Why Is The Biden Admin Targeting Americans Instead Of Illegals?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Some Republicans on the House Homeland Security Committee criticized David Bier of the Cato Institute for his testimony as it ran counter to the hearing’s title, “Every State Is a Border State - Bier explained that asylum seekers are the least likely people to carry fentanyl across the U.S.-Mexico border since they immediately turn themselves in to Border Patrol Agents or ask for asylum, when permitted, at ports of entry. Democratic committee members pointed out through questioning that the vast majority (93%) of fentanyl is seized at ports of entry or checkpoints; noted those convicted for smuggling fentanyl are primarily U.S. citizens (86%).

The evidence indicates that closing the door to immigration will not reduce deaths from drug overdoses. The data show that stopping most traffic at U.S.-Mexico ports of entry in 2020 while Donald Trump was president had the unintended consequence of encouraging drug traffickers to switch from heroin to fentanyl, which contributed to an increase in synthetic opioid-related deaths in America."

86% of fentanyl convictions are US citizens? Shouldn't it be the other way around? Why isn't the Biden admin convicting more illegals?? Why are they giving them a pass and convicting Americans instead? And even if US citizens are convicted, they should still count as illegals because they got the drugs from illegals. The Biden admin is literally targeting Americans and protecting illegals.

And so what opioid deaths skyrocketed under Trump, that is actually proof that the Dems coordinated with the drug cartels and urged them to switch to fentanyl in order to kill more Americans....Why else would the majority of fentanyl deaths be that of Americans - and not just any Americans - but white Christian patriotic Americans - they are dying daily from this stuff; but there are few illegals dying from it...why? Because the Dems and the cartels designed this drug to mainly kill Americans. Why isn't Dr. Fauci being asked about this?
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