sexism I have accused you of.

You know it. I know it. Everyone reading knows it.

you lose. You are a sexist bigot.

Your inability or refusal to explain yourself, is clear to all. You are a troll and an asshole.

And my point about you being a sexist bigot, stands.
This one will really piss you off:

View attachment 387195

It doesn't. You don't have a clue what is going on here.

I've asked you to explain your statement. You have been an evasive asshole.

Your behavior is what is pissing me off, not women having success. You stupid bitch.

You stupid, sexist, bigoted bitch.

"The Future is Female"?

What does that mean? Won't men be there? Will they not have any say in policy? Will they be whipped curs, crying in the corner?

YOu seem to think that I have some sort of problem with Harris. And that showing her, is somehow, upsetting to me?

I've asked you to clarify what you meant by your slogan. And you won't.

Because if you do, you will be admitting to the sexism I have accused you of.

You know it. I know it. Everyone reading knows it.

you lose. You are a sexist bigot.

Your inability or refusal to explain yourself, is clear to all. You are a troll and an asshole.

And my point about you being a sexist bigot, stands.
This one will really piss you off:

View attachment 387195

It doesn't. You don't have a clue what is going on here.

I've asked you to explain your statement. You have been an evasive asshole.

Your behavior is what is pissing me off, not women having success. You stupid bitch.

You stupid, sexist, bigoted bitch.

"The Future is Female"?

What does that mean? Won't men be there? Will they not have any say in policy? Will they be whipped curs, crying in the corner?

YOu seem to think that I have some sort of problem with Harris. And that showing her, is somehow, upsetting to me?

I've asked you to clarify what you meant by your slogan. And you won't.

Because if you do, you will be admitting to the sexism I have accused you of.

You know it. I know it. Everyone reading knows it.

you lose. You are a sexist bigot.

Your inability or refusal to explain yourself, is clear to all. You are a troll and an asshole.

And my point about you being a sexist bigot, stands.
This one will really piss you off:

View attachment 387195

It doesn't. You don't have a clue what is going on here.

I've asked you to explain your statement. You have been an evasive asshole.

Your behavior is what is pissing me off, not women having success. You stupid bitch.

You stupid, sexist, bigoted bitch.

"The Future is Female"?

What does that mean? Won't men be there? Will they not have any say in policy? Will they be whipped curs, crying in the corner?

Nah junior, what's pissing you off is that women ignore you. This is why you're having an outsized reaction to a slogan....

YOu seem to think that I have some sort of problem with Harris. And that showing her, is somehow, upsetting to me?

I've asked you to clarify what you meant by your slogan. And you won't.

Because if you do, you will be admitting to the sexism I have accused you of.

You know it. I know it. Everyone reading knows it.

you lose. You are a sexist bigot.

Your inability or refusal to explain yourself, is clear to all. You are a troll and an asshole.

And my point about you being a sexist bigot, stands.
This one will really piss you off:

View attachment 387195

It doesn't. You don't have a clue what is going on here.

I've asked you to explain your statement. You have been an evasive asshole.

Your behavior is what is pissing me off, not women having success. You stupid bitch.

You stupid, sexist, bigoted bitch.

"The Future is Female"?

What does that mean? Won't men be there? Will they not have any say in policy? Will they be whipped curs, crying in the corner?

YOu seem to think that I have some sort of problem with Harris. And that showing her, is somehow, upsetting to me?

I've asked you to clarify what you meant by your slogan. And you won't.

Because if you do, you will be admitting to the sexism I have accused you of.

You know it. I know it. Everyone reading knows it.

you lose. You are a sexist bigot.

Your inability or refusal to explain yourself, is clear to all. You are a troll and an asshole.

And my point about you being a sexist bigot, stands.
This one will really piss you off:

View attachment 387195

It doesn't. You don't have a clue what is going on here.

I've asked you to explain your statement. You have been an evasive asshole.

Your behavior is what is pissing me off, not women having success. You stupid bitch.

You stupid, sexist, bigoted bitch.

"The Future is Female"?

What does that mean? Won't men be there? Will they not have any say in policy? Will they be whipped curs, crying in the corner?

Nah junior, what's pissing you off is that women ignore you. This is why you're having an outsized reaction to a slogan....

Standard lefty bullshit.

you act like an asshole, and when people respond and treat you like the asshole you are,

you pretend that there anger is something wrong with them.

Fuck that stupid game and fuck you. I'm not playing.

You are unwilling to explain your meaning with your slogan, because you can't do so, without admitting that I am right, that you are a sexist bigot.

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