Why is the left on this board not outraged about No budget from the Senate i


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
No budget in 3 years 3 months. This is all on Harry Reid. Because the house has passed budget after budget.Of course we had Obama budget that EVERYONE voted against. If these people had a REAL job and did not do it for that long they would be fired.But you stupid DEMS in NV keep voting REID in and all the others who have failed .. I think they should have NO pay until they pass one every year..
you do realise none of the budgets the house passed would pass the senate right?

why do you insist the senate waste time just like the house has by playing with bills that dont have a rats ass chance of becoming law?
Fiscal irresponsibility is only a problem when Republicans engage in it.
Budget? Obama don't need no stinkin' budget! His unicorn herd shits money. Problem solved.
you do realise none of the budgets the house passed would pass the senate right?

why do you insist the senate waste time just like the house has by playing with bills that dont have a rats ass chance of becoming law?

The obvious answer is that submitting a budget would put the Democrats on the record for precisely what they want to do, precisely how they want to do it, and precisely how they want to pay for it. The GOP wants in it writing, because they think it would make the Dems look bad (don't know if it would, personally).

I can't imagine someone not seeing this.

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No budget in 3 years 3 months. This is all on Harry Reid. Because the house has passed budget after budget.Of course we had Obama budget that EVERYONE voted against. If these people had a REAL job and did not do it for that long they would be fired.But you stupid DEMS in NV keep voting REID in and all the others who have failed .. I think they should have NO pay until they pass one every year..

They aren't interested in discussing anything negative about their guy or their party. Even if the facts are glaring at them, they'll divert by discussing Romney's tax returns or some other perceived issue.

They are doing this to get even with the birth certificate issue. They are simply mimicking the birthers and when Romney does release them, they'll cry fake. Trust me, it's all planned.

Meanwhile, they will keep throwing crap out there and pretend it's more important than the inability of Dems to pass a budget or help the economy. Right now, there are so many things they want off the front burner, like Fast and Furious, Solyndra, foreign policies, ObamaNOcare, unemployment and other pressing issues, so they'll just keep ignoring the elephants in the room and talk about the little mouse that no one has seen yet.
you do realise none of the budgets the house passed would pass the senate right?

why do you insist the senate waste time just like the house has by playing with bills that dont have a rats ass chance of becoming law?

at least they are DOING something. Unlike the Senate. Unless you want to count the heathcare which most of America did not want idiot
No budget in 3 years 3 months. This is all on Harry Reid. Because the house has passed budget after budget.Of course we had Obama budget that EVERYONE voted against. If these people had a REAL job and did not do it for that long they would be fired.But you stupid DEMS in NV keep voting REID in and all the others who have failed .. I think they should have NO pay until they pass one every year..

if it was republican senate they would be screaming bloody murder in the streets. give it time.

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