Why is the Antoropcene Age Worrying Human Scientists, Religion, Ecumenical Prophets, et al by way of YouTube?


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX

Anthropocene, noun

Merriam-Webster definition: An·thro·po·cene ˈan(t)-thrə-pə-ˌsēn; an-ˈthrä- : the period of time during which human activities have had an environmental impact on the Earth regarded as constituting a distinct geological age
Most scientists agree that humans have had a hand in warming Earth's climate since the industrial revolution—some even argue that we are living in a new geological epoch, dubbed the Anthropocene. — Nature, 12 Feb. 2004

It only takes one trip to YouTube to find an article about how the earth has experienced 7 or 8 "beginnings" after having experienced a handful of epochs in which global disaster ends several million years of human survival through a global disaster, by way of some miracle or another, which, of course is never discussed unless one attends a religious service on the life and times of Adam and Eve and their unfortunate Cain and Abel catastrophe in which the vegetarian loser son slays the can-do-no-wrong carniverous paternal favorite son.

Claims of the end of the world coming as soon as tomorrow if not certainly day-after-tomorrow's cinderizing climate change that nails Republicans to the wall by polluting the world with gasoline products. Incidentally, electric cars merely cover up usage of fossil fuels at the power plants that generate electricity. And there are not enough rivers to provide enough energy to light up the world, especially in desert areas that have no flowing rivers.

If your response is "What me worry?", then why are so many people writing up "true prophecy" whinings that terrorize the non-believer's hesitation to admit having spent an hour listening to the latest way that "God is going to get even with evil mankind," most of whom are members of the opposition party?

Who benefits from all this fear-mongering, sky-is-falling claims? Or is it actually going to be the end of the world generation? I mean, every generation is being convinced their generation is going to be the last and final resting place before the world explodes into nothingness? Is Armageddon upon us as the last generation? With or without nuclear warfare? And can this be avoided if our politics are to blame?

What say you?
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Scripture teaches only God knows the time of the ending. It also is stated that God will destroy those who destroy the earth. The earth is heading into some bad times for mankind and a lot of it is our doing.

Anthropocene, noun

Merriam-Webster definition: An·thro·po·cene ˈan(t)-thrə-pə-ˌsēn; an-ˈthrä- : the period of time during which human activities have had an environmental impact on the Earth regarded as constituting a distinct geological age
Most scientists agree that humans have had a hand in warming Earth's climate since the industrial revolution—some even argue that we are living in a new geological epoch, dubbed the Anthropocene. — Nature, 12 Feb. 2004

It only takes one trip to YouTube to find an article about how the earth has experienced 7 or 8 "beginnings" after having experienced a handful of epochs in which global disaster ends several million years of human survival through a global disaster, by way of some miracle or another, which, of course is never discussed unless one attends a religious service on the life and times of Adam and Eve and their unfortunate Cain and Abel catastrophe in which the vegetarian loser son slays the can-do-no-wrong carniverous paternal favorite son.

Claims of the end of the world coming as soon as tomorrow if not certainly day-after-tomorrow's cinderizing climate change that nails Republicans to the wall by polluting the world with gasoline products. Incidentally, electric cars merely cover up usage of fossil fuels at the power plants that generate electricity. And there are not enough rivers to provide enough energy to light up the world, especially in desert areas that have no flowing rivers.

If your response is "What me worry?", then why are so many people writing up "true prophecy" whinings that terrorize the non-believer's hesitation to admit having spent an hour listening to the latest way that "God is going to get even with evil mankind," most of whom are members of the opposition party?

Who benefits from all this fear-mongering, sky-is-falling claims? Or is it actually going to be the end of the world generation? I mean, every generation is being convinced their generation is going to be the last and final resting place before the world explodes into nothingness? Is Armageddon upon us as the last generation? With or without nuclear warfare? And can this be avoided if our politics are to blame?

What say you?
I'd say it's a good thing that religion is on the decline.

Anthropocene, noun

Merriam-Webster definition: An·thro·po·cene ˈan(t)-thrə-pə-ˌsēn; an-ˈthrä- : the period of time during which human activities have had an environmental impact on the Earth regarded as constituting a distinct geological age
Most scientists agree that humans have had a hand in warming Earth's climate since the industrial revolution—some even argue that we are living in a new geological epoch, dubbed the Anthropocene. — Nature, 12 Feb. 2004

It only takes one trip to YouTube to find an article about how the earth has experienced 7 or 8 "beginnings" after having experienced a handful of epochs in which global disaster ends several million years of human survival through a global disaster, by way of some miracle or another, which, of course is never discussed unless one attends a religious service on the life and times of Adam and Eve and their unfortunate Cain and Abel catastrophe in which the vegetarian loser son slays the can-do-no-wrong carniverous paternal favorite son.

Claims of the end of the world coming as soon as tomorrow if not certainly day-after-tomorrow's cinderizing climate change that nails Republicans to the wall by polluting the world with gasoline products. Incidentally, electric cars merely cover up usage of fossil fuels at the power plants that generate electricity. And there are not enough rivers to provide enough energy to light up the world, especially in desert areas that have no flowing rivers.

If your response is "What me worry?", then why are so many people writing up "true prophecy" whinings that terrorize the non-believer's hesitation to admit having spent an hour listening to the latest way that "God is going to get even with evil mankind," most of whom are members of the opposition party?

Who benefits from all this fear-mongering, sky-is-falling claims? Or is it actually going to be the end of the world generation? I mean, every generation is being convinced their generation is going to be the last and final resting place before the world explodes into nothingness? Is Armageddon upon us as the last generation? With or without nuclear warfare? And can this be avoided if our politics are to blame?

What say you?

They aren't truly worried. What they ARE doing is making wild, unscientific, hyperbolic claims to try and frighten the uneducated masses into relinquishing their Rights.

That and pocketing loads of taxpayer dollars.
They aren't truly worried. What they ARE doing is making wild, unscientific, hyperbolic claims to try and frighten the uneducated masses into relinquishing their Rights.

That and pocketing loads of taxpayer dollars.
Who is?
They aren't truly worried. What they ARE doing is making wild, unscientific, hyperbolic claims to try and frighten the uneducated masses into relinquishing their Rights.

That and pocketing loads of taxpayer dollars.
Yep, that's it in a nutshell.....The greatest hoax ever foisted upon the American people.

Here's something to ponder on.....

Take WW-2 where whole cities/towns were burned to the ground between bombing and scorched earth. The "carbon footprint" must have really been something yet you did not hear of any whining about a change in climate....I guess nobody back then was twisted enough to try to make money off of it.

This is just one raid.....There were thousands of others.


A B-24 flying over a burning oil refinery at Ploiesti, Romania. 1 August 1943

More great pics here:

Scripture teaches only God knows the time of the ending. It also is stated that God will destroy those who destroy the earth. The earth is heading into some bad times for mankind and a lot of it is our doing.
If people other than god are going to destroy the Earth and we actually have free will, then god cannot know the time of the ending. Or else god is not omniscient. Or else we do not have free will.

And what makes you think that the Earth is heading into some bad times for mankind? Scripture or science?
If people other than god are going to destroy the Earth and we actually have free will, then god cannot know the time of the ending. Or else god is not omniscient. Or else we do not have free will.

And what makes you think that the Earth is heading into some bad times for mankind? Scripture or science?
Both scripture and science. Life in nature is dwindling, all animals and plants alike. It is being hurried along by agriculture homogenization. God knows all we as individuals have free will to choose which way we go, God's way or the way to destruction.
Both scripture and science. Life in nature is dwindling, all animals and plants alike. It is being hurried along by agriculture homogenization. God knows all we as individuals have free will to choose which way we go, God's way or the way to destruction.
I know this isn't the place for such a debate, but there is a serious conflict between an omniscient god and free will. You can't have both.
Scripture teaches only God knows the time of the ending. It also is stated that God will destroy those who destroy the earth. The earth is heading into some bad times for mankind and a lot of it is our doing.
Show me the part where God is destroying them for destroying the earth.........you cant ...cause it doesnt say that
Yeah no........
Yeah yes.

“[t]he nations raged, but your wrath came, and the time for the dead to be judged, and for rewarding your servants, the prophets and saints, and those who fear your name, both small and great, and for destroying the destroyers of the earth”.
Yeah yes.

“[t]he nations raged, but your wrath came, and the time for the dead to be judged, and for rewarding your servants, the prophets and saints, and those who fear your name, both small and great, and for destroying the destroyers of the earth”.
they "destroy the earth" also by corrupting it, which is the force of διαφθεῖραι. In what way this destruction of the wicked is accomplished we are not told. Revelation 11:18 Revelation 11:18 Commentaries: "And the nations were enraged, and Your wrath came, and the time came for the dead to be judged, and the time to reward Your bond-servants the prophets and the saints and those who fear Your name, the small and the great, and to destroy those who destroy the earth."
oh well nice try...if ya were inferring judgement was on non greenies.....being green isnt going to get you anywhere near heaven by itself
they "destroy the earth" also by corrupting it, which is the force of διαφθεῖραι. In what way this destruction of the wicked is accomplished we are not told. Revelation 11:18 Revelation 11:18 Commentaries: "And the nations were enraged, and Your wrath came, and the time came for the dead to be judged, and the time to reward Your bond-servants the prophets and the saints and those who fear Your name, the small and the great, and to destroy those who destroy the earth."
oh well nice try...if ya were inferring judgement was on non greenies.....being green isnt going to get you anywhere near heaven by itself
Yes. It's always difficult to properly understand the mindset of the people writing these things thousands of years ago. I doubt John the Elder had much concern about pollution or strip mining or global warming.

I'm an atheist, so I don't worry much about an afterlife.

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