Why is the left against securing our elections and why is it always the left whining about how hard it is to vote?

The right is confident that we have nothing to hide. Can the left say the same? How about voter ID cards with a picture ID and fingerprints as well as a law enforcement presence not more than 100 yards outside all voting stations. Additionally, the law enforcement should be randomly assigned the night of the election.
We just had the most secure election in the history of the US thanks to Russia bombarding the US with pro Dump propaganda. Stop whining. You lost. Deal with it.
Don't like the present arrangement?

Then perhaps it's time to establish very detailed Federal standards that each State must follow.

The States have had 230 years to get this right and apparently they're still screwing-up, so...

You can have your Voter ID, which includes a proof-of-citizenship, and a digital cert(ificate) along the lines of the Real ID initiative...

But the other side gets paperless voting... you insert your Real ID... the voting machine checks the database.. then rejects your presence or allows you to vote.

Hell... screw vote-by-mail... anybody with a computer and a cheap smart-card reader can vote online, using two-factor identity verification...

Each county can have one (or a handful of) paper voting stations for folks who resist the newer, better way of doing things, or who need to file a 'provisional'.

And, in place of all those polling-place judges, a small army of electronic system administrators and bipartisan system auditors to keep things honest.

All in a closed-loop system that the Rooskies or Chinese would be hard-pressed to hack, and even immeasurably more difficult to tamper with.

A uniform system with uniform requirements administered uniformly and leaving little room for dispute, generating its results in real time.

Screw the local-yokels and corrupt local and State and regional election authorities... they've had their chance... for 230 years... time for a change.

And... there's always a way around a Constitutional sticking-point or statutory limitation or existing case law... all it takes is a little imagination and money.
You do know absentee is paper? And they are checked against records.

How about you show up in person and we check the picture and fingerprint on the card against the guy that shows up?
Don't like the present arrangement?

Then perhaps it's time to establish very detailed Federal standards that each State must follow.

The States have had 230 years to get this right and apparently they're still screwing-up, so...

You can have your Voter ID, which includes a proof-of-citizenship, and a digital cert(ificate) along the lines of the Real ID initiative...

But the other side gets paperless voting... you insert your Real ID... the voting machine checks the database.. then rejects your presence or allows you to vote.

Hell... screw vote-by-mail... anybody with a computer and a cheap smart-card reader can vote online, using two-factor identity verification...

Each county can have one (or a handful of) paper voting stations for folks who resist the newer, better way of doing things, or who need to file a 'provisional'.

And, in place of all those polling-place judges, a small army of electronic system administrators and bipartisan system auditors to keep things honest.

All in a closed-loop system that the Rooskies or Chinese would be hard-pressed to hack, and even immeasurably more difficult to tamper with.

A uniform system with uniform requirements administered uniformly and leaving little room for dispute, generating its results in real time.

Screw the local-yokels and corrupt local and State and regional election authorities... they've had their chance... for 230 years... time for a change.

And... there's always a way around a Constitutional sticking-point or statutory limitation or existing case law... all it takes is a little imagination and money.

You have to show up in person. What is the problem leftists have with voting in person? Why do Republicans not have the same problem?

Why should you if it is not necessary. Republicans urged their voters to vote by mail.

Republicans are not the ones pushing the idea that everyone secretly vote by mail. We should limit absentee voting to justified instances, such as soldiers in the field or people in wheelchairs. However, the individual should not send his ballot in. A government approved ballot collector, accustomed by representatives of any party willing to send people in the role of vote observers transparently videotape the entire process.
The right is confident that we have nothing to hide. Can the left say the same? How about voter ID cards with a picture ID and fingerprints as well as a law enforcement presence not more than 100 yards outside all voting stations. Additionally, the law enforcement should be randomly assigned the night of the election.
The left are the true fascist of our time
They’re the 3rd Reich but with a “ happy face “

Looking at yourself in the mirror again? You are the Nazis who declared war on the US.
The Dems declared total war on the constitution and bill of rights
The true Taliban of our time
Nobody is buying it, Shlomo. Democrats treat poor people like helpless irresponsible incompetent children. But if someone can get it together enough to vote, they can get it together enough to get an ID, which they have to have to buy their 40s anyway. The only reason you people oppose a more honest system is because you are cheaters and cheaters like loose systems with lots of room for fraud.

I was a life long Chicagoan, I didn't get a driver's license until after I graduated college. A lot of people in the city don't get ID's...

This is about voter suppression, not honest elections.
Republicans are not the ones pushing the idea that everyone secretly vote by mail. We should limit absentee voting to justified instances, such as soldiers in the field or people in wheelchairs. However, the individual should not send his ballot in. A government approved ballot collector, accustomed by representatives of any party willing to send people in the role of vote observers transparently videotape the entire process.

By that logic, we should have in person tax collection... and if you don't show up, you don't have to pay your taxes.

Oh, no, wait. We allow tax filings by mail. We allow tax filings over the internet.

Same with paying utility bills, renewing driver licenses, collecting census information, etc.

The only reason why you guys want lower voter turnout is that lower voter turnout benefits Republicans.
Don't like the present arrangement?

Then perhaps it's time to establish very detailed Federal standards that each State must follow.

The States have had 230 years to get this right and apparently they're still screwing-up, so...

You can have your Voter ID, which includes a proof-of-citizenship, and a digital cert(ificate) along the lines of the Real ID initiative...

But the other side gets paperless voting... you insert your Real ID... the voting machine checks the database.. then rejects your presence or allows you to vote.

Hell... screw vote-by-mail... anybody with a computer and a cheap smart-card reader can vote online, using two-factor identity verification...

Each county can have one (or a handful of) paper voting stations for folks who resist the newer, better way of doing things, or who need to file a 'provisional'.

And, in place of all those polling-place judges, a small army of electronic system administrators and bipartisan system auditors to keep things honest.

All in a closed-loop system that the Rooskies or Chinese would be hard-pressed to hack, and even immeasurably more difficult to tamper with.

A uniform system with uniform requirements administered uniformly and leaving little room for dispute, generating its results in real time.

Screw the local-yokels and corrupt local and State and regional election authorities... they've had their chance... for 230 years... time for a change.

And... there's always a way around a Constitutional sticking-point or statutory limitation or existing case law... all it takes is a little imagination and money.

You have to show up in person. What is the problem leftists have with voting in person? Why do Republicans not have the same problem?
trump voted by mail in 2018. There are states that have been voting by mail for years. Voter fraud is practically non existent, so ID's and in person voting are not required.
Literacy tests and poll taxes have nothing to do with voter fraud. It sure does seem odd that Republicans are willing to vote by ID and the Democrats aren't.

No, it doesn't. Republicans know poor people are less likely to have ID on them... or have access to an ID card.

This is about voter suppression, nothing more, nothing less.

You have to show up in person. What is the problem leftists have with voting in person? Why do Republicans not have the same problem?

Why should they have to show up in person. Some people don't have reliable transportation... Some people work minimum wage jobs and can't wait in line for a couple of hours waiting to vote.

Check your privilege, buddy.

We collect taxes by mail, we take census information by mail, there's no reason why we can't take ballots by mail.
"No, it doesn't. Republicans know poor people are less likely to have ID on them... or have access to an ID card."
Nobody is buying it, Shlomo. Democrats treat poor people like helpless irresponsible incompetent children. But if someone can get it together enough to vote, they can get it together enough to get an ID, which they have to have to buy their 40s anyway. The only reason you people oppose a more honest system is because you are cheaters and cheaters like loose systems with lots of room for fraud.

I don't actually know that anyone is "less likely" to have ID. ID is not only easy to get, but it's required for every damned thing in the world. In fact, as a not-poor person, I have LESS need for ID than a poor person does. If I get paid for working, my check can be instantly deposited in my checking account. No muss, no fuss, no showing anyone anything. Many poor people can't get checking accounts, and have to take their paychecks to a check cashing store . . . which requires ID. I don't need food stamps and welfare; poor people who do have to have ID to get them. I have a good job that I'm in long-term; no need for me to look for a job or file for unemployment . . . which require ID. Many poor people sell plasma to get extra money . . . which requires ID every time you go. I don't do that. Poor people get reduced-fare passes for public transportation . . . which requires ID. I don't take public transportation, because I own a car.

So this crap about "poor people are less likely to have ID" is ridiculous. Life as a poor person in America requires it.
Republicans are not the ones pushing the idea that everyone secretly vote by mail. We should limit absentee voting to justified instances, such as soldiers in the field or people in wheelchairs. However, the individual should not send his ballot in. A government approved ballot collector, accustomed by representatives of any party willing to send people in the role of vote observers transparently videotape the entire process.

By that logic, we should have in person tax collection... and if you don't show up, you don't have to pay your taxes.

Oh, no, wait. We allow tax filings by mail. We allow tax filings over the internet.

Same with paying utility bills, renewing driver licenses, collecting census information, etc.

The only reason why you guys want lower voter turnout is that lower voter turnout benefits Republicans.

If someone wants to pretend to be me and pay my taxes, let him. Who is going to create a false identity to pay taxes they don't actually owe?
The right is confident that we have nothing to hide. Can the left say the same? How about voter ID cards with a picture ID and fingerprints as well as a law enforcement presence not more than 100 yards outside all voting stations. Additionally, the law enforcement should be randomly assigned the night of the election.

Maybe because you guys have a long history of using stunts like this to suppress minority votes.

Let's not forget, the same kinds of arguments were made about literacy tests and poll taxes 50 years ago. We're just making sure that the election has integrity.

Literacy tests and poll taxes have nothing to do with voter fraud. It sure does seem odd that Republicans are willing to vote by ID and the Democrats aren't.
Anyone bother to tell you ID has been needed for 30 years? Democrats do the same thing you do! It is easier to check now because of computers,IPAD’s instead of the big thick books you used to sign.

I am beginning to understand why Trump could tell such whoppers and many listened.
The right is confident that we have nothing to hide. Can the left say the same? How about voter ID cards with a picture ID and fingerprints as well as a law enforcement presence not more than 100 yards outside all voting stations. Additionally, the law enforcement should be randomly assigned the night of the election.

Maybe because you guys have a long history of using stunts like this to suppress minority votes.

Let's not forget, the same kinds of arguments were made about literacy tests and poll taxes 50 years ago. We're just making sure that the election has integrity.

Literacy tests and poll taxes have nothing to do with voter fraud. It sure does seem odd that Republicans are willing to vote by ID and the Democrats aren't.
Anyone bother to tell you ID has been needed for 30 years? Democrats do the same thing you do! It is easier to check now because of computers,IPAD’s instead of the big thick books you used to sign.

I am beginning to understand why Trump could tell such whoppers and many listened.

It needs to be a voter ID card with fingerprint scannable data for comparison. In fact, you should get a free, unique voter ID card every 2 years.
The right is confident that we have nothing to hide. Can the left say the same? How about voter ID cards with a picture ID and fingerprints as well as a law enforcement presence not more than 100 yards outside all voting stations. Additionally, the law enforcement should be randomly assigned the night of the election.
Boiled down....stuffing the ballot box. There have been Republicans in the past guilty of the same but not on a national scale like with this so called mail in voting in swing states and using Chinese communist dominion software.

As usual you are a dishonest fascist. Not one bit of what you said is true.
The right is confident that we have nothing to hide. Can the left say the same? How about voter ID cards with a picture ID and fingerprints as well as a law enforcement presence not more than 100 yards outside all voting stations. Additionally, the law enforcement should be randomly assigned the night of the election.

We do not need fingerprints nor do we need law enforcement. This is not a police state. This is designed to intimidate voters. Typicaql Nazi. Putin steals elections but he is not that open about it. Voting should include no excuse absentee balloting just as it did in 2020.

Which brings up this question: Why are Democrats intimidated by the mere presence of law enforcement or presenting identification?

I think you just proved his point.

First of all the cops have no business being there. Second minorfities have a reason to fear cops given what the police have gotten away with over tghe years. Gun down minorities and get away with it.
The elections have been certified. They have been audited. Everything has been done to show the election was legit. Why can't the right just face the fact that trump lost?
The election was stolen on so many levels. Never mind about the outright voter fraud. Just consider the fact that Google, Twitter, and Facebook all actively suppressed stories harmful to the Dems. Most people never even heard about Hunter Biden involving President* Biden in Chinese corruption. All it would have taken is 7200 votes in three key states for a Trump victory--even with the massive vote fraud. The Jew Coup was a fraud.

View attachment 452358

They refused to allow their platforms to be used for propaganda like Fox News did. Hunter Biden was not running for President and the story was as phoney as a 3 dollar bill. Biden was not involved in any corruption in China. Fake news.
Said like a true Bolshevik. Only Bolshevik propaganda is "true" and everyone else must be silenced. You totalitarian little pig.

You are a ignorant boob. Fact is fact and it has been confirmed by the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court ruled that private companies are not bound by the first amendment. Start your own twitter or facebook that is totally independent. What you want to do seize private companies. That is totalitarianism.
The right is confident that we have nothing to hide. Can the left say the same? How about voter ID cards with a picture ID and fingerprints as well as a law enforcement presence not more than 100 yards outside all voting stations. Additionally, the law enforcement should be randomly assigned the night of the election.

We do not need fingerprints nor do we need law enforcement. This is not a police state. This is designed to intimidate voters. Typicaql Nazi. Putin steals elections but he is not that open about it. Voting should include no excuse absentee balloting just as it did in 2020.

Which brings up this question: Why are Democrats intimidated by the mere presence of law enforcement or presenting identification?

I think you just proved his point.

First of all the cops have no business being there. Second minorfities have a reason to fear cops given what the police have gotten away with over tghe years. Gun down minorities and get away with it.

Uh huh. Do please remember how awful law enforcement is and how you disdain them as vicious racists the next time someone tries to rob you, okay?

I always love how racist Democrats treat minorities as their own personal meat shields. So "compassionate and caring".
The elections have been certified. They have been audited. Everything has been done to show the election was legit. Why can't the right just face the fact that trump lost?
The election was stolen on so many levels. Never mind about the outright voter fraud. Just consider the fact that Google, Twitter, and Facebook all actively suppressed stories harmful to the Dems. Most people never even heard about Hunter Biden involving President* Biden in Chinese corruption. All it would have taken is 7200 votes in three key states for a Trump victory--even with the massive vote fraud. The Jew Coup was a fraud.

View attachment 452358

They refused to allow their platforms to be used for propaganda like Fox News did. Hunter Biden was not running for President and the story was as phoney as a 3 dollar bill. Biden was not involved in any corruption in China. Fake news.
Said like a true Bolshevik. Only Bolshevik propaganda is "true" and everyone else must be silenced. You totalitarian little pig.

You are a ignorant boob. Fact is fact and it has been confirmed by the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court ruled that private companies are not bound by the first amendment. Start your own twitter or facebook that is totally independent. What you want to do seize private companies. That is totalitarianism.
"Start your own twitter or facebook that is totally independent. "

yeah, and then they ganged up to shut Parler down. Just shut them down for no reason except to maintain their censorship monopoly. Nationalize them if they can't be trusted.
If someone wants to pretend to be me and pay my taxes, let him. Who is going to create a false identity to pay taxes they don't actually owe?

But what if someone wants to pretend to be you to collect your refund, are you equally cool with that? And that happens a LOT more often than mythical voter fraud.

It needs to be a voter ID card with fingerprint scannable data for comparison. In fact, you should get a free, unique voter ID card every 2 years.

And while we are at it, let's bring back poll taxes and literacy tests.
You are a ignorant boob. Fact is fact and it has been confirmed by the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court ruled that private companies are not bound by the first amendment. Start your own twitter or facebook that is totally independent. What you want to do seize private companies. That is totalitarianism.
I agree 100%. Start your own Twitter. :itsok: :laughing0301: :hyper: :auiqs.jpg:

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