Why is Senator K. Harris (D-CA) Not the MAIN ISSUE in this Campaign?

"In 2019, GovTrack, a non-partisan organization that tracks bills in Congress, ranked Harris as the "most liberal compared to All Senators." One measure the organization uses is comparing how many bipartisan bills each senator cosponsors to how many bills they co-sponsored in total. Harris had the lowest at 15% in 2019."



The 47th President, if Biden wins.

And again, why is this not THE issue in this campaign? Hint: Because she identifies as "Black," she is untouchable. Which is why Sleepy Joe ultimately decided to name her.

Liberals are not allowed to be President?

FDR was our greatest modern President and the most Liberal
I strongly disagree, FDR was a crooked politician who used the office to change America to fit his vision. He ignored international law and even tried to stack the SCOTUS with new judges when it reined in his most extreme ideas. I can't find a single thing FDR did that conformed to the 10th Amendment and it's limitations on the Federal Government.
FDR made the US a modern democracy and turned us into an economic and military super power

We were an economic superpower well before FDR. And it was Truman who avoided the normal return to isolationism and kept us involved. FDR was dead by then.

And FDR did nothing to make US a democracy.

Are you fucking insane?
Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign
Well yeah... what else> Obviously they are not going to concentrate on Biden and Harris.
If Trump is loved, he will be re-elected.
If not, Biden is our President
In other words....
If Trump is hated more than everything else that matters much more than that - Biden will be President.


People will decide if they still want Trump as their President
That is the way it works
Sure, but I get it.... yuo are never going to say Biden is a lousy candidate, which you know... but I get it
Biden is a great candidate to heal the country. He has a long history as a moderate, pragmatist and someone who works with both sides of the aisle

For Republicans, Biden is the best available Democratic candidate
HAha.... spoken like a true soldier.
One of these days guy, you might come around and join the enlightened.
Trump is certainly not even in the top 1000 who are good for President. (See how easy that was)
And Biden is not in the top 100,000 due primarily to his advanced ageing. Senility is a process of life. Some are affected earlier by it than others, Biden began his mental decline a good 5 years ago, and it is getting worse every month. Which is why you know as well as I di, there is literally zero chance he will finish 4 years. It's not going to happen.
So then, the important, and indeed more accurate question, is Harris right for the Presidency.
OK...If not Biden
Which Democrat would you prefer?

Warren, Sanders, Buttengeig?

I think Biden will easily complete four years
No you don't. You know he is getting senile, the evidence is everywhere. I think it is a terrible thing his wife and family allowed him to do this. But then, his wife and family got a helluva lot of benefits from his positions. A LOT.
The guy should be retiring. It isn't debatable.
I would have listened to a decent candidate. I would have. Warren - sure maybe 10 years ago when she was a genuine person. She was a moderate. If not slightly leaning to the right before she sold out and went full retard. Buttengeig... oh hell no. The guy is plastic. Nothing there. Sanders... a part of me, you bet... prolly the only chance to bring light to what corporatism is doing to all of us. But... he is a socialist. And anyone who still believes socialism works shouldn't lead a parade.
You of course left out Gabbard, I get it.... but I would have listened to her if not for her insistence on raising the min. wage to $15 an hr. which has provably and predictably resulted in large job loss. Anyone who backs that, means they are willing to ignore reality to help their election. She might have been quite good in foreign policy, maybe better than any of them...probably better than any of them... but I am not convinced she wouldn't simply bow to every demand countries, expanding the already completely lop-sided deals American leaders have made they personally gained from - but we lost.
So the choice is between an egomaniac who actually hasn't done that bad of a job, or a senile man who probably has early dementia who will end up handing the reigns to his VP - which is Harris... and that would be the most divisive-vile creature to take that office in modern times.
Watching him live right now

Looks pretty good

He's taking Rump to the Cleaners.
Biden is becoming adept at tearing apart Trumps record

Going to be tough for Trump in November
I'm convinced Trump is going to prevent votes being counted. But Biden all along has said that his campaign is about one issue: Trump is not fit for office. Biden does fine so long as he ties every issue de jour into that issue. And the polls only narrowed when he sort of lost his way on the "race riots." And no "race riots" are occurring. Portlands a basket case, but aside from more crime and possibly weed price increases … it's Portlandia for gods sake. And when cops elsewhere kill blacks who are not an imminent threat, or at leas cripple them by shooting them in the back, there are civil distrubances that seem to peter out after a while.
All Biden has is "I am not Trump".... that is THE Democratic 2020 platform. It didn't work for Hillary. It won't work for Hiden Biden

And Rump ran with "I ain't Hillary" and that was all he had. He doesn't have that anymore. And Biden is killing him right now because Biden is actually dealing with the issues and Rump is just playing the blame game.

trump had plenty of issues, then and he does now.

That you dismissed them, doesn't mean the voters did. Or will.
Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign
Well yeah... what else> Obviously they are not going to concentrate on Biden and Harris.
If Trump is loved, he will be re-elected.
If not, Biden is our President

It is weird the way you want to "love" your presidents.
Trump is not loved?

Go figure

The way he drives you libs nuts, by just not being the slightest bit intimidated by you?

There is a growing warmth I admit.

Beyond that, Presidents are people that work for US. We never meet them, we don't hang out, or take long walks together.

That you want to judge them on the level of love you have for them, is weird.

I'm also confused when leftists say, "Well, he only did that because he wants your vote!"

Yeah, and?

1) I don't really care WHY a politician does the right thing, so long as he does it.

2) I'm pretty sure that's kinda how the system is supposed to work. They don't do good things for the voters, they lose their jobs. So to keep their jobs, they please the voters. Wasn't that the entire point to our system of government, or did I miss something?

What kind of loonbag thinks we're supposed to waste time divining a politician's innermost thoughts and motivations, and only accept policies that do good things if the motives are sufficiently "pure"?

AND it is worth noting, they never hold their own politicians to such standards. Bill Clinton was obviously a sexual predatory who looked at women as objects, but his positions on "women's issues" were good, so he got a pass.
Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign
Well yeah... what else> Obviously they are not going to concentrate on Biden and Harris.
If Trump is loved, he will be re-elected.
If not, Biden is our President
In other words....
If Trump is hated more than everything else that matters much more than that - Biden will be President.


People will decide if they still want Trump as their President
That is the way it works
Sure, but I get it.... yuo are never going to say Biden is a lousy candidate, which you know... but I get it
Biden is a great candidate to heal the country. He has a long history as a moderate, pragmatist and someone who works with both sides of the aisle

For Republicans, Biden is the best available Democratic candidate
HAha.... spoken like a true soldier.
One of these days guy, you might come around and join the enlightened.
Trump is certainly not even in the top 1000 who are good for President. (See how easy that was)
And Biden is not in the top 100,000 due primarily to his advanced ageing. Senility is a process of life. Some are affected earlier by it than others, Biden began his mental decline a good 5 years ago, and it is getting worse every month. Which is why you know as well as I di, there is literally zero chance he will finish 4 years. It's not going to happen.
So then, the important, and indeed more accurate question, is Harris right for the Presidency.
OK...If not Biden
Which Democrat would you prefer?

Warren, Sanders, Buttengeig?

I think Biden will easily complete four years
No you don't. You know he is getting senile, the evidence is everywhere. I think it is a terrible thing his wife and family allowed him to do this. But then, his wife and family got a helluva lot of benefits from his positions. A LOT.
The guy should be retiring. It isn't debatable.
I would have listened to a decent candidate. I would have. Warren - sure maybe 10 years ago when she was a genuine person. She was a moderate. If not slightly leaning to the right before she sold out and went full retard. Buttengeig... oh hell no. The guy is plastic. Nothing there. Sanders... a part of me, you bet... prolly the only chance to bring light to what corporatism is doing to all of us. But... he is a socialist. And anyone who still believes socialism works shouldn't lead a parade.
You of course left out Gabbard, I get it.... but I would have listened to her if not for her insistence on raising the min. wage to $15 an hr. which has provably and predictably resulted in large job loss. Anyone who backs that, means they are willing to ignore reality to help their election. She might have been quite good in foreign policy, maybe better than any of them...probably better than any of them... but I am not convinced she wouldn't simply bow to every demand countries, expanding the already completely lop-sided deals American leaders have made they personally gained from - but we lost.
So the choice is between an egomaniac who actually hasn't done that bad of a job, or a senile man who probably has early dementia who will end up handing the reigns to his VP - which is Harris... and that would be the most divisive-vile creature to take that office in modern times.
Show me some definitive evidence of senility and I will gratefully compare to Trumps mental state
You are asking me to provide you evidence that there are clouds in the sky. The "proof" of Biden's mental decline is equally self evident as the clouds in the sky. It is everywhere. And plain to see.
As far as Trump, he is really not that different, mentally, as he was 20 years ago. Still as egotistical, still as planted in self grandiose as he ever was. Still has a terrible speaking style off the cuff, spitballing whatever comes to his mind. He doesn't know when to shut up, and unfortunately a very petty person. Which is surprising considering his station in life.
Despite these plenty of shortcomings, he really hasn't done that bad of a job. Not great or bad policy wise.
Biden is a has been. He just is. He should retire in grace, and his family shows their own brand of selfishness to allow him to do this.
It only adds to the embarrassment this country is currently enduring to think the other option is a senile old man.
And Rump ran with "I ain't Hillary" and that was all he had. He doesn't have that anymore. And Biden is killing him right now because Biden is actually dealing with the issues and Rump is just playing the blame game.
Yeah... whatever fella. Trump ran on a platform of "it is about time that America regains itself from being the dining room table of the world". Because that is EXACTLY what America became under the past three Presidents.
Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign
Well yeah... what else> Obviously they are not going to concentrate on Biden and Harris.
If Trump is loved, he will be re-elected.
If not, Biden is our President
In other words....
If Trump is hated more than everything else that matters much more than that - Biden will be President.


People will decide if they still want Trump as their President
That is the way it works
Sure, but I get it.... yuo are never going to say Biden is a lousy candidate, which you know... but I get it
Biden is a great candidate to heal the country. He has a long history as a moderate, pragmatist and someone who works with both sides of the aisle

For Republicans, Biden is the best available Democratic candidate
HAha.... spoken like a true soldier.
One of these days guy, you might come around and join the enlightened.
Trump is certainly not even in the top 1000 who are good for President. (See how easy that was)
And Biden is not in the top 100,000 due primarily to his advanced ageing. Senility is a process of life. Some are affected earlier by it than others, Biden began his mental decline a good 5 years ago, and it is getting worse every month. Which is why you know as well as I di, there is literally zero chance he will finish 4 years. It's not going to happen.
So then, the important, and indeed more accurate question, is Harris right for the Presidency.
OK...If not Biden
Which Democrat would you prefer?

Warren, Sanders, Buttengeig?

I think Biden will easily complete four years
No you don't. You know he is getting senile, the evidence is everywhere. I think it is a terrible thing his wife and family allowed him to do this. But then, his wife and family got a helluva lot of benefits from his positions. A LOT.
The guy should be retiring. It isn't debatable.
I would have listened to a decent candidate. I would have. Warren - sure maybe 10 years ago when she was a genuine person. She was a moderate. If not slightly leaning to the right before she sold out and went full retard. Buttengeig... oh hell no. The guy is plastic. Nothing there. Sanders... a part of me, you bet... prolly the only chance to bring light to what corporatism is doing to all of us. But... he is a socialist. And anyone who still believes socialism works shouldn't lead a parade.
You of course left out Gabbard, I get it.... but I would have listened to her if not for her insistence on raising the min. wage to $15 an hr. which has provably and predictably resulted in large job loss. Anyone who backs that, means they are willing to ignore reality to help their election. She might have been quite good in foreign policy, maybe better than any of them...probably better than any of them... but I am not convinced she wouldn't simply bow to every demand countries, expanding the already completely lop-sided deals American leaders have made they personally gained from - but we lost.
So the choice is between an egomaniac who actually hasn't done that bad of a job, or a senile man who probably has early dementia who will end up handing the reigns to his VP - which is Harris... and that would be the most divisive-vile creature to take that office in modern times.
Show me some definitive evidence of senility and I will gratefully compare to Trumps mental state
You are asking me to provide you evidence that there are clouds in the sky. The "proof" of Biden's mental decline is equally self evident as the clouds in the sky. It is everywhere. And plain to see.
As far as Trump, he is really not that different, mentally, as he was 20 years ago. Still as egotistical, still as planted in self grandiose as he ever was. Still has a terrible speaking style off the cuff, spitballing whatever comes to his mind. He doesn't know when to shut up, and unfortunately a very petty person. Which is surprising considering his station in life.
Despite these plenty of shortcomings, he really hasn't done that bad of a job. Not great or bad policy wise.
Biden is a has been.

Biden is a never-was. He occupied a chair for nearly 50 years, accomplishing nothing of importance and finally becoming Obama's dutiful dog at his "peak".
As far as Trump, he is really not that different, mentally, as he was 20 years ago. Still as egotistical, still as planted in self grandiose as he ever was. Still has a terrible speaking style off the cuff, spitballing whatever comes to his mind. He doesn't know when to shut up, and unfortunately a very petty person. Which is surprising considering his station in life.
Despite these plenty of shortcomings, he really hasn't done that bad of a job. Not great or bad policy wise.

Are you fucking kidding me?

190,000 DEAD!!!
6 million sick
100,000 Small Businesses shuttered.
40 million jobs lost.
33% decline in GDP in Q2.

What the fuck are you smoking?

Yeah... whatever fella. Trump ran on a platform of "it is about time that America regains itself from being the dining room table of the world". Because that is EXACTLY what America became under the past three Presidents.

Ah, false nationalism. Our problems are caused by "someone else". Not because we've failed to address economic and infrastructure problems.

Hey do you know what happened in the last 20 years. Everyone else invested in education and infrastructure. That's why they ate our lunch, not because our presidents weren't "tough".

The White American Businessman moves his factory to China, and the Fat White consumer happily goes to Walmart and buys that crap because it's cheap. But man, we are going to totally make China pay for what we did to ourselves.

Do you take special pills to be this stupid!!!
Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign
Well yeah... what else> Obviously they are not going to concentrate on Biden and Harris.
If Trump is loved, he will be re-elected.
If not, Biden is our President
In other words....
If Trump is hated more than everything else that matters much more than that - Biden will be President.


People will decide if they still want Trump as their President
That is the way it works
Sure, but I get it.... yuo are never going to say Biden is a lousy candidate, which you know... but I get it
Biden is a great candidate to heal the country. He has a long history as a moderate, pragmatist and someone who works with both sides of the aisle

For Republicans, Biden is the best available Democratic candidate
HAha.... spoken like a true soldier.
One of these days guy, you might come around and join the enlightened.
Trump is certainly not even in the top 1000 who are good for President. (See how easy that was)
And Biden is not in the top 100,000 due primarily to his advanced ageing. Senility is a process of life. Some are affected earlier by it than others, Biden began his mental decline a good 5 years ago, and it is getting worse every month. Which is why you know as well as I di, there is literally zero chance he will finish 4 years. It's not going to happen.
So then, the important, and indeed more accurate question, is Harris right for the Presidency.
OK...If not Biden
Which Democrat would you prefer?

Warren, Sanders, Buttengeig?

I think Biden will easily complete four years
No you don't. You know he is getting senile, the evidence is everywhere. I think it is a terrible thing his wife and family allowed him to do this. But then, his wife and family got a helluva lot of benefits from his positions. A LOT.
The guy should be retiring. It isn't debatable.
I would have listened to a decent candidate. I would have. Warren - sure maybe 10 years ago when she was a genuine person. She was a moderate. If not slightly leaning to the right before she sold out and went full retard. Buttengeig... oh hell no. The guy is plastic. Nothing there. Sanders... a part of me, you bet... prolly the only chance to bring light to what corporatism is doing to all of us. But... he is a socialist. And anyone who still believes socialism works shouldn't lead a parade.
You of course left out Gabbard, I get it.... but I would have listened to her if not for her insistence on raising the min. wage to $15 an hr. which has provably and predictably resulted in large job loss. Anyone who backs that, means they are willing to ignore reality to help their election. She might have been quite good in foreign policy, maybe better than any of them...probably better than any of them... but I am not convinced she wouldn't simply bow to every demand countries, expanding the already completely lop-sided deals American leaders have made they personally gained from - but we lost.
So the choice is between an egomaniac who actually hasn't done that bad of a job, or a senile man who probably has early dementia who will end up handing the reigns to his VP - which is Harris... and that would be the most divisive-vile creature to take that office in modern times.
Show me some definitive evidence of senility and I will gratefully compare to Trumps mental state
You are asking me to provide you evidence that there are clouds in the sky. The "proof" of Biden's mental decline is equally self evident as the clouds in the sky. It is everywhere. And plain to see.
As far as Trump, he is really not that different, mentally, as he was 20 years ago. Still as egotistical, still as planted in self grandiose as he ever was. Still has a terrible speaking style off the cuff, spitballing whatever comes to his mind. He doesn't know when to shut up, and unfortunately a very petty person. Which is surprising considering his station in life.
Despite these plenty of shortcomings, he really hasn't done that bad of a job. Not great or bad policy wise.
Biden is a has been.

Biden is a never-was. He occupied a chair for nearly 50 years, accomplishing nothing of importance and finally becoming Obama's dutiful dog at his "peak".
One of the most influential Senators of his era

He will make a great President
As far as Trump, he is really not that different, mentally, as he was 20 years ago. Still as egotistical, still as planted in self grandiose as he ever was. Still has a terrible speaking style off the cuff, spitballing whatever comes to his mind. He doesn't know when to shut up, and unfortunately a very petty person. Which is surprising considering his station in life.
Despite these plenty of shortcomings, he really hasn't done that bad of a job. Not great or bad policy wise.

Are you fucking kidding me?

190,000 DEAD!!!
6 million sick
100,000 Small Businesses shuttered.
40 million jobs lost.
33% decline in GDP in Q2.

The fault of the Chinese Communist Party and their Democrat colleagues.
Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign
Well yeah... what else> Obviously they are not going to concentrate on Biden and Harris.
If Trump is loved, he will be re-elected.
If not, Biden is our President
In other words....
If Trump is hated more than everything else that matters much more than that - Biden will be President.


People will decide if they still want Trump as their President
That is the way it works
Sure, but I get it.... yuo are never going to say Biden is a lousy candidate, which you know... but I get it
Biden is a great candidate to heal the country. He has a long history as a moderate, pragmatist and someone who works with both sides of the aisle

For Republicans, Biden is the best available Democratic candidate
HAha.... spoken like a true soldier.
One of these days guy, you might come around and join the enlightened.
Trump is certainly not even in the top 1000 who are good for President. (See how easy that was)
And Biden is not in the top 100,000 due primarily to his advanced ageing. Senility is a process of life. Some are affected earlier by it than others, Biden began his mental decline a good 5 years ago, and it is getting worse every month. Which is why you know as well as I di, there is literally zero chance he will finish 4 years. It's not going to happen.
So then, the important, and indeed more accurate question, is Harris right for the Presidency.
OK...If not Biden
Which Democrat would you prefer?

Warren, Sanders, Buttengeig?

I think Biden will easily complete four years
No you don't. You know he is getting senile, the evidence is everywhere. I think it is a terrible thing his wife and family allowed him to do this. But then, his wife and family got a helluva lot of benefits from his positions. A LOT.
The guy should be retiring. It isn't debatable.
I would have listened to a decent candidate. I would have. Warren - sure maybe 10 years ago when she was a genuine person. She was a moderate. If not slightly leaning to the right before she sold out and went full retard. Buttengeig... oh hell no. The guy is plastic. Nothing there. Sanders... a part of me, you bet... prolly the only chance to bring light to what corporatism is doing to all of us. But... he is a socialist. And anyone who still believes socialism works shouldn't lead a parade.
You of course left out Gabbard, I get it.... but I would have listened to her if not for her insistence on raising the min. wage to $15 an hr. which has provably and predictably resulted in large job loss. Anyone who backs that, means they are willing to ignore reality to help their election. She might have been quite good in foreign policy, maybe better than any of them...probably better than any of them... but I am not convinced she wouldn't simply bow to every demand countries, expanding the already completely lop-sided deals American leaders have made they personally gained from - but we lost.
So the choice is between an egomaniac who actually hasn't done that bad of a job, or a senile man who probably has early dementia who will end up handing the reigns to his VP - which is Harris... and that would be the most divisive-vile creature to take that office in modern times.
Show me some definitive evidence of senility and I will gratefully compare to Trumps mental state
You are asking me to provide you evidence that there are clouds in the sky. The "proof" of Biden's mental decline is equally self evident as the clouds in the sky. It is everywhere. And plain to see.
As far as Trump, he is really not that different, mentally, as he was 20 years ago. Still as egotistical, still as planted in self grandiose as he ever was. Still has a terrible speaking style off the cuff, spitballing whatever comes to his mind. He doesn't know when to shut up, and unfortunately a very petty person. Which is surprising considering his station in life.
Despite these plenty of shortcomings, he really hasn't done that bad of a job. Not great or bad policy wise.
Biden is a has been.

Biden is a never-was. He occupied a chair for nearly 50 years, accomplishing nothing of importance and finally becoming Obama's dutiful dog at his "peak".
One of the most influential Senators of his era

Now that's truly funny.
Joe Biden is the first Presidential nominee to name his nurse as his running mate. She must be his nurse because all I see her doing is guiding him around and praising all his non policies. As an individual, she's so unnoticeable at this point that I think the party must have told her to clam up. Live and let live. MAGA
Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign
Well yeah... what else> Obviously they are not going to concentrate on Biden and Harris.
If Trump is loved, he will be re-elected.
If not, Biden is our President
In other words....
If Trump is hated more than everything else that matters much more than that - Biden will be President.


People will decide if they still want Trump as their President
That is the way it works
Sure, but I get it.... yuo are never going to say Biden is a lousy candidate, which you know... but I get it
Biden is a great candidate to heal the country. He has a long history as a moderate, pragmatist and someone who works with both sides of the aisle

For Republicans, Biden is the best available Democratic candidate
HAha.... spoken like a true soldier.
One of these days guy, you might come around and join the enlightened.
Trump is certainly not even in the top 1000 who are good for President. (See how easy that was)
And Biden is not in the top 100,000 due primarily to his advanced ageing. Senility is a process of life. Some are affected earlier by it than others, Biden began his mental decline a good 5 years ago, and it is getting worse every month. Which is why you know as well as I di, there is literally zero chance he will finish 4 years. It's not going to happen.
So then, the important, and indeed more accurate question, is Harris right for the Presidency.
OK...If not Biden
Which Democrat would you prefer?

Warren, Sanders, Buttengeig?

I think Biden will easily complete four years
No you don't. You know he is getting senile, the evidence is everywhere. I think it is a terrible thing his wife and family allowed him to do this. But then, his wife and family got a helluva lot of benefits from his positions. A LOT.
The guy should be retiring. It isn't debatable.
I would have listened to a decent candidate. I would have. Warren - sure maybe 10 years ago when she was a genuine person. She was a moderate. If not slightly leaning to the right before she sold out and went full retard. Buttengeig... oh hell no. The guy is plastic. Nothing there. Sanders... a part of me, you bet... prolly the only chance to bring light to what corporatism is doing to all of us. But... he is a socialist. And anyone who still believes socialism works shouldn't lead a parade.
You of course left out Gabbard, I get it.... but I would have listened to her if not for her insistence on raising the min. wage to $15 an hr. which has provably and predictably resulted in large job loss. Anyone who backs that, means they are willing to ignore reality to help their election. She might have been quite good in foreign policy, maybe better than any of them...probably better than any of them... but I am not convinced she wouldn't simply bow to every demand countries, expanding the already completely lop-sided deals American leaders have made they personally gained from - but we lost.
So the choice is between an egomaniac who actually hasn't done that bad of a job, or a senile man who probably has early dementia who will end up handing the reigns to his VP - which is Harris... and that would be the most divisive-vile creature to take that office in modern times.
Show me some definitive evidence of senility and I will gratefully compare to Trumps mental state
You are asking me to provide you evidence that there are clouds in the sky. The "proof" of Biden's mental decline is equally self evident as the clouds in the sky. It is everywhere. And plain to see.
As far as Trump, he is really not that different, mentally, as he was 20 years ago. Still as egotistical, still as planted in self grandiose as he ever was. Still has a terrible speaking style off the cuff, spitballing whatever comes to his mind. He doesn't know when to shut up, and unfortunately a very petty person. Which is surprising considering his station in life.
Despite these plenty of shortcomings, he really hasn't done that bad of a job. Not great or bad policy wise.
Biden is a has been.

Biden is a never-was. He occupied a chair for nearly 50 years, accomplishing nothing of importance and finally becoming Obama's dutiful dog at his "peak".
One of the most influential Senators of his era

Now that's truly funny.
Trump obviously didn’t think so

That is why he ordered Ukraine to find some dirt on him
And Rump ran with "I ain't Hillary" and that was all he had. He doesn't have that anymore. And Biden is killing him right now because Biden is actually dealing with the issues and Rump is just playing the blame game.
Yeah... whatever fella. Trump ran on a platform of "it is about time that America regains itself from being the dining room table of the world". Because that is EXACTLY what America became under the past three Presidents.

Rump ran on the platform of "You want Change, I can give you Change". Well, he gave us the "Change" right up the Rump. Now we want some of the old "Change" back because that works better. Doing the same insane thing over and over will always result in the same insane results.
Trump is the MAIN ISSUE in this campaign
Well yeah... what else> Obviously they are not going to concentrate on Biden and Harris.
If Trump is loved, he will be re-elected.
If not, Biden is our President
In other words....
If Trump is hated more than everything else that matters much more than that - Biden will be President.


People will decide if they still want Trump as their President
That is the way it works
Sure, but I get it.... yuo are never going to say Biden is a lousy candidate, which you know... but I get it
Biden is a great candidate to heal the country. He has a long history as a moderate, pragmatist and someone who works with both sides of the aisle

For Republicans, Biden is the best available Democratic candidate
HAha.... spoken like a true soldier.
One of these days guy, you might come around and join the enlightened.
Trump is certainly not even in the top 1000 who are good for President. (See how easy that was)
And Biden is not in the top 100,000 due primarily to his advanced ageing. Senility is a process of life. Some are affected earlier by it than others, Biden began his mental decline a good 5 years ago, and it is getting worse every month. Which is why you know as well as I di, there is literally zero chance he will finish 4 years. It's not going to happen.
So then, the important, and indeed more accurate question, is Harris right for the Presidency.
OK...If not Biden
Which Democrat would you prefer?

Warren, Sanders, Buttengeig?

I think Biden will easily complete four years
No you don't. You know he is getting senile, the evidence is everywhere. I think it is a terrible thing his wife and family allowed him to do this. But then, his wife and family got a helluva lot of benefits from his positions. A LOT.
The guy should be retiring. It isn't debatable.
I would have listened to a decent candidate. I would have. Warren - sure maybe 10 years ago when she was a genuine person. She was a moderate. If not slightly leaning to the right before she sold out and went full retard. Buttengeig... oh hell no. The guy is plastic. Nothing there. Sanders... a part of me, you bet... prolly the only chance to bring light to what corporatism is doing to all of us. But... he is a socialist. And anyone who still believes socialism works shouldn't lead a parade.
You of course left out Gabbard, I get it.... but I would have listened to her if not for her insistence on raising the min. wage to $15 an hr. which has provably and predictably resulted in large job loss. Anyone who backs that, means they are willing to ignore reality to help their election. She might have been quite good in foreign policy, maybe better than any of them...probably better than any of them... but I am not convinced she wouldn't simply bow to every demand countries, expanding the already completely lop-sided deals American leaders have made they personally gained from - but we lost.
So the choice is between an egomaniac who actually hasn't done that bad of a job, or a senile man who probably has early dementia who will end up handing the reigns to his VP - which is Harris... and that would be the most divisive-vile creature to take that office in modern times.
Show me some definitive evidence of senility and I will gratefully compare to Trumps mental state
You are asking me to provide you evidence that there are clouds in the sky. The "proof" of Biden's mental decline is equally self evident as the clouds in the sky. It is everywhere. And plain to see.
As far as Trump, he is really not that different, mentally, as he was 20 years ago. Still as egotistical, still as planted in self grandiose as he ever was. Still has a terrible speaking style off the cuff, spitballing whatever comes to his mind. He doesn't know when to shut up, and unfortunately a very petty person. Which is surprising considering his station in life.
Despite these plenty of shortcomings, he really hasn't done that bad of a job. Not great or bad policy wise.
Biden is a has been.

Biden is a never-was. He occupied a chair for nearly 50 years, accomplishing nothing of importance and finally becoming Obama's dutiful dog at his "peak".
One of the most influential Senators of his era

He will make a great President

Biden will make an okay President. Not a bad one and not a good one. In fact, things may be very boring for at least 4 years. But after the Circus leaves town, a little quiet is welcome.
As far as Trump, he is really not that different, mentally, as he was 20 years ago. Still as egotistical, still as planted in self grandiose as he ever was. Still has a terrible speaking style off the cuff, spitballing whatever comes to his mind. He doesn't know when to shut up, and unfortunately a very petty person. Which is surprising considering his station in life.
Despite these plenty of shortcomings, he really hasn't done that bad of a job. Not great or bad policy wise.

Are you fucking kidding me?

190,000 DEAD!!!
6 million sick
100,000 Small Businesses shuttered.
40 million jobs lost.
33% decline in GDP in Q2.

What the fuck are you smoking?

View attachment 384754
What the fuck are you smoking that you think Trump did all of that?
You would literally have to be retarded or mind fucked to think any of what you just said.
You are asking me to provide you evidence that there are clouds in the sky. The "proof" of Biden's mental decline is equally self evident as the clouds in the sky. It is everywhere. And plain to see.
As far as Trump, he is really not that different, mentally, as he was 20 years ago. Still as egotistical, still as planted in self grandiose as he ever was. Still has a terrible speaking style off the cuff, spitballing whatever comes to his mind. He doesn't know when to shut up, and unfortunately a very petty person. Which is surprising considering his station in life.
Despite these plenty of shortcomings, he really hasn't done that bad of a job. Not great or bad policy wise.
Biden is a has been. He just is. He should retire in grace, and his family shows their own brand of selfishness to allow him to do this.
It only adds to the embarrassment this country is currently enduring to think the other option is a senile old man.

I don't like when you don't answer a post like this. It tells me you don't have an answer that isn't canned and parroted.
I have no idea why I care, but someday I just hope you will allow yourself to think for yourself and be nobody's pawn/parrot.
Outside of politics you clearly think for yourself, and make sense... you are obviously intelligent so why the charade?
I don't get it.
You are asking me to provide you evidence that there are clouds in the sky. The "proof" of Biden's mental decline is equally self evident as the clouds in the sky. It is everywhere. And plain to see.
As far as Trump, he is really not that different, mentally, as he was 20 years ago. Still as egotistical, still as planted in self grandiose as he ever was. Still has a terrible speaking style off the cuff, spitballing whatever comes to his mind. He doesn't know when to shut up, and unfortunately a very petty person. Which is surprising considering his station in life.
Despite these plenty of shortcomings, he really hasn't done that bad of a job. Not great or bad policy wise.
Biden is a has been. He just is. He should retire in grace, and his family shows their own brand of selfishness to allow him to do this.
It only adds to the embarrassment this country is currently enduring to think the other option is a senile old man.

I don't like when you don't answer a post like this. It tells me you don't have an answer that isn't canned and parroted.
I have no idea why I care, but someday I just hope you will allow yourself to think for yourself and be nobody's pawn/parrot.
Outside of politics you clearly think for yourself, and make sense... you are obviously intelligent so why the charade?
I don't get it.
I did answer

I asked for definitive proof of any dementia. Mental decline is subjective

Watched Biden yesterday and he looked sharp

I see many mental issues in Trump

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