Why is Senator K. Harris (D-CA) Not the MAIN ISSUE in this Campaign?

Except you guys love to tell us that he is "not your president".

These are your people, you.

I repeatedly refer to Trump as .......our President

Your people don't. They refused to respect the election or the peaceful transfer of power, and they have degenerated into violent mobs.

That you are trying to blame your people's barbarism on Trump, is a fine example of what a dishonest piece of shit troll you are.
Trump is to blame for the outrage
So Trump can't send in Federal Troops to Blue Cities because he doesn't have the authority, yet Trump is the reason for Blue Municipal Violence.
You are truly an idiot.
Typical Trumpite response

The only solution is to pound heads rather than address the reason for the protests that Trump is dismissive and condescending
the reasons for the "protests" are nominally based on the lies that black people are being persecuted for the color of their skin instead of criminal behavior.
BLM is anti-white, anti-American , anti-cop , marxist and uses violence and intimidation to gain power.
Are there white people in Minny who are strangled by police kneeling on their necks, or shot to death in the back when fleeing cops in Atl, or asphyxiating in hoods placed on them by cops after they "puke" in Rochester?

I'm not a huge fan of BLM because imo they see racial discrimination where it really isn't, and they don't accept the responsibility of civil disobedience, but if whites are being subjected to incidents like this, then the cops really have bigger issues than just systemic racism.
I think it is a question of.......Benefit of the Doubt

If a white suspect says he can’t breathe, they ease off
If a White suspect leans into his car, he doesn’t get shot in the back
If a police officer wrongly walks into the apartment of a white man, he apologizes instead of shooting the resident
So your warped perception tells you yet this is absolute bullshit considering that more white people are killed by the cops every year - unarmed and otherwise and each of the incidents of a black person making headlines there is a white person that dies under extremely similar circumstance.

The only real difference is that you never hear the white person's name because it does not fit a sensationalist narrative that sells commercial time.
Except you guys love to tell us that he is "not your president".

These are your people, you.

I repeatedly refer to Trump as .......our President

Your people don't. They refused to respect the election or the peaceful transfer of power, and they have degenerated into violent mobs.

That you are trying to blame your people's barbarism on Trump, is a fine example of what a dishonest piece of shit troll you are.
Trump is to blame for the outrage
So Trump can't send in Federal Troops to Blue Cities because he doesn't have the authority, yet Trump is the reason for Blue Municipal Violence.
You are truly an idiot.
Typical Trumpite response

The only solution is to pound heads rather than address the reason for the protests that Trump is dismissive and condescending
the reasons for the "protests" are nominally based on the lies that black people are being persecuted for the color of their skin instead of criminal behavior.
BLM is anti-white, anti-American , anti-cop , marxist and uses violence and intimidation to gain power.
Are there white people in Minny who are strangled by police kneeling on their necks, or shot to death in the back when fleeing cops in Atl, or asphyxiating in hoods placed on them by cops after they "puke" in Rochester?

I'm not a huge fan of BLM because imo they see racial discrimination where it really isn't, and they don't accept the responsibility of civil disobedience, but if whites are being subjected to incidents like this, then the cops really have bigger issues than just systemic racism.
I think it is a question of.......Benefit of the Doubt

If a white suspect says he can’t breathe, they ease off
If a White suspect leans into his car, he doesn’t get shot in the back
If a police officer wrongly walks into the apartment of a white man, he apologizes instead of shooting the resident
So your warped perception tells you yet this is absolute bullshit considering that more white people are killed by the cops every year - unarmed and otherwise and each of the incidents of a black person making headlines there is a white person that dies under extremely similar circumstance.

The only real difference is that you never hear the white person's name because it does not fit a sensationalist narrative that sells commercial time.
We all know RWer is full of shit.
The Democrats in the House impeached a President with no evidence because they lost an election. Quite a precedent they set there. There was obviously no reason for the Mueller investigation because they were going to impeach him no matter what the outcome.

Uh, The Republicans impeached Clinton over a blow job. What Trump did was a lot more serious and criminal.

When children are throwing a big temper tantrum, the worst thing you can do is to appease them by giving in to their demands. You lefties will never learn.

These aren't children. These are adults with very serious concerns. Children are the assholes who showed up at state capitols with guns because they couldn't go to Applebees.


They gave in to these guys and we ended up with a second wave of Covid... that killed tens of thousands.

But they can pull a knife, wrestle their taser away and attempt to shoot them with it, try to run them over with a car, etc. and the cop has no right to shoot. Pure idiocy. There are only a handful of cases where cops shoot perpetrators who are not aggressively resisting arrest and those cops should be held accountable.

Okay, let's look at the list.
Sandra Bland- Killed for talking back.
Tamir Rice - killed for playing with a toy.
Mike Brown - Killed while he had his hands up. (Not what he had done previously, what he did when he was killed.)
Philandro Castille - killed while he was sitting in his car cooperating.
Alton Sterling - Shot while pinned to the ground for selling CD's.
Reika Boyd - Shot by an off duty cop while hanging out with friends
Stephan Clark - Killed in his backyard while reaching for a phone.

All of this nonsense protesting, rioting and looting is about numbers that are statistically minuscule. More people will end up dead from the "peaceful" protest than who have been wrongfully killed by cops. The minions that are the left, buy into the media hype of all of this. Truly sad.

no, the numbers aren't minuscule. Cops kill 1000 people a year in this country. IN the UK, British Cops kill maybe 2.
Uh, The Republicans impeached Clinton over a blow job. What Trump did was a lot more serious and criminal.

He was impeached for lying under oath about a blow job. Trump did nothing. He was impeached on nothing but speculation. That is a fact, not opinion.

These aren't children. These are adults with very serious concerns. Children are the assholes who showed up at state capitols with guns because they couldn't go to Applebees.

Okay, let's look at the list.
Sandra Bland- Killed for talking back.
Tamir Rice - killed for playing with a toy.
Mike Brown - Killed while he had his hands up. (Not what he had done previously, what he did when he was killed.)
Philandro Castille - killed while he was sitting in his car cooperating.
Alton Sterling - Shot while pinned to the ground for selling CD's.
Reika Boyd - Shot by an off duty cop while hanging out with friends
Stephan Clark - Killed in his backyard while reaching for a phone.

7 people out of 375 million police contacts per year. You need a much bigger list if you are trying to make a point.

Read the link and enlighten yourself. The crap you read on left-wing sites, including CNN, is pure propaganda to get those suffering from white guilt all stirred up.

Opinion | The Myth of Systemic Police Racism

no, the numbers aren't minuscule. Cops kill 1000 people a year in this country. IN the UK, British Cops kill maybe 2.

Yes, a little over 1000 are killed, 1/4 of those being black. The overwhelming majority were armed. I don't really care what the UK does, but maybe they don't have as many belligerent perps.
Except you guys love to tell us that he is "not your president".

These are your people, you.

I repeatedly refer to Trump as .......our President

Your people don't. They refused to respect the election or the peaceful transfer of power, and they have degenerated into violent mobs.

That you are trying to blame your people's barbarism on Trump, is a fine example of what a dishonest piece of shit troll you are.
Trump is to blame for the outrage
So Trump can't send in Federal Troops to Blue Cities because he doesn't have the authority, yet Trump is the reason for Blue Municipal Violence.
You are truly an idiot.
Typical Trumpite response

The only solution is to pound heads rather than address the reason for the protests that Trump is dismissive and condescending
the reasons for the "protests" are nominally based on the lies that black people are being persecuted for the color of their skin instead of criminal behavior.
BLM is anti-white, anti-American , anti-cop , marxist and uses violence and intimidation to gain power.
Are there white people in Minny who are strangled by police kneeling on their necks, or shot to death in the back when fleeing cops in Atl, or asphyxiating in hoods placed on them by cops after they "puke" in Rochester?

I'm not a huge fan of BLM because imo they see racial discrimination where it really isn't, and they don't accept the responsibility of civil disobedience, but if whites are being subjected to incidents like this, then the cops really have bigger issues than just systemic racism.
I think it is a question of.......Benefit of the Doubt

If a white suspect says he can’t breathe, they ease off
If a White suspect leans into his car, he doesn’t get shot in the back
If a police officer wrongly walks into the apartment of a white man, he apologizes instead of shooting the resident
So your warped perception tells you yet this is absolute bullshit considering that more white people are killed by the cops every year - unarmed and otherwise and each of the incidents of a black person making headlines there is a white person that dies under extremely similar circumstance.

The only real difference is that you never hear the white person's name because it does not fit a sensationalist narrative that sells commercial time.
Look around you

There are three times as many white people
He was impeached for lying under oath about a blow job. Trump did nothing. He was impeached on nothing but speculation. That is a fact, not opinion.

Trump was impeached because he used government funds to try to pressure a foreign government to smear a political rival. That is absolutely illegal

I just can't get worked up that Clinton lied about a blow job in a bullshit civil suit.

7 people out of 375 million police contacts per year. You need a much bigger list if you are trying to make a point.

No, I really don't. Police contacts shouldn't be a 99% job. Would you fly on an airline that only landed safely 99% of the time?

Why doesn't anyone fly Pan Am anymore? Oh, yeah. That.

Read the link and enlighten yourself. The crap you read on left-wing sites, including CNN, is pure propaganda to get those suffering from white guilt all stirred up.

Paywall on Rupert Murdoch's propaganda. Sorry, man, even a HANDFUL of these cases is too many, especially when the perps are either given light sentences or not held accountable.

The problem isn't just the bad apples, it's the whole system that defends the bad apples. Usually, when you get a guy like Chauvin or Van Dyke or Loehmann, you have a whole record of bad behavior no one acted on.

Yes, a little over 1000 are killed, 1/4 of those being black. The overwhelming majority were armed. I don't really care what the UK does, but maybe they don't have as many belligerent perps.

Actually, here's what the UK does.
1) they make it very hard for people to get guns. That's a great start.
2) They treat mental illness as a national priority.
3) They treat addiction as a medical and not a criminal problem.
4) They have extensive social service networks to combat poverty.

But dammit, we're AMERICA, baby. . We don't need to learn nothing from them socialists who been doing the civilization thing longer than we have!!!!
Trump was impeached because he used government funds to try to pressure a foreign government to smear a political rival. That is absolutely illegal

Yeah sure, even though the foreign government said they didn't even know they were being pressured. Dupe.

No, I really don't. Police contacts shouldn't be a 99% job. Would you fly on an airline that only landed safely 99% of the time?

Why is it a racial problem? Nobody seems to care about the whites shot by police likely because it isn't politically expedient. At any rate, it isn't a systemic problem, but liberals always have to have something to get their panties in a wad about and an excuse to protest about "unfair" life is.

But dammit, we're AMERICA, baby. . We don't need to learn nothing from them socialists who been doing the civilization thing longer than we have!!!!

Yeah, they have been doing it longer, just not nearly as well. We should learn from their mistakes.
Except you guys love to tell us that he is "not your president".

These are your people, you.

I repeatedly refer to Trump as .......our President

Your people don't. They refused to respect the election or the peaceful transfer of power, and they have degenerated into violent mobs.

That you are trying to blame your people's barbarism on Trump, is a fine example of what a dishonest piece of shit troll you are.
Trump is to blame for the outrage
So Trump can't send in Federal Troops to Blue Cities because he doesn't have the authority, yet Trump is the reason for Blue Municipal Violence.
You are truly an idiot.
Typical Trumpite response

The only solution is to pound heads rather than address the reason for the protests that Trump is dismissive and condescending
the reasons for the "protests" are nominally based on the lies that black people are being persecuted for the color of their skin instead of criminal behavior.
BLM is anti-white, anti-American , anti-cop , marxist and uses violence and intimidation to gain power.
Are there white people in Minny who are strangled by police kneeling on their necks, or shot to death in the back when fleeing cops in Atl, or asphyxiating in hoods placed on them by cops after they "puke" in Rochester?

I'm not a huge fan of BLM because imo they see racial discrimination where it really isn't, and they don't accept the responsibility of civil disobedience, but if whites are being subjected to incidents like this, then the cops really have bigger issues than just systemic racism.
I think it is a question of.......Benefit of the Doubt

If a white suspect says he can’t breathe, they ease off
If a White suspect leans into his car, he doesn’t get shot in the back
If a police officer wrongly walks into the apartment of a white man, he apologizes instead of shooting the resident
So your warped perception tells you yet this is absolute bullshit considering that more white people are killed by the cops every year - unarmed and otherwise and each of the incidents of a black person making headlines there is a white person that dies under extremely similar circumstance.

The only real difference is that you never hear the white person's name because it does not fit a sensationalist narrative that sells commercial time.
Look around you

There are three times as many white people
And yet blacks commit 50% of the violent crimes.

Women make up 50% of the population yet represent a tiny sliver of those shot and killed by police because they also represent a tiny sliver of the violent acts.
Okay, let's look at the list.
Sandra Bland- Killed for talking back.
Tamir Rice - killed for playing with a toy.
Mike Brown - Killed while he had his hands up. (Not what he had done previously, what he did when he was killed.)
Philandro Castille - killed while he was sitting in his car cooperating.
Alton Sterling - Shot while pinned to the ground for selling CD's.
Reika Boyd - Shot by an off duty cop while hanging out with friends
Stephan Clark - Killed in his backyard while reaching for a phone.

7 people out of 375 million police contacts per year. You need a much bigger list if you are trying to make a point.

Read the link and enlighten yourself. The crap you read on left-wing sites, including CNN, is pure propaganda to get those suffering from white guilt all stirred up.

Opinion | The Myth of Systemic Police Racism
Mike Brown - Killed while he had his hands up.

A known, bullshit lie. That really is the end of the conversation. Arguing with fantasy land over there is rather pointless tbh. It is not as though he does not know he is spouting outright false events,
Yeah sure, even though the foreign government said they didn't even know they were being pressured. Dupe.

Doesn't matter what they "thought", witnesses in teh room said that's what Trump did.

Why is it a racial problem? Nobody seems to care about the whites shot by police likely because it isn't politically expedient. At any rate, it isn't a systemic problem, but liberals always have to have something to get their panties in a wad about and an excuse to protest about "unfair" life is.

Uh, yeah, it is a systematic problem when the police department covers the incidents up...

Yeah, they have been doing it longer, just not nearly as well. We should learn from their mistakes.

We don't seem to learn from our own... It seems that if THEY are getting the favorable results (Few people killed by police) and we are getting the UNFAVORABLE result - so many people killed by police people are fucking burning the country down - maybe we should see what they are doing right.

Or we can just fly our confederate flag over the Trailer park and scream "Murica!!!!"
Every day that passes by, it becomes more and more obvious that Biden will not finish a four-year term. He will either be dead or incapacitated, possibly even before Inauguration Day.

With that in mind, the Democrat party has put before us the most radical, leftist, socialist extremist in all of the United States congress, and NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT IT!!! And not only that, there is no indication whatsoever that she has any clue about any subject other than criminal justice - which is her background.

Are "we" being forced into silence because the identifies as a so-called, "Black person"?????

The only time in living memory it's been about the VP is when mccain picked Palin's dumb ass

Other than that, no one has ever cared

She may increase black and female support for Biden. But beyond that....your'e correct.

Yeah, I'm sure Harris visiting a guy accused of sexually assaulting and abusing his (presumably) black girlfriend and telling him how "proud" she is of him is going to play really well with every black, female voter who's ever had an abusive boyfriend or known someone who did.

Way to appeal to black women. Or any women. Not that you would know about such things.
I don't see that its even debatable that women will increase their % in congress. The candidates running in both parties for congress today, shows 2018 was not an anomaly. W replaced O'Connor with Alito. That would be politically suicidal today, esp given other male, catholic, anti-choice scotus nominees. The gop's share of women will continue to decline, as older white women become less of the electorate overall … unless the gop changes.

It's maybe ironic that the two ancient white men running for potus have the backgrounds they do. Trump is simply off the charts of impropriety. Forget pussy grabbing … that's just the tip of the iceberg. (pun intended.) Biden seeks praise for violence against women act. With his support of C. Thomas, that's like John Kerry posing as the "wartime leader." BUT the dems most liberal and still plain spoken white male senator was Al Frankan, and we saw what happened to him over a not even funny sexist joke where he didn't even touch the woman. America's come a long way (good) but the reality is that men of my generation and even Kegger's have so much shit in their closets, that the America we will see in gender equity in even 20 years will probably make us look at Hillary and think "thank God she wasn't the first." LOL

What do you think it means, when feminist say, " The future if female"?

Gosh, you present such a charming vision of the future and of women. I really can't imagine why it is that none of us view you as even remotely related to us.
Every day that passes by, it becomes more and more obvious that Biden will not finish a four-year term. He will either be dead or incapacitated, possibly even before Inauguration Day.

With that in mind, the Democrat party has put before us the most radical, leftist, socialist extremist in all of the United States congress, and NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT IT!!! And not only that, there is no indication whatsoever that she has any clue about any subject other than criminal justice - which is her background.

Are "we" being forced into silence because the identifies as a so-called, "Black person"?????

The only time in living memory it's been about the VP is when mccain picked Palin's dumb ass

Other than that, no one has ever cared

She may increase black and female support for Biden. But beyond that....your'e correct.
Imo there really is a supermaj of females out there going … "about expletive time …."

And Hillary was a disappointment. She really did do admirable things back before Slick got elected. But the Clintons came to believe they were justified in collecting power because they used it for good. As the saying goes … power corrupts. And of course Bill's sexual antics are just not ok. And they weren't at the time. He's hardly the first male (and even female) to have sex with a person under his direct supervision. If its dating in the office, a person has to have some space between their "co-conspirator"

btw, I had a typo in a past post. Imo O'Connor and Keggers REALLY DO view the State's power to regulate procreation differently. The religious right has spent hundreds of millions of dollars in achieving a change.

So glad I have a penis-bearer mansplaining to me how all I want in a candidate is a token who (allegedly) has a vagina in office, because women have no identity or meaning beyond that one body part.

Women are actual, real, thinking individual human beings, just like men are. Feel free to share that news with all your chauvinist pig friends on the left.
Except you guys love to tell us that he is "not your president".

These are your people, you.

I repeatedly refer to Trump as .......our President

Your people don't. They refused to respect the election or the peaceful transfer of power, and they have degenerated into violent mobs.

That you are trying to blame your people's barbarism on Trump, is a fine example of what a dishonest piece of shit troll you are.
Trump is to blame for the outrage
So Trump can't send in Federal Troops to Blue Cities because he doesn't have the authority, yet Trump is the reason for Blue Municipal Violence.
You are truly an idiot.
Typical Trumpite response

The only solution is to pound heads rather than address the reason for the protests that Trump is dismissive and condescending
the reasons for the "protests" are nominally based on the lies that black people are being persecuted for the color of their skin instead of criminal behavior.
BLM is anti-white, anti-American , anti-cop , marxist and uses violence and intimidation to gain power.
Are there white people in Minny who are strangled by police kneeling on their necks, or shot to death in the back when fleeing cops in Atl, or asphyxiating in hoods placed on them by cops after they "puke" in Rochester?

I'm not a huge fan of BLM because imo they see racial discrimination where it really isn't, and they don't accept the responsibility of civil disobedience, but if whites are being subjected to incidents like this, then the cops really have bigger issues than just systemic racism.

That you have to ask is an indicator that you have absolutely no business making sanctimonious declarations about this topic. If you say anything on this topic in the future, it should be in the form of a question, prefaced by an admission that you know jack shit and desperately need education and information.

If you were a person instead of a leftist, you would be embarrassed right now.
I don't see that its even debatable that women will increase their % in congress. The candidates running in both parties for congress today, shows 2018 was not an anomaly. W replaced O'Connor with Alito. That would be politically suicidal today, esp given other male, catholic, anti-choice scotus nominees. The gop's share of women will continue to decline, as older white women become less of the electorate overall … unless the gop changes.

It's maybe ironic that the two ancient white men running for potus have the backgrounds they do. Trump is simply off the charts of impropriety. Forget pussy grabbing … that's just the tip of the iceberg. (pun intended.) Biden seeks praise for violence against women act. With his support of C. Thomas, that's like John Kerry posing as the "wartime leader." BUT the dems most liberal and still plain spoken white male senator was Al Frankan, and we saw what happened to him over a not even funny sexist joke where he didn't even touch the woman. America's come a long way (good) but the reality is that men of my generation and even Kegger's have so much shit in their closets, that the America we will see in gender equity in even 20 years will probably make us look at Hillary and think "thank God she wasn't the first." LOL

What do you think it means, when feminist say, " The future if female"?
I'm not a mind reader. But I am pretty sure the gop shat in it own soup betting that "starve the beast" would result in the electorate not chosing to end our global military dominance to protect funding for medical care, retirement and education.

Unfunded entitlement programs have been a bipartisan problem, for decades.

Military spending not being reexamined since the end of the cold war, has been a bi-partisan problem for decades.

candycorn was pretty clear, she thinks it means no men at all.

What do you think of that? A valid policy position or indefensible sexism and bigotry?
It's simply not true that both parties are equal in tax cuts and starving revenue. It's gop dogma from Norquist bastardizing Reagan right through the gop's latest round round in 2017 of stimulus for the 1%. Complainent that dems are somehow complitcit for not voting to cut social programs after the gop cuts taxes is bs. It's not an equivalency so don't try that shit.

I don't believe candy ever meant no men at all.

1. I asked candy and she was pretty clear. Replaced by plastic.

2. The gop wants tax cuts but won't cut spending. The dems want to increase taxes and increase spending even more. Together, one can quibble over which is worse, but both are in the same league when it comes to fiscal irresponsibility, ie world class.

3. What do you think it "future is female" means?
I don't see that its even debatable that women will increase their % in congress. The candidates running in both parties for congress today, shows 2018 was not an anomaly. W replaced O'Connor with Alito. That would be politically suicidal today, esp given other male, catholic, anti-choice scotus nominees. The gop's share of women will continue to decline, as older white women become less of the electorate overall … unless the gop changes.

It's maybe ironic that the two ancient white men running for potus have the backgrounds they do. Trump is simply off the charts of impropriety. Forget pussy grabbing … that's just the tip of the iceberg. (pun intended.) Biden seeks praise for violence against women act. With his support of C. Thomas, that's like John Kerry posing as the "wartime leader." BUT the dems most liberal and still plain spoken white male senator was Al Frankan, and we saw what happened to him over a not even funny sexist joke where he didn't even touch the woman. America's come a long way (good) but the reality is that men of my generation and even Kegger's have so much shit in their closets, that the America we will see in gender equity in even 20 years will probably make us look at Hillary and think "thank God she wasn't the first." LOL

What do you think it means, when feminist say, " The future if female"?
I'm not a mind reader. But I am pretty sure the gop shat in it own soup betting that "starve the beast" would result in the electorate not chosing to end our global military dominance to protect funding for medical care, retirement and education.

Unfunded entitlement programs have been a bipartisan problem, for decades.

Military spending not being reexamined since the end of the cold war, has been a bi-partisan problem for decades.

candycorn was pretty clear, she thinks it means no men at all.

What do you think of that? A valid policy position or indefensible sexism and bigotry?

Personally, I just find it confusing, given that leftists keep telling us that "female" is just a social construct and has no real, objective meaning at all.

They say whatever gives them an excuse to hit the laugh track and claim a partisan point, without any regard to consistency, truthfulness, or evilness.
I don't see that its even debatable that women will increase their % in congress. The candidates running in both parties for congress today, shows 2018 was not an anomaly. W replaced O'Connor with Alito. That would be politically suicidal today, esp given other male, catholic, anti-choice scotus nominees. The gop's share of women will continue to decline, as older white women become less of the electorate overall … unless the gop changes.

It's maybe ironic that the two ancient white men running for potus have the backgrounds they do. Trump is simply off the charts of impropriety. Forget pussy grabbing … that's just the tip of the iceberg. (pun intended.) Biden seeks praise for violence against women act. With his support of C. Thomas, that's like John Kerry posing as the "wartime leader." BUT the dems most liberal and still plain spoken white male senator was Al Frankan, and we saw what happened to him over a not even funny sexist joke where he didn't even touch the woman. America's come a long way (good) but the reality is that men of my generation and even Kegger's have so much shit in their closets, that the America we will see in gender equity in even 20 years will probably make us look at Hillary and think "thank God she wasn't the first." LOL

What do you think it means, when feminist say, " The future if female"?
I'm not a mind reader. But I am pretty sure the gop shat in it own soup betting that "starve the beast" would result in the electorate not chosing to end our global military dominance to protect funding for medical care, retirement and education.

Unfunded entitlement programs have been a bipartisan problem, for decades.

Military spending not being reexamined since the end of the cold war, has been a bi-partisan problem for decades.

candycorn was pretty clear, she thinks it means no men at all.

What do you think of that? A valid policy position or indefensible sexism and bigotry?

Personally, I just find it confusing, given that leftists keep telling us that "female" is just a social construct and has no real, objective meaning at all.

They say whatever gives them an excuse to hit the laugh track and claim a partisan point, without any regard to consistency, truthfulness, or evilness.

True. Leftists can't even spell "consistency", let alone show any.
Every day that passes by, it becomes more and more obvious that Biden will not finish a four-year term. He will either be dead or incapacitated, possibly even before Inauguration Day.

With that in mind, the Democrat party has put before us the most radical, leftist, socialist extremist in all of the United States congress, and NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT IT!!! And not only that, there is no indication whatsoever that she has any clue about any subject other than criminal justice - which is her background.

Are "we" being forced into silence because the identifies as a so-called, "Black person"?????

I'm actually impressed with Joe's vitality compared to what you and your reach-around-buddies post here constantly. You've lowered expectations of Biden so much that he looks better and better.

The future is female. And she may just have dark skin (i.e. Harris).

"The future is female" is a sexist anti-male statement.

You are an anti-male bigot.

Poor baby. :itsok::up_yours:

Nope. I'm fine. You are a bigot and an asshole.

You sound hurt.... Most INCELs sound like you.

No, I don't, I sound like I am calling you out on your anti-male sexism.

And your saying "incel" when I point out your sexism, is just more of your anti-male bigotry.

As with most INCELs, you hate women because women simply don't notice you.

I can't imagine an actual man who would WANT your notice. Do you troll mental hospitals for dates, or just free clinics?

You're just upset that you'll be spending Thanksgiving all alone. Again.

No, I can assure you that I'm never upset about your desperate delusional fantasies. I'm a little upset that your orderlies are allowing you so much free time in the day room, though. Seems a little neglectful of them.

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