Why is Senator K. Harris (D-CA) Not the MAIN ISSUE in this Campaign?

"In 2019, GovTrack, a non-partisan organization that tracks bills in Congress, ranked Harris as the "most liberal compared to All Senators." One measure the organization uses is comparing how many bipartisan bills each senator cosponsors to how many bills they co-sponsored in total. Harris had the lowest at 15% in 2019."



The 47th President, if Biden wins.

And again, why is this not THE issue in this campaign? Hint: Because she identifies as "Black," she is untouchable. Which is why Sleepy Joe ultimately decided to name her.

Man...some woman somewhere really did a number on you.

She's a rock star. She's either going to be the nominee in 2024 or running as the incumbent in 2024. At least those are the odds. You may have to up your meds.

Harris is a "rock star"? Your definition of "rock star" is someone who says she proud of a man who sexually assaults women?

Why do you hate women so much?
Every day that passes by, it becomes more and more obvious that Biden will not finish a four-year term. He will either be dead or incapacitated, possibly even before Inauguration Day.

With that in mind, the Democrat party has put before us the most radical, leftist, socialist extremist in all of the United States congress, and NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT IT!!! And not only that, there is no indication whatsoever that she has any clue about any subject other than criminal justice - which is her background.

Are "we" being forced into silence because the identifies as a so-called, "Black person"?????

I'm actually impressed with Joe's vitality compared to what you and your reach-around-buddies post here constantly. You've lowered expectations of Biden so much that he looks better and better.

The future is female. And she may just have dark skin (i.e. Harris).

"The future is female" is a sexist anti-male statement.

You are an anti-male bigot.

Poor baby. :itsok::up_yours:

Nope. I'm fine. You are a bigot and an asshole.

You sound hurt.... Most INCELs sound like you.

There's a difference between incels and men who've met you and decided celibacy sounded better.
Every day that passes by, it becomes more and more obvious that Biden will not finish a four-year term. He will either be dead or incapacitated, possibly even before Inauguration Day.

With that in mind, the Democrat party has put before us the most radical, leftist, socialist extremist in all of the United States congress, and NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT IT!!! And not only that, there is no indication whatsoever that she has any clue about any subject other than criminal justice - which is her background.

Are "we" being forced into silence because the identifies as a so-called, "Black person"?????

I'm actually impressed with Joe's vitality compared to what you and your reach-around-buddies post here constantly. You've lowered expectations of Biden so much that he looks better and better.

The future is female. And she may just have dark skin (i.e. Harris).

"The future is female" is a sexist anti-male statement.

You are an anti-male bigot.

Poor baby. :itsok::up_yours:

Nope. I'm fine. You are a bigot and an asshole.

You sound hurt.... Most INCELs sound like you.

No, I don't, I sound like I am calling you out on your anti-male sexism.

And your saying "incel" when I point out your sexism, is just more of your anti-male bigotry.

As with most INCELs, you hate women because women simply don't notice you.

I can't imagine an actual man who would WANT your notice. Do you troll mental hospitals for dates, or just free clinics?
Every day that passes by, it becomes more and more obvious that Biden will not finish a four-year term. He will either be dead or incapacitated, possibly even before Inauguration Day.

With that in mind, the Democrat party has put before us the most radical, leftist, socialist extremist in all of the United States congress, and NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT IT!!! And not only that, there is no indication whatsoever that she has any clue about any subject other than criminal justice - which is her background.

Are "we" being forced into silence because the identifies as a so-called, "Black person"?????

I'm actually impressed with Joe's vitality compared to what you and your reach-around-buddies post here constantly. You've lowered expectations of Biden so much that he looks better and better.

The future is female. And she may just have dark skin (i.e. Harris).
So, you also have no idea what connection the one stat you referenced has to do with anything let alone any of your statements. Color me shocked...

"The future is female" is a sexist anti-male statement.

You are an anti-male bigot.

Poor baby. :itsok::up_yours:

Nope. I'm fine. You are a bigot and an asshole.

You sound hurt.... Most INCELs sound like you.

No, I don't, I sound like I am calling you out on your anti-male sexism.

And your saying "incel" when I point out your sexism, is just more of your anti-male bigotry.

As with most INCELs, you hate women because women simply don't notice you.

It is insane that you assume that, based on my calling out your sexism.

Oh, I get it, this is just your standard asshole lib defense. When you lose an argument, change the topic to how the person that crushed you, is a bad person.

You can shove that shit back up the orifice you pulled it from, asshole.

My point stands. Stating that the "Future is Female" is a sexist statement and you are a sexist and an asshole.

To respond to this seriously and honestly, you would have to explain how it is NOT an sexist statement. (good luck with that)

Instead, you will keep trying to distract from my valid accusation, by making up false smears against me.

Because you are a coward, and an asshole, and a liberal.

Its based on your body of work wormless. That an INCEL like you hates women is obvious from your posts.

Bullshit. Nothing in my words indicates that.

That is just you, trying to distract from your sexism and bigotry, that I rightfully called you out on.

Why are you so full of hate and disdain for men?

The INCEL vote is part of Trump's base. You're exhibit A.

The future is female....and she may have brown skin. Good luck adjusting.

View attachment 386005

View attachment 386006

Get used to it.

Saying incel does not prove that you are not a sexist bigoted asshole.

Your standing by your claim that "the future is female", proves that you are.

You have made no attempt to explain how that statement is not sexist. Because you can't. And even someone as stupid and blind as yourself, can see that.

So, you attack me. Because it is all you have.

You sexist bigot.

So, if "the future is female" what happens to all the men? Are the gone? Or just oppressed second class citizens, because you now, reasons?

Actually I showed you stats peewee. You seem really bothered by women. Probably because you were never noticed by them...which is probably worse than being rejected.

View attachment 386016

PS: If you're worried about name calling...you fired the first shot.
A stat, not stats and a stat that shows women have a 5 point lead over men in college graduation.

A figure that has essentially zero to do with any contention that you made. :/

Sure...whatever you say slick.
I don't see that its even debatable that women will increase their % in congress. The candidates running in both parties for congress today, shows 2018 was not an anomaly. W replaced O'Connor with Alito. That would be politically suicidal today, esp given other male, catholic, anti-choice scotus nominees. The gop's share of women will continue to decline, as older white women become less of the electorate overall … unless the gop changes.

It's maybe ironic that the two ancient white men running for potus have the backgrounds they do. Trump is simply off the charts of impropriety. Forget pussy grabbing … that's just the tip of the iceberg. (pun intended.) Biden seeks praise for violence against women act. With his support of C. Thomas, that's like John Kerry posing as the "wartime leader." BUT the dems most liberal and still plain spoken white male senator was Al Frankan, and we saw what happened to him over a not even funny sexist joke where he didn't even touch the woman. America's come a long way (good) but the reality is that men of my generation and even Kegger's have so much shit in their closets, that the America we will see in gender equity in even 20 years will probably make us look at Hillary and think "thank God she wasn't the first." LOL

What do you think it means, when feminist say, " The future if female"?

No normal functioning adult should be so bothered by a slogan. When you are no longer an adolescent perhaps you'll reach some form of normality.
Every day that passes by, it becomes more and more obvious that Biden will not finish a four-year term. He will either be dead or incapacitated, possibly even before Inauguration Day.

With that in mind, the Democrat party has put before us the most radical, leftist, socialist extremist in all of the United States congress, and NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT IT!!! And not only that, there is no indication whatsoever that she has any clue about any subject other than criminal justice - which is her background.

Are "we" being forced into silence because the identifies as a so-called, "Black person"?????

I'm actually impressed with Joe's vitality compared to what you and your reach-around-buddies post here constantly. You've lowered expectations of Biden so much that he looks better and better.

The future is female. And she may just have dark skin (i.e. Harris).

"The future is female" is a sexist anti-male statement.

You are an anti-male bigot.

Poor baby. :itsok::up_yours:

Nope. I'm fine. You are a bigot and an asshole.

You sound hurt.... Most INCELs sound like you.

No, I don't, I sound like I am calling you out on your anti-male sexism.

And your saying "incel" when I point out your sexism, is just more of your anti-male bigotry.

As with most INCELs, you hate women because women simply don't notice you.

I can't imagine an actual man who would WANT your notice. Do you troll mental hospitals for dates, or just free clinics?

You're just upset that you'll be spending Thanksgiving all alone. Again.
Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign

Let's play a game:

Let's say that Alheimer's Joe actually wins the election.

The only thing we know about him is that he, like every other dipshit liberal in the country, dislikes Trump. What we don't know is what he's got in store for the country. How is he going to get people back to work? How is he going to help the economy? Where does he stand on education and immigration?

The fact is that we don't know.

You want to elect someone who has decided that you don't need to know what he plans to do with this country, and that's stupid...
I don't see that its even debatable that women will increase their % in congress. The candidates running in both parties for congress today, shows 2018 was not an anomaly. W replaced O'Connor with Alito. That would be politically suicidal today, esp given other male, catholic, anti-choice scotus nominees. The gop's share of women will continue to decline, as older white women become less of the electorate overall … unless the gop changes.

It's maybe ironic that the two ancient white men running for potus have the backgrounds they do. Trump is simply off the charts of impropriety. Forget pussy grabbing … that's just the tip of the iceberg. (pun intended.) Biden seeks praise for violence against women act. With his support of C. Thomas, that's like John Kerry posing as the "wartime leader." BUT the dems most liberal and still plain spoken white male senator was Al Frankan, and we saw what happened to him over a not even funny sexist joke where he didn't even touch the woman. America's come a long way (good) but the reality is that men of my generation and even Kegger's have so much shit in their closets, that the America we will see in gender equity in even 20 years will probably make us look at Hillary and think "thank God she wasn't the first." LOL

I think you're right on all counts except SCOTUS nominations. I don't think KAV was that bad a pick until he had his meltdown and went full conspiracy theory about Hillary. I still don't think he was as bad a pick as Trump could have made. This has nothing to do with the Ford affair (no pun intended) outside of it exposed his temperament. How often will a judge be making decisions under fire though...not often. I would have liked to have seen someone more centered or even left, of course, but he really wasn't that bad a pick all things considered. To your point, I don't recall much hue and cry about a woman not getting the seat. Its true he was replacing a male justice so if that was your point--a quid pro quo--I get it. But I don't think it would be that big a deal if a seat flipped genders or races. If Biden gets nominated and replaces Thomas, he'll probably pick a black judge because that is what Democrats do; they never stop pandering. Ever. But I don't think it's a done deal if Trump were to pick a white judge to replace Thomas.
Every day that passes by, it becomes more and more obvious that Biden will not finish a four-year term. He will either be dead or incapacitated, possibly even before Inauguration Day.

With that in mind, the Democrat party has put before us the most radical, leftist, socialist extremist in all of the United States congress, and NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT IT!!! And not only that, there is no indication whatsoever that she has any clue about any subject other than criminal justice - which is her background.

Are "we" being forced into silence because the identifies as a so-called, "Black person"?????
Yes. And she was a vile cheating crook as prosecutor, both in SF and as CA AG.
I don't see that its even debatable that women will increase their % in congress. The candidates running in both parties for congress today, shows 2018 was not an anomaly. W replaced O'Connor with Alito. That would be politically suicidal today, esp given other male, catholic, anti-choice scotus nominees. The gop's share of women will continue to decline, as older white women become less of the electorate overall … unless the gop changes.

It's maybe ironic that the two ancient white men running for potus have the backgrounds they do. Trump is simply off the charts of impropriety. Forget pussy grabbing … that's just the tip of the iceberg. (pun intended.) Biden seeks praise for violence against women act. With his support of C. Thomas, that's like John Kerry posing as the "wartime leader." BUT the dems most liberal and still plain spoken white male senator was Al Frankan, and we saw what happened to him over a not even funny sexist joke where he didn't even touch the woman. America's come a long way (good) but the reality is that men of my generation and even Kegger's have so much shit in their closets, that the America we will see in gender equity in even 20 years will probably make us look at Hillary and think "thank God she wasn't the first." LOL

I think you're right on all counts except SCOTUS nominations. I don't think KAV was that bad a pick until he had his meltdown and went full conspiracy theory about Hillary. I still don't think he was as bad a pick as Trump could have made. This has nothing to do with the Ford affair (no pun intended) outside of it exposed his temperament. How often will a judge be making decisions under fire though...not often. I would have liked to have seen someone more centered or even left, of course, but he really wasn't that bad a pick all things considered. To your point, I don't recall much hue and cry about a woman not getting the seat. Its true he was replacing a male justice so if that was your point--a quid pro quo--I get it. But I don't think it would be that big a deal if a seat flipped genders or races. If Biden gets nominated and replaces Thomas, he'll probably pick a black judge because that is what Democrats do; they never stop pandering. Ever. But I don't think it's a done deal if Trump were to pick a white judge to replace Thomas.
I think Keggers is just amusing. He was not the most qualified of those in Trump's final cut, but he was first in viewing the potus and somehow legally untouchable. In terms of sexual equity, I just don't think the FBI will AGAIN fail to completely vet someone's high school background. And even then, there was smoke concerning Keggers' belligerent actions in college when drinking. In short, he's a bad drunk. That's not really unusual. And then he'd gone to the private Catholic all boy's high school, with all that baggage from the Church's inability to mentor children and sex, let alone privileged, entitled males in an all male setting and their first hormonal interactions with adolescent girls. But in all, Keggers is no different on issues than anyone Trump would have nominated.

I don't think Keggers and O'Connor view differences in sexes the same way. The political concerns of Reagan and W in picking someone acceptable to the religious right were very different, and even then W's first choice was Harriet Miers, before he settled for Alito. Keggers is not a lot different than Alito on issues. I strongly suspect both would vote to approve of the FDA banning an abortion pill without some "poison pill" restrictions acceptable to the religious right. I think O'Connor would have killed that before it's little black heart showed a beat.

And what I was really aiming for in my post was that even though latinos/Hispanics tend social conservative, and are amenable to voting for the gop, I don't think they travel the same political path as the religious right that has spent hundreds of millions in electing Roberts, Alito, Keggers and Gorsuch.
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Every day that passes by, it becomes more and more obvious that Biden will not finish a four-year term. He will either be dead or incapacitated, possibly even before Inauguration Day.

With that in mind, the Democrat party has put before us the most radical, leftist, socialist extremist in all of the United States congress, and NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT IT!!! And not only that, there is no indication whatsoever that she has any clue about any subject other than criminal justice - which is her background.

Are "we" being forced into silence because the identifies as a so-called, "Black person"?????

The only time in living memory it's been about the VP is when mccain picked Palin's dumb ass

Other than that, no one has ever cared
Every day that passes by, it becomes more and more obvious that Biden will not finish a four-year term. He will either be dead or incapacitated, possibly even before Inauguration Day.

With that in mind, the Democrat party has put before us the most radical, leftist, socialist extremist in all of the United States congress, and NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT IT!!! And not only that, there is no indication whatsoever that she has any clue about any subject other than criminal justice - which is her background.

Are "we" being forced into silence because the identifies as a so-called, "Black person"?????

The only time in living memory it's been about the VP is when mccain picked Palin's dumb ass

Other than that, no one has ever cared

She may increase black and female support for Biden. But beyond that....your'e correct.
I don't see that its even debatable that women will increase their % in congress. The candidates running in both parties for congress today, shows 2018 was not an anomaly. W replaced O'Connor with Alito. That would be politically suicidal today, esp given other male, catholic, anti-choice scotus nominees. The gop's share of women will continue to decline, as older white women become less of the electorate overall … unless the gop changes.

It's maybe ironic that the two ancient white men running for potus have the backgrounds they do. Trump is simply off the charts of impropriety. Forget pussy grabbing … that's just the tip of the iceberg. (pun intended.) Biden seeks praise for violence against women act. With his support of C. Thomas, that's like John Kerry posing as the "wartime leader." BUT the dems most liberal and still plain spoken white male senator was Al Frankan, and we saw what happened to him over a not even funny sexist joke where he didn't even touch the woman. America's come a long way (good) but the reality is that men of my generation and even Kegger's have so much shit in their closets, that the America we will see in gender equity in even 20 years will probably make us look at Hillary and think "thank God she wasn't the first." LOL

What do you think it means, when feminist say, " The future if female"?
Every day that passes by, it becomes more and more obvious that Biden will not finish a four-year term. He will either be dead or incapacitated, possibly even before Inauguration Day.

With that in mind, the Democrat party has put before us the most radical, leftist, socialist extremist in all of the United States congress, and NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT IT!!! And not only that, there is no indication whatsoever that she has any clue about any subject other than criminal justice - which is her background.

Are "we" being forced into silence because the identifies as a so-called, "Black person"?????

The only time in living memory it's been about the VP is when mccain picked Palin's dumb ass

Other than that, no one has ever cared

She may increase black and female support for Biden. But beyond that....your'e correct.
Imo there really is a supermaj of females out there going … "about expletive time …."

And Hillary was a disappointment. She really did do admirable things back before Slick got elected. But the Clintons came to believe they were justified in collecting power because they used it for good. As the saying goes … power corrupts. And of course Bill's sexual antics are just not ok. And they weren't at the time. He's hardly the first male (and even female) to have sex with a person under his direct supervision. If its dating in the office, a person has to have some space between their "co-conspirator"

btw, I had a typo in a past post. Imo O'Connor and Keggers REALLY DO view the State's power to regulate procreation differently. The religious right has spent hundreds of millions of dollars in achieving a change.
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Except you guys love to tell us that he is "not your president".

These are your people, you.

I repeatedly refer to Trump as .......our President

Your people don't. They refused to respect the election or the peaceful transfer of power, and they have degenerated into violent mobs.

That you are trying to blame your people's barbarism on Trump, is a fine example of what a dishonest piece of shit troll you are.
Trump is to blame for the outrage
So Trump can't send in Federal Troops to Blue Cities because he doesn't have the authority, yet Trump is the reason for Blue Municipal Violence.
You are truly an idiot.
Typical Trumpite response

The only solution is to pound heads rather than address the reason for the protests that Trump is dismissive and condescending
the reasons for the "protests" are nominally based on the lies that black people are being persecuted for the color of their skin instead of criminal behavior.
BLM is anti-white, anti-American , anti-cop , marxist and uses violence and intimidation to gain power.
Except you guys love to tell us that he is "not your president".

These are your people, you.

I repeatedly refer to Trump as .......our President

Your people don't. They refused to respect the election or the peaceful transfer of power, and they have degenerated into violent mobs.

That you are trying to blame your people's barbarism on Trump, is a fine example of what a dishonest piece of shit troll you are.
Trump is to blame for the outrage
So Trump can't send in Federal Troops to Blue Cities because he doesn't have the authority, yet Trump is the reason for Blue Municipal Violence.
You are truly an idiot.
Typical Trumpite response

The only solution is to pound heads rather than address the reason for the protests that Trump is dismissive and condescending
the reasons for the "protests" are nominally based on the lies that black people are being persecuted for the color of their skin instead of criminal behavior.
BLM is anti-white, anti-American , anti-cop , marxist and uses violence and intimidation to gain power.
Are there white people in Minny who are strangled by police kneeling on their necks, or shot to death in the back when fleeing cops in Atl, or asphyxiating in hoods placed on them by cops after they "puke" in Rochester?

I'm not a huge fan of BLM because imo they see racial discrimination where it really isn't, and they don't accept the responsibility of civil disobedience, but if whites are being subjected to incidents like this, then the cops really have bigger issues than just systemic racism.
Except you guys love to tell us that he is "not your president".

These are your people, you.

I repeatedly refer to Trump as .......our President

Your people don't. They refused to respect the election or the peaceful transfer of power, and they have degenerated into violent mobs.

That you are trying to blame your people's barbarism on Trump, is a fine example of what a dishonest piece of shit troll you are.
Trump is to blame for the outrage
So Trump can't send in Federal Troops to Blue Cities because he doesn't have the authority, yet Trump is the reason for Blue Municipal Violence.
You are truly an idiot.
Typical Trumpite response

The only solution is to pound heads rather than address the reason for the protests that Trump is dismissive and condescending
the reasons for the "protests" are nominally based on the lies that black people are being persecuted for the color of their skin instead of criminal behavior.
BLM is anti-white, anti-American , anti-cop , marxist and uses violence and intimidation to gain power.
BLM is mainstream now

Conservatives are not
Except you guys love to tell us that he is "not your president".

These are your people, you.

I repeatedly refer to Trump as .......our President

Your people don't. They refused to respect the election or the peaceful transfer of power, and they have degenerated into violent mobs.

That you are trying to blame your people's barbarism on Trump, is a fine example of what a dishonest piece of shit troll you are.
Trump is to blame for the outrage
So Trump can't send in Federal Troops to Blue Cities because he doesn't have the authority, yet Trump is the reason for Blue Municipal Violence.
You are truly an idiot.
Typical Trumpite response

The only solution is to pound heads rather than address the reason for the protests that Trump is dismissive and condescending
the reasons for the "protests" are nominally based on the lies that black people are being persecuted for the color of their skin instead of criminal behavior.
BLM is anti-white, anti-American , anti-cop , marxist and uses violence and intimidation to gain power.
Are there white people in Minny who are strangled by police kneeling on their necks, or shot to death in the back when fleeing cops in Atl, or asphyxiating in hoods placed on them by cops after they "puke" in Rochester?

I'm not a huge fan of BLM because imo they see racial discrimination where it really isn't, and they don't accept the responsibility of civil disobedience, but if whites are being subjected to incidents like this, then the cops really have bigger issues than just systemic racism.
I think it is a question of.......Benefit of the Doubt

If a white suspect says he can’t breathe, they ease off
If a White suspect leans into his car, he doesn’t get shot in the back
If a police officer wrongly walks into the apartment of a white man, he apologizes instead of shooting the resident
Except you guys love to tell us that he is "not your president".

These are your people, you.

I repeatedly refer to Trump as .......our President

Your people don't. They refused to respect the election or the peaceful transfer of power, and they have degenerated into violent mobs.

That you are trying to blame your people's barbarism on Trump, is a fine example of what a dishonest piece of shit troll you are.
Trump is to blame for the outrage
So Trump can't send in Federal Troops to Blue Cities because he doesn't have the authority, yet Trump is the reason for Blue Municipal Violence.
You are truly an idiot.
Typical Trumpite response

The only solution is to pound heads rather than address the reason for the protests that Trump is dismissive and condescending
the reasons for the "protests" are nominally based on the lies that black people are being persecuted for the color of their skin instead of criminal behavior.
BLM is anti-white, anti-American , anti-cop , marxist and uses violence and intimidation to gain power.
BLM is mainstream now

Conservatives are not
You're saying mainstream, like Laverne & Shirley, is good.

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