Why is the Board?

sure is a lot cleaner after logging back in - and did forget the remember me, maybe the remember should be the default and check a box for auto-logout ...
... "Remember Me" options means a cookie with your ID and password is being stored - not a good idea as it's just one more way malware and active hackers can get that info.

Exactly. It's easier to sign in every day than to deal with the Blue Screen of Death.
I got the same thing. Yesterday I had to log in for the first time in six months (it's generally just left open continuously). That went OK but today somehow today I was logged out again, and it wouldn't let me sign in at all. Kept telling me I used the "wrong password". I wrote to the webmaster, heard nothing, tried again a few hours apart. Wouldn't work.

Finally I gave up and went to my old browser (Opera) and it came right up automatically from the last time I came here with this browser, also six months ago. Chrome can't get in. Don't know why.

[MENTION=23424]syrenn[/MENTION]: yes, "remember me" has always been checked. The system seems to have forgot that.
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Are you all checking the box.... "remember me" when you sign in?

Nope and that explains it, LOL. Thanks syrenn.

Except before today you HAD checked the box. Someone either ran a program to uncheck the box or used a tool for the site to do it. I am wondering why?

No. Every maintenance cycle, things get reset. Which means the old cookies are no longer good cookies. You got stale cookies.
For all experiencing difficulties (didn't happen to me):

Complete clean out your browser cache and delete all cookies.

You might want to flush the DNS cache as well. A good search will tell you how.

If you log into a site like USMB from more than one computer and the one device is not set to "remember me" and you close the browser, after a certain amount of time, USMB will log you out.
Well today all seems back to normal, and I cleaned no caches and ate no cookies. Whatever it was, the site seems to have fixed itself, because I did nothing on this end except keep trying the same thing and -- getting different results.

Never heard back from the webmaster though.

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